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I have a question

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 06, 2006 5:59 am    Post subject: I have a question Reply with quote

Sono italiano, e ho deciso di scrivere in italiano per esprimere al meglio quello che ho sentito guardando delle tue foto, ti sembrerà uno sciocchezza, magari priva d’importanza, ma ho qualcosa dentro, che mi spinge a scrivere, a creare un topic che magari non interessa a nessuno e che forse verrà dimenticato a causa della difficoltà della lingua.
Spero che qualcuno possa tradurtelo…
Oggi ho visto le foto scattate durante la tua carriera, sei una ragazza bellissima, perfetta e statuaria, e come la maggior parte delle modelle un altro mondo per noi che siamo dall’altra parte dello schermo…
Ma ho visto anche le tue foto meno recenti, quelle dove eri ancora una ragazzina, forse nemmeno all’inizio della tua carriera…
La piccola Alley era ancora più bella, non perfetta come adesso, ma con due occhi allegri e pieni di vita, quasi ingenui nel dimostrare tanta felicità…
Ti ho guardato tanto tempo, ho confrontato le foto, è vero, ora sei una donna bellissima, ma c’è qualcosa che i tuoi occhi hanno perso, quella felicità, quell’amore che sprigionavano per la vita…
Ora sono freddi e calcolatori, abituati a essere davanti ad una camera, hanno visto e conoscono il tuo lavoro, quello che ti ha dato tante soddisfazioni e ti ha reso famosa, ma che ti ha anche rubato qualcosa.
Certo sei cresciuta, non sei più la giovane ragazza di quella foto, hai avuto tante esperienze e avrai imparato tanto, molto più di quanto possa fare una ragazza normale, che non è sottoposta allo stress delle luci della ribalta, ma ti assicuro che mi sono sentito una stretta al cuore guardando questo cambiamento. Tutto cambia, come sicuramente avrai imparato in tanti anni, ma sono convinto che una piccola parte dentro di noi sia sempre la stessa…
Ecco, volevo solo chiederti una cosa, quando sei da sola, davanti allo specchio, riesci a vedere la piccola Alley che ride ancora felice?

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 5:57 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ehi mi è piaciuto il tuo post sono felice di tradurlo per Alley!

Here is the translation... (I made my best, sorry for mistakes)

"I’m Italian, and I’ve decided to write in Italian language to tell you better what I feel watching your photos, maybe it will seems something useless, but I have something inside me, it pushes me to write, to create a topic that it does not even interest to nobody and that perhaps it will come forgotten because of the difficulty about the language.
I hope someone can translate that...
Today I’ve seen the photos taken during your career, you are a beautiful, perfect and awesome girl, you are unreachable for us, at the other side of the screen, like most of other models...
But I saw your first pics also, when you were still one child, at the beginning of your career...
The young Alley was still more beautiful, she wasn’t perfect like today, but she had two happy and life-full eyes, even a little ingenuous in demonstrating that happiness...
I have watched you much time, I’ve compared your pics, now you are a beautiful woman, but there is something that your eyes has lost, that happiness, that love they rise off for the life...
Now those eyes are cold, they’re accustomed to be in front of the camera, they’ve seen the world and now they know your job, the job who given you many satisfactions and who has became you famous, but it (your job) stole you something.
Now you’re grown, you’re not that young girl, surely you had so many experiences and you’ve learned much things from that, more things than a normal girl out of the show could learn, but please believe me, I feel my heart tightened watching this change (I’m sad). Everything changes, I know, but I think that a small part inside us remains always the same...
So, I would ask you that: when you’re alone, looking at the mirror, can you see that young and happy Alley?"
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 10:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Damn, Alley. I wish your eyes weren't so stone cold. No wonder you don't come by da house no more.

Holla back when you get the attitude adjustment. Shocked Rolling Eyes
In a perfect world, you get all Alley, all the time.
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 1:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Fenzo, it's a question of vision! I've discovered Alley in 90's with playboy and in a way I grow up with her (fantastic I'm from 73 too Laughing ) and I'm not stuck to young girl Alley! Confused I find here pretty, attractive as always! Queen Alley seems very in harmony with her physic (wich doesn't change so much, let's be serious one minut) and her mind (well I figure). Each picture is a precious pearl and her beauty cross the years without damage. It's a chance for her and for us! Laughing It's never good to look back and there's absolutely no reason to do it here. Laughing

Alley we love you the way you are!
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Wicked Jester
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 7:03 am    Post subject: Cold? Reply with quote

I wouldn't say that her eyes look cold, so much as there is a kind of challenge in them. I think her eyes are HOT!

Love you, Alley big grin
Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter - Mark Twain
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