TerminatorChris Rank: Senior Member

Joined: 20 Aug 2008 Posts: 156
Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 11:37 am Post subject: The Blue Dragon: Crossing Time 9 |
Chapter 9 Massage Killer Of Art
It's sad to be right and yet failed. But it's how the world of dark keeps turning. But I'm in no dark, for the light just keep pushing me to another time, then I fall. But then I sniff.
Chris"........fresh rice?"
I look around, the wet jungle. Year 525 A.D. in Palembang. Maybe a vacation, but no time to find a hot wet animal and start mating them, it's yet another mission. The target is Ngai, a Red-shanked Douc Langur.
Chris"What did he did now?"
I look around and saw the city. It's raining, and the grass is all wet. I found the clothes making place, stole one asian looking robes and went outside. It's raining, and not much people on the streets. I was like the only one outside. Even much prostitutes are in cover.
Chris"Where's the smell of that fresh rice? I'm hungry."
I haven't eaten in a while. The rain keeps going, and my foot is all in mud. But I don't care about it.
Chris"Must be close, the smell is getting strong."
I saw a smoke, but it's camo to the clouds but I still can see, following it and I found the place.
Chris"Awesome! Food!"
I went in and found not much people in here. I ask for rice. I waited, then I got rice.
Chris"Mmm. Yummy."
I ate it, it's so delicious. I just then ate the whole bowl in less than 5 minutes.
Chris"Oh yeah. That hit the spot."
I then ask the owner of the food place where is Ngai.
Owner"He's should be right over there next to the fountain over there."
I went over there and saw the place.
Chris"This place? It looks like a massage place. But the look is not the answer, better look inside."
I went in, seeing more prostitutes here.
One of them went in. I follow. She went in the room. And he was there.
Ngai"Please, lie down and relax."
She did, and I was hiding. He then starts to massage her.
Ngai"So, Kannitha, how's your business?"
Kannitha, a Jambu Fruit Dove.
Kannitha"Oh the usual. I just got one of my clients a huge load of cum inside me and he was dead tired. It was yet amazing."
Ngai"Good for you."
He then went on top of her. His foot was on her belly. He makes then a foot massage.
Kannitha"Right there!"
Ngai"Ok. When was the last time you saw him."
Kannitha"2 months ago."
I don't get it. But he was then pressuring there. For 7 minutes, he was then done.
Ngai"There you go."
Kannitha"Oh thank you. That feel much better now."
Ngai"Come back anytime."
Kannitha"You sure that I won't have a kid from this?"
Ngai"No you won't. Your fine now."
Wait, what?..........He was on top of her, footing her belly, 3 months.........
Ngai"Beside, don't we all wish for a world that we won't have to deal with kids anymore and we can have more pleasure in this world."
Kannitha"Thank god we have you."
.........motherfucker! It's abortion!! A type of massage to get rid of the poor child in the belly by smashing it. Son of a bitch. He's dead.
I then came in.
Ngai"You have a baby in you belly?"
Chris"No, why you kill all those kids?"
Ngai"I'm helping out the community, everyone loves pleasure. Then having the child is a big pain, so that's where I came in. I kill them in a pleasing massage so they feel better instead of abandon the kids from the streets. So then the world will feel more pleasure like a god."
Chris"Killing a child is wrong. Your going to decrease the population, when they get old, they die and no more sex left."
Ngai"Wrong, nonsense. It's legal here. Beside, the rumors are going out and then the world will come to this place and have the greatest pleasure of their life."
Chris"Sick bastard. You time is up now you fuck!"
Ngai"Thats sounds like a threat. But you have to catch me!"
He then went to another door and ran quick. I follow him running.
Chris"Run all you want you ass!! I'll find you!!"
Into the streets, the rain is coming down hard. It may be hard to see, but he's on my sight.
Ngai"You can't catch me!!"
Chris"Keep talking ass hole!!"
Jumping over the fallen trees, I land in a mud splash, but kept going. Into the rainforest, I can see him tired. Jumping around, and going to sharp turns.
Ngai"Leave me alone!!"
Chris"Hell no!! This is fun!!"
He then fell, right next to the top of the waterfall. I was then close to him.
Chris"It's over you stupid monkey!"
I grab him, beck his neck, and throw him down the waterfall. Target is down. Before I go fast in time, I strip and went in the water, and took a bath,
Chris"Better be clean, I can't look like some horseshit."
I was done and hit the watch.
To be continue.......................... |