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been gone for so long.....

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 7:07 am    Post subject: been gone for so long..... Reply with quote

the crunching of dust and gravle could be heard on the path surrounded by woods on each side the soft tweeting of birds and the sun breaking though the gaps of the leafs leaving it's light would be shadowed by a large figers shadow a final crunch was herad as the figer stops and fishes into the raggerd jeans it was wearing and rumages around before puling out a piece of paper.

looking at the paper turned out to be a map as the figers hetrocromer eyes roamed over it and tapped it with with a yellow furred finger as it showed he had to take a left turning to reach his destantion frowing and blibking his eyes he refolds the map and places it back into his raggerd jeans poket and the crunching of the dusty gravled path was heard once more..... this was heard for the next thirty mintues before the familer sight of large black gates broke the scenery and the woods trees thinned out to reveal more that of open flowerd fields and a long winding clear waterd river.

as the large figer apraches the gate he looks uo and sighs before blibking again and finally for the first time in weeks his voice is heard once =more in this place the voice was a mix of london english and austilan but also rough and tired like he hadnet used it fir a very long time "finally.....after months i have returned.....home....home to link neku hunter colling the only know king cheetah of bon bon" the figer says before brushing the hand againt the gates and steping forth tought the huge black gates to the old freinds old home and new advetners that would await him in this beautiull town that is know as bon bon.

yeah sorry for the crappy based stroy up above im sure there are many spelling and grammer mistakes there but yes i aplogise to every one for being very absent and quite for a long periode of time not that many would have noticed as for the truth many peole come and go from this sight som e for personal reason's some for work reralterd family related or that there time on this sight has come to his fork in the road end

again i am sorry for leaveing with no reason no explation or without any kind of goodbye yes on the reason i had acutly left this site and planned not to return but well at some point most of us want to make some return

for the siomple fact for me planning to leave was i found myself maleing no effort to socilaise with anyone im not one to post up new treads or start a frilling new chapter to anything nore to make any effort to greet new powplw or make a huge explosion of a new rp as all my infusasim and ideas had run dry and still pretty much have........

i have noticed a lot of new faces old faces comeing and going so welcome all new people to the town of bon bon im know as dragonfly here or by my fursona's name collins and very nice to meet you all i hope ya have fuin and finding something you enjoy here

and a hand shake to the old people that come and go either it's great to see you back or a shame to see ya go as for now i may try to get back into some kinda role or posting a little more often and starting up back into the world of rping but for now im kinda back but not fully
let my chains be broken so i can fly

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ref pic of link the king cheetah
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Royal Member of BonBon

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 11:48 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Good to see you back again.

Hope that you and your love ones are happy and safe.

when we can find the time and place we will rp again until then give a kiss to all your loveones from me
Very Happy

My favorite RP please join and dominate me :

My FA;
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Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 31 Oct 2009
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 6:13 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Welcome back, Link!
My Fursona
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