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dragonfly Rank: Super Veteran
Joined: 30 Sep 2009 Posts: 9138
Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 2:50 am Post subject: dangerous tricks ((for bluevixen)) |
swishing his tail gently to the noise of the sounds of the noise of the delight castle going on's but didnt pay attione to the noise going on
his thoughts where to the advertisment he had out up for a job but it had been over a week now and no one had replied
sighing he flicked his glass wishing someone would aply but the job it's self wasnt quite what people would think nore was the acutl employer
the advertisment it's self was for a postion as a full time assitant to the king cheetah for witch he held one of them in his hand witch he had been reading the advertisment it's self read
female assitant need for simple help in dangerous yet safe tricks must be willing offer friendly help and be involde in simple tricks
please apply withen delight castle and ask for link collins
pay is very genrous due to danger and a room and meals will be provide along with an outfit
of corse beacuse of the danger of these tricks link slumped in his chair and flicked his glass not exepting anyone to reply and he would have to countie on his own proveing very diffcult as he had to keep steping of stage to fetch things _________________ let my chains be broken so i can fly
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Bluevixen Royal Member of BonBon

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Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 1:07 pm Post subject: |
the cheetah finally pushing his drink away from himself stood up and grabbed aholed of his bag and planned to take a walk around the town placeing his hand in his poket he pulled out a florin and placed it on the table before streatching
then turning around he stoped and blinked as his eyes had fall onto a beautiful blue vixen but her clothes seemed really out of place as they where all torn and rather ragged
"strange why would someone like that walk into her hmmm she not anyone i know or seen before.... poor girl she looks like she has had a bit of a rough time but... despite thst she really is beautiful."
kinda embrassed and going a little red the tall king cheetah decide to hang around a little to see what the blue vixen was here for _________________ let my chains be broken so i can fly
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Bluevixen Royal Member of BonBon

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Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2011 1:17 am Post subject: |
the tall king cheetah about to move on stopped when the blue vixen walked up to him he blinked for a secound before looking at her
"that would indeed be my name ma'am is there something i can do for you....wait are you here for the postion of the job?"
to evreyones surpise despite his height and size his voice would come out very kind and gentle he smiled softly while looking down at the rather short ragged clothed but very pretty blue vixen _________________ let my chains be broken so i can fly
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Bluevixen Royal Member of BonBon

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Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2011 6:16 pm Post subject: |
the king cheetah blinked in surpise as it had been a long time since he had been looking for someone and suddnly this beautiful blue vixen was applyinng for it.
secertly the cheetah was acutly glad no one came forward till she did but he suddnly looked back down at her and blushed at seeing that she was rather busty
"well there is an outfit provied but it will be to small due to your ummmmmm......."
the cheetah went red before quitly saying his next few words
"ya ummm a bit to busty for the outfit but dont worry we can have a look around town and ya can pick one out for yaself and i'll pay for it if ya like miss?"
the cheetah blushed more at his probaly stupid words and not knowing her name _________________ let my chains be broken so i can fly
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Bluevixen Royal Member of BonBon

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Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 5:51 pm Post subject: |
still haveing his nlush in his cheeks he looked her right in the eyes and smiled his own kind one
"no i well that is ummm....... sorry no there fine they wont get in the way and yes i think it would be nice if we went to get you a few nice outfits ou to wear
hmmm it will have to be a bit skin tight as i woudnt want it to catch on anything then i will show ya where it will be you will be liv..........
the cheetah then went brite red seeing that her left nipple poke out her torn ragged top the cheetah's eyes darted to it then back to the vixen and went brite red in the cheeks
"ummmm miss your umm ya........" link bent down and wisperd in her ear "ya nipple is showing..."
the cheetah blush was easy to see _________________ let my chains be broken so i can fly
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Bluevixen Royal Member of BonBon

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Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 1:13 am Post subject: |
link stood back up to his full height and tryed his hardist to not look embrassed but the blush to his cheeks proved other wise because of the beautiful vixen
" are very beautiful....but yes let's go and get you a few outfit's i know of a good place that dose some casual outfits"
link went red before slowly following her and suddnly spotted her extremly fluffly tail and his thoughts shot strait to what it would be like cuddling it
but he shock his head before woundering what kinda outfit she meant then smileing he opened the door for her and steped out after her and blsheing a little he offred his arm to her to be a gentlemen _________________ let my chains be broken so i can fly
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Bluevixen Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 28 May 2007 Posts: 650
Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 11:13 am Post subject: |
Katrin smiles and swayed her tail from side to side as she walked with him inside the store, taking his arm they went inside to look around. Katrin looked over at him sweetly and said, "meet me over by the dressing room, ill pic out some sexy outfits and you tell me if they look good or not." She said with a little wink as she goes off by herself to surprise him with the outfits she has chosen. Then once she has gotten a good amount of different outfits she went off to the dressing room and started changing.
Her first outfit she tried on is a skin tight black leather outfit. Skin tight and it molds around her breast, even showing an outline of her perky nipples. It covered all the way up to her neck but it was sleeve less. Showing her arms and it had a high V cut shape on the bottom. A thin strip of leather going up between her ass cheeks and another thin strip just big enough to cover her pussy lips as it molded around them. Showing all of her leg and hips. Then she also wore a long pair of high heel leather boots that when up to mid thigh. On the back of the boots and her outfit is a shoe string that held her outfit tightly together. There was zero room in her outfit to the point she can't wear any underwear or even eat or drink too much. However as she walked out in her outfit and posed in front of him it was very flexible.
Bending over and then slowly standing back up with her legs a little spread out as her body is facing him at the side and then spins around in front of him with a smile on her face, "how do I look?" she ask in a sweet innocent tone. _________________ Visual pictures of my blue vixen Katrin |
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dragonfly Rank: Super Veteran
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Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 11:46 am Post subject: |
as she took his arm link went red a little at the thought of being near this stunning blue beauty and softly smiled as they neard the store link smiled at took a small glance at the blue furred vixen before walking into the store with her
link then turned his head from side to side while standing at his full height of over seven foot tall and turned back to talk to katrin before he noticed she had already dissapred to pick out some outfits
as he walked up to he smiled and noticed quite a few different choise's of outfits in her arms
"ohhhh sure i dont mind waiting for you looks like ya got yaself quite a good selction...... of ummm sexy outfits there" link softly said while blusheing and trying not to pitcher just how sexy she would look
takeing his seat near the dressing rooms he gebtly tapped his tail again the chair woundering what her first outfit would look like and he didnt have to wait very long as he heard her voice and his eyes opend wide
"WOW well............thats.............." link sturred as katrin had a black leather outfit that seemed to show of her full sexyness while covering everything link blushed deeply but to him the outfit looked more like a dominatrix then an entertainer assitants one
"you look...... that well to say not quite what i had in mind..." link said while trying his hardist not to imagine her in other ways and wounderd if her sweet incontent tone was really fake and she was being sexy on purpose's _________________ let my chains be broken so i can fly
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Bluevixen Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 28 May 2007 Posts: 650
Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 4:54 pm Post subject: |
Blushes and stands up and does and bends her back backwards, showing him how tight the outfit is on her body and does a little jump to bouch her breast in front of him before she turns around and lifts up her tail to give him a final view of her exposed ass cheeks as she heads back into the dressing room. Debating on what to try on next.
In less than 5 min (she's a fast dresser) Katrin walks out in a sexy cow girl outfit. She wore white cow boy boots, white skimpy pants that been cut so high that they are now a sexy pair of shorts that show her bottom ass cheeks and they had strings hanging off of them from where they were cut so short, her so called top was a very large white bandana that she wore for a shirt and she was barley able to tie it tightly to keep it from falling off due to her lovely breast. She wore a white cow girl hat to finish off the outfit.
Walking twords him she did a little spin an lifted up her tail to show him how tight the shorts are around her body and every time she moved her breast looked like they were about to pop the bandana off. She smiled and said, "what do you think of this one?" _________________ Visual pictures of my blue vixen Katrin |
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dragonfly Rank: Super Veteran
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Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 5:18 pm Post subject: |
((hope ya had a good christams bluevixen and a better newyear and good to see you back ))
still red link gulped as she bent herself backwards shiowing off her perfectly curvey body and went further red as she did a little jump and made her large breats bounce
as she disspared back into the dressing room the cheetah shiverd and took a deep breath to calm himself as her little antics had exited him a little and slitly made him want to see the vixen dosomething a little more naurty
but before ho know it she had walked out wearing a even more sexy outfit and this one made link stare with wide eyes her coise of outfits seemed to show of every inch of her perfect body but his eyes where drawn to the banda she wore to cover her bearts
"i....well...ummmmmmm ahhhh...... WOW alright i admit this one i like but ummmm well...."
befor he could register he had stood up and walked up to her to inspect the outfit more closely walking around her his eyes fall on her perfect backside and the little of bottom ass cheeks and a blush appred more on his cheeks
"i really like this one but well.... it's still not what im looking for and well.... the beacuse of...ya....moveing alot in my shows i fear that..... ya....boob's..... would well fall out........."
gulping the tall cheetah gently brushed a hand of her tail before leaning down and wispering into th sexy vixens ear
"but.. i woudnt mind seeing you in this keeping it... for ....more..... personal....shows....." link purred in her ear before standing up again and winking _________________ let my chains be broken so i can fly
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Bluevixen Royal Member of BonBon

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Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 5:50 pm Post subject: |
links ears emabbirisly perked up as she mentioned a more personal show outfit she had in mind and deep down the cheetah coudnt lie and say no he also blushed at the soft touch of her fluffy tail and quickly went red as he got a view of the front and back of her in the sexy outfit
"i hneslty can't say no so yes i would like to....but just entertainment........ lets keep...that cowgirl one as well hey..."
link winked at katrin before goveing her a smile and gent;y tapped his tail on the floor waiting to see what this more personal choise of outfit was _________________ let my chains be broken so i can fly
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Bluevixen Royal Member of BonBon

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Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 8:13 pm Post subject: |
Katrin smiled sweetly and went back inside the dressing room. A moment later she changed into a once peace see through black teddy. It molded to her curves an on lookers can barley see threw it for a little tease. The front of the teddy stretched so much that it looked like it was about to rip as it struggled to contain her breast. A thin strip of cloth went up between her ass cheeks and it was a very high V cut. Showing not only her legs but up to her lower rib. She stood in front of him with her legs spread about 2 feet and her arms are up and behind her head as she leaned back to stretch out her outfit more in front of him. _________________ Visual pictures of my blue vixen Katrin |
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dragonfly Rank: Super Veteran
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Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 12:28 am Post subject: |
tapping his tail gently on the floor link had tunred his head to look towards the entance of the shop before his ears pearked hearing katrins footsteps and he gently turned around
apon seeing the sexy vixen he stupidly gave a sputring cough and stared at her with wide eyes at the now increidibly sexy outfit she was wearing this peruticular outfit if it was for personal shows it would definalty do the trick as link had stood up
"WOW.....thats well sexy....i......." link then quickly looked towards the shop to see if if anyone was near and not seeing anyone link looked back at katrin and walked up to her before blushing deeply and quickly scooped her up in his arms and walked into the dressing room with her before closeing the door _________________ let my chains be broken so i can fly
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Bluevixen Royal Member of BonBon

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Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 1:52 pm Post subject: |
unable to stop himself from purring from how her thick fluffy tail had curled around them both but furtmore the cheetah slitly didnt wqant to put katrin down as her fur was very silky and her curves where just perect
blushing as he gently closed the dressing room door shut with his foot he gently put down the blue vixen and a blush apperd in his cheeks as she simoly asked him if she should undress or if he would like to
looking at her he mumbled slitly before shakeing his head and giveing a small embrassed smile
"to be honest i would love to undress you......but i would not be able to figer out how to remove that outfit without a little help please.....?" link said while blushing more but secertly desireing to see katrin fully naked and to also make love to her _________________ let my chains be broken so i can fly
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Bluevixen Royal Member of BonBon

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Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 11:19 am Post subject: |
blinking his two diffrent colord eyes a blush appred underneat them as he saw her seductive smile and watch her slowly pull the straps down off her shoulders
"ohh well ummm....o...o..ok"
link said nerouvously as he slowly purposly brushed his hand over the fur on her shoulders just to relisase how soft and silky her fur was and blushing more he was about to pull it down before he felt her soft lips meet his
not thinking much he coudnt help but but move his hands down the sides of her curvey body and let the feeling of the beautiful blue beauty wash over him before he gave the vixens outfit a tug and feel it fall of her body
and kept ther kissing going so he coudnt look down to see katrin in her full naked glory but also he coudnt help his arousal for her and his member slowly grow to acutly begane pokeing againt her nude form _________________ let my chains be broken so i can fly
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Bluevixen Royal Member of BonBon

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Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 10:19 pm Post subject: |
Katrin made a lovely murr as they kissed one another. Her body shivered as his hands removed her outfit. She felt it slowly sliding down her body as her nude body was now completely exposed to him. Breaking the kiss and took a couple steps back to give him a good view of her nude form. Katrin put her arms up and over her head and she spread her legs apart about double shoulder leanth and tilted her hips some to the left as her long fluffy tail rubbed the side of his body as she simply just smiled at him. "Is there really a clothing requirement for the show? I could just go up on stage with you like this." She said tensely as she swayed her hips to the other side as her tail wrapped around his waist. _________________ Visual pictures of my blue vixen Katrin |
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dragonfly Rank: Super Veteran
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Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 12:24 am Post subject: |
the felines ears perked up as he heard katrins's lovely murr and also felt her body shiver as there kiss was broken and she moved back the felines eyes shot staright to her body
and hisfirst thought was that she was more beautiful then he imainged everything about her was just perfect and as she spread her legs the cheetahs eyes slowly looked down and he got a very nice view of her soft in pussy before he looked back up and blushed
"well yes for main shows an outfit is nessicary but.....for private shows just between are selfs i dont think an outfit will be needid very much" he smiled as her soft fluffy tail wrapped around his waist and he then found him self walking up to her
and gulping he lifted his arm up and placed his hand under her chin before gently lifting her head up and giveing her another kiss on the lips _________________ let my chains be broken so i can fly
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Bluevixen Royal Member of BonBon

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Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 1:47 pm Post subject: |
purring softly into the kiss a blus creeped into his cheeks as he felt the sexy blue vixens big breats press againt his chest and her perky nipples rubbing againt him
he was temtpted to just have sex with her right inthe dressing room but suddnly blinked as there secound kiss was broken and katrin mentioned finding a sexy outfiot for her to wear for the shows
and link took one more look at her nude body before blushing "ummmm yes...yes.... sorry........... but may i just say you are stunninly beautifull katrin...."
turning away the cheetah shifted the outfits with his tail before suddnly spotting a long silky black dress and quickly picked it up before giveing it a look over and turning to face the nude vixen again
"this will be perfect forn the shows something elgant yet sexy" link said gently holding out the black silk dress to her
((if it's ok could i ask ya to descirbe the dress ya can have it to ya likeing as im no good at descibeing cloteing )) _________________ let my chains be broken so i can fly
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Bluevixen Royal Member of BonBon

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Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 1:02 pm Post subject: |
( well since you need a assistant to do your dangerous tricks. Need to fine a outfit that hugs her body so that way there isn't too much loose clothing)
Katrin smiled sweetly as she looked at the outfit and put it on slowly in front of him. It is a one piece outfit that had no straps on it. She slid it up her body slowly and tensely in front of him. Once the bottom part of the dress was finally in place she started to lift it up the rest of the way. The black silk molded around her body, hugging her sexy curves. Katrin finally pulled it up all the way and it covered the majority of her G size breast. She has about 3 inches of cleavage showing above her outfit. Below the dress comes down just 3 inches below her ass cheeks. It hugged her body so tightly that wearing panties under it was out of the question since the dress would mold around them. She put on a pair of black 3 inch high heels as well. She crossed her legs standing in front of him as she strikes a pose. "How does it look?" she said smiling at him. _________________ Visual pictures of my blue vixen Katrin |
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dragonfly Rank: Super Veteran
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Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 1:39 pm Post subject: |
link stood there just watching her slip on the dress over her perfect curvy body the dress in his eyes where perfect sexy yet elgant and would defiantly capture the eyes of there audince
the dress it's self was smooth as silk that complted her blue fur perfectly but the choise of underwear was out of the window as it woudnt look right but that didnt bother link one bit a bit of a tease would be perfect espeicaly since it would be himself working with her but the heels topped it off and links heart beat fast at just how sexy she looked
as she finshed the cheetah slowly walked around her like a feral would there pray before pounceing but he was just takeing in every aspect of the outfit before stoping infront of her
"it's aboustly perect for you yes this outfit will be perfect for the shows katrin yes"
blushing slitly he leant down and wisperd in her ear "you look aboustly breathtakeing and so beautifull if it wasnt for being in this dressing room well......i.....would...definltly make love to you because of how sexy you are"
the cheetah said before leaning back up and blushing wildly _________________ let my chains be broken so i can fly
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Bluevixen Royal Member of BonBon

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