TerminatorChris Rank: Senior Member

Joined: 20 Aug 2008 Posts: 156
Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 5:49 pm Post subject: The Blue Dragon: Crossing Time 23 |
Chapter 23 Private
Voice"Still hard to remember?"
Chris"Your not even helping at all."
Voice"Hehehe. I bet I am."
Chris"Why can't I fucking remember!!?"
Chris"Nothing to say huh. Finally, some peace."
Chris"What you said!?"
But too late, I fell down into a mud. I was all muddy and dirty, but I don't care about it, the job is messy.
Chris"Mud, just like camo."
Year is 1968 A.D. in Cerro Marahuaca, Venezuela. The target is Galo, a Cougar. In the forest, mist is everywhere. I fly high and look around, but nothing. Then by hope, there is a house from the distance. I fly low from the trees, and by stealth, the rain gave me a new camo. On top of the tree, this house looks like a hideout. Guards are around, military ones. My eye's see through the windows. And there are naked kids inside. Sitting down, and waiting. Moving around, I saw more kids, taking a shower while being on camera.
Chris"Sick fucking bastard."
Onto the other part of the building, there are kids serving to the adults. Making them their master, and the guards.
Chris"Your not here Galo? Shame."
Next window, there are more kids, touching each other, making them while at gun point. I can't stand them. Probably the last window, there he is, Galo is getting a blowjob from a boy and a girl.
Chris"Found you. Why the kids you stupid fuck. Why the kids."
One guard is taking a piss, I jump down on him and snap him neck. Took his clothes, and wore it. Viva my ass, I could take down the whole military as a training course. Yet I wonder, why did I have this much power, was I really a Excon soldier? Then I grab a free AK-47 with extended mag. Walking to the back door, I open and went in normal. Kids were all around the main living room. Some of them are moaning, the look on them means they are turn into sex active person. Sick piece of shit. Going upstair and guards are next to the door. I better think how to fight without getting the kids killed in the crossfire. So hard to think, and I got it. They better have a radio station. Looking from room to room, upstair in the attic, the radio station is there, more guards though.
Radio person"Hey you, cover for me, I gotta take a smoke."
What luck. I sit down and listening to the radio, looking on the codes. There are dozens of them, but I need to get a signal to get a fake warning. I switch over the radio transmitter. All beep noise, these machines are really going to brain fuck you if your addicted to these codes. There is a screen for the numbers currently on, or other stuff that it didn't matter to me.
Henri"Nice work Chris."
Him again, suddenly the screen turns to a camera recorded video. Looks like a loot dead scientist bodies. I still don't remember that place. Pretty sure that I kill them all.
Chris"Now what?"
Henri"There it is, the mirco cells technology. Isn't she beautiful."
Chris"Yes sir."
It's a blue canister, he took it out from the energy machine that was scanning the data of it.
Henri"Ready to become a Excon Soldier?"
Chris"I was born to be ready."
Herni"Good to hear. Better get out of here, or they find."
Then it's over. Back to the black screen with green message. I got back focus, it was a pain to get back on track from an answer. Then I got a decoy signal, easy to do it.
Chris"Hey, we have a problem."
They listen to the message, it was a bad news.
Guards"Get every kids down stairs to the basement! We are full alert!!"
The alarm goes on, and they got the kids down stair to the basement. Then I went to the room where Galo is.
Galo"Damn Americans! Why don't they leave us alone! We were trying to have the neccessary needs of pleasure and freedom."
Chris"By fucking the kids?"
Galo"Yes!! Womens these days are ugly! Telling us what to do!! I perfer to have a sex life with these kids and my problem is solved. And beside, I can make a profit with these kids. I can sell them, tradr them, and buy more of them and make a lot of money!"
Chris"Well make this!"
Blast his whole body apart. Wasting the whole ammo clip.
Chris"Stupid fuck."
Then the guards came too late. I began to shoot them all. Their green clothes, turns to red blood.
Chris"Too easy shit."
Firing close quarter and through walls. Their legs were squirting blood, even their arms. Some crawl for their life, but I destroy their back. They use AK's, Uzi's, FAL's, and RPK's.
Chris"You know you don't wanna do this shit!"
But they threat me and tries to kill me. Moving fast, and throwing knife's, I bet I could kill them all in blindfolded. Shooting them and they exploded their body from the bullets that shredded them apart. Face's were just a bowl of blood. Finally, their all dead.
Chris"Alright, your all dead, your all fuck."
Back to the radio station, I radio a messege to the real military people. They got it, and they are on their way. I took off my borrowed work clothe's and light took me away.
To be continue........................ |