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Question for Ally: Does responding to posts ever get old?

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 9:58 pm    Post subject: Question for Ally: Does responding to posts ever get old? Reply with quote

First of all, I think it's awesome how this gorgeous, down-to-earth woman responds to all these posts.


I see a lot of guys asking silly/explicit questions and going on about how much you "love" her. I dont know your ages/situations; but I'm 20 and I have enough sense not to do that. I think it's great she's so personable, but I was reading some of these posts (found the site looking for pics of Ms. baggett Cool ) and some of you guys should show more respect. I can imagine how someone would get sick of seeing posts about "which breast of Ally's do you like the most?" or "Ally, I want to bone you!"

Good thing for the anonymity of the internet else you all might be kinda embarassed.

I want to make this a question to Ally and not a "Flame"; so Ally, does it ever get old reading posts from random people who can ask/say whatever?

It's great how you update so much; I am tempted to join to see more pics of you Wink
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 7:57 am    Post subject: Re: Question for Ally: Does responding to posts ever get old Reply with quote

dasamm wrote:
I see a lot of guys asking silly/explicit questions and going on about how much you "love" her. I dont know your ages/situations; but I'm 20 and I have enough sense not to do that.:

Then you should also have enough sense to know you shouldn't go someplace as a newbie and start acting like a tough guy, telling everybody what to do and what they're doing wrong, in situations you weren't part of and don't know anything about. Look, it's true that some of the things said can be kinda silly - but so what? If Alley doesn't mind, why should anyone else? If Alley doesn't want to answer a question, she doesn't. If it gets too personal, she says so. She's a big girl and knows how to handle things. Maybe you didn't notice it was Alley herself who invited us to ask her whatever was on our minds in her post:

"Who is ALLEY? Ask me anything to REALLY get to know me"

And by the way, just because we're anonymous doesn't mean we're just anybody or "random people" as you say. After a while everyone sort of gets to know eachother by their posts. Many of us have been here for a long time, some even since the board was first started. Hey, it's cool you want to stick up for Alley and all, but it's not really warranted in this situation.
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 5:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, first of all, show some respect by at least spelling her name correctly.
2nd, surely you've seen our silly posts answered by Alley, herself. I don't think we are forcing her to answer. Had you read more you would have noted that she has answered similar postings.
3rd, yes, some of us do actually love her. Did people really love Elvis without knowing him personally? Hell yeah!
Like SM said, some of us have been around a while. If Alley says don't, we don't.

Buddha bless you.
In a perfect world, you get all Alley, all the time.
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whispering feathers
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 9:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

seriousness, flirtatious, under a spell, artistic, caring, lovable, giving, open minded, business woman, funny, tender, knowing, learning 2 know us, n loving....

its clear that age is a facter on how texts can sink in if taken the time 2 b read fully, n carfully....

alley has invited us here mr dasamm including such as urself 2 find out all the above titles this woman posseses.
the reason why this dear lady has been so successfull, is because her content reaches out 2 every type of male or female no matter the colour she paints her canvous with curiousity letting us explore the same path with her n allowing us 2 voice our opinion
its a gathering of friends
if ur new 2 our respectful group 2 miss alley then take the time 2 randomly read many fine posts spanning over six months
u can easily find out who alley baggett is, what issues she has dealt with, what she is open 2, n what she will not tollerate....

welcome 2 our circle of friendship

if u dont like what u see or read, respond respectfully or say nothing at all
With Lots of Love n Hugs!!!
Kevin (Whispering Feathers)
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