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Tearlach Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 04 Oct 2008 Posts: 2914
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Silvador Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 20 Oct 2009 Posts: 12351
Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 9:50 am Post subject: |
Oh for the love of... do we REALLY need to be reminded of that at EVERY turn? Seriously. We come to this forum to get AWAY from that kinda thing.
:< _________________
Fursonas: http://tinyurl.com/yzcsyug |
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Mayfield Rank: Super Veteran

Joined: 21 May 2010 Posts: 11790
Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 10:36 am Post subject: |
Silvador wrote: | Oh for the love of... do we REALLY need to be reminded of that at EVERY turn? Seriously. We come to this forum to get AWAY from that kinda thing.
:< |
Perhaps we want to remember those thousands of lives who were lost on that day and not simply brush it under the rug. It may not mean anything to you, but for every single true-blooded American, when this day comes around, we take a moment to remember. _________________ "I have currently run out of fucks to give." - Me
Rhoda Mayfield |
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Tearlach Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 04 Oct 2008 Posts: 2914
Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 11:07 am Post subject: |
Silvador wrote: | Oh for the love of... do we REALLY need to be reminded of that at EVERY turn? Seriously. We come to this forum to get AWAY from that kinda thing.
:< |
I do not wish to sully this thread by having a argument with you Silvador. There were ALL nationalities kill and injured on that day. If you have an objection to its remembrance, then may I politely suggest that you say nothing at all. _________________ Terminus: http://forums.pleasurebonbon.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=239198#239198
We are grey. We stand between the star and the candle.
http://www.furaffinity.net/user/brigwyn/ |
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Silvador Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 20 Oct 2009 Posts: 12351
Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 8:49 pm Post subject: |
Don't think that for one second that I do not care. I come to this forum to enjoy my time here, not constantly be reminded of the horrific feats people are capable of. Remember those who died on that day? Why that day specifically? Why not EVERY OTHER FUCKING DAY?! Hundreds of thousand of people die every fucking day, why are they no less important than the ones killed in the Twin Towers? For every single god dammed year since 2001 this has been splashed and smeared across almost every media possible so that people CAN'T forget. I want to ENJOY my day, not have my day brought down by people who can't MOVE FORWARD.
People died. Yes.
It's a tragedy. Yes.
The fuck do you want me to do? Sit and cry for the whole day? What for? It won't bring anyone back. It won't stop it from happening again.
The internet, the TV, the radio, and no doubt many other places will shout and holla about 9/11, why do you have to bring it here, to this escape, and bring down all the people who are trying to find a little enjoyment in their pitiful, depressing lives.
Oh, but all nationalities died. SO WHAT?! No one nationality is any better or more important than another. I am sick and fucking tired of hearing about how the human race just LOVES to butcher and mutilate themselves over pissy, trivial issues every fucking time I turn on the TV or browse the internet. Is it SO MUCH to ask to just be able to NOT be constantly reminded that the human race, the so called "superior intelligence" of the planet, is literally more barbaric and savage than the god damned beasts roaming the wilds every five fucking minutes of my life?
If I want to hear about the myriad of ways for people to kill other people, I'll turn on the news. Don't bring this shit here! _________________
Fursonas: http://tinyurl.com/yzcsyug |
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Arianoelle_Yenearsira Rank: Super Veteran

Joined: 25 Nov 2009 Posts: 1640
Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 9:12 pm Post subject: |
*pounces on Silv and sits on him, tail wrapping around his head to 'gag' him a bit* Hush. I know there are those out there that do not wish to be reminded of the day, but there are some that look on this day and remember. I know that there are some that would rather not have to see it at every turn, but for those that wish to remember, we do so in our own ways.
If you did not wish to see it here, then don't click on the thread, that's all I'll say about that *hugs* _________________ >Aria< >Tatiana<   |
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Rune174 Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 29 May 2009 Posts: 6010
Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 10:28 pm Post subject: |
As much as I don't want to admit it, but Silv is right on this one. It seems that we look back on that one specific tragedy so often, that we can't seem to move forward, and nobody seems to want to. Its all about people wanting to heal, but at the same time they keep opening the wound every time that one day comes and goes.
I admit that I feel that it is a tragedy that some people become more affected than others, but I can't honestly say I'm affected. Why? Because I wasn't there, I was a dumb middle schooler at the time, and the only reason why I cried was because everyone else did. There have been more tragedies that happened since then, but nobody seems to even remember the dates of those times, let alone what happened. Like the Boston Bombing for one instance, and that is just off the top of my head. _________________
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silverleaf Rank: Super Veteran

Joined: 26 Mar 2011 Posts: 2709
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Silvador Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 20 Oct 2009 Posts: 12351
Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 5:06 am Post subject: |
silverleaf wrote: | I am going with Aria on this one.
You don't want to hear or read about it THEN DON'T CLICK ON IT!
The only reason to do so was to ruffle some feathers like you always do silvador, you had to click on it, you had to comment.
If there is something you want to avoid then don't actively seek it, let people mourn if they feel like it, just don't watch the news, don't open things talking about and guess what: PROBLEM SOLVED! |
Or better yet, don't bring it here at all. There is an OCEAN of other places to go to and mourn or remember or whatever the fuck you want to do.
As for your "Don't read it" approach, it kinda gets thrown out the window when I come to this forum for some enjoyment and there is a thread staring me in the face with "September 11th 2001" as it's title. What am I supposed to do, go around the forum with a blindfold on just randomly clicking and pressing buttons and seeing where shit takes me? Or do you propose I not come to this forum at all? Yeah, there's a valid option. Don't go to one of the few places I can find enjoyment just because people want to bring depression and issues there.
Leave your god dammed baggage at the door and let the rest of us enjoy five minutes in peace without being interrupted by someone shouting in our ear that the human race is nothing short of a BLIGHT on this over heated oven of a rock. _________________
Fursonas: http://tinyurl.com/yzcsyug |
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Tearlach Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 04 Oct 2008 Posts: 2914
Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 6:25 am Post subject: |
Silvador wrote: |
As for your "Don't read it" approach, it kinda gets thrown out the window when I come to this forum for some enjoyment and there is a thread staring me in the face with "September 11th 2001" as it's title. What am I supposed to do, go around the forum with a blindfold on just randomly clicking and pressing buttons and seeing where shit takes me? Or do you propose I not come to this forum at all? Yeah, there's a valid option. Don't go to one of the few places I can find enjoyment just because people want to bring depression and issues there.
Leave your god dammed baggage at the door and let the rest of us enjoy five minutes in peace without being interrupted by someone shouting in our ear that the human race is nothing short of a BLIGHT on this over heated oven of a rock. |
I have to say Silvador that you are a hypocrite. You state "leave your God dammed baggage at the door" and yet that is precisely what YOU are hitting us in the face with. You come on to this forum swinging your emotional handbag at any one who does not hold your point of view on life.
You want a safe fantasy world where you can hide from the real one and casually abuse others around you with none of the physical repercussions that would come from such actions ie some one knocking your teeth down your throat. I too came here because it was a GREAT place full of friendly, fun people, who swapped stories, information, ideas and some times their problems in the real world, because they believed that they had friends here who would understand and perhaps help. But now...
there is nothing even approaching that atmosphere now.
Fewer and fewer members post and when they do more often then not you have some nasty offensive remark to make. This thread is an example. I tried to show some respect,( Look the word up because your attitude shows you do not know the meaning of the word.) and you just piss all over it.
Yes Bon Bon is a fantasy world where every one has fun and is reasonably nice to one another and there is no war,death or any thing nasty, and yet your fursona has a huge sword! What for? If every one is nice why do you need a a huge fuck-off sword?
Which BTW were redundant due to the fact that people had found more efficient ways of killing each other such as guns, gas and explosives. Oh I forgot nobody dies violently or makes war in this world. Silly me!
You think and act as though this site was set up for the sole purpose of making you happy and no one else is allowed to come here and say or do what they wish to unless it meets with your approval. Well enjoy it while you can because eventually this world will become as empty and friendless as your real life so obviously is.
I would like to conclude this post by describing you using a very old Anglo-Saxon word. That word being CUNT, however as a cunt is used to bring life in to this world and of course brings pleasure to both its owner and others permitted to use it and you do nether, I will not bother to waste this venerable term upon you.
Rather I believe WANKER best describes you. Some one who seeks solitary pleasure without the need of others company.
Oh and "HAVE A NICE DAY!"  _________________ Terminus: http://forums.pleasurebonbon.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=239198#239198
We are grey. We stand between the star and the candle.
http://www.furaffinity.net/user/brigwyn/ |
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Silvador Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 20 Oct 2009 Posts: 12351
Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 7:26 am Post subject: |
Tearlach wrote: | Silvador wrote: |
As for your "Don't read it" approach, it kinda gets thrown out the window when I come to this forum for some enjoyment and there is a thread staring me in the face with "September 11th 2001" as it's title. What am I supposed to do, go around the forum with a blindfold on just randomly clicking and pressing buttons and seeing where shit takes me? Or do you propose I not come to this forum at all? Yeah, there's a valid option. Don't go to one of the few places I can find enjoyment just because people want to bring depression and issues there.
Leave your god dammed baggage at the door and let the rest of us enjoy five minutes in peace without being interrupted by someone shouting in our ear that the human race is nothing short of a BLIGHT on this over heated oven of a rock. |
I have to say Silvador that you are a hypocrite. You state "leave your God dammed baggage at the door" and yet that is precisely what YOU are hitting us in the face with. You come on to this forum swinging your emotional handbag at any one who does not hold your point of view on life.
You want a safe fantasy world where you can hide from the real one and casually abuse others around you with none of the physical repercussions that would come from such actions ie some one knocking your teeth down your throat. I too came here because it was a GREAT place full of friendly, fun people, who swapped stories, information, ideas and some times their problems in the real world, because they believed that they had friends here who would understand and perhaps help. But now...
there is nothing even approaching that atmosphere now.
Fewer and fewer members post and when they do more often then not you have some nasty offensive remark to make. This thread is an example. I tried to show some respect,( Look the word up because your attitude shows you do not know the meaning of the word.) and you just piss all over it.
Yes Bon Bon is a fantasy world where every one has fun and is reasonably nice to one another and there is no war,death or any thing nasty, and yet your fursona has a huge sword! What for? If every one is nice why do you need a a huge fuck-off sword?
Which BTW were redundant due to the fact that people had found more efficient ways of killing each other such as guns, gas and explosives. Oh I forgot nobody dies violently or makes war in this world. Silly me!
You think and act as though this site was set up for the sole purpose of making you happy and no one else is allowed to come here and say or do what they wish to unless it meets with your approval. Well enjoy it while you can because eventually this world will become as empty and friendless as your real life so obviously is.
I would like to conclude this post by describing you using a very old Anglo-Saxon word. That word being CUNT, however as a cunt is used to bring life in to this world and of course brings pleasure to both its owner and others permitted to use it and you do nether, I will not bother to waste this venerable term upon you.
Rather I believe WANKER best describes you. Some one who seeks solitary pleasure without the need of others company.
Oh and "HAVE A NICE DAY!"  |
I'm sorry if I have some how single-handedly brought this forum to its knees. If that be the case, perhaps then there is no reason for you to stick around. Perhaps then you should just fuck off and find somewhere else to depress with your "real world" issues.
Just because the world is a shit pile with people trying to kill each other at every turn doesn't mean people need to, or want to be constantly reminded how shit it is.
As for your opinion of me, I really couldn't care less what you call me. Disguising your name calling with long winded explanations to make it sound like you're being intelligent doesn't hide the fact that you're merely being childish. And truth be told, taking into consideration the vast majority of people on the planet these days, I'd much rather be alone because most people on this planet are dicks and assholes. _________________
Fursonas: http://tinyurl.com/yzcsyug |
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Tearlach Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 04 Oct 2008 Posts: 2914
Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 8:35 am Post subject: |
I am sure your psychotherapist is proud of you for making such a lucid response to such nasty name calling. After all that is why you try to annoy people so that you can claim the moral high ground and cite your aggressors as the immature ones.
In fact I think you get off on provoking people, myself in particular because it some how makes you feel good. Knowing that you have invoked a aggressive reaction in someone else soothes your own ego.
As for intelligence I will let my posts stand evidence to that and yours to your own. Maturity comes with experience as does wisdom, not age. You have shown your self to be angry with Humanity, I believe we all are to a greater and lesser degree whether it is the futility of war or the dick in the car that cuts you up at a junction. But that is life, you think that you are the only one who what to escape as a Furry? To be something better? You are not.
But instead of trying to be some one more noble/moral or just fun, you lash out and push away the very furries you claim to want know and be.
You said that why should you have a thread staring you in the face with September 11th 2001 as its title. Why should you go round wearing a blindfold? Yet you state " perhaps then you should just fuck off and find somewhere else to depress with your "real world issues". "
You do not wish to be offended/depressed and yet you feel well within your rights to tell others to "Fuck off" out of what you consider to be your life sphere.
Also I did not say you were responsible for the forums decline, real life issues are, for the most part the cause. My point was that your actions did not help or encourage the few that did manage to come here.
You may have noticed, no doubt with great joy, that I have been restricting my own visits here of late. Just so your ego does not relish in the misconceived view that you personally are responsible, I would like to point out that this is due to the majority of posts made lately are of the one-handed RPG variety at which you excel.
As for being long winded, well I apologize for straining your attention span and hope this post does not put undue exertion on it.  _________________ Terminus: http://forums.pleasurebonbon.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=239198#239198
We are grey. We stand between the star and the candle.
http://www.furaffinity.net/user/brigwyn/ |
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Shadow_Twisted Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 30 Aug 2008 Posts: 1521
Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 10:57 am Post subject: |
Anyways, there is a point in that there is a certain level of favoritism played towards 9/11 as opposed to Hurricane Sandy (and if I'm not mistaken some parts of the Gulf are still recovering from it, which is a shame) or other tragedies. So what sets 9/11 apart, why does this tragedy get so much more attention than the rest? The only answer I could come to was simple: the response. For all the tragedy, that day was also a catalyst for a sadly temporary unity. Things changed for awhile and not necessarily in a bad way. The kind of spirit and support that arose in people following that tragedy is what needs to be remembered because frankly, we could use a little more peace and goodwill these days. |
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Silvador Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 20 Oct 2009 Posts: 12351
Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 11:21 am Post subject: |
Tearlach wrote: | you think that you are the only one who what to escape as a Furry? To be something better? You are not.
But instead of trying to be some one more noble/moral or just fun, you lash out and push away the very furries you claim to want know and be. |
You think I am a Furry to escape? You think that being a Furry some how elevates one to some higher level of enlightenment?
I am a Furry for the simple fact that that "title" comes with a particular interest of mine. I have no delusions of being some animal-like biped with mystic powers of a forty foot dick. I did not choose to be a furry any more than you chose whatever sexuality your mind perceives as arousing. The only escape there would be is putting a gun to my head and pulling the trigger. But what would the point of that be?
Tearlach wrote: | As for intelligence I will let my posts stand evidence to that and yours to your own. Maturity comes with experience as does wisdom, not age. |
Tooting one's own horn is often the height of hubris, my friend. Don't let your confidence in your "superior wisdom" paint you into a corner from which you cannot talk your way out of.
Tearlach wrote: | Also I did not say you were responsible for the forums decline, real life issues are, for the most part the cause. My point was that your actions did not help or encourage the few that did manage to come here. |
And yet you made no mention of real life issues. In fact it seemed that your entire point on that matter was directed at me specifically.
Tearlach wrote: | I too came here because it was a GREAT place full of friendly, fun people, who swapped stories, information, ideas and some times their problems in the real world, because they believed that they had friends here who would understand and perhaps help. But now...
there is nothing even approaching that atmosphere now.
Fewer and fewer members post and when they do more often then not you have some nasty offensive remark to make. |
So which was it? Me or real life issues?
As for telling you to fuck off, I never told you to do anything. You made it perfectly clear that you feel there is no reason to stick around. Based on that information I simply made a suggestion. So I ask you, why stay? If there is so little here... You said it yourself.
Tearlach wrote: | You may have noticed, no doubt with great joy, that I have been restricting my own visits here of late. |
My, we are full of ourselves today, aren't we? Is it me we're talking about here or you? Because it seems to me that you've made more references to yourself in the last two pages than me or the rest of this forum. My existence does not revolve around you, Tearlach. Nor does anyone else's. I'd check the label on the ego filling the room before pointing fingers.
Tearlach wrote: | I would like to point out that this is due to the majority of posts made lately are of the one-handed RPG variety at which you excel. |
I apologise if engaging in erotic writings on a forum directly connected to an erotic comic seems out of place or offensive. But I do believe that Ronald is the one you should be taking that issue to as he is one of the ones in charge, not I. Better yet, why don't you make a thread, hmm? Once again you say there is nothing here worth being here for; you complain that it is the sexual RP's that are keeping you away. Yet you do nothing to work in your favour. When was the last time you made an RP? When was the last time you made an ATTEMPT to interract on the RP board of this forum? I'm the hypocrite? Perhaps you should take a look in the mirror before passing judgement on something you take next to no part in. _________________
Fursonas: http://tinyurl.com/yzcsyug |
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silverleaf Rank: Super Veteran

Joined: 26 Mar 2011 Posts: 2709
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Mayfield Rank: Super Veteran

Joined: 21 May 2010 Posts: 11790
Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 12:58 pm Post subject: |
Silvador wrote: | The only escape there would be is putting a gun to my head and pulling the trigger. But what would the point of that be? |
Perhaps relieving us of of this constant irritation? _________________ "I have currently run out of fucks to give." - Me
Rhoda Mayfield |
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dragonfly Rank: Super Veteran
Joined: 30 Sep 2009 Posts: 9138
Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 3:20 pm Post subject: |
okay I belive everyone needs to make like ice and chill down just a little this topic is to remember the people that lost there friends and famielys in such a tragic day
so come on everyone don't start a flame war on a topic that is remembering something that should be us praying for all those people that suffred
now im just a idiot from England that dosnt know much to the point ones can call be obliouvs but I do know on 11/9/01 the people of amreica went though a very scary time and lost a lot
so come on everyone lets not retaliate and start a rage we should all band together and pray that never again such a scene ever happen again not that I can say much on the topic _________________ let my chains be broken so i can fly
my FA http://www.furaffinity.net/user/linkcollins/
my fursona's details http://forums.pleasurebonbon.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=9362
ref pic of link the king cheetah http://www.furaffinity.net/view/7618854/ |
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