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Tariel_Uhara Rank: Senior Member
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Tariel_Uhara Rank: Senior Member
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Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 12:53 am Post subject: |
The alarm was going off inside of the small ship.
"WE'RE GOING DOWN!" The small Escavator was hit on the right engine. Edward, the pilot, strapped hisself down. The crew in the back, including Commander Utar Rizel, held onto the safety straps hanging from the ceiling.
"Brace for impact!" Edward shouted. The Escavator slammed into the ground.
A few minutes later, the Escavator door creaked open. Rizel crawled out and stood up, turning to help Edward climb out. "Are the others okay?" Edward asked. Rizel lifted the damaged door as high as his strength would allow. The other three squadmates crawled out from the rubble.
Rizel dropped the door once the last member crawled out. "We got shot down 2000 yards from the drop zone. But with those AA-turrets nearby, we can't call for reinforcements or a pick-up." Rizel turned around and dusted off a few embers from his armor. "Is everyone okay?" _________________ My fursona: Tariel Uhara
Forward Unto Dawn (open rp)
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Tariel_Uhara Rank: Senior Member
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Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 11:55 pm Post subject: |
The nods and grunts from the crew assured him that his team was ok.
"Dawn, this is Drop Crew 01. Our Escavator was shot down. Call off Drop Crew 02, there are too many AA-turrets. Wait for my signal," Rizel spoke over the radio.
"Roger, Drop Crew 01. Delaying Drop Crew 02 'til your signal," the voice responded.
Rizel looked at his crew. "We've landed close to one of those AA-turrets. We need to disable it before the second drop team can join us."
"What is this mission about, Commander?" Edward asked. Rizel sighed.
"We had orders to drop in covertly and take out the smuggling base hidden here on this unknown planet. The smugglers call it Yaven. We had a tip from a now rogue member of the group who realised what was really going on. They've been robbing military ships and sending the ships to dark space to self-destruct. We're here to clean it up and retrieve the stolen weapons," Rizel stated. _________________ My fursona: Tariel Uhara
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Hazzyrdous Rank: Super Veteran

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Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 1:39 pm Post subject: |
He'd had better days...of that he was definately certain.
Hazzyrdous looked down each length of corridor in the delapitated warehouse that was being used as a forward operations base for the band of cutthroats that he had taken the job to ferry people to and from assignments. Assignments....that's what they had called it. Ferrying troops to board a military cargo ship, slaughter the crew, and steal the cargo ..sending the ship off to be destroyed.
Stealing was one thing, a thing could be replaced....life..that was a different matter all together and the smugglers had crossed a line with him. So here he was...finding a safe place to transmit and pray that someone was out there to hear him. Quickly he took out the plastisheet that held the code phrases he was to use to contact the extraction team. Making a prayer to any diety that still favored him..and a few he thought were worth throwing the dice for..he spoke swiftly.
"White Knight, this is Black Pawn, do you copy over. White Knight, this is Black Pawn....friggin answer already...." _________________ Marco Antonio Hazzardi |
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Tariel_Uhara Rank: Senior Member
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Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 2:38 pm Post subject: |
"Sir, a radio transmission from an unknown source," Edward stated, "What should I do?"
"Patch it through." Edward nodded and pressed a few keys on his arm-pad.
"...Knight....ack Pawn....you cop..."
"Boost the transmission, it's not coming through clear," Rizel said.
"...White Knight, this is Black Pawn....friggin answer already..."
"This is White Knight, we copy. We were shot down a good distance from the facility. We're gonna have to destroy the AA-turrets set up around here so the second team can land. How are you holding up?" _________________ My fursona: Tariel Uhara
Forward Unto Dawn (open rp)
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Hazzyrdous Rank: Super Veteran

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Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 3:20 pm Post subject: |
Equal parts relief and frustration fought for dominance within him as he heard the answer to his call.
"Okay..listen up and listen fast because I don't have time to repeat it. " looking down at the sheet and groaning at the phrase." King's Rook 4 to Black Queen's 5. Seriously..the people you work with have WAY too much time on their hands to come up with code phrases. Don't be late...Last shipment they pulled in was hardware for a Marine Platoon. M-35 pulse rifles and a friggin Manticore Tank." he broke off the transmission before the timer on his watch beeped...ensuring that his broadcast couldn't be traced...but that didn't protect him if someone at the warehouse picked up on a random scan...he had to make himself scarce..and fast. _________________ Marco Antonio Hazzardi |
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Tariel_Uhara Rank: Senior Member
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Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 8:26 pm Post subject: |
"Alright, you heard the man. We need those turrets down, ASAP! We move together and take no unnecessary risks." Rizel and his squad started towards the first AA-turret. "Edward, since you're not fight-savy, stay here with the Escavator and see what you can salvage or do with it, but be wary. They might come looking for survivors shortly."
Edward nodded and began working on the small ship. _________________ My fursona: Tariel Uhara
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Tariel_Uhara Rank: Senior Member
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Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 2:55 am Post subject: |
The team quickly arrived at the first AA-turret. The guards around it were completely unaware of their presence, or their survival. Rizel nodded to the GSF Marine Sniper they had brought along.
The soldier was a short, brown hawk. Known only as "KS" (Kill Shot) by his division, he was reknowned for his undying accuracy and the skill to always kill with a single shot. His rifle was the most up-to-date, and powerful sniper rifle. He had it upgraded on the black market to fire infrared shots invisible to the naked eye and shoot silenced shots. His is a one-of-a-kind. He was given the task to support the squad until the mission was complete. He also has a personal vendetta in this stake, for his best friend was on the previous ship raided. He had a transmission from him a few minutes before the ship blew. His friends last words were "Live strong and fly free", an oath the two took at an early age.
"KS, take 'em out. We'll move up. Once the first turret is down, move on to the second and we'll move up on your go," Rizel spoke.
KS moved up the hill to have a better vantage point. Rizel used his visor to zoom in on the tower where the turret was. The guard watching their direction was hit in the temple of his head and his body fell over the rails into the forest below. "Move!"
The team moved forward. Two more guards fell into the forest below as they reached the stairs to the turret. "We cannot mess up here. They can't know we're up here 'til the first turret blows," Rizel ordered. He nodded to the first squadmember to move up. Following closely behind was Rizel and the second member. _________________ My fursona: Tariel Uhara
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Katmir Rank: Super Veteran

Joined: 20 Jan 2010 Posts: 1661
Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 10:42 pm Post subject: |
= At the base of the AA-turret =
Lieutenant Mahal took aimpoint with his M55 assault rifle and crossed the path before Commander Rizel up to the stairs. "Sir, you know these smeg-heads captured a Samarkand Class second generation aerospace carrier right out of Captain Kirenski's Elysium Fleet? I've always wanted to fly one of those dinosaurs..."
The green fox held his paw up then shook two fingers. A moment later, he flatlined three guards at the top of the stairs. He ran up, signaling to the others that the immediate area is clear. He enlarged a video feed on a nearby console and barked.
"Eddie better get the DS1 in shape. Another AA Turret just got up on a pair of Shiki 41 legs, and it's coming this way."
* _________________ "In Excelsis Neo."
Katmir's fursona collection: http://forums.pleasurebonbon.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=10161 |
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Hazzyrdous Rank: Super Veteran

Joined: 13 Jul 2010 Posts: 1555
Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 11:01 pm Post subject: |
The Warehouse was a study in organized chaos as the smugglers started to mobilize, the actions of the drop team finally gaining their full attention as criminals, cut throats, and miscreants alike started to raid the very ill gotten gains that they had intended to sell on the black market.
Hazzyrdous, however, had a altogether different plan. Rule No. 32: Never go into an operation without an exit strategy. He thought to himself as he made his way down to the Hanger facility that had been set up underneath the hangar. Parked within the spacious expanse that shared the vista of a wide canyon was Hazzyrdous's exit strategy, the AT-204c Stallion Troop carrier the smugglers had been using to board cargo vessels. Looking about to make sure he was not observed, he quickly boarded the vessel..moving to the Control Cabin and grinning amiable at the Mastiff who was currently sitting at the control chair.
"What are you doing here, Rat. its not you........agggchkkk" the Canine wasn't given a chance to finish his insult as Hazzyrdous jabbed the Volt Stunner into his shoulder...effectively shorting out his motor functions and a good part of his short term memory.
"Sorry, Fido. Change in plans. I've got friends to pick up and my ass to save." Hazzyrdous quiped as he chucked the Mastiff out the passenger ramp and closed it up, swiftly running up to the cabin and making preperations for lift off. _________________ Marco Antonio Hazzardi |
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Tariel_Uhara Rank: Senior Member
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Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2012 2:33 am Post subject: |
-First AA tower-
"Hell, it must be coming as a back-up," Rizel spoke.
"Rizel, I do believe an officer in the back called for back-up. He's on the radio." KS shot the officer once his video screen cut off, so as to not draw anymore attention.
The squad moved up the stairs. "We need to take out the soldiers on here quick. How many are left, KS?" Rizel asked.
"5... 4. There in a room taking shelter. I can't hit them from this angle."
"Let's start planting the charges. Lt. Mahal, take the far side." Rizel tossed him two explosive charges. "Place them at 240 degrees Northwest and 20 degrees North." Rizel and the other squadmate moved to plant the other charges.
Rizel planted his charge as the other member planted his. "Hurry! The other AA-turret is closing in." KS took down two soldiers from the side of the AA's platform.
"Lt. Mahal, are your charges planted? We'll wait 'til they're right on top of us then blow these turrets sky-high." _________________ My fursona: Tariel Uhara
Forward Unto Dawn (open rp)
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Katmir Rank: Super Veteran

Joined: 20 Jan 2010 Posts: 1661
Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2012 1:43 pm Post subject: |
"Ready to zoom and boom, sir.", answered Lt.Mahal.
The thundering noise of the mechanized weapon slowly made the AA turret structure vibrate as it approached. The green renard's ears twitched backwards and he swiftly aimed his rifle around and behind his squadmate, firing twice. An enemy soldier fell into the small room he was hiding in.
"Stand down, or I'll frag you in there!", he shouted, blocking the line of sight from the door to his squadmates with his stance. He readied his secondary barrel with an incendiary grenade and aimed for the gap in the door.
* _________________ "In Excelsis Neo."
Katmir's fursona collection: http://forums.pleasurebonbon.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=10161 |
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Tariel_Uhara Rank: Senior Member
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Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 3:33 am Post subject: |
"Hold your fire, Lt. Mahal," Rizel said. The walking AA-turret was drawing ever closer in the background. "We don't want to give the other soldiers on the other turret a reason to fire yet."
The wounded enemy soldier grunted. "Those of you in there, I will give you a single chance to surrender. You will be arrested if you choose to give up. Or we can blow you sky high with the turrets. It's up to you. Toss out your weapons if you give," Rizel demanded.
The soldiers threw out their guns. "Walk out with your hands up," Rizel said, "KS, don't shoot."
"Roger." The soldiers walked out, hands raised. "Go down the ramp and wait. Our friend here will watch you 'til we are done here." The second squadmate walked the captives down and off the AA-turret platform.
"Lt. Mahal, follow me." Rizel jumped over the rail into the forest below with Lt. Mahal behind. "We're gonna plant two charges over there," Rizel pointed to a clearing, "and blow it when the walker steps on it. When it falls on the loaded tower here, we blow the tower, taking down both easily." Rizel handed him a charge. "Plant it at that tree there, then run back to where there others are." Rizel ran to his planting spot as Lt. Mahal went to his.
The ground was shaking. The sound of crunching trees was close. "Whatever you do, you guys better do it quick. They're right on top of you," KS stated.
With both charges placed, Rizel and Lt. Mahal hurried back to the others. KS, still on his vantage point, was watching the turret's position. "Now!" he shouted as the turret stepped in the clearing. The explosion blew out one leg and the walker fell towards the stationary turret. On impact, the remaining bombs were triggered and both turrets were blown to pieces.
An alarm sounded in the distance, from the facility. "Edward, is the Escavator up and ready?" Rizel shouted over the radio. Edward ran out of the forest behind them. "No, Commander. I erased the travel history. I heard soldiers talking nearby and quickly erased everything."
"Damn, We're gonna need a way closer. Drop Crew 02 can't get in 'til the last AA tower is down." Rizel opened his comm channel and searched for the rogue soldier.
"Black Pawn, this is White Knight. What is your status? I repeat, what is your status? Over." _________________ My fursona: Tariel Uhara
Forward Unto Dawn (open rp)
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Hazzyrdous Rank: Super Veteran

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Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2012 11:15 am Post subject: |
Hitting the start up sequence on the antiquated troop transport, Hazzyrdous heard his comm unit start to transmit again. Picking it up and speaking into it as he piloted the Stallion out of the hangar admit all the confusion that was going on.
"Black Pawn here. I'm outbound on a borrowed ride and waiting for you to give me a location. Be advised, I'm in a stolen Stallion transport, so don't get all trigger happy if you see one heading your way." he spoke as he brought the old transport level and hovered a kilometer away from the hangar entrance. _________________ Marco Antonio Hazzardi |
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Katmir Rank: Super Veteran

Joined: 20 Jan 2010 Posts: 1661
Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2012 11:58 am Post subject: |
Lt.Mahal was done confiscating the captured soldier's knives into his knapsack. He kept his rifle trained in their direction and said, "Remember that cooperating with us increases your chances of survival. Stand at attention until further notice."
He stepped backwards until he was near his Commander. "Orders, sir?"
* _________________ "In Excelsis Neo."
Katmir's fursona collection: http://forums.pleasurebonbon.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=10161 |
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Tariel_Uhara Rank: Senior Member
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Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2012 12:56 pm Post subject: |
"Roger, Black Pawn." Rizel turned to Lt. Mahal. "I think we'll hand 'em over to the Fleet Admiral after all this," Rizel said to Katmir. Rizel turned on his locator on his wrist-tech. "Black Pawn, can you see this location on your radar?" _________________ My fursona: Tariel Uhara
Forward Unto Dawn (open rp)
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Hazzyrdous Rank: Super Veteran

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Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 9:40 pm Post subject: |
Hazzyrdous was having a bit of a time flying the antiquated Stallion troop carrier in atmosphere, the bulky vessel was more akin to a slanted box and was more suited to boarding parties in space then atmospheric flight. One hand still on the stick as he tuned one of the multipurpose monitors to receive the signal.
"White Knight, I read you about 40 clicks from my current position. Going to take a little detour to avoid line of sight detection..." his transmission was cut off as suddenly he ducked involuntarily from the sound of a passing vessel crowding his foward space. " Correction White Knight. Heading to your location now. Be advised...opposition is in pursuit and they have a Wasp on my tail. Designation Alpha Foxtrot - Seven, Variant Charlie. Tell me you boys can tell the difference between me and it...because if I get shot down because you can't...well..I'm defiantely going to a little miffed." he broke the transmission off and pushed the throttle as far as it would go..hoping that this guy on the other side of the radio was as good as he was lead to believe. _________________ Marco Antonio Hazzardi |
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Tariel_Uhara Rank: Senior Member
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Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 11:21 pm Post subject: |
"Acknowledged, Black Pawn." Rizel cut transmission but left the locator on. "Squad, settle in. I've left the locator on so Black Pawn can find us, but that also means others will see us, too." Rizel tossed Edward a pistol. "Everyone dig in, this will be a good firefight. We need to get up on the remains of the AA tower. Higher ground will allow us a better advantage." Rizel and his squad ran up to the tower as a drop ship landed about 100 yards from the squad's position. "KS, we're gonna need you over here."
"Roger, on the move!" KS quickly darted out from his position. Fire went in his direction. "Comin' in hot!" KS shouted, dodging enemy laser fire.
Rizel popped out of cover and dropped 2 soldiers, one killed and the other wounded. "Thanks, Commander." KS said ducking into cover.
"We need to hold out here until Black Pawn can arrive." Laser fire zoomed throught the air around the squad's position. _________________ My fursona: Tariel Uhara
Forward Unto Dawn (open rp)
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Katmir Rank: Super Veteran

Joined: 20 Jan 2010 Posts: 1661
Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 9:44 pm Post subject: |
"A Stallion carrier? Hey, my grandpaw flew one of those! That's a classic that doesn't belong in Darkspace. At forty clicks on max thrust it'll be here in two reloads." commented Lt.Mahal. He fired frag grenades at nearby debris and far side combatants to maximize shrapnel damage to the enemy.
"I just hope we find the stolen cache so I can fly that ol' pterodactyl back to Base. That'll be sweet... Heads up, squad! Exoskeletons in the wave comin' our way. Aim for their joints and powerplants."
The green fox climbed higher up on the destroyed walker's hull and made precision shots on the soldiers. _________________ "In Excelsis Neo."
Katmir's fursona collection: http://forums.pleasurebonbon.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=10161 |
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Tariel_Uhara Rank: Senior Member
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Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 2:54 am Post subject: |
"Maybe, but we need to hold until it arrives. As for the rest of the plan, We might have to go in under looks of surrender. It might be our only way in." Rizel popped over the barricade and took two shots at one of the Exos. "Crap, missed."
A second dropship arrived carrying a dozen more soldiers. "KS, take down those Exos. Don't let 'em close!"
"Roger." KS Took a shot and blew one of the Exo's arm nearly completely off. "Held on by tech. Figures."
Rizel's ears perked at the sound of thrusters in the distance. "Watch for the ship Black Pawn is in. He'll be in front," Rizel directed the other squadmate.
"Sir, I think this AA-turret is semi-operational. We may be able to take out Black Pawn's tail." Rizel looked at the gun. He saw one of the turret barrels was undamaged.
"Good find, KS. Edward. Work with KS and see if you can get that thing operational. Make it quick."
"Yes sir!" Edward said with a quick salute. He stood to run, but was shot in the arm and fell to the ground. "Edward!" Rizel shouted.
"Just my left arm," he grunted standing up again, "Didn't use it too often anyways. Let's get to work, KS." Edward walked up the slope to the turret.
"Lt. Mahal, we need to give these guys cover while they work." Rizel blindfired over the cover and hit the driver of the dropship through the window, sending it crashing down. Rizel peeked over the cover to see what he hit, and saw the dropship crash, but noticed the crew had already dropped. "Lucky shot, I guess. Too bad the goons didn't go with," he said with a smirk. _________________ My fursona: Tariel Uhara
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Katmir Rank: Super Veteran

Joined: 20 Jan 2010 Posts: 1661
Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 9:30 am Post subject: |
"Aye, Commander!" he replied, turning the enemy's weapons into backfiring explosives with trick shots. He ducked, noting his squadmate's positions at the working turret. Lt.Mahal had a false start when laser fire hit the edge of his hiding spot, but he dove away from his mates and brought incoming fire towards his new vantage point, which allowed him to survey the area.
"That crash still has KDR potential..!" the fox said, deliberarely firing off three frag rounds in its direction. The first took out an Exo's leg. When it broke its fall, the second round blew its powerplant, creating a rift in the crashed carrier's weakened hull. Lt.Mahal fired the third round into the ship's debris, causing a great explosion that finished it off and pacified the field considerably. He reloaded his M55 and knocked down more soldiers approaching their position.
"I've got 'em claiming wheelchairs! Get that firecracker smokin' before reinforcements land!" _________________ "In Excelsis Neo."
Katmir's fursona collection: http://forums.pleasurebonbon.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=10161 |
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Tariel_Uhara Rank: Senior Member
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Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2012 2:57 am Post subject: |
The turret whired to life. "Got it!" Edward shouted. KS jumped down and landed next to Rizel. "Commander, another dropship incoming," KS said.
"I've got this one. This is payback, you sons of-" Edward's shout was cut off by the AA's loud blast. The shot hit the dropship on the right side, sending it hurling towards the clearing below the turret. The impact caused the ship to blow up, with the explosion taking out the few remaining enemies on the field.
"Good shot, Ed. Now spin it around and take out Black Pawn's tail."
"Roger that, Commander." Edward spun the turret towards the aproaching ships. He waited until the following ship was in range. "Blamo!" The laser blast took off the left wing of the ship. The ship crashed into the ground nearby with a big explosion.
"Black Pawn, this is White Knight. The surrounding area is pacified, you are clear to land," Rizel said through the comms channel. Rizel switched off his locator, so they wouldn't attract anymore ships to their location. _________________ My fursona: Tariel Uhara
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Katmir Rank: Super Veteran

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Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2012 7:51 am Post subject: |
The green fox fired his last shots and laughed. "Two reloads timed! I know my ships." he said, reloading his rifle. Lt.Mahal covered Edward's exit, then hopped down to the prisoners at the base of the turret.
"Okay, folks keep your ears and tails low, and follow me to the magic bus..!" He paused and took a defensive stance. "Where is he?!"
A warthog pointed to debris from the downed walker, saying "Sarge ran towards the cavalry and picked up a pipe. It was over quickly."
"That's a damn shame, prisoner. Stay low and follow."
Lt.Mahal pointed at their silent squadmate, then himself. "Watch our six.", making a path towards Black Pawn's ship with the captured soldiers. _________________ "In Excelsis Neo."
Katmir's fursona collection: http://forums.pleasurebonbon.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=10161 |
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Hazzyrdous Rank: Super Veteran

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Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 7:40 am Post subject: |
The sound of the old Stallion's engines could be heard as it roared into sight, banking sharply and orientating itself to face the approaching drop team before setting down in the middle of the landing zone.
Hazzyrdous sat in the cockpit, panting. feeling the exhaustion of the day slowly creep up into his bones but he knew that the day was far from over. "I think I lost the Seven Charlie that was trying to follow...but I can't say for sure, White Knight...these guys have been making a habit of being where they are not supposed to be." he muttered into the comlink before shutting it off and closing his eyes...waiting for the soldiers to climb on board. _________________ Marco Antonio Hazzardi |
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Katmir Rank: Super Veteran

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Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2012 10:38 pm Post subject: |
Lt.Mahal squinted at the buffeting wind caused by Black Knight's landing ship. He stepped out into the clearing cautiously, motioning to the captured soldiers.
"Move it or lose it, furries! I've got a fifty credit bet I can fly the stolen weapons cache back to base before prime-time, and I'm not going to lose. Go, go!" _________________ "In Excelsis Neo."
Katmir's fursona collection: http://forums.pleasurebonbon.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=10161 |
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Tariel_Uhara Rank: Senior Member
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Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 1:57 am Post subject: |
"You and your gambling, Lieutenant. If you didn't win so much, I'd say you'd probably be dead from it," the lion stated. Rizel walked behind the prisoners with the other member of the team following. As Lt. Mahal and the prisoners boarded, a transmission came through onto Rizel's comm.
"Commander, this is Dawn. We've recieved a new bit of intel on the ops base here. This is coming from the admiral's intel, so it can be trusted. We just confirmed six hostages are alive from the recent raid on the Kat-9 class cruiser. They are being held in the storage block B-6."
"How did this get to the admiral?" Rizel questioned.
"There were seven hostages, but one got free and had long enough to broadcast a small intel file to the admiral before he was killed."
"Okay, thanks. Keep us posted if any new intel arises. Rizel out." Rizel switched off his comm.
"Alright, this is no longer just a retrieval mission. It has now become a rescue operation as well. By any means necessary," Rizel told his squad as they all climbed aboard.
Rizel walked into the cockpit where Black Pawn sat. "I know this is no time for formalities, but I am Commander Utar Rizel," he said extending his paw to shake. _________________ My fursona: Tariel Uhara
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Hazzyrdous Rank: Super Veteran

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Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 7:57 am Post subject: |
Looking up as he swiveled in the chair, Hazzyrdous took a look at the male who he had been calling Black Knight. Taking a moment to appraise him as he was in the habit of doing in the long time he'd been working on his own..he came to two conclusions. One, that he had been right to trust his instincts and two, there was definately something in the water they were feeding these guys because he was friggin huge....then again...he was a bit on the small side as it was..
"Glad to meet you...You can just call me Hazzyrdous, nearly everyone does..unless they don't like me...then you can take your pick from pretty much any insult you can think of....doesn't matter to me. * taking the hand and giving it a firm shake. _________________ Marco Antonio Hazzardi |
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Tariel_Uhara Rank: Senior Member
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Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2012 2:20 am Post subject: |
The loading ramp hissed as it closed. The entire team had survived and made it safely on board.
"So we still need to get in the base and retrieve what we can of the stolen goods, before it's blown away. The Y-Sector Military are supposed to blow this place sky-high once we've completed our mission. I hate to ask, considering you just escaped from it, but how well do you think you can get us in there without causing any commotion?" _________________ My fursona: Tariel Uhara
Forward Unto Dawn (open rp)
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