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Unchained Tiger (open rp)
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 10:41 pm    Post subject: Unchained Tiger (open rp) Reply with quote

A cold winter wind was breezing through the empty training yard of the academy whipping the cheongsam and long light blue hair adorning Meng Long.Quietly sipping his jasmine tea and walking about the grounds Meng long mulled over his decision to open such place.Meng Long was sure he'd made the right decision by having the demo group perform to rave reviews coupled with ads in the paper to promote his product but weeks had gone by since then.The arctic wolf had taken the last drink of his tea when a smile appeared on his face from his belief that "the mountain will roar with thunder".
“If you love life, don’t waste time, for time is what life is made up of.”

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 6:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

= Katmir Mahal's Flat, above the Clockworks Shoppe =

The green reynard grabbed his white Stetson from the coatrack and twirled it in his paws before popping it on.

"Good mornin', Bon Bon! Hot damn, am I excited about this. Ya'll ready to learn how to look even sexier while kickin' tail or what?"

A tall, powerful blue caribou cleared his throat. "I don't believe that was the focus of their presentation, Mr Mahal. Their strange form of fisticuffs seemed an afterthought."

"Well, it sure ain't square dancing, Hex."

"It's not wrestling either." said a pink fairy armadillo girl with a spanish accent. "I think it was beautiful."

Katmir brushed the long tuft of hair at the end of his snout and licked his chops at her. "Connie, you're the beautiful one. You're still going, right?"

"Si, mi amor. I would love to learn to move like that. I could earn more florins that way.", she said with a wink and a giggle.

Katmir blinked twice and adjusted his crotch. "Me, you, and a lasso later, mamacita. Hey, wait a minute. Where are Tusk and Mimi?"

The blue caribou walked over to a chair and picked up a pair of wrinkled pants with suspenders still attached. "Tuscan and Mireille decided to stay behind and consummate their relationship... in Leng."

"Without us? Dang it. Leng is fun. Well, let's move on out!"

"We should dress first.", said Hex.

Katmir looked down at Hex and Connie's naked bodies, then propped his hat on his lingam.

"Gimmie a minute."

= Gates of Meng Long's Acres =

Katmir, Connie, and Hex wore their modest Italian winter riding clothes to the Asian wolf's extensive property. The design elements were foreign and ornate. That's just how they liked it.

Hex inhaled deeply. "It's a good day."

"You called it. But if we get a blizzard, you get no supper.", replied the green fox.

"If we get snowed in and survive, it is a very good day."

"Ya got me there, pardner."

The pink armadillo girl walked between them, then hooked arms with her men. "I don't think we'll be doing much outside in this cold air. But we can always keep warm. Oh, who is that?"

"In Excelsis Neo."
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 9:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Meng Long couldn't believe the karmic stroke of good fortune as 3 strangers were standing outside his gate.He was certain of his conviction but more certain that nobody would risk coming so far out when a storm was about to come.Without hesitation,Meng Long moved with speed and grace to the entrance of the estate.Placing both palms together in front of his chest and slight bow and speaking with his Temple greeting "Amituofo" followed by "Please come in."as he pulled the gates open.
“If you love life, don’t waste time, for time is what life is made up of.”

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 10:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

a huge lanky feline shiverd before wrapping a scarf more tighly around his neck as the crunh of snow could be heard clearly under his large feet and he cursed under his breath.

he had wounderd for the past hour why the hell he had decide to take this opertuninty to learn about matriel arts espicealy in this weather and how much he hated it

stoping for a secound he hoisted his scrabe to his sword back onto his shoulder and looked up while snarleing angrily the place he was heading was still awhile away and by the looks of it a strom was brewing

another hour had pasted and the huge feline was shivering as he was not use to this weather rubbing his eyes he looked up to see some gates and a group of people witch he quickly made a beeline for hopeing to get out this wearher for a start
let my chains be broken so i can fly

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 21, 2012 10:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The cold winds again unleashed a fury giving rise that the heavens were on the verge of unleashing something wicked.Meng Long seemed unfazed by the onslaught.Years of training with less clothing helped keep him calm in such conditions.Meng Long would've been happy at the prospects that a student nearly as tall as the cheetah approaching.Unfortunately carrying a weapon on to the grounds was a serious mistake. As most people who train themselves with weaponry they don't know tend to lead to serious injuries and even death.Meng Long greeted the cheetah with a more serious infliction in his tone as the words "amitoufu" came out."I normally don't allow anyone on my grounds with weapons especially if they're not trained in how to handle them properly.If not for the weather,I'd make you go back to town and come back."With an ominous voice,Meng Long addressed the group present."Do not mistake my generosity or kindness as a weakness."
“If you love life, don’t waste time, for time is what life is made up of.”

– Bruce Lee
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Artyom Derison
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 22, 2012 1:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Artyom looked down at his map and compass to make sure he had the right heading to intended destination. He had prepared him-self for this journey by bringing along some rations of food and water, purchasing apparel more suited for the cold, and his rifle, and sword just in case. He continued walking for a few more hours and a storm had started to move in and visibly was starting dwindle. He still felt hw could continue, but as time past the storm got worse and worse. He could now only see a few feet in front of him, but as luck would have it he stumbled upon a cave. So he decided to stay their until the storm cleared.
"Why, yes I am a rocket scientist." -My evil twin >.>

My Fursona

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 22, 2012 8:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The unrelenting storm continued its onslaught,a cave was a shelter not just from the storm but from the world itself.The large brown bear was simply going through the motions of rest during the winter and rise in the spring but as the winds howled,they brought about a strange unfamiliar scent and it was enough to rouse the angry giant.In the primal mind of the bear,the intruder is going to leave one or another.
“If you love life, don’t waste time, for time is what life is made up of.”

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 10:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Training Grounds

The skies could no longer contain their fury any longer.The clouds swallowed the sun,the cold breezes became violent gusts chilling the bones of the unwary and white snow falling quickly taking away visibility.Meng Long couldn't wait any longer for anymore students.He had to take the people he had now and if anybody wanted to show up they needed to wait until the storm passed.Closing the iron rod gate,Meng Long had to hurry least his hopeful students became ice sculptures.Meng Long spoke with commanding voice mixed with a sense of urgency as he prepared to get everyone to shelter"Please follow me,quickly!"
“If you love life, don’t waste time, for time is what life is made up of.”

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 10:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The sudden chilling winds almost took Katmir's Stetson off, the chin strap sliding to the end of his snout. Hex lost his top hat, and Connie thanked the spirits for pantaloons.

"Ain't gotta tell me twice, sir! C'mon, darlin'..!" exclaimed the fox to his armadillo girl. The caribou turned towards the king cheetah, and nodded in greeting despite the whirling snowdrifts.

All three followed behind the artic wolf, smiling. They were thrillseekers, after all. And Hex's predictions could be counted on, natural or otherwise.

Katmir noted Meng Long's attire and wondered how he could walk so briskly towards his home in the rapidly dropping temperature. His own fluffy green tail could only do so much in addition to the layers of clothing he had on. The green fox eagerly desired to have Mr Long's ability to stay warm and limber in a blizzard.
"In Excelsis Neo."
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 11:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The winds howled as a loud whistle came from be hide the metal rod gate. A large muscled fox stood at the gate. He stood very tall he had leather pants and just a dress shirt on. His height was easily above 7 feet. Next to him was someone but they had a thick leather fur coat on. It was obvious they were not potential students. The one in the fur coat walked up to the gate. “Meng Long did you forget about me coming over for tea today.” the voice was female. Alexandra was warping that fur coat around her because she had recently shed for the first time. Her summer coat came at a bad time. She had brought her son with her because she figured he could get some kind of work out of Meng Long. It was hard to see Alexandra under the fur coat she looked more like a walking fluff. Alvy was looking at the metal rod gate impressed by the handy work.
Alvy Harston
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 9:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Meng Long definitely recognized the vixen's voice and the female where it came from unfortunately he did forget about Alexandra coming for tea."I hope you'll forgive me,but I've had a lot my mind lately."Meng long said with an apologetic tone.With the storm still continuing to unleash its rage across the mountains.Acting quickly,Meng long took his guests down the large courtyard to a palatial mansion.The mansion was a clash of east meets west with the white tiled floor with the Chinese character shòu.The bamboo walls were adorned with scrolls some with Chinese,Japanese,and Korean characters written on them.Others with paintings of various creatures including dragons,tigers,and qi lin.The air was filled with the scent of sandalwood incense and the sounds people talking emanating from the long dining table.
“If you love life, don’t waste time, for time is what life is made up of.”

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 7:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Andrew walks from his house to meng long acres. After hearing of the activities and needs to find a hobby. He had his best karate absed clothes and for once had a ponytail and head band on.

He walked up and knocked on the door of the acres to get in.
Andrew Sloth:

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 7:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

the cheetah looked at his swords before nerouly shifting them makeing them click in there sthers brfore he rushed up to walk along side meng long

"ya have no fear im proficaly trianed in how to handle these but more on the subject there family heirlooms i never leave home without them but if ya feel it be more practical and safe i have no problems han ding them over to you to look after"

the lanky king cheetah siad in a kind and gentle manner showing he had no intention on ever useing them he then shiverd and snezed before mumbleing on how much he hated the cold weather
let my chains be broken so i can fly

my FA

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 9:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

= Meng Long's Mansion, Foyer =

The blue caribou sighed as he walked inside, "I worked hard for that top hat. Hopefully the winds will carry it back to me."

"Tough break, Hex." said Katmir. "But with your luck, you may get it back before we head back home. Well ain't all this somethin' else? Look at these shiny beasts. Hey... soup's on!"

The pink armadillo turned to see who Meng Long was talking to. Connie saw the tallest renard ever standing next to a beautiful vixen. They had never met, but she had heard about those two foxes around Bon Bon. This day was full of surprises.

She smiled at the king cheetah as he stepped by. Then she noticed a third furry walk up to the gates dressed almost like Mr Long's entourage. "Ay, caramba. That sloth is going to freeze his sack if he doesn't get inside right away. Should we open the gates for them, Katmir?"

The green fox whispered to his girl's ear, "That's the host's discretion, right?"

"Not in a blizzard." said Hex, following Mr Long.
"In Excelsis Neo."
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 10:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

"It's for safety reasons that I don't allow weapons here."Said Meng Long in a reassuring voice to the cheetah."Many things do not intend to happen but they do and the less things I need to worry about,the better.Besides,if you're so trained why do you carry weapons on your back when they leave you wide open?"Meng Long nearly was almost jovial again until he heard the pink armadillo's voice.The Spanish accent stopped Meng Long dead in his tracks and a wave of painful memories from his stay in the Philippines washed over him.It took a few minutes but Meng Long composed himself.Only a few people knew of this part of his past and he wasn't about to let his new students know.Yet.Speaking to the armadillo, Meng Long spoke almost sage like"If you recognize his suffering simply open the door."
“If you love life, don’t waste time, for time is what life is made up of.”

– Bruce Lee
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Artyom Derison
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 10:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The cave was a bit dark and one could hear the winds howling from the storm outside. He found a place to sit and rest for a moment, but that moment turned into a few minutes as he fell asleep
"Why, yes I am a rocket scientist." -My evil twin >.>

My Fursona

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 7:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

"LET ME IN, it's getting cold im not used to this" Exclaimed andrew because he wasnt sure if they could hear him or not
Andrew Sloth:

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 7:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Connie nodded to Mr Meng Long, picked up her sidesaddle riding skirt, and sprinted towards the gate. A cold gust blew her hat away, but she ran through the building snow right up to the metal gateway.

"Hola! Whew! Brisk out tonight, no?" she said, manipulating the latches. "My name is kind of long, but you may call me Connie. Please foxes, Mr Sloth... Hurry inside!"

She pulled and held the gate open for the trio as the snow started coming down thicker. "Oye, pero este frio esta del carajo!", she cursed.

Hex had caught Connie's hat not too far from the mansion, turning to see Katmir run up to his side. "I've got her hat. We've got company."

"What a dame... Let's help 'em over."
"In Excelsis Neo."
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 9:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

A smile appeared on Meng Long's face as he observed the groups' actions.After stealing a quick glance behind him at the students eating had Meng Long quietly uttering to himself "It's been a long time,hasn't it?"as the memories of helping each of the members of his "family" from their first arrival,walking with the younger ones to school,staying up all night when they were sick.The myriad of memories kept flooding the arctic wolf's mind nearly lost in his thoughts.Nearly.Watching the pink armadillo make her way back to the mansion in the storm with a person in tow had Meng Long quietly utter two words to himself:"Guan Yin".
“If you love life, don’t waste time, for time is what life is made up of.”

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 1:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Alexandra looked to the armadillo and nodded. “You don’t have to tell me twice. “ She moved as fast as her legs could carry her in to the home. Inside she removed her heavy fur coat showing that her once white fur was gone, but was now charcoal black with like brown lines all over. Her hair was still the light blue color. Her tail wasn’t as large but still pretty big. “Bad time for my summer coat to come in, I love blizzards.” She had on a dress with a long skirt that just cut off at her ankles and a button up cream colored shirt. “Meng long you seem to have gotten some more guests recently.” Alexandra was paying no mind to anyone else in the house.

Alvy was still at the gate looking at Connie. “Thank you misses.” He slowly made his way to the front door. He was actually enjoying the cold feel on his hands. He had today been distracted when he was forging and grabbed to far down on a metal rod and burned part of his hand. He didn’t wrap it because it wasn’t that bad of a burn. He walked through the doors and shook of any snow on him. He looked at the others who had come back for him and his mother.
Alvy Harston
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 6:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Runs in and sits down in an indian style to get warm and relax "Thank you"
Andrew Sloth:

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 11:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

= Meng Long's Mansion, Courtyard =

Connie had walked with the tall fox halfway, giggling at the blue sloth's rather hurried entrance. She smiled and curtsied as her caribou friend placed her hat on her. There was another cold gust, but Connie held her hat in place. Hex and Connie both turned towards Katmir, who was at the gates.

"Que frio..!", she said with a shiver. "... Are there others, Katmir?"

The green fox's hat was catching a lot of snow, allowing him to take a long view of the mountainside. He was always good at finding trouble, and at the moment it almost felt like trouble.

He almost had to shout over the chilling winds. "I feel like running out there just to make sure! What say you, darlin'?"

The armadillo girl held onto Hex's coat. "Yo se, mi amor! But we should wait until the storm is over! Let's go inside!"

"She's right, Mr Mahal!", concurred Hex.

Katmir looked again towards the mountainside, though all he could see were snowdrifts. "Dammit..!", he said, hoping a hot drink would calm the bother his guts had. He pushed one gate door towards the other, but the snow was packing so it would not shut together. He strained against the wind, but a frigid blast impeded his effort.

"Jiminy Cricket's cock blocking cane! Fuck, it's cold!" he cursed, leaving the gate partially open, and running with his furiends back into Meng Long's mansion.
"In Excelsis Neo."
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 1:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

"Laozi would be shocked to see a near personification of the tài jí tú"Meng Long thought to himself seeing Alexandra in her summer coat.Speaking apologetically to Alexandra again"You'll have to forgive again.Many of my students are home from school and work because of the storm."Meng Long could barely get those words out before a sloth ran passed him and sat on the floor followed by the armadillo and her friends.The sounds of movement could be heard coming from the dining room as the many students set places and dishes for the guests."Perhaps my guests would like to warm themselves by joining me in the dining area instead of the door where it's cold?"
“If you love life, don’t waste time, for time is what life is made up of.”

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 9:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sitting at the table eating and enjoying breakfast amongst the other students or as Meng Long put it; her “brothers and sisters” wearing a long length qi pao was Sofia Silveira. Sofia was a beautiful doe with soft reddish brown fur covering every inch of her athletic frame; raven black hair tied up in a pony tail but could easily flow down to middle of her back. Her eyes a deep forest green and her lips a light shade of pink. Her C-Cup chest pressing against the black silk fabric.She enjoyed wearing these types of dresses because they showed off her long legs and hugged her frame. Upon hearing Meng long’s distinctive voice, her leaf shaped ears twitched followed by her soft yet commanding voice telling the other students to set places for the guests. As the students began to set places for everyone, Sofia was reminded of how far she had come along since her first days. Back then she was a homeless 18 year old girl that was begging and hooking trying to make enough money to eat let alone a place to sleep, have clothes, and get education. Now at 21 she’s a nurse, a senior student, and used her former family’s banking skills to keeping keeping the school profitable.
The way of the Ninja is the way of enduring, surviving, and prevailing over all that would destroy one. More than merely delivering strikes and slashes, and deeper in significance than the simple out-witting of an enemy; Ninjutsu is the way off attaining that which we need while making the world a better place.

- Toshitsugu Takamatsu

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 10:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

the lankey cheetah was the last one to enter the room and where everyone else seemed rather joyfull the cheetah him self remianed quite and kept his eyes averted to the shiny gold ring on his tail

leaneing againt the closist wall his swords gently clicked in there sthers before the feline closed his eyes just waiting for any form of instrustions or conversation between the group then the felines ears twitched in the direction of what the cheetah had to guess was a dineing room

but other then that hr remained leaning againt the wall just gently flicking his tail
let my chains be broken so i can fly

my FA

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 5:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Inside the cave

The bear stood 5' while on all 4's and was 1700 pounds of dark brown fury.The scent of the intruder filling its nostrils only kept fueling the rage.No matter how hard he tried,no matter how dark the cave got the scent of the enemy was just getting stronger and stronger with each step.What seemed like an eternity was now coming to a close.The scent of snow mixed with the intruder's was a cold comfort to the bear that wanted to sleep but now was going to prove that sleeping in a cave was going to be a costly endeavor.
The way of the Ninja is the way of enduring, surviving, and prevailing over all that would destroy one. More than merely delivering strikes and slashes, and deeper in significance than the simple out-witting of an enemy; Ninjutsu is the way off attaining that which we need while making the world a better place.

- Toshitsugu Takamatsu
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 9:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

"Let us make our way to the dining room and enjoy some hospitality.I'm sure you have questions for me." The arctic wolf said with a smile turning to walk towards the massive table.The wolf's movements were again graceful but near silent as though his strange clothing was trying to hide something from the world or worse yet, the thought that maybe just maybe Meng Long was intentionally trying to hide something himself.Glancing over his shoulder with jade green eyes to his guests Meng Long gave his first command of sorts."We do not wear hats or weapons at the table.Please remove them."
“If you love life, don’t waste time, for time is what life is made up of.”

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 8:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

With the arrival of the guests Sofia and the rest of the students stood up and began bowing by placing their right hands closed in a fist into the palms of their left hands.Sofia's heart began to race ever so slightly as Meng Long's jade green eyes scanned the room.She knew he would be upset that she chose to wear a dress instead of a uniform.Sofia was going through a list of excuses in her mind to answer for her choice of wear.But as Meng Long used to tell her "You can fool a lot of people.Just not yourself."How right was he,Sofia chose to wear the dress specifically to get Meng Long's attention be it good or bad.
The way of the Ninja is the way of enduring, surviving, and prevailing over all that would destroy one. More than merely delivering strikes and slashes, and deeper in significance than the simple out-witting of an enemy; Ninjutsu is the way off attaining that which we need while making the world a better place.

- Toshitsugu Takamatsu
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 11:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

= Dining Hall =

It was impressive to see Meng Long's students rise and show such devoted respect upon his arrival. However, Connie and Hex waited for Katmir to respond to Meng Long's house rules.

"Yes, sir..." replied the green fox, "... as long as we get 'em back later."

Katmir removed his jacket and folded it in half, revealing a shoulder harness that holstered two Smith & Wesson revolvers with extra bullets. His belt sheathed a hunting Bowie knife against his tail. Katmir removed these promptly, handing them and his white Stetson over to one of Meng Long's silent students who held an ornate wooden box.

Hex's belt held a pistol and knife, which he gave to the same student. Connie turned her back on everyone and tried to be proper when producing her weapons. She had a small pistol in her blouse, and one on her thigh beneath her large puffy skirt. There was a stilleto knife in her left sleeve which she also turned in to Meng Long's diligent student along with her hat.

"Wait," said Katmir, kneeling down and removing a tribal looking knife from the inside of a riding boot. "Okay, that's all of them, then."

He smiled and assumed the posture Meng Long's students held out of respect. "I'd apologize, but the west is wild and so's the world outside of Bon Bon. We're thankful for your hospitality, Mister Long. Your people look good." He winked at the lady at the end of the large table in the rather chilly dress.

"Thank you.", said Hex, imitating the fist in paw gesture perfectly.

The pink armadillo girl did the same, but curtsied with a giggle. "Yes, thank you for taking us in, sir." , said Connie.

"In Excelsis Neo."
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 3:05 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Alexandra and Alvy stood in shock at how many weapons the green fox had. They both had no weapons on them. Alexandra had strong legs so she could just kick em where it hurts for protection, an Alvy was like a towering behemoth though he had a shirt on it was easy to see he was built.

Alvy decided to state why he is here. “Meng long is it? I come here to see if you need any metal work done. My mother said you had some work needed on some things.” he was a blacksmith and a jeweler like his mother and father. “I also can make jewelry and or fix and alter any.” he walked over to a seat waiting for others to take a seat.

Alexandra decided to take a seat before any one. She saw Meng long's students work rather quickly. Setting up the table for more people. “my your students work fast Meng long. I wouldn’t be rude to ask if you have any tea already I came here just for that and to chat.” Alexandra had a weakness for Meng longs tea.
Alvy Harston
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