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Posted: Help Wanted (Reina, Rune RP)

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Royal Member of BonBon

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 23, 2012 4:08 am    Post subject: Posted: Help Wanted (Reina, Rune RP) Reply with quote

It was that time of year again in Bon Bon. Every Autumn and Winter season, the holidays are short to follow, and with it, the onslaught of endless deliveries at the Brass Handle, the local post office stationed close to the center of town. Normally, it is a rather quiet office with letters coming in at a moderate, but manageable rate. This time of year changes all of that with the rising tide of letters and packages that are always in need of delivery.

The one running the facility sat in his office, sorting the contents that would need to be delivered the following morning, as well as the outgoing letters from the residents. In a sense, since he was the ONLY worker, he was pretty much the manager, sorter, sender, and the mailman all in one. Being a fox meant he was clever, and one that always met his quota no matter how big a challenge it is. Being one of his fur type meant he had alot to live up for, as it indicated intelligence and formality, though it is a superstition made up by his folks in the inn in the town not too far over the mountains.

He sighed with a bitterness of one who realized defeat when he looked at it. By the time he is able to get all the mail sorted and delivered, more would subsequently take its place faster than he could get to it. This would ultimately lead to a backup, meaning alot of angry residents, and that was bad for his health and reputation. Knowing this, he concluded there was only one solution, one he would avoid in any other circumstance: Hire a helping hand.

Though his nature was a bit on the quiet side, the problem was not of pride or prejudice, it was cost. The more help he would have to make the job easier, it was also more expensive, and with his budget still on the lean side of breaking even, it would be even more difficult to justify. If his reputation as a good postmaster is dragged through the mud, then his livlihood could even be in even more danger. So, to choose between the lesser of two evils, he put out a sign marking the window saying 'HELP WANTED' in bold gold letters on the frame.
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 23, 2012 1:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Reina was walking through the street, humming to herself with a smile on face. "Such a cool breeze. It's such a calm day today."

As Reina passed by the post office, a sign caught her attention. "Help wanted? At the post office? Well... I am going to need a way to pay back Crimson for letting me stay at his place. And I'm going to need some money anyways."

Reina pushed open the door to the building. "Hello? I'm here about your sign. I'd like to help."
My fursona: Reina Storm
I'm on FA: Reina Storm
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Royal Member of BonBon

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 2:30 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Runai was'nt even in his office when he heard a bright voice chiming near the entrance. "Ah... yes... right, the sign.", he murmured and turned around to face the stranger. He looked the woman over, making sure she was'nt the frail type, since the last thing he needed was a worker who would hurt themselves by accident.

"Thats right, the busy seasons are coming soon, so I need an extra pair of hands sorting mail while I go out and make deliveries", he described the job pretty much in a nutshell. "I am Runai Kaltsere, and this is the Brass Handle, and your name miss.....?", he began, egging on the conversation to gain as much information as possible.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 4:50 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

"My name is Reina Storm. It's nice to meet a new face," she said smiling. "So what exactly are the requirements for the job?" She could see the look of rush in his eyes.
My fursona: Reina Storm
I'm on FA: Reina Storm
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Royal Member of BonBon

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 12:23 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

"Just basic organizational skills. so long as that person has an address, then you can put them in the designated box and I can pretty much do the rest", he stated plainly as he began toread the contents of a clipboard. He constantly moved around, going from one thing to another, and placed a large sack of letters on the floor and dumped its contents to show the young lady the strife of his work.

"I can't say that this will be easy for you, but if you can help me, then you will be compensated for your time", Runai looked at a pocketwatch and rushed even faster, a pace he was well acquainted to after 3 years working here by himself. As he continued to walk about, he found another bag hung near the entrance and sighed. "Holidays are always so tiresome"
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 12:52 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Reina began digging through the letters. Confusion ran through her mind as she looked at some of them. "I can see that you're in a rush. So just simply plant them in their respective boxes?"
My fursona: Reina Storm
I'm on FA: Reina Storm
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