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PostPosted: Mon May 31, 2004 9:12 pm    Post subject: Disappointed Reply with quote

I joined your site because all I saw of your advertising before led me to
believe this was a hardcore site. Instead I find it is primarily softcore
innuendo and tease with small amounts of unfinished hardcore comics and
cheap, insulting, marketing tactics to force people to be members for over a
month to get any further access to materials. I had intended to be a full
member and allow my membership to renew, but I do not tolerate being lied
to, cheated, and ripped off. I will be posting negative feedback to all
other sites I belong to, such as Jabcomix and Starship Titus, that you also
advertise with so that you are not able to continue your fraudulent

It is a real shame that you have no honor or integrity because the artwork
is fantastic, and if you had actually completed the comics on your Vixine
Comics page, instead of one or two page teasers that never deliver, or had
complete series in the Vixine Tales Comix, it would have been different.

I am beyond disappointed.
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 01, 2004 6:16 am    Post subject: Re: Disappointed Reply with quote


It seems to me that you didn't read much of what's on our site before signing up. Let me RE-ADDRESS some of your comments that have been addressed before.

Some of your comments are understandable for somebody who may not have been following the news or the messageboard. (or read the fine prints)

1. For your information, Vixine Tales Comix is not finished because it is the current work in progress. We STARTED to introduce hardcore into the comics about a month ago. (to be specific, it was posted on April 15). The old Vixine (softcore series) retired April 8.

2. Our fans have requested hardcore. Like yourself, there was a lack of hardcore, graphical sex and people were displeased with the 'teasers' of Vixine. The writer and artists of the old Vixine series wanted to keep the old gang softcore. So with that in mind, we had to retire the series and introduce hardcore with a whole new group of characters.

3. Regarding our loyal members area where we are requiring people to be a member at least 30 days to access more content. This has been posted many times on the messageboard. And before you signed up- this was also mentioned in the fine prints on the join page as well as the terms of service. Also- this was posted a couple of times on the News Updates. Normally "Latest Updates" are for loyal members only. So I do not know why you're complaining because- the latest updates right now is the VixineTales series which is currently in progress and you're getting it right off the bat as you join!

Please read this:

4. You joined on a $10 trial. If you want to talk about "honor" and "integrity"- Let me address the problem with most fans, which may or may not be you. Websites such as Jabcomix or Starship Titus has a flaw in the membership system. They charge you a rate- and you join- and you get EVERYTHING. Now does that seem a bit fair for somebody else (especially the guy who joined when the site first opened) who stayed as a Loyal fan from month to month supporting the website and artists?)

There are alot of 'dishonarable' people who join the website on the TRIAL with the intention of taking everything, and then quitting. And some people (worst case sceneraio) post the content on other sites or newsgroups and then share the passwords after they are done robbing the site. Then they come back 6 months later to collect 6 months worth of content in a small trial. Yup. You go and try that on StarshipTitus. Join once. Suck up. Quit on their trial. and then come back 6 months later. There is nothing on those sites that will stop you from doing this.

5. What is the solution? Take everything down and only have updates like a normal comic book. But then you'll miss out on the story from the beginning. Other sites raise prices as more content are added. Do you want to pay more monthly? Don't think so. Even with the 30days requirement I still don't think that is completely fair- but at least it discourages those who join with the intent of quitting on instant access.

We will not tolerate being cheated and ripped off. Smile Hey that's our line!

6. There is nothing fraudulent about what we do. As this is posted in writing on the website all over. Please read before you signup!

7. Thanks for your support and I hope you have a better understanding of our website.

We've got some great new stuff coming for in the future! Our new series Vixine TNG will be launching soon. We will have running mini comics in addition to the main series rolling out! VixineTales comics (currently being featured on for now will be getting a brand new website on totally devoted to hardcore stories!)

We want VixineTales to have a fresh start of hardcore comics! members will be able to get a discount to join.

"Every exit is an entrance somewhere else." -Tom Stoppard - for the best in online erotic adult comics - adult games, strip poker, strip blackjack, and more.

Last edited by Ronald on Tue Jun 01, 2004 10:27 am; edited 6 times in total
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 01, 2004 6:42 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hello Torvaldr

sorry that you've been disappointed... O.o
but I'm at least happy you are enjoining the comic I am working at, Quest for Fun (QFF in short) that I color and write, my bf, Federico is the artist.

I agree with Ronald about the misunderstanding, because all your complaining and suggestions have been previously posted and answered on this forum by some other member, and it's just because of them that we started an hardcore comic, QFF.
Indeed, turned to an hardcore just site recently due to the fans requests, but we choose to put this new comic on the members area, not on the loyal members one, just because we thought it was better for people that signed up for the 1st time and wanted some hot comics, that's all ^-^
The only thing I can say is that on the incoming people will find exactly the style you see on the QFF story, nothing different.

I am sorry you didn't like the Vixine comics but don't think you completely threw away your money subscription: think at least that those 100 pages are an exclusive online comic never published on paper, done only for the members like you, that I coloured with a lot of care, and you told the art was beautiful ^-^
And also, you got the QFF comics... just a queston: if we choose to put only... dunno, 2 pages of QFF on the members area and the remaining 6 on the loyal members area it would have been better?
This is a question for everyone! Let us know please Smile
Serena - Writer and colorist for:
♡ Furaffinity Page of Vixine Comics ♡
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 01, 2004 12:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I hadn't read any of the message board before joining because typically it is not avavilable to non-members on other sites. So only going from your intro page text below,

( is about Four Adventurers (five, if you count the big draconess) stumbling around in a world that puts a weird, wacky, sensual twist on classic fantasy! Action, but not the way you'd expect! Splendid art and even better girls! All this and more, in the adventurers of Vixine! )

you really have no clue that the content is nealry all softcore. It is not at all unusual for the pre-member content to be softcore teasers, then you get the full hardcore after joining. From what I saw in your free section I thought that all those teaser pages where only one or two pages from an entire series, just like what you seem to be doing now with QFF. It is not clear that except for QFF all your content is one or two page softcore, hence my disappointment.

I can perhaps understand your reasons for the "Loyal" member area even if I strongly disagree with it. I am not one of those jump on and off members. I have been with the sites I join for extended periods, UNLESS, they do not have the content that their advertising suggested. And that is exactly how I feel right now about your site.

On my own site I try to be as clear about everything I do as possible. So in this istance I felt you were being deliberately evasive. If not I would have expected text in line with, "Vxine has been primarily softcore, and a lot of fun comic shorts, of the adventures of our sensual band of heroes. However, we are adding hardcore content, and full comic series to accomodate the requests of our fans"

But nearly everyone I have asked to look at your main page and free pages has had the same reaction I did. You expect hardcore and get softcore. Art is great, but does not make up for , what you are saying is accidental, the misleading nature of your pre-member advertizing.

As fof Jab's Site. I am sorry but you really can't compare your site with his. You are comparing apples and oranges. His site has a LOT of free material to start with, you have very little. You can get even more after joining. He does not make people stay for a certain time before releasing content, and he has more content than you do. He does not have a trial membership, and he charges less than you do for full membership. You get exactly what he advertises. And he updates incredibly frequently.

If you think you are being ripped off by people coming on, getting all you content and then running for the hills, then eliminate the trial membership and go with a price you think is fair to cover your currently content. Or restrict the content during the trial period and release it all after they become full time members. Explaining ahead of time that the contect will be restricted int he trial period so that people can choose to be full memebrs instead. If I had had a choice to be a trail member with restricted access or a full member with unlimited access I would have become a full member. That is assuming I knew all the information about your site that I have already informed you I did not have when I joined.

Again imagine that since you feel you are being ripped off by trail members downloading all your content and running away. Then imagine how ripped off I feel after first finding out the content was not what your advertizing seemed to indicate, and then finding out that I would now have to pay $35.00 and wait 30 days for access. Joining Jab is less than half that with no restrictions.

I understand your reasons but I can't agree with most of them.

Prospective members should not have to research and read your member board to know what content to expect on your site. Again, most sites do not allow access to the message board before joining so a lot of people may not even think to look there. All that information should be loudly and broadly available on your main page or on the preview page. And you just cost yourself someone who would have been a long time member with the slimy salesman tactic of saying, "read the fine print." My only point about the QFF serries being incomplete was because it was the ONLY part of your site that seemd to be delivering what your advertizing promised.

I have already cancled my membership. Do not worry about me stealing your art. I do not run any kind of site like this. I am a proffesional story teller and a leather armorer. I sell my CDs and leather goods from my site and do not cross post anything I get from other sites anywhere. As an artist I am more than concious of copyright protection, and of trying to make a living from your art. My honor is intact.

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 01, 2004 1:18 pm    Post subject: thanks. Reply with quote

Thanks for your post Torvaldr.

Yes- our messageboard is totally free so free members can read about what's going on in our members area. We keep everything open to our members so they are up to speed and aware of what's going on through our free messageboard. (The Link is available on the website on all the free pages. Not sure why you would think it's a members only thing.)

We're going to take your suggestions into consideration when we redesign the entire free side soon (once we get the new hardcore materials up).

I appreciate all your comments and hope to see you back in the future.

The free comics on the free side should have given you the examples of what you get (aside from the QFF that was posted over a month ago).

What you got to see in the free side was exactly the type of comics vixine was for awhile. So I'm not sure why you feel you were mislead. Maybe you're used to the other websites misleading you to have "teasers" and then "hardcore" when you join. Our site is exactly straight forward. Free Comics is an exact indication of what we got in our members area.

If you looked at the free preview. Page 1 and 2. was part of that short story. With an ending punchline and gag. Page 7 and 8 was part of another short story. Like wise with 21 and 22.

The site just recently a month ago became hardcore. So the fairness of a monthly subscriber joining now is getting hardcore. Think of Vixine now as starting off the first month all over again with Hardcore now.

Regarding the LOYAL MEMBERS part- our join page does say SPECIFICALLY in RED text. Updated Weekly for LOYAL MEMBERS. and at the bottom it says. Loyal Members are members who are with the site for more then 30 days. Obviously you did not read that. It's also in the terms of service. Did you totally miss the red text in BOLD?

We're not trying to be deliverately evasive about the hardcore factor. It's like going to and expecting them to say this is not a porn side. You won't find hardcore stuff here. We were not advertising hardcore or explicit graphical sex on our preview page. We only started using the words hardcore in the news posting related to QFF and the messageboard. Things are going to change tho!

To show that we're not deliberately being evasive or misleading- I took your suggestion and posted that exact line of text in our preview page!

Anyways- appreciate the comments. Look for new changes in the near future!

"Every exit is an entrance somewhere else." -Tom Stoppard - for the best in online erotic adult comics - adult games, strip poker, strip blackjack, and more.
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 01, 2004 2:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Now that was unexpected! I have to admit I am very pleased to see you that
responsive. :-) Wow. As I said before I do like the art, I just had the
other concerns and issues.. There are a couple of sites I joined that were
just starting out, and I can understand.

But just a little further note. There is a presumption with Disney that
their content is not porn. But when dealing with adult sites there is a very
distinct seperation between soft and hard core. Most try to have something
that mentions which direction their site takes. Now you do!

Thanks for the replies, and I may be back. Like I said I like the art work.

One further question though. Is the QFF going to be its own site, or stay
part of yours?

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 01, 2004 3:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi Torvaldr ^-^
we mean to do a brand new site called with QFF and some new stories when QFF will reach its end.
We would also like to listen to people suggestions about their favourite characters to use in the new stories.
The rating will be exactly similar to QFF, just with the 100 softcore pages of Vixine as additional content, nothing more.
What about?
Let us know, your suggestions seem to match with other members' Smile
Serena - Writer and colorist for:
♡ Furaffinity Page of Vixine Comics ♡
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 01, 2004 3:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ya shur, I can do that, you betcha!

Sorry lapsed into my own story telling mode for a moment. I would be happy to share some ideas. You might even be able to use some bits and pieces from my Viking Home Companion Series. For some reason everyone thinks the berzerker game of Ax Catching is hilarious. I can't imagine why.

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