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PostPosted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 12:14 am    Post subject: PRESIDENT VOTING! Reply with quote

Hello to everyone!

I have an important question.... I'm wondering who you are thinking of or will be voting for and why? This thread is intended for a healthy means of communicating and sharing valuable information about an important topic.

I will share my own personal thoughts on this in a few days....but for now...please share your thoughts.

ALLEY Very Happy

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 11:29 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hmm, I'm not sure just yet. I think I'll start really paying attention once they figure out who's going to actually be the runners. Isn't it all now just the demo's and rep's trying to get the top vote to represent that party?

Alot of people down here where I'm at, are really one minded and all for Bill Richardson just because he's like the first ever New Mexican to run for President. However I am not buying into that crap. He's done alot of things while being the govaner her that I really don't care for him. Sure it's small stuff but with the "Smoking Bans" here and other things have really upset me, mainly because it wasn't a vote on it and just an automatic "Starting on such and such date you can no longer smoke in public places. Including bars, restruants 100%, etc..." Before it was just a ban of restruants that didn't have a totally seperate room with a super air filtering and all bars were still ok. Then it just was everywhere "public". While I am trying to quit for reasons other then the "ban", I just think it was handled badly and should have been left to the voters.

Then you have the red light camera's with built in speed detection but I think that those fall under the city?

The last two votes I was for Bush. Call me what you want or will but the second time was more just that I didn't want someone "New" to come in the middle of a war and felt that we needed to keep the same person in office that started it.

Also let me just explain this because this kind of topic can get extremely heated and could possibly get locked depending how people take it and or share their feelings. I for one will NEVER EVER judge, look at someone different, nor even "challenge" people's beliefs on who they voted for and why. I wouldn't put anyone down or anything that would be considered as being a friend one day then all of a sudden have a different feeling towards them because they voted or have a different view.

We're all adults here and the main important thing is we all share a common interest of being fans of Alley Baggett. We also might have other common interest's besides being fans of AB and there may be things that we don't know of from each other. That's why I mention this thread could get very heated and could be touchy for some people. I hope it doesn't turn into a heated debate with flaming or anything like that. So I think we could all look beyond someone's "vote" or their opinion in politics. It's just like religon. We all might have different belifs and faiths but we shouldn't let that get in the way with how we treat people on these boards and or how we get along and talk with each other.

So please keep it a chilled place, I say talk about whatever you like about whom but keep it with yourself if someone else has a different view. I'm sure people voted for Bush like I did but maybe feeling different now about it or even still supporting him but might be afraid to do so because it's like the "cool" thing to do by bashing or making fun of Bush and or his supporters. I think you all know what I mean and with that I'll continue and think we should be ok Very Happy

As for who I would want, like I mentioned I'm still on the fence. I don't claim to be a specific party and just that party. I keep open to everyone and will start to be more attenative to what they're saying once it get's decided on who's running for which group and who's just in the run all together. Once that happens then I'll start deciding who I like and such. The things I don't really pay attention to is the "deficit" thing. I remember that being such a big/huge topic back when I was in High School over 10yrs ago but it's never gotten better, or maybe even hasn't gotten worse. I think it's at a point that no matter what they do they will never ever be able to bring it down. IMO I don't even know why we have one? I mean, we can just print out money and make more of it, so why can't they just print out enough and get the deficit to a big fat 0? I think it's just an excuse to increase americans taxes and or taking more money from the americans. Which that may be the biggest thing is in how will someone or what will they do to say their gonna bring it under control? However since I've been 18 and in school learning about it that no matter what someone says/does it never gets under control and is beyond the point of ever getting under control or ever going away.

I know the biggest thing that every "new" president is going to be the war and how they're going to handle future wars. Maybe we "shouldn't" have started this war with Iraq, but I personally think it was inevitable and would have happened sooner or later. I for one feel alot safer and better knowing Saddam is out of the picture. This was something that should have been finished back when Bush Sr was in office and maybe Clinton should have wrapped up the job? However, now we have to worry about North Korea and Iran? Another thing on why it's important to not just give up in Iraq and withdraw everyone untill Iraq can get established with it's own people. We also need to make sure during that transition we are very carefull that we don't give them the chance of turning against us like how we helped Afghanastan against the Soviet then Afghan went and became the Taliban and now against us using the weapons we gave them.

I'm also very concerned on what they plan todo with our country. We have oil to worry about, jobs being sent oversea's and us losing out on jobs to them, our borders (I'm kind of both ways on that, but I think they can handle it better and maybe give people a chance provided they do somethings to come here and or to qualify and such) as well as our economy. Either way, we all might be coming to some kind of "depression" with how prices are rising for stuff that we do NEED and not just a necessaty. We NEED fuel to get to work so we can make money to get food, pay out utility bills to stay warm in the winter and cool in the summer, as well as keeping a roof over our head with running water. If oil runs out what are they going todo for the millions of americans that couldn't afford or finance a new economic car? Will they convert cars for free or will we be SOL and depend on doing it ourselves?

So thats what I'll be watching and listening for among other things I'll post later on as it comes to mind. However I can't really say who I'm for just yet. I am kind of worried though about Clinton and Obahma. I am hoping if they are choosen they are choosen for the RIGHT reasons and not to just make history or use their making history as a strategy and or being a "fad". Meaning Clinton being voted for just purely because she's a Female and or Obahma because he's African-American. I am not looking at their gender/race or anything like that and hope others look past that as well. The thing that worries me is that Hillary could be seperating things and have all/most females vote for her just cause she's a female, or all/most African-Americans voting for Obahma just because he's the same race. That also goes for like Richardson over here. New Mexicans just voting for him just because he's from here. For example he's concentrating his campainging mostly out in the east because he probably thinks he already has NM and maybe some other western/mid-western states in his hand already since he's from here. So to me stuff like that is just a "fad" and people not looking at all the other issue's they're saying or plan todo and just voting on that one thing that "connects" them due to gender/race/age or something like that.

I'll give each of them a fair chance, its what they say and plan to do is what ultimately is going to get my vote.
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 12:09 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Clinton or Obama, Obama or Clinton. They're basically 2 sides of the same coin. It really pisses me off to see them bickering and attacking each other's character instead of the issues that matter. I voted for Clinton cause it's time to go the matriarch road. We gave the patriarch a chance and, boy, he really fucked us over. Ask yourself this, in an abused family, who is the likely abuser.

Why am I voting for them? Because I really want to undo what's happened the last 8 years. We've done so much to restrict freedom in America and scared anyone voicing opposition to government that I think the social clock in America is running in reverse. We have given our government the power to call anyone a terrorist and get locked up indefinitely. We have given our government permission to investigate us without our knowledge. And to make it even more screwed up, we passed a law to make it a crime to tell someone you're being investigated.
Do you really feel safer going thru the TSA security checkpoint? Have you seen the people working at those checkpoints? All we really did was create another bureaucratic agency.

Why am I voting for them? I'm really just trying to vote for the least evil. The main reason why I vote Dem is because they are less likely to pass laws against personal choice. I've seen how a religious conservative president is trying to bring back the dark ages. Intelligent design aka Creationism is not science, no matter what you call it. How come we live in the 21st century and lack the foresight of our christian forefathers who knew enough to separate religion from government when they wrote our Constitution.

And I want a leader who can acknowledge that our environment needs help. I'm not asking that they believe that global warming is happening. I just want someone to realize that we are running out of resources and we should make an effort to find alternatives. The world can survive without plastic plates.

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 4:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ron Paul?

Well- I'm not sure if I want to vote for Hillary only because she might be bad for the 'adult industry'. And being that I work in the industry - voting for her - it may have a negative impact.

Then again - her husband getting blowjobs from Monica - and she's forgiving about it. heh. who knows.......

But watching the various interviews/debates she's just another politician saying whatever she needs to say to get the vote because when you ask her specific things its like she's not on the ball. She says one thing and retracts it and then says another thing. She's inconsistent with what she says when put on the spot. She doesn't have a solid answer. Which means her views are not firm nor solid. Thus translate to just another President that will potentially screw you over. She would say something like. "When" I'm elected, I won't let you down. What's that mean? Are you going to do it? Are you for it or against it?? What? We're going to have to trust she makes the right decision when she gets to office? So what? Vote for me first and then I 'maybe' I'll give you what you want? She won't tell us some of her plans until she gets elected is something I saw her say once.
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 5:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hell no! I don't want anyone dictating my adult entertainment. I don't think Clinton will be as bad as our morality leaders right now. When I get a lap dance, I want the dance on my lap, not 10 feet away. Rolling Eyes Laughing

Sex for president!
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 5:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

mt wrote:
Hell no! I don't want anyone dictating my adult entertainment. I don't think Clinton will be as bad as our morality leaders right now. When I get a lap dance, I want the dance on my lap, not 10 feet away. Rolling Eyes Laughing

Sex for president!

Here Here. Amen to that.

MT for president!!!!!

Vote for MT!

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 9:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well I'm pretty bummed...something happened and I was unable to vote today. That SUCKS! What a great system we have here. I don't want to go into detail about what happened but that sucks.

Anyway...I don't know where to begin about my thoughts on this matter.

I think it sucks that the media decides early on who to push to us through TV/media of whom the top 3 or so candidates are. I wonder if they are being paid off??? Hmmmm....could be. Anyhow....those are the ones that everyone then looks into....and one looks into the guys who aren't able to make all the cash from their campaigning. There have been some very good independent candidates. I wonder if having a woman as a president will make things worse in the Middle East for us?? I wonder if having Obama as a president will help with some of our matters in the Middle East? My thought is this: I COULD NEVER vote for someone who had previously voted for a war. I know Hillary has....then regretted it. I know Obama hasn't but then again....he could have never voted for it even if he wanted to. I recently saw a documentary titled: BEYOND TREASON. It is GOOD It IS GOOD IT IS GOOD!!!!!! You have to see it! Do a search for it and get it! It talks a lot about war, the effects on humans both military and civilians, the government injecting different "vaccines" into their military and basically treating them like guinea pigs......even today. I am SO blown away by the information from this documentary. I always get excited and want to share what I've learned with others anytime that I find out something new. You know what else: I wonder if we will be screwed again.....(I mean with the new president and all)

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 11:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I think the only way that we can get away from our current 2 party political system is to have a public campaign fund that is shared equally among the candidates. As it stands right now, candidates are forced to quit because they run out of funds to continue with their run for the office. And instead of having this 2 primaries (from the 2 primary parties), we toss everyone into the same bucket and have one big ass primary with all parties participating (democrats, republicans, independents, green, jedai). They get to visit each state at the same time with no extra curricular activity like $1,000 plate dinners to curry favors or support a particular pork barrel project. Any debate must include everyone with no select individuals allowed to have their own separate debate. All debates are to be public and televised.

The other problem we have is the infestation of our capitol with these lobbyists (aka special interest groups) that are paid to represent mostly large corporations and other self-serving groups. We should have a law that bans any lobbyists from operating within 500 miles of Congress. Any of these groups that wish to meet with Congress and the White House must do so in a publicly open/televised committee meet up chaired by the committee that is in charge of the lobbyists subject of interest. No more of that under the table deal done during a $400 dinner. We want to remove the temptation from these honest to goodness, church-going fathers and mothers, or is it motherf**kers.

And finally, terminate the lifetime free medical for Congress members. Where the fuck in the U.S. can you go and work and expect to have lifetime free medical coverage. Let them feel the same pain the rest of America gets when the insurance companies drop coverage on you when you get sick.


Alley, maybe it's time to switch to absentee voting. I don't miss the lines at all.
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 12:41 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well I'm from Oz, thousands of miles away, so I have no say in the matter. But from what I can see, all of the Presidential Candidates are the same as the ones before them - a Southerner with way too much money Wink
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 1:10 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I TOTALLY agree with EVERYTHING you said MT!! WOW you really know your stuff! That's awesome! Know the question is: How do we make these changes happen????


Oh and that is exactly how I got screwed from not being able to vote on the 5th MT. It's a long story....kinda. Maybe I'll tell you in person one day Wink

But anyway....the voting system we currently have still SUCKS. It's a shame that other people in other countries don't really get to see that part of our voting system. They just think....the American people vote for the one they want in office and that's that. There's a lot more going on with this....than just that.

Well...I wonder what's going to happen? ALL I know is McCain CAN NOT win!! He is for the war going on right now....and thinks we need to continue it plus Leiberman is behind him and that guy is a joke!

On the Democratic side (it sucks you even have to pick a side Democrate or Republic- in order to vote) since we only have Obama or Hillary to choose from....I would have to say that I am going to go for Obama. I think for the most part he has some really good ideas for our country.

I would love to hear your thoughts! Thanks for hearing mine.


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PostPosted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 1:17 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Alley, while I do agree that this war thing is totally wrong, I am a little hesitant about pulling the troops out now. WE fucked up by going into Iraq with a Rambo mentality, like rabid dogs. I totally blame this administration and the puppet master behind our president. But now that we've screwed up the country and aided in killing thousands of their people, we really need to make sure we give them an opportunity to help themselves. I just don't know what the best solution would be.

p.s. Yes, you must explain to me how someone can mess up an absentee ballot. Did you per chance forget to paste the stamp on the envelope? Rolling Eyes
In a perfect world, you get all Alley, all the time.
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 10:33 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The true face of war:
In a perfect world, you get all Alley, all the time.
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 12:07 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Check out this documentary:

You can see it for free on

I don't think they give you the entire documentary but they do give you a big portion.

ALLEY Very Happy

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