Cardigan Mc'Cracken Rank: Casual

Joined: 17 Jan 2013 Posts: 26
Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2013 9:19 pm Post subject: |
Chapter One A letter
Dear Gunter,
If you have received this note or more importantly are able to read it then I am dead, you are alive, Z is coming for you and the Library… well you know what he did. It’s gone and with it I suppose all I am all my work all my reputation. Ha! Those bastards at the University can have it all! Gunter I want you to know everything in there was replaceable it truly was I want you to rebuild it if you can. Unless somewhere down the line you found some damn sense and or a woman and finally allowed yourself to get roped into a ridiculous thing like marriage. I watched you grow from a small cub to the bigger cub you are now. Your father, your mother would have been proud… I haven’t much left in me there will be a courier with this letter he was one of my men, Arkel’s boy, he’s young and if it all went as planned Arkel too… well he knew what he was getting into. He’s Cardy’s boy now so allow him the responsibility Lord knows he needs it…. They are here Gunter… Find the Library save it if you can what you look for lies in the Conservatorium…. You will know when you see it ….
Best Luck!!
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