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LabrnMystic Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 27 Jul 2005 Posts: 2568
Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 2:13 pm Post subject: Labrn & Mystic's history. |
This ended up being pretty huge, and the story is only half told. There will still be two smaller stories, one for each Labrn and Mystic to help explain a bit more how and why each one is the way they are. Also, Xebulon may post in this thread, or the regular history one. Sorry it took me so long Vanessa, and I'll also be getting back to writing that fanfic and maybe even trying my hand at a fanart or two. Enjoy:
To start, my history, you all will see it is a bit different from the others. For instance, I do not have a timeline or a set place of origin. My characters Labrn and Mystic truly come from another time and place, being more towards Sci-fi fantasy then the appropriate “Victorian” time frame, but the story has only been slightly modified, and if interested, I can give out the true story on the side.
Labrn & Mystic come from a far away kingdom, that when asked or looked into, neither will give you a straight answer. Its nothing personal, it’s the way of their people. “Never reveal the full extent of your power, and never let them know your comings or goings.” Staying calm and in control is the key. The kingdom acts as a close-knit sorority, for females rule the kingdom. There was a time when males ruled, but a civil war between sexes rose up and the males were defeated. (If interested, I can send you more on the background of the war, but for now I’m just staying focused on Labrn & Mystic) I will tell a bit of the tale though, so you can better grasp a few things about them.
Back when, men ruled and ran the show and women were charged with the household. Males were always trained in either combat or trade, depending on their build and mental ability. Females on the other hand were trained to be hostesses, taking care of guests, maintaining the kingdom, and yes trained for the enjoyment of men. Every female is trained in agility and contortion for two reasons, to be able to go about unseen and escape in case they are ever attacked, and for the benefit of the males. Those who were highly skilled at it, are later trained in interrogation and assassination to be called upon and used as the king saw fit. These women actually had a level of respect, and were called “Sister Assassins.” Males of royal blood were trained in the ways of leadership, diplomacy, and academically trained in all that was available. Females of royal blood were trained a bit lighter than males in academics, to only be called on to help their husbands if they were having a “hard time at work.“ They were also trained in fortune telling and astrology, to help guide their king. The most children were taken at an early age to be trained in their place in life. Those that would be in the military and select trades were taken to an academy to learn basics of the kingdoms life, their role in society, and the outside world. Then they would be introduced back into their families if they were to follow their parents footsteps. Sometimes though, a child would be sent to a different household, for they were more skilled in what that family had to offer. Those of royal blood and those who would join the “sister assassins“ did not have to fear of not coming back to their original families, as their position kept them safely where they’re at. The main trade in which women were trained in was gem cutting and jewelry. For most women, when their precious children were taken to undergo training, and some to never return, they poured themselves into their work with precious jewels and crystals. Some found relief in the trade, and those who were exceptionally skilled were actually admired for their work, and not just seen as “another female.“ This quickly became a part of their culture and various colors and pieces of jewelry were used to mark your place in society. (Labrn and Mystic each have a circlet gemstone, showing royalty.) To be stripped of your gems was seen as a great dishonor (just like knocking a cowboy’s at off) Though roles of each sex were pretty much set, there were always exceptions, or some who did not see they general way of life being the “right way.” More and more women, though suppressed and kept silent for fear of what may become of them, who felt this way began to band together into the “Sisterhood” which would eventually take control of the kingdom. The big thing that built up to the eventual civil war was the sexual mistreatment of women in the kingdom. Any male of royal blood could go freely and choose any female to bed with him. The only exception was if she was of royal blood and already taken. For the most part, women were seen as mere tools to be used by men, and for the most part were only given respect if they were high up on the food chain (royalty or a “sister assassin”) or if they were highly skilled with jewelry. This point was most proven on a particular raid on the kingdom.
A long detached group of men, who were once assassins for the king, raided the kingdom and kidnapped the current princess. These brigands were quickly replaced when the exploits of females being much more graceful and cunning lead to their disbanding. They held that grudge against the king, for they were not physically strong enough to be in the military, and they refused to be simple shop keepers when they had so much more prestige as assassins. When the ransom note came, demanding their reinstatement or they would ravage and kill the princess, the king waved it off, for she was “only female.” At the abandonment of her own daughter, the queen declared war on the king, and the large uprising of the Sisterhood. Women highly outnumbered men in the kingdom (Two girls for every boy as the song goes) but even though they had superior numbers and the sister assassins who refused to follow the king, they did not have the training and martial skill that the men were trained with since birth. A tense and vicious war or [word censored] and murder dwindled the kingdom. (This is far back in the day, so imagine if you will an army of gypsies fighting a group of Spartans) The kingdom was bloody and unrest ruled all, until the king was struck down. The current prince could not stand by while the king stayed stubborn of the death toll this foolish war took on the kingdom and sided with his mother, for she had taught him to be fair and just along with his diplomatic training. Seeing the king as unfit to rule, and that he was to be solely responsible for the war, the king was publicly executed to bring and end to the fighting. Fallen, the king’s dying words were a curse upon the prince. “If you love them so much over your own kin, then you shall love them to your death.” At first, the curse didn’t seem very impressive, and a few even took it that the king “came to his senses” at his death, but it wasn’t too long before the curse’s true meaning was seen.
Several males, especially those of royal blood, were coming down with a terrible lust that no one could control. It was as if the men had developed “estrus.” (being in heat) It was so fierce at times that men would literally kill each other over a female, and they weren’t exactly gentle with them either. Now, it was originally because of estrus that women were seen unfit to rule, but over the generations, it was controlled and eventually became non-existent. Seeing it attack males now, it was decided they were unfit to rule, and the reign of women began. (History has a tendency to repeat itself) Since the most severe cases were of royal blood, the set blood line was so skewered and thinned out by their insatiable lust that a new blood line was created. To keep from an overabundance of royal siblings and to keep from future disputes and bickers amongst them, the queen would give birth until she had a daughter. Any males were put down at birth, to rid them of the king’s curse. The princess would stay pure until her 21st birthday, in which she would choose the best available male to give birth to the next generation. Until then, her purity was guarded, incase a male with the curse tried to ravage the princess. Otherwise, the roles of men and women were just about reversed. Men took care of the household and defended them, training their sons to do the same. Females ran family business, but it was usually the men who continued to do the hard labor. (Being better built for it, and somewhat as a permanent punishment for what had happened.) The “sister assassins” turned into scouts and spies for the queen. The military, though still mainly comprised of males, also contained females now. Mainly those who were unable to give birth or chose not to have children. Another widely accepted path were lesbian couples. Being an overabundance of women, and the fear of the curse taking hold of their husband, it became a widely accepted way of life for women to band together in couples, or even more. They also did away with the king’s old creed of being able to take anyone for physical pleasure. Though there were still other means (such as those found at BonBon ) No one could bed another if they were already married, male or female. The only exception was the princess, for choosing a male suitor, in which case it was actually seen as an honor, for their family would join the royal family. So the generations passed and all was well.
Then one day when the queen was expected to deliver, the queen had given birth to twins. One male, one female. The daughter had black fur, much like her father. The son, light gray to near whit fur like his mother. The thing most bizarre of both is their matching eyes. Neither the queen’s nor their father’s eyes, but purely black and white. Since birth, the two seemed to share a strong bond. When Mystic was born, she cried even as her mother held her, until Labrn was also brought to their mother’s side. When the two babes laid eyes on each other, the two went silent and calmed in their mother’s arms. The council that was appointed to help the queen during such laborious times were baffled. It had been generations since they had a prince, and the curse had not been nearly as rampant as past generations. In fact, the curse was thought to have been seen in a few females, though such things were unfounded. The queen on the other hand, had already made up her mind. Seeing the two calmed by the mere sight of one another, and not wanting to see either of her children perish, she declared he be allowed to live. And so, for the first time in a long time, a prince had been born. “My lucky one” the queen often called him, and he even smiled back at her, cradled in her arms. The council, though, just to be safe had the young lad fixed when he was old enough to undergo such an operation. To ensure he would not thin the royal blood line incase the curse return. This the queen could not fight, for she new the laws all too well, having eventually heard of the two siblings she would have had, had they been born female, but then she would most likely never have been born if the first two births came out right. She had two new children, her daughter who would take her place, and a young prince, something so precious that no queen has had in generations. As the two grew older, their training would begin. Mystic went to undergo the usual training a princess undergoes, but the big fuss was over Labrn. No one alive at this time ever knew of what past generations did to train a prince. So, since they had to train a prince, and not knowing what besides the basic military and tradesman training a normal male underwent, they taught him all they could.
Years went by, and all seemed calm, except a few disturbances. The first thought was that it must be the curse rising up in Labrn. The council was shocked to learn that the cravings were mostly coming from Mystic, and not so much Labrn. Two special attendants accompanied Mystic everywhere from then on. Hoping to teach her some self control, and to keep control of the curse that had somehow made its way to her. The consensus was that it was due to them being twins. Either she picked up Labrn’s cravings through their “bond” or the curse made its way from him to her when they were in the womb. Now Labrn also had a few “crazy nights,“ but part of his training, one particular instructor thought was important, was to teach him how to be a proper lover. Where Mystic would go about and try to break her purity vows, Labrn was often picked up by one or two females and even considered it part of his “duty to the women” to make sure they were satisfied. (but we’ll talk more on that later )The two grew even closer, amazingly, after a rather startling incident.
The night before her 21st birthday, Mystic snuck off into the head military trainer’s room. He was one of the largest men she had ever seen, and had high hopes of what he could do to her. Well, what she did not know is that Labrn had taken over “temporarily” to give the head trainer some time off, and to practice leading others and show his leadership skills. Having not seen each other since they were only a few years old, and Mystic coming in at night, they did not recognize each other until the very last minute. Mystic mounted the figure in the dark, still half dressed, when she felt his face and realized it was not the head master she questioned the large figure. Back and forth their conversation went, all the while she undressed until she was down to her silken panties. She had asked what happened to the head trainer, and he told her that it was part of his training for his 21st birthday before he went back to the palace. She paused a bit,
“the palace?“ She asked him when his birthday was exactly, and who his mother was. When he answered with her birthday, and her mother’s maiden name (which no one ever called the queen by anything other than “Your highness, my queen, etc.”) she froze entirely. Labrn noticing her abrupt pause, asked her for her birthday and who her mother was. All she said was her birthday, and he suddenly realized who she was. Mystic quickly jumped off him, and sprinted off into the night. Labrn was stunned, and could do nothing but try to ease his way back to sleep. The next day, the two met at the palace for their 21st birthday ceremony. It took some time for the two to eventually look at each other, but soon after the two began to joke back and forth about the run in. He joked to her he was a bit disappointed, for she was quite appealing, causing her to blush and laugh and say the same of him. They laughed, completely throwing the incident to the wind, and would take turns throwing innuendos with a raised eyebrow and jokingly asking inappropriate questions at one another, nudging and laughing all the while. A tight hug and a bit more laughter, the two were back to normal, and more closer than ever. Mystic went on to pick her suitor, and Labrn was awarded the title of Guardian, replacing Mystic’s other guards and to watch over her when she becomes Queen. Unfortunately, Mystic was never able to conceive, and so a change in the royal family was made. Mystic wasn’t ever too disappointed, having her own agenda over the kingdom’s anyways. Also, Labrn, being trained as a body guard and to only have his charge’s interest in mind, he wasn’t too particularly devastated either. Being free of royal duties, Mystic decided to tour about, having so many interests of the outside world since she was so restricted in her early years. Labrn was to look after her, for she was still a member of the royal family, and may still be required to come back and train up future generations, for Mystic was even surpassed the queen and her instructors in many subjects, which infuriated her teachers. (Seeing her pass her studies off to chase some male) For the next few years, their mother and Mystic got the new royal family up and running. After that, she was free to travel about. BonBon was an eventually “must see” for the two, being a place to freely and discreetly feed their sexual appetites, gambling (which Labrn had a natural knack and luck for) and a place very local to one of the largest jewels in the world which many of their kind pilgrimage to, being a kingdom known for its own jewels and crystals. (Thanks for that tidbit Vanessa!) And so, we find them currently enjoying their time in BonBon. On a particular visit to Delight Castle, a rather costly game of poker went bad for Labrn. One of the street gals that he brought in to the Castle with him was involved in a high stakes game, and when she had the chance, she took a large pile of chips and cashed out and ran. Labrn, finding himself in a bit of debt due to the ordeal was going to have to work off the debt for Betty, but Mystic talked her into allowing her to take his place (since BonBon seems to be more directed towards the male crowd.) In-fact, Labrn would swear that she planned it all from when they first met up with the street girl. (Mystic is known for having complex schemes and ways of making things go just her way.) And so here we find the two, Mystic happily working about the place, making up for all the long years she had to endure when she had such a huge sexual appetite, and Labrn, staying ever vigilant over her, taking care of his own vices every now and then, and helping Betty deal cheats and thieves at the castle, being a bouncer for free. (He actually refused a paying job, since Mystic makes enough and just doing the job is payment enough for him. Though, he occasionally might stay the night with one of the working girls as “payment”) Who knows how long their stay will be. _________________ The suspense is killing me. I hope it will last. |
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Drake_Skyflyer Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 07 Jan 2007 Posts: 256
Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 8:31 pm Post subject: |
Wow... that must have taken i long time. i'm going to need to read it fully though.  _________________ "This is not a skirt, it is a kilt. It is not so restricting like pants and it has great airflow."~Drake |
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Fireheart Rank: Casual
Joined: 02 Apr 2007 Posts: 15
Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 8:37 pm Post subject: |
Very well thought out and entertaining, I look foward to seeing how this turns out Labrn. |
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Xebulon Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 28 Mar 2007 Posts: 2112
Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 9:38 pm Post subject: |
Very impressive indeed. I sincerely doubt mine will live up to that but I believe I will take you up on the offer of posting it here due to it's length. Thank you, Labrnmystic, for that. _________________ I like old jokes. With them I know when to laugh. |
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Ashton Gray Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 15 Feb 2007 Posts: 4668
Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 10:01 pm Post subject: |
Another history well done, bravo. _________________ Silentium est aurum |
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Xebulon Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 28 Mar 2007 Posts: 2112
Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 11:06 pm Post subject: |
Moved the history to it's own topic now. -Xeb _________________ I like old jokes. With them I know when to laugh.
Last edited by Xebulon on Tue Apr 03, 2007 10:48 pm; edited 1 time in total |
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Ashton Gray Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 15 Feb 2007 Posts: 4668
Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 11:11 pm Post subject: |
I'm afraid my tired mind can only repeat what I said before, another history well done, bravo. _________________ Silentium est aurum |
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Xebulon Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 28 Mar 2007 Posts: 2112
Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 11:13 pm Post subject: |
Thank you very much Mr. Gray. _________________ I like old jokes. With them I know when to laugh. |
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JohnnyPsycho Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 08 Jul 2006 Posts: 2311
Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 8:02 am Post subject: |
Both are excellent stories, I definitely enjoyed each one for different reasons. Xebulon does an excellent job of placing his character within the historical context of the Victorian age (and since I'm a bit of a history buff myself, I totally dig it), while LabrnMystic's (long-awaited) story creates a whole new civilization with its own amazing history and gives us a better glimpse into the background of his unique characters.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again... I'm amazed by the amount of talented people who are members of this place. _________________ Johnny's Fanfics (including Sureshot! A Bon Bon Tale)
Johnny's backstory
Johnny, Mark II (Project Aten character) |
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kommy Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 07 Sep 2006 Posts: 1000
Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 8:08 am Post subject: |
*twitch* Can't make it through. Paragraphs that fill my entire screen make me constantly lose my place and I end up reading the same sentance three times in a row or completely skipping others. I'm going to have to copy it and read it later. Curse my eyes.  _________________ "Doktor! Are you sure this will work?!" "HAHA! I HAVE NO IDEA!" |
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Ashton Gray Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 15 Feb 2007 Posts: 4668
Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 10:14 am Post subject: |
Be careful what you wish (or curse, in this case) for, Dr.Fuchs _________________ Silentium est aurum |
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Vanessa Official Artist

Joined: 13 Nov 2004 Posts: 1088
Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 11:41 am Post subject: |
Very good!
Xebulon, only a bear was missing from the band!
Still, this topic is called "Labrn & Mystic Story", therefore, if you approve, move your post to the topic "histories" that is a general one, or create a topic with your bio and story, so everyone will find your post more easily (mainly I when I'll need it to do your pin-up), ok? It's just a suggestion, not a rebuke Sorry if from time to time I intrude acting as moderator... Hehe! Of course, you know that I don't bite!
Anyway, welcome, Xebulon!!!  _________________
http://www.pleasurebonbon.com |
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Xebulon Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 28 Mar 2007 Posts: 2112
Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 11:53 am Post subject: |
Vanessa wrote: | Very good! Xebulon, only a bear was missing from the band! |
Then "bear" witness to a complete band. I'll play the didgeridoo.
Seriously though... I'm not sure how to move a post, but I can make a new topic and repost it. Also, thank you all for the generous compliments. You are too kind. _________________ I like old jokes. With them I know when to laugh. |
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Vanessa Official Artist

Joined: 13 Nov 2004 Posts: 1088
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LabrnMystic Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 27 Jul 2005 Posts: 2568
Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 6:10 am Post subject: |
Well thank you everyone.
Its true Johnny, it has been a long time since I originally said I'd post it. I think about a month. Cripes.
I'll be working on the other 2 part stories, with descriptions about each one's personality and what not. But who first? Mystic or Labrn? _________________ The suspense is killing me. I hope it will last. |
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Xebulon Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 28 Mar 2007 Posts: 2112
Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 8:56 pm Post subject: |
Well, when there is a difficult decision to be made, there is a tried and true method for making it. Now you must understand, this method had been handed down since time immemorial. It is sacred, accurate, and absolute.
First, you must reach into your pocket and carefully select a metallic disc of appropriate size. An ideal size should be juts big enough to fit into the circle formed b pinching your index finger and thumb tip to tip.
Second, form your hand, either will do, into a fist with your thumb pointing up. Then tuck the tip of your thumbnail into the curl of your index finger.
Third, place the disc on top of your tucked in thumbnail. Assign one decision to one side of the disc and one to the other.
Fourth, while moving your fist as little as possible, flick your thumb into the "thumbs up" position. This will cause the disc to fly into the air.
Fifth, once the disc lands and has settled observe which side of the disc is facing upward. Whichever side it is, then that is the proper decision to make.
Now you have been initiated into the ancient, sacred art of the "Coin Toss". Employ at your discretion.
Further notes... It is vitally important to choose a "coin" with two different sides and the resolution to follow through with this practice is a must.  _________________ I like old jokes. With them I know when to laugh.
Last edited by Xebulon on Wed Apr 04, 2007 9:51 pm; edited 1 time in total |
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Ashton Gray Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 15 Feb 2007 Posts: 4668
Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 9:11 pm Post subject: |
Or in layman's terms, flip a coin . _________________ Silentium est aurum |
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JohnnyPsycho Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 08 Jul 2006 Posts: 2311
Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 11:53 pm Post subject: |
Nice description, Xebulon...
Myself, I prefer the method of reciting a simple mnemonic phrase or rhyme with a steady rhythmic pattern. Whilst reciting the short rhyme, it is then customary to point an index finger to each choice available choice in turn with the recitation of each word of syllable of the rhyme, then ending upon the last syllable or word with the index finger extended toward the last selected choice. A particular rhyme often used in this goes something like this:
Eenie, meanie, minie, mo
Catch a tiger by the toe
If he hollers, let him go
Eenie, meanie, minie, mo
An alternate version includes adding the following phrase at the end:
My mother told me
To pick the very best one
And you are it
Great for making decisions about which shirt to wear, who gets the last piece of pie, and which political candidate to vote for on election day. _________________ Johnny's Fanfics (including Sureshot! A Bon Bon Tale)
Johnny's backstory
Johnny, Mark II (Project Aten character) |
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Xebulon Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 28 Mar 2007 Posts: 2112
Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 12:15 am Post subject: |
Very true. My personal favorite is:
Eena, meena, pitsa, teena
Osha, gosha, bumberosha
Nineteen hundred and one
Please excuse me whilst I tip my hat to Anne McCaffery for that one.  _________________ I like old jokes. With them I know when to laugh. |
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Ashton Gray Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 15 Feb 2007 Posts: 4668
Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 12:29 am Post subject: |
*chuckle* Ah, the habits we keep from childhood. _________________ Silentium est aurum |
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Xebulon Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 28 Mar 2007 Posts: 2112
Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 12:46 am Post subject: |
Childhood? Heck, I still read her books. "Moreta: Dragonlady of Pern" is one of my particular favorites.
To me, a good book is a good book. Regardless of the target audience. One of my most prized book is an autographed copy of "The Clown of God" by Tomie dePaola.
Then again, I'm one of those people who will never throw a book away even if they don't read it. I've had the same copy of Aldous Huxley's "Brave New World" since high school and still haven't even opened it yet.  _________________ I like old jokes. With them I know when to laugh. |
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JohnnyPsycho Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 08 Jul 2006 Posts: 2311
Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 1:02 am Post subject: |
You should read it some time, it's quite good. I had to read Brave New World for a highschool English class and found it to be one of the few assigned readings I actually enjoyed.
Not to go even further off topic, but I wonder what other classic books people have never read... hmm, I think I sense a new thread topic... _________________ Johnny's Fanfics (including Sureshot! A Bon Bon Tale)
Johnny's backstory
Johnny, Mark II (Project Aten character) |
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Ashton Gray Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 15 Feb 2007 Posts: 4668
Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 1:43 am Post subject: |
I was speaking of the rhyme, Xebulon, not the book. I agree with you on books, a good book is a good book regardless of it's target audience, but no matter what age we reach, we all have habits we keep from childhood, not to mention joys and sorrows. I would imagine most people would have learned at least one choosing rhyme when they were children, I know I certainly did. _________________ Silentium est aurum |
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Xebulon Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 28 Mar 2007 Posts: 2112
Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 1:46 am Post subject: |
Oh. Right.  _________________ I like old jokes. With them I know when to laugh. |
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Ashton Gray Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 15 Feb 2007 Posts: 4668
Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 1:56 am Post subject: |
No need to be embarrased, Xebulon, we all make mistakes and misinterpretations, I'm sure you're familiar with the phrase "To ere is human but to forgive is divine". _________________ Silentium est aurum |
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Xebulon Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 28 Mar 2007 Posts: 2112
Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 2:00 am Post subject: |
Ha ha ha ha, too true. _________________ I like old jokes. With them I know when to laugh. |
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LabrnMystic Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 27 Jul 2005 Posts: 2568
Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 11:34 am Post subject: |
My how far things stretch out. And thanks for all the wonderous help for picking.
Well, I'll just stick with Mystic's half next, because I recall Vanessa saying she found her interesting. Plus a rather steamy event shes involved with is half based on a true story. _________________ The suspense is killing me. I hope it will last. |
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Drake_Skyflyer Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 07 Jan 2007 Posts: 256
Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 3:48 pm Post subject: |
Do tell ;P oh and hows the story? I remember you saying something about if before. _________________ "This is not a skirt, it is a kilt. It is not so restricting like pants and it has great airflow."~Drake |
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Xebulon Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 28 Mar 2007 Posts: 2112
Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 6:28 pm Post subject: |
"Steamy events" eh? I'm all ears.  _________________ I like old jokes. With them I know when to laugh. |
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LabrnMystic Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 27 Jul 2005 Posts: 2568
Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 6:57 am Post subject: |
Drake_Skyflyer wrote: | Do tell ;P oh and hows the story? I remember you saying something about if before. |
Still in the works. I have the basic ideas down right now, but I've been busy with a few things over here. Some cosmetic changes of our housing area had to be done. Phew, *wipes sweat from forhead* nothing like digging in the heat.
Anywho, I can tell you it involves Mary, William, Mystic, and Labrn, though if theres any takers, I can add a view other characters at the beach. _________________ The suspense is killing me. I hope it will last. |
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