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Arrival of Snow in BonBon(open)
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 12:25 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Miyuki thought for a moment and glanced back out towards the wagon. There was no telling how well this home was looking since no one had lived in it yet and her teacher had said that it was now hers. Left hand softly rest over her eyes as she bowed her head and muttered to herself softly, something she often did while thinking over something that needed a decision quickly. After a few seconds, she looked towards them and nodded.

"Very well. I suppose some help would be welcome there as well," she said with a nod, then her eyes narrowed ever so slightly. "Though I ask that nothing in the building be touched. My employer did not say what the home looked like, so I do not wish anything broken." Her gaze was mostly towards Marl, but it was on them all.
>Aria< >Tatiana<
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 5:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

"Don't worry. I won't touch anything that isn't a box." Drodel replyed as he got off the wall and walked back outside. Drodel held the door open for anyone that was comeing out.
yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. that's why it is called the present.
quoted by master Oogway off kong fu panda
Some weep, some cry, some make couches fly. - Katmir
Let me stand behind you in times of peace, let me stand infront of you in times of war, let me stand beside you as a equall, as a friend.
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 7:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Marl chuckled as he scratched his ear, noticing the stare, "Aye ma'am, not a thing to be touched. I'll move abo't it like I were on me own ship." He hopped into the back of the wagon, and kneeled down, taking a swig from his jug.
Vedoril Nedense Melimane
Captain "Golden" Marl Mickelson
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 7:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

(I apologize for the lack of posts. Seems I have been a little out of it as of late. Please forgive me*hugs*)

Miyuki nodded and moved outside once more. She patted the neck of the horse and whispered to it softly.

"I can give you all a ride there of course. I would not have you walk the entire way." She smiled and motioned to the wagon.
>Aria< >Tatiana<
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 7:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

the tall feline gingerly took the jade objects miyuki showed him and checked them over before gently handling them back and softly smileing

"well there some beautiful markman ship in those but have ya evev thought of maaybe bigger projects say lke life size stachues out of jade?"

link said looking at her wispering to her horse before he walked over to the tree he was sitting in and grabbing his pack
let my chains be broken so i can fly

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ref pic of link the king cheetah
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Royal Member of BonBon

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 5:54 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

"That would be nice." Drodel replyed as he walked out of the shop and hoped on the back of the wagon. He then sat down on the edge and let his feet dangle.
yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. that's why it is called the present.
quoted by master Oogway off kong fu panda
Some weep, some cry, some make couches fly. - Katmir
Let me stand behind you in times of peace, let me stand infront of you in times of war, let me stand beside you as a equall, as a friend.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 11:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

"I have not tried making anything full size out of jade. I would be too frightened of making a mistake and wasting such a large piece. I will stick to what I know," she said, though smiled.

She watched Drodel hopped on to the back of the wagon, then made her way to the front seat and got up. "All aboard"
>Aria< >Tatiana<
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 22, 2011 12:48 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Marl put the stopper onto his jug, and shifted his weight, waiting for the cart to move. His thoughts were turned inward, as he reexamined how many crates had been unloaded, plus their weights. He got a pretty good figure of how much everything in Miyuki's store would add up to with the right dealers. He knew trouble would visit her store eventually, so he began making mental plans to keep the trouble well away from the precious jade.
Vedoril Nedense Melimane
Captain "Golden" Marl Mickelson
My Fursonas
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 9:53 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Once the others were on the wagon, she'd give a flick of the reins to get the hors to start off once more. Following the map that she had been given by her sensei, she made the turns and soon was out of Bon Bon once more, but not too far. Once the spot was reached, she glanced up a moment and then hopped down from the driver's seat to see the gate.

"I believe this is it." She said and approached the gate.

There was a wall, seemed to be about seven feet tall, but behind it seemed a mystery for now. She looked at the gate and dug in her obi for the key she had been given, slipping it into the lock and unlocking it. Pressing on it, she opened the door to see what seemed like a hidden garden. There was a stream, a bridge over said stream that was easily wide enough for the wagon and strong enough for it.

It seemed like something one would find in the Orient. Sakura trees and other trees and flowers, statues of dragons and a few other creatures. The home itself was certainly fitting. Moving back to the wagon, she took the reins and began to lead the horse by foot inside the walls.

"Seems my sensei spared nothing on this place," she chuckled and looked back to her helpers.
>Aria< >Tatiana<
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 2:33 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Marl let out a low whistle, standing in the wagon bed, looking around at the neat garden. "Reminds meh of some orient places I've seen, though it puts most to shame. You got yourself a fine place to live here lass, real fine."
Vedoril Nedense Melimane
Captain "Golden" Marl Mickelson
My Fursonas
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 8:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Miyuki nodded as she glanced around the place that she was to now take care of and live in. To her it seemed like a palace, even though the palace back home was much larger. "It seems I do. It is bigger than my own home back where I came from. It a palace to me, even though the palace back home was much much larger."
>Aria< >Tatiana<
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