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Let the New Training Begin ( open rp, adult )

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 6:51 am    Post subject: Let the New Training Begin ( open rp, adult ) Reply with quote

It was the first day of spring.

After a long winter, the snake couple came out there home. They had been asleep for almost 3 months while keeping there bodies in stasis and the mind dormant.

The male, a 1.83 meter tall king cobra, build like a fortress, wide sholders and a skin that was peeling of him, was jawing loud.

"Aaaah whow how jaaaahh, by the god of war, this was the first time that I took a winter nap. How are you , my love?"

The female, a 1.81 meter tall red cobra, same build like the male but with a female touch and breasts DD size, was stretching with her tail up and her hands on the bed.

" Hmmmm, well my dear, I only found the few hours before the nap were the best of this whole winter. The rest was borring and you snorted in the begging."

She looked at a the clock and saw that it was 3 march and 8. o'clock. "Only 2 hours before our guests arrive. What will we do in the meantime?"

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 8:20 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

((well okay i will hit up in this rp))

finally the first day of spring had creeped up on the sleepy town of bon bon but within the house near the forest a lankey king cheetah was allready up and tieing his hair back into that familer pony tail

with the winter months becuse of being a short haired feline he had been out of town for three minths and only retuned a quople iof nights ago he had been a little surpised to find a note on his doorstep from twowell rather unqiue indervidual in this town

forst was a green cobra someone link know since he arrived here and a fellow spar partner both would end bruised and sore after there traing sessions ad another was a red cobra who was well rather fpund of the spotted feline and had no problem with showing it in public and out public

but hadding read the note he was asked to come round at ten am to see them corse link would look diffrent to the last time they saw him he looked a little rougher then useall and more toned but other then that normal

picking his outfit he put it on and decide to fond that bottle of age [erfected wine and choclates for dunya and well for henn k link had decide to purcase the guy some new weights for his traing laden with his gifts he steped outside and locking the door looked up feeling the warm sun this was more his weather and pushed in to town to the cobras home
let my chains be broken so i can fly

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 1:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

(sorry posted but ill just wait till another tiem or later)
Andrew Sloth:

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 23, 2013 12:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Henk and Dunya walked to the bathroom. After taking care of the small room, they entered the shower.

The man took some soap and started to clean his wife. The hot water was spattering on there head and steam filled the room.

"Hmmm, dear maybe we should wait until..hhmm that's good!!!" Dunya stopped when Henk stroke her breasts.

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 23, 2013 1:10 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

the lankjey cheetah yawned in the warm soring sun he didnt feel much like useing his speed to ge to the cobras's place witch naturely would have taken half the time

but looking at his watch he was running a little late and sighed "guess i better run then or henk will probaly kick my arse for beinf =g late and only god knows what dunya would do to me"

link muttred as he broke into a run and shoot past the little forest that worked it's way towards henks and dunya's

as he slid across the gravle he took a breath and looked up "well that was quick hmm little matter be nice to see them again so...."

link sighed and walked up the pavement before stopping outside there door and pushing the doorbell
let my chains be broken so i can fly

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 28, 2013 2:52 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Henk and Dunya stopped when they heard the doorbell. "Looks like someone is a bit early. Let's teach that person a lesson!"

Henk and Dunya both runs to the front door and opened it to see who it was.

When they saw it was a king cheetah called Link, they knew what to do with him.

"Link good of you to come over on this sunny day!" Dunya hugged the fur and gave him a deep tongue kiss.

Henk took the things out the cheetah's hands and placed them on a table in the hall.

He saw that Dunya was still kissing him and was letting go. He waited until they let go and then put Link on his shoulder and carried him to the Masterbedroom.

Henk laid him on the bed, on the back with head to the front, and chained his arms to the bedpost.

Dunya had chained his legs to the posts. "So our dear friend, we will finish our shower and then will get our first sex party of this year. And you will wait and be the quest of honor. Do go away!" And the snakes walked back to the bathroom and started there shower fast.

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 28, 2013 4:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

the king cheetah had that strange feeling maybe he should of been a little more slower and on time as he quickly checked his watch abd saw he was near to an hour earlier curse him and his need to be quick on things

he heard scampering behind the cobra's doors and found it rather amuseing as normaly the one to open the door was th red cobra or more to be escat dunya the red cobra or in links opion dunya the dominateing sexy red cobra

as the door opend he was greeted by none other then the over esactic red cobra "yeah sorry im early you know me all about spee........" of corse he never finshed as dunya had kissed him and a bit deeply as well

the next thing he knew as the cobra broke the kiss he was over the green ones shoulder and the cheetah was not amused as he was naturly the bigger one at being a foot and a half talled then both snakes

"HENK....dont you....ohhh for god sake" link was not very amused as the next thing he was on there bed and more or less hancuffed to it he rattled the chaines and gave a look of venom

he should have know this was gonna happen i he came round of corse the cuffs he could snaop eaisley but henk may be more forgiveing but dunya yeah not a smart move last time he had broke the cuffs dunya made sure he was going no where link then looked at both snakes with a very bemused look

"look i kn ow you two just woke up from hibernation but is this nessacary?..... HEY" link shouted as they walked of to there shower and he rattled the chain in a annoyed fashion on this happing yet again?

((uhhh just rember henk link is straight and not to be a arse and that but i plan to keep it that way my friend))
let my chains be broken so i can fly

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ref pic of link the king cheetah
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 10:09 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

(mind if i join)

Andrew gets ready by cleaning himself off and getting some things he will need. also brings some gifts from his homeland in america where he was for christmas.

He wlaks to Dunyas and Henks. Knocks on the door.

"I hope i'm not late" he says udner his breath.
Andrew Sloth:

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 12:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Henk and Dunya walked to the bathroom and started there shower again.

After 5 minutes they finished it and begin to dry them up. "Hmm, Dunya where did you put those cockring away?" asked Henk

"I put them in the living room, the blue closet, and the master bedroom in left side of the bed in the second draw." Said Dunya.

After getting a whip, a knife, a couple of clamps, a ring gag and a blindfold the 2 snakes headed back to the chained up cheetah.

"So now we 'Mister who come so early to disturb our lovemaking' what for excuse do you have? " Dunya swinged the whip and let is sound just above Link's head.

"You are now at the mercy of my very angry wife Link, have a painful time" and after letting a demonic laugh the male left the room.

Henk then hear the bell again. "By the war gods, who is that?" Still nude Henk opened the door and said "So and what do you want for punishment?" the snake took fur by his shoulders gave a strong squeeze.

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 1:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

at this time now link was very unamused he was use to dunya's more then effastic way of well..... wanting fun but was this all nessacary?

as he heard the snakes finsh link rattled on the chains again and remined himself to kick henks butt for this well that was if dunya didnt break him first as the last time she had sex with the cheetah she had been so pent up she near broke his ribs

link's ears flicked to henks choice of words and he snarled "wait WHAT.....HENK.........HENK DONT EVEN THI......DAMN IT...... he then eyed the red cobra and rattled the chain in a cheesy fashion

"hehe hello dunya....." the feline said rather stupidly and allready knwoing dunya wasnt to much of the mercy kind but she also wasnt thr kind to force something on another if they really didnt like it

links eyes then darted to the odd mixtre of tools she had asked for and to see hen k leave him with whjat he descired as a very pissed of dunya and as she craked the whip links ears shot back as he knew he was in for a rough ride with the snake

"ahhh come on dunya im a cheetah i dont ever consider my speed as a issue ahhhgg come on watch it woth that thing.......dunya whats all that stuff for? come on give me a break last time you got over exited you near broke my ribs?"

link soad in a worried tone as he rattled the chain on the temption to break them but knowing he had a now pissed snake or wanting sex one on his hands well she woudnt really hurt him to the point they where freinds after all ughh right?
let my chains be broken so i can fly

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 8:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

"Um sorry about this henk, whats going on"

he sadi as his eyes opened wide because he never saw a snake or anyone exactly open ther door nude.
Andrew Sloth:

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 4:53 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Henk smiled and said " Well Dunya is having Link tied up on the bed and I'm horny to. So I wanna have sex to."

Dunya stepped up the bed and place her left foot on the belly of the cheetah and pushed softly.

"If I remember correctly, I broke your ribs while you were fucking my tail hole with only my legs untied. But thats in the past. First that mouth of yours need to be used not for talking but for licking and tasting." Dunya took the ring-gag and placed it in the mouth of the cheetah. Thanks for its design the tongue of Link had to be placed trow the ring so that he could use it for the mistress.

When the gag was tied behind his head. Dunya kissed the cheetahs nose, while kisses from his nose over his face to his left ear. Then she begins to nibble, kisses, suck in his ear.

After a few minutes teasing him, the woman goes kissing to his neck, his adams apple, to his chest. Dunya moves away and takes the knife. Slowly, teasingly she begins to cut the cheetah's clothes away.

When the chest is bare she noticed the nipples of Link "Oh my my, you enjoy it to have your clothes be cut, my slave. Let's see if I get some milk from your nipples."

Dunya begins to pull, to suck, nibble, bite softly on the cat's left then right nipple.


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PostPosted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 6:25 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

link was not amused with dunyas proud statment and replyed back in a bit of a moddy wisper

"auctly it was cowgirl style vaginal sex when ya near broke my ribs with your over exitmend moment till i had to stop you by holding your waist in place to stop your bounceing....... wait what you mean......dont even think about putting that on m.......

a few secounds past and link's eyes where now narroowed into slits of anoyonce as dunya had gagged him ewhy did this always happen to him he hated it hen she did this to him but thern this was dunya for crist sake he coudnt argue with her

he wiggled around makeing the hains of his cuff rattle noisely as he was now getting very tempted to snap them to get revenge back on her but then again that could result in her loseing her temper of worse biteing him again like last time

he just gave up now and rattled thr chain as she begane her little kiss and sucking and his eyes narrowed more as he mumbled makeing himslef slobber a little

"ghhnnmm dun,,,ghh co........ghhh" lin k mumbled as his wordsjust sounded horrible and he didnt like theslobber no more he wished she would of not used the gag but well she liked her fun so why complain for now but as she moved to his niplle and sucked he jolted makeing her slide up his chest and stop her sucking as he was senrtive there

she coudnt get angry at that right everyone was senertive in some place he then mumbled his words but still it sounded terrible "du....hguuu dunya.....ghhh tughhhughh turn?"

the cheetah said now wanting some little revenge and a little taste of the cobras pussy himself but woth the gag he was unable to repky with what he wanted but prehaps she all ready know
let my chains be broken so i can fly

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 10:16 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

"That sounds .. Wait did i just hear what i thoguht i heard, i thought this was a meeting"

He said as he passed Henk some thigns he got from home some muffins and some wine.
Andrew Sloth:

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 8:48 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

( sorry took so long but study kept me away)

Dunya starts to cut the rest of the cheetah's clothes away. Now she had a complete nude muscled male at her mercy.

She turned so that her love place was now pressing at the sword of the cheetah.

"Well Link, since you thought that the last time was to 'hard' and 'rough' for you I will go slow at you!" She then stroke the penis of Link and put the head in her pussy.

Slowly, cm by cm, she lowered her self on him. Because she hadn't any sex in 3 months she was a bite tight. She looked at the clock in the bed room, by her counting, she had take 25 minutes to get so deep as possible to get Link inside.

Henk on the otherhand, took the wine and others supplies with him and put them on the table.

"Well lets have a drink then and tell me how's the 'wife' Andrew?"


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PostPosted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 10:46 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

"I'll just have sweet ea, i don't drink alcohol. Also I'm i'm single Henk."

After he said this felt awkward sense he's in a house he hasn't been in before and having two in a room having "Relations".

"But how were you being away from town, i didn't mean the whole single thing to sound weird i never married just have different relations with people"
Andrew Sloth:

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 3:36 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Henk smilled. "You have to know that snake normally only be together for sex, fighting, births and death.And even then only when they want to. " the cobra male showed his smile with all his teeth.

"But now lets have some tea then." Henk made a pot of green tea and put some in 2 cups and with milk and sugar near it.

"But tell me how do you think that your life will be when you are married, having kids and all the burdens of life?"


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PostPosted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 9:47 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

((sorry for my late reply been having to correct a few things in my RL))

link narrowed his eyes at dunya he know she wasn't one to say no to but was it really nessacry to cut his clothes apart? but arguing with her wasn't really something he could do right now

he then blushed a little and rattled the chain to his arms to ignoie it as dunya seemed more then ready for a little fun

"well not to slow I can handle it so long as ya don't get to over exited but knowing you ya will dunya benn a while since I guess you had sex with ya hibernation and everything?" link then gritted his teeth as she put the head of his manhood inside her

it was strange as she was tohether then ever and ;lin k panted before softly raiseing one of his handcuffed arms "dunya could you maybe free one of my arms...... so I can...... umm pay you sopme attione?"

link panted sopftly as his eyes where fixated on the red scaled breat's of the lovely snake
let my chains be broken so i can fly

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 10:40 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

"I'm not really sure. I jsut hope it works out i jsut wnat a normal life and it wil probable be better.
Andrew Sloth:

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 1:36 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Dunya was so enjoying this slowly ride, that it took her a few minutes to see that Link wanted be lose and take car of her on more ways.

She took the key looked at the pleaying cheetah, yes it was now time to let him earn his freedom.

"Hmm, listen dear and listen well. I will put the chains of you and that gag to. In return you will be my servant for the rest of the week. I will not put you in a position that will make you angry of sad, but you will follow every command of me and follow them perfectly. For small slip ups I will punish you, but you only will be punished by me and for my eyes and ears only."

Dunya laid the key at the chest of Link. She then took the gag and removed it. She then let the cat work his jaws around, before she kissed him deep.

While kissing him, she begin to tickle his balls with her tail. Slowly, fast, stroking. After a few minutes she stopped kissing. "So what do you say?"


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PostPosted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 4:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

link looked up seeing she was kinda focused and lost in her enjoyment and he slowly shock the chain again before she relised he winced a little thinking she would be angry with having her foucus broke but on the contra she seemd rather relaxed

his eyes travled to where her key was and he blin ked as she picked it up and seemd in a more relxed and happy state link had the feeling it was because she was getting to have sex after such a long time and she was waiting for this for some time

link had to nod to let her see he was listening to her words as he was still gagged she seemd more then happy to have him under her control but her deal sounded temopting not like normal where she was no mercy it looked like she just wanted some fun and link know secretly she enjoyed have sex and control of someone bogger then herself

she tehn laid the key on his chest to remove his gag witch made link splutter a little as it had caused a large build up of salvia witch he swallowed then moved his jaw as it was sore and he wasn't use to having a gag shoved in his mouth

but he felt her move witch made him wimpera little as he was still inside her pussy and the deep kiss made more then up for the gag's soreness

he shiverd a little and rattled the chain as her lovely tail went to rubbing at his balls and moveing and opeing his jaw a few times he looked up and gave a small smile

"I agree dunya to your terms my lovely red cobra goddess" link panted a little as he shock the chaon to his right arm askig her to free it so he could give one o her breast's the attione it dersved now
let my chains be broken so i can fly

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ref pic of link the king cheetah
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