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Writing History...sorta

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Royal Member of BonBon

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 7:39 pm    Post subject: Writing History...sorta Reply with quote

Ok, too many members have that whole violent past behind them and so I think it may be high time for me to rework the killer side of my fursona out of existence. The problem is I don't know exactly what other storylines I could come up with to provide a background for him before Bon Bon.

A past of blood is not one so well-suited to the site, and I'm not too sure there would be room to fit it into the story. Then again, after this long, I'd feel lost on what to do with Samuel.

Of course roasting on the inside as I write this doesn't help focus much, blasted Florida heat...
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Royal Member of BonBon

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 10:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Do you know what your character does for a profession or are you looking for ideas?

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Royal Member of BonBon

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 17, 2010 5:52 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Samuel has and will remain a tailor/ custom clothier running a shop called "A Tux of Class". However he was raised to be an assassin and was so for his days until tragedy struck and he was forced to go into hiding in Bon Bon.

Now I have no intentions of changing the tailor portion, but perhaps a new, less-violent past would be in order.

One idea would be that his father used to be the tailor for some noble or other. Letting Samuel grow up noting all the tricks of the trade while still being exposed to the mannerisms of the upper class.

That part of a reworked past I don't think I'll change, but as to how/when/why Samuel leaves for Bon Bon is still unclear.

Possible ideas:
-Father falsely accused for something that happens to the noble, sends Samuel away.

-Samuel is actually the illegitimate son of the noble and when word gets out, is sent away for his own safety.

-Samuel decides he wants to take up his father's trade and embarks to make his own way in the world.
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 12:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi Shadow, The good news is being a tailor is exactly the right kind of "occupational therapy" for a war weary veteran. Personally I don't think you need to re-write his history at all. If his past comes up in conversation during an RPG you can choose to expound on it there, or simply accept the BonBon tradition of saying it's rude (and Illegal) to ask.
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Royal Member of BonBon

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 2:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Violence in one's past isn't exactly a problem when it comes to the life within Bon Bon. However, talking about such on the forum can lead to problems, as violent content is part of the not-to-be-posted kind of content that can get Bon Bon in trouble with CC Bill.
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 3:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Good point ... and duly noted, thanks. I wonder if that pertains only to lethal violence (bloodshed) or all the way down to a hard session with a dominant. They can get pretty similar sometimes Embarassed
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Royal Member of BonBon

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 5:47 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Given that we have Miss Blut, I would assume the latter to be acceptable, so long as it stayed within reason.
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Royal Member of BonBon

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 1:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I like this idea of focusing completely on the tailor profession. How's the whole background story coming along for you?
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Royal Member of BonBon

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 5:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The light of day was fading as a young tiger began to clean the small shop for the night. He returned the fabrics to their cabinets, hanged the suits back in their proper racks, and swept up the pieces of thread and fabric from the day’s work, which hadn’t been as much as usual.

Few of the older customers took very well to being unable to speak to the professional and more took offense to being tended to by a youth. Not that Samuel was any less capable than his father, but sometimes it was the tradition of things that would get in the way. The customers that remained often remarked on how the young man’s work was actually a cut above that of his father.

While he had learned a lot from his father, he began to understand certain techniques his father had used were either unnecessary or a few more damaging than beneficial. But he did his best to hold to his father’s reputation.

Heavy coughing from upstairs was all anyone needed to know as to why the master had left his apprentice in charge. The older man’s health was failing and he was fading to consumption. It had been a few weeks since Samuel had been prepared to set off on his own, to set up shop elsewhere, so as to not be in competition with his father. Then the first signs showed and Samuel stayed behind to keep the small shop running.
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Royal Member of BonBon

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PostPosted: Tue May 25, 2010 8:14 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

My writing is seemingly betraying me, so I have decided to provide a condensed version of the planned events of the new Samuel's past.

As we have established, Samuel worked under his father at a tailor shop and pretty much took over the place when his father became ill. Following his father's passing, Samuel took what savings he had from the store and decided to embark on a journey to America.

On the boat, he came to slowly fall in love with an upper class young lady named Vivenna Du'Lacc. Her father was en route to New York from London to get to America, before heading south to the Carolinas to meet up with family he had there. They were big on growing tobacco, but had a small patch of cotton. The problem they had was that it was hard for them to sell their cotton because many plantations had far more. Samuel, being a tailor, was interested in the situation.

So had come the proposition from Mr. Du'Lacc, Vivienna's father. He would provide Samuel with cotton to use for a shop, but only if he were to disappear. He gave Samuel money and sent him away to Bon Bon, so that even if Vivienna chased after him, she wouldn't find him thanks to Bon Bon's first law.

Samuel was oblivious to much of the ideas behind Bon Bon. All he knew is that getting on the wrong side of the well-to-do could always bite you in the ass. He also had no real prospects heading into New York, so he had decided that love was easy to sacrifice if it meant having a way to live.

Upon returning to London, Samuel found that the Du'Laccs he had met were in charge of a trading company. Which explained why Mr. Du'Lacc was on his way to meet with his family over their concern for their exports. He was able to track down several suppliers from his father's store, and was able to make arrangements for other materials to be delivered along with the cotton through the Du'Lacc trading company. After having made all the arrangements, all that was left was to make his way to Bon Bon. Once there, he was able to set up his shop, A Tux of Class. For the first few months of business, he had lived in a small apartment above the shop. After that, he had saved enough to buy a house at the edge of town.

With the While Supplies Last RP, I was hoping to go back and explore the eventual follow up when Vivienna finds herself free from her father to find her love once more.
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Royal Member of BonBon

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 4:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

A little necromancy, perhaps, but I have realised now that I had never really finished up the details of the new bio.

I decided that Mr. Du'Lacc would be the head of a trading company, rather than just having a supply of cotton, as this would allow for a more diverse range of fabrics and goods to be delivered to the shop.

The premise of most of it stays the same, though. Grows up in London the son of a tailor, learning the trade and adding his own spin. His father catches ill with Consumption and Samuel flees for America in an effort to escape and start life anew.

Along the way, he wins the heart of the fetching Vivienna Du'Lacc and earns the immediate loathing of her father. A sly and cunning businessman, Mr. Du'Lacc runs a trading company. He decides to offer Samuel his "blessing" in the form of a shop in Bon Bon, and offers to supply the first months materials.

What Samuel doesn't know is that rather than letting Vivienna come find him in Bon Bon, he plans to have her engaged when in New York. So it is that Samuel is duped into being taken out of Vivienna's life.

However, if there was ever a place to distract someone from their worries, it is Bon Bon.

Over the years, Samuel slowly adjusts to life in Bon Bon and lets go of the memories of Vivienna. That is until her father passes away and she becomes aware of the details of her father's deception. While still unable to hold full control over the company directly, Vivienna is able to manipulate it through her husband.

I had planned to have the issue resolved through an RP, in which Samuel and a select few of his friends set forth for New York, as Vivienna begins to have Samuel's shipments delayed or withheld.

While I had originally planned on having it be a drawn out feud, I think it would have been simple enough for her to try and lure Samuel to New York one last time, just for the final closure, as both have moved on with their lives.
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Royal Member of BonBon

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 8:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


Why? Cause the lines of the comic are kinda making me refocus on Samuel's past with Vivienna. Making a masterpiece of a dress is not an undertaking Samuel is probably fully prepared for. It's easy to make promises mid-coitus, but the fact of the matter is that Samuel had only ever made one dress he had considered a masterpiece before, it was for Vivienna. The bitter parting between them is likely going to start coming back to him in bits and flashes while he's working on it. I had even thought of it more so after I heard this song come on Pandora it gave me thoughts for an animation of Samuel struggling with the painful memories while working.
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