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The Adept
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 3:27 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The title of “Grand”
While titles are given to anyone of any society, Duke, duchess, your majesty; Anyone can get these common titles military or not, but nobody can claim a title starting with Grand for it is a symbol of the highest honor to be awarded a Grand title that only the Deva council can give.
Inside the Deva military there’s a is a small group of soldiers they bear no rank but are regarded as the ranking official when they are present, even to generals and admirals the group consists of at maximum 5 members, each wielding a heirloom representing there status each with the same blue glow. These 5 are known simply as the Elite guard of the Devas. Each one with a Grand title, these titles are passed down with the heirloom the go with. It has been this way since the Devas emergence so long ago. While the council decides wither or not to give you such a title ultimately it is the heirloom that chooses who it wants to represent the title. With a unique trial that differs for each of the 5 heirlooms
The Radiant (staff) comes with the title: The Grand Healer
Aegis (Shield) comes with the title: The Grand Shield
Fiora's Will (Rapier) Come with the title: The grand Duelist
The Deamon Breaker (2 handed axe) comes with the title: The Grand Berserker
Deva’s Might (sword) comes with the tile: The Grand Swordsman

These heirlooms have been passed down for generations some more than others. When a member of the elite guard dies the Heirloom he/she held magically returns to the Vault of Magnus. And will wait there for as long as it takes for someone to be born that is meant to wield it. Since the Deamon/Deva war the only war to have had all members of the elite guard die. Aegis, The Radiant Staff, The Deamon Breaker and much later on Fioras Will have found new wielders of their power. Fiora’s Will Has only had 1 previous owner after the age of destruction. Who died honorably only 5 years after becoming The Grand Duelist. While Deva’s Might still hasn’t found a warrior worth it or the title it comes with.

4 Devas stood side by side in a dark room with only the area they stood in lit.
An aging Wolverine Jill stepped forward using the staff as a walking stick, the cross that sat atop the long staff glowed a gentle blue. "The elite guard are awaiting your orders. "The sound of her voice was gentle and full of wisdom that came with her old age "what would you have your elite do?"
A voice from the darkness was heard a deep powerful voice that commanded respect" Many things Grand Healer. Your Orders are different for the 4 of you." the three remaining Devas in the light looked at each other then at the Wolverine who lead them. A Blue Vixen that was only noticeable from her exposed tail and the breast plates formation over her body. her head was covered in a full helm a glowing blue shield rested on her back, a Very large Bear who wore little armor only covering his major arteries on his shoulders and legs, A glowing axe hung loosely from his right hand. the last member and most obliviously the newest stood in command in dueling armor a sheathed rapier hung on his right hip. Wearing no helm his silver fur and normal eyes showed he was only a half Deva.
"Grand Shield, Grand Berserker, You are ordered to go to the front lines and defend and retake lost ground against Phillip’s armies effective immediately, you are dismissed go show them the true might of Devas" the bear and vixen both nodded not saying a word. And backed away into the darkness, "finally some action” the bear whispered to the vixen as they walked away.
"Grand Healer as you know we have been trying to have a alliance with the lunar empire but have failed reputedly we hear the recently suffered a major attack from Phillip’s army we will send you to attempt to forge a alliance and to bring aid wherever it is needed even they cannot turn down help from you since you were once one of them."
The aging wolverine jill looked happy “a chance to go home and hopefully bring peace between us and the lunar empire I will do my best it has been over 50 years since I’ve been home to Wessera. ” The voice bared on the wolf now "you will have to objectives Grand Duelist. Devas’ might has been awoken has given us the location of the homeland of its new wielder. You will travel to Wesseara as well to find the new Grand swordsmen." The wolf bowed "Yes council elder"
The voice was heard again “As another sign of a possible alliance with the Lunar empire your primary objective will be to locate their prince. Our sources have informed us the Prince Valien and his sister where heading to their home capital after escaping an attack from Phillip, they are traveling with a strange group, a Deva, Deamon, and even a dragon where reported last seen with the prince before his escape. We want you to do what you do best find them and make sure they safely reach their destination, oh and don’t kill the Deamon with them. We don’t want to jeopardize the whole thing by starting a grudge."
"I will start my search immediately sir." The Duelist bowed his head and the lights shut off.

Hours later " The Wolf soared as high as he could go, Stratosphere flying was highly dangerous from lack of air; but even though he knew teleportation as his fastest way the traverse the planet, but with his only lead saying he was on a boat in the ocean, Kyle’s only option was to fly. Kyle kept his wings rigid and just glided on the wind currents; the Wessera and Lunaria continents could both be seen from this height. This both fascinated and terrified him, once he judged a proper angle between the two, Kyle shot down towards the ocean he wore protective goggles to see while he hurtled back toward the earth,and to prevent his eyes from drying out from the decent. His wings still as rigid as before guided him the closer he got to the ocean. He spotted a boat in his immediate path though he would hit water 5 miles from it ‘here is hoping this is it " he thinks to himself and spreads his wings back and Flaps forward with all his might right before he hit the water’s surface, jolting him up slightly letting the sonic boom he formed from flying at top speed from the stratosphere blow past him hitting and breaking the water below him making a circular wave from his impact point. The whole event took on a minute but the noise of a sonic boom hitting the ocean water sounded like a explosion that could be heard for miles as if it was right next to the ship. Kyle was overcome by his own sonic boom and felt the air rush from his body followed by his Consciousness he floated in the water his pack loosely hanging off his shoulder containing some of his gear as well as a box with the elite guard symbol embroidered on the lid inside devas might waited to be delivered to its new master.
A fact of life: After monday and tuesday even the calender says WTF...
Kyle Stingray
Escape of The Blue Rose (Story)
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 11:36 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

From the Auroran docks a large figure watches as Stonners ship slowly comes into view. He grunts and flexes his hands. His blood red eyes nearly glowing at the thought of meeting Struass for the first time.

Back on the ship Stonner smiled as he spotted the Statues that indicated they were getting close to Aurora. He walked down the steps. The healers where checking the Devas that came crashing into the ocean. He was still unconscious but alive. He headed down stairs to tell everyone that they were getting close to port.

Back in Philips throne room, his mages were hard at work finishing the machine. He smiled at the thought of what he’ll do with it.
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 11:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

= Stonner's Galleon, The Excelsior, HexPoint's cabin =

HexPoint raised his chin a bit higher as he beheld the ancient power core in the Queen's paw. "Ah, Azrael wields the Black Orb... the malak al-maut manifested in the higher sephiroth. I must record this, my Queen. A moment, please." replied HexPoint, unlatching his ancient book from his metal belt casing, and apparently scribbling with his finger.

Elric shook his head and saw on the floor the tiny broken skull of a feral vermin. "But you dropped..? What sorcery is this, Sir HexPoint?"

"I was an illusionist on the battlefields of Aordaf before my Holy Mother taught me how to make my magic more solid. I just don't like the necromagi's ruthless manipulation of my General.", he said, turning his head to the door.

"Snappy found someone! Snappy found a spy!", exclaimed the naked war pet. A green tendril recoiled into her back as Snappy violently hauled in a struggling deva rabbit without effort.

"Yes, the lower sephirot enters as the predestined hanged man. The tenth should descend shortly this day. Set him down gently, Snappy." he commanded, opening his arms toward the startled rabbit. "Welcome, fellow Deva! Please stand by patiently whilst I address the Queen's grave matter."

The blue daemon caribou hooked his wingtips about his neck and sat on his haunches before the dark robed tigress. He traced the scar along her beautiful face with his eyes, sighing deeply. He turned to a marked page near the beginning of his holy book, mouthed a verse, then looked into the Queen's haunted eyes.

"The Ancient Mark is killing you. That is fate. The Black Orb you hold is deadly as well, but it is your destiny. Azrael is not meant to die a natural death. It comes to pass as it was expected so long, long ago... and there is more." He said, turning a page and holding up a magical diagram within the two pages before the Queen. It glowed as the symbol beneath the fur upon her breast did.

"This ritual was inscribed by Baephomet Bill the Visionary Goat. The Star of Chenera will embrace death energy to victory in the Twilight Age. I have used such magic ever since I became a Mage-Knight of Aordaf, but this spell... This spell may kill you, or me, or both of us upon completion."

Snappy gasped a wail, throwing herself at her master's wings. "No! Snappy don't want master killed! No no no no no!"

"Be still, pet!" he commanded sternly. HexPoint glanced at the deva and the cleric with equal conviction before looking into the Cheneran Queen's disturbed eyes.

"Now is the day of your transcendence, Azrael. Complete the circle. Consume the Black Orb. Will you claim victory, embrace death... or both?"

HexPoint stood up slowly, letting the Queen heed the words in her own head. He used a free hand to pat the butt of his anxious war pet, and stepped towards the door. "Please be patient, deva. Think about what you've heard with your heart. Pray if you must."

Two mages of Lunar hurried past the door, talking to each other.

"They saved a deva from drowning?"

"Aye! He fell from the sky like thunder! The healers are with him already..."

HexPoint smiled, tracing a finger over the strange grid in his bible. A door down the corridor opened, and three fully recovered and fully armored Barberian warriors emerged, ready to crush the enemy.

HexPoint licked his finger and jabbed it into his book, making an audible magic fizzle.

"As the gods have purposed, so shall we stand."

"In Excelsis Neo."
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 1:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Aline was in a meditative state when she felt the presence of another Deva hurtling towards the ocean water behind the ship. She immediately sprang from her cot and ran to the helm where the ship’s captain was standing …touching his shoulder she directed his attention to the object that was about to land in the water with a great ear shattering boom. After they recovered from the concussive force of the sonic boom she spoke loudly to be heard by the captain who’s ears were ringing.

“Captain that is a furson you have to rescue whoever it is …I believe it is a Deva bearing a message”

The captain call out his commands and a long boat was dispatched to recover the drowning unconscious Deva, Aline followed closely as they brought him aboard and down to the makeshift medical ward in the ship when the captain tried to take the possessions on the Deva …Aline stopped him

“I shall take responsibility of this fur’s possessions”

The Captain just nodded and went back to what he had been doing before the interruption, Aline took the box and his sword and sat them in the corner next to the bed. Placing his pack on the table that was beside his cot, she then proceeded to check over his body for any wounds or breaks from his landing other than a concussion she could not find anything wrong with the Deva.

“I wonder why you are here Deva… I know of the sword you are carrying that is the only reason I am letting you live”

She mumbled to herself, Aline stayed by the Wolf's bed side waiting for him to wake his concussion was easy to heal but she didn't want to make him to comfortable so she only made it less dangerous to his health.
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Wolf Stride
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 6:24 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The day was continuing to be a strange one. A gentle breeze stirred the sea air, while air elementals filled the sails of the ship. The sun slowly bore down by the oceans edge making the water explode in unusual colors. It was a beautiful afternoon. The galleon was nearing the Aurora harborage. The statues lining the bay were a testament to the proximity of the city. Screeching caws of seagulls heralded the arrival of the ship.

Strauss stood impatiently by the side of the Necromagi. The desire to throttle her still wrestled with his reluctance to get any closer to her. He had been tricked enough times by her to know it was safer to keep his distance. The Daemon stared, nothing more to do. So he stood, trying to distract himself by thinking about HexPoint's lame prophecy, and the converagance of the heroes of the same prophecy. He looked out over the ocean, smiling as its waters reflected a rusty shade of red. Suddenly, a massive explosion rocked the very oceans that he was idly starring at. Enraged ocean waters slammed against the ship. The boat itself rocked massively under the attack. Sailors and marines were thrown to the deck, while others shouted orders to get the ship back under control. Finally, something interesting. Trying to insult the necromagi, Strauss moved to throw the backpack onto the deck of the ship. But… something kept him from doing so. Instead of flying to where the explosion was from, he noticed he was running across the sandy-waxed planks of the ship. Dead fish floated to the surface of the water. As the ocean calmed down in a shimmering, cascade of water Strauss saw the limp, body of a Deva lifelessly floating in the water.

"... Ugh. Leave it to a Devas to exaggerate. Bloody angel prophets...". He continued to mutter under his breath like a child. It made no sense. He was angry... against everything? A complicated man, or a downright broken one.

With her increasingly, vexing, passive visage Caroline walked past him to observe the spectacle. The captain had rushed to the side to look at the floating man, when the Dragon-girl burst from nowhere. She ordered something to the Captain, and he happily obliged. The ship's Captain barked orders to the Boson. The Boson, in turn yelled orders across the ship. Quickly marines and sailors moved to fish out the soaked Angel. Once pulled aboard, they hastily carried him to the infirmary.

"So… the Wild-kin recognizes the Deva. Curious." Strauss heard Caroline subvocalized to him. The idea that she could talk to him without talking to him made him grind his teeth. One of these days, he'd make her sorry for being as clever as she was. With all the attention focused on the Deva, no one would notice him throwing her over the other side of the ship. Yet… something still kept him from getting closer than three steps to the necromagi.

Forcing himself, Strauss growled and took a brave step forward. He was not about to let himself be led around by a girl. "Who cares?" he snarled through his teeth. "All I know is that I'm going to peg his skin on the-"

Caroline raised the back of her hand to him. The act nearly made his eyes burst from his skull, it so pissed him off. "Shush, Maxine," she subvocalized again. "We do not have time for your… old hatreds right now. We have work to do."

"Listen woman. You already have enough orders on me as is and as much as I'd love falling over you as the next guy, I have a few.... 'moral obligations'."

Caroline turned to face Strauss. A smirk was on her face, popping a dimple out on her cheek. He swore everything she did pissed him off more and more. If he didn't know better, he swore she enjoyed seeing him as mad as a rabid dog. "You and morals? One did not think you had a sense of humor, Maxine."

As much as he hated to admit it, Strauss knew she had won. Again. Doing his best to maintain the impression he was not a fox-pet on a leash, he glared at the necromagi. "You don't know what it is like... why we have our hatred for the Devas.".

His hands tightened. The leather gloves cracked and groaned under the pressure. With the backpack on, he could not flex his wings, but it was no matter. He knew pleanty of ways to kill without using them. He was ready for combat.

Strauss took another step closer to the necromagi, and the door beyond which lay the Deva. Unphased by his preening display of power, Caroline lectured him in the tone she used when she belittled him, "One knows more about failure than you could ever understand. Therefore, One is more than versed in the… ridiculus relationship the Deamons and the Devas have."

"Really? Do you know everything of our history? Why do we wage war? Why do we fight? If you do, then you'd be angry as well. I don't care how much in control you are. Go ahead, restrain me. It won't do anything to stop me.". He focused his gaze completely on her, letting her see the vile, unbridled, hatred burning in his yellow eyes. Still, the fact that Caroline's face never changed its expression boiled his frothing hatred all the more. How dare the bitch look at him like that. How dare she pretend to understand everything.

She smiled that smile. The one he was powerless against. No matter how much he raged, he so loved that deliciously evil smile she could make. She stood on her tiptoes, and put the tip of her index finger against his lips. "Patience. Revenge is a dish, best, served, cold."
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 8:09 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Salty-clean air had mixed with the brackish earthy-air of the coastal wetlands. As the sun continued to set, the day had begun to cool. Stars shimmered and twinkled in the twilight sky. The old, wooden helm of the galleon squeaked as the pilot navigated the channel towards the anchorage of the port city. Being released from their bondage, the air elementals had zoomed away, leaving the ship to sluggishly drift along the coastal breeze. Slowly the pilot navigated the galleon into the Aurora harbor. As it neared one of the piers, ropes were thrown from the deck to longshoremen. While the longshoremen tethered the ship to the dock, sailors winched the anchor down into the sand at the bottom of the bay. The galleon had arrived at Aurora.

Tethered to the dock, the ship floated in place instead of rocking as it had while traversing the ocean. Caroline had finally gotten used to the movement across the vast sea, that the change in motion made her legs wobble a bit. The noise and commotion of arriving at port and the new Deva contrasted with the generally quiet dock. Not wanting to wear her porcelain mask, Caroline tossed up the cowl of her robe, and hid her visage in its dark shadows. It had been a most bizarre of days. And the generic nuances of a ship arriving in port made the odd events all the more jarring.

For a while, Caroline had known that Aline was young for her kind, but still older than she looked. With the arrival of the Deva, and Aline's knowledge of some of the Deva's effects, she wondered how old the Wild-kin really was. But that would have to wait. She was still unsure of how she was going to use the barbarian chieftain, and a new player to the Game of Houses often had annoying outcomes for her plans. She realized she would have to devise yet another contingency. Still, a real Deva would be amusing to see. And, Caroline was doubly amused with the idea of proving that Deva's were just as spoilt as Deamons were. As such, she wanted to see this Deva for herself. More importantly, she wanted to meet this Deva before the Rover had a chance to give him ideas of saving the world.

"Come, Strauss, One wishes to see our new guest," commanded the wolverine-jill.

Strauss moved to follow, and then paused. "Wait, I thought you said you didn't want me near the Deva."

Turning her head, Caroline asked, "Did One say that?"

"Well, yeah. You told me you didn't want me to see him, and then you… ate that… apple…" Strauss' reply trailed off, as Caroline fully turned to face him.

Looking up at him, she asked, "Did. One. Say. That?"


"Did One?" interrupted Caroline.

"No?" replied Strauss, not really sure anymore what had just happened.

"And that's why One will always run rings around you. You must listen. One will grant you this boon of an impromptu lesson. Quit trying to think, and just listen. You'd be surprised what people say, when you actually listen." Caroline turned back around, and made her way to the cabin door. Sailors and marines, already nervous and shifty around her, gave her a wide birth, asking no questions. Caroline opened the door to the cabin, and shooed away the ships surgeon. The medicine man mumbled some excuse to be elsewhere, hastily leaving the room.

Before anyone else could join them, and before Aline could intervene, Caroline fed life into the winged-wolf Deva, shocking him awake. Smirking she introduced herself, "Greetings, Deva. Welcome to One's ship. Now, what did you bring as payment for being a passenger of One's vessel?"
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 1:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Aurelius did not pay any attention to the caribou and Azrael's conversation, instead focusing on what the Daemon had said earlier. Although a part of him did not want to believe what he heard, the Devas couldn't help but feel that the caribou's oratory was akin to the priests that visited his orphanage when he was but a child...

"What did he mean by keeping the world alive and progressing? Did it have something to do with those... Reaver things he was talking about earlier?"

The rabbit's thoughts were interrupted by the sounds of footsteps. Turning around, Aurelius then saw the Daemon walk out of the room with his tome. Deciding to get some fresh air to clear his mind, the Devas made his way towards the door. He grasped his cloak and tugged on it for several moments before a tearing sound filled the air. The rabbit held his cloak up, noticing a large tear that rendered the garment useless.

"Great... That's another one I'll have to replace," he muttered to himself.

Throwing the cloak to the ground, Aurelius walked outside onto the dock. He felt a sense of unease as his wings were out in the open, causing some of the sailors to stare at him. His eyes then took in the sight of an unusual pair of passengers heading towards the makeshift sick bay.

One of the passengers was small in stature and garbed in a hooded robe that hid his or her face. He could not tell if the figure was a man or woman.

However, Aurelius could recognize the other traveler as a Daemon. The Daemon, a black furred fox with purple stripes, walked besides the hooded figure. His black clothing and stained breastplate made him look imposing and dangerous. As the rabbit stared at the Daemon, he couldn't help but feel a sense of dread and anger welling up inside him. He thought he recalled hearing something about a black furred fox Daemon, but he couldn't recall who he was called at the moment.

"Just what are those two up to? I better follow them and make sure they don't do something..."

Being careful as to not be spotted by them, Aurelius tailed them to the sick bay, passing by three warriors garbed in barbarian armor, and watched as a medicine man scurried out of the room. The Devas then peered around the door frame and watched what was unfolding, his ears making him easy to spot.
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Dorian Longstreet
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 9:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Among all the commotion, Jia Zu, who was one of the few below the deck at this time, walked outside the chamber where Veilen was resting. He looked in and saw Crystal, Veilen's sister sitting at his bedside. His blood boiled at the very sight of the damned Prince. Jia Zu let go of his rapier, and walked away casually, despite the fire in his eyes. So far, all that had happened to Jia Zu's beloved Queen, he could only blame on the Prince and his arrival. Ever since Veilen had arrived at the Palace of the East, Liu Lu was obsessed with the prince all she ever thought about was him and his pretty face, or was it the power he wielded, whatever it was, it infuriated Jia Zu so. All he wanted to do was murder him, remove him.

Jia Zu arrived at Liu Lu's room and looked about inside it. He snarled as he looked at the battered place, and the blood on the floor. He gripped his rapier tighter in his hand.

" It was you Veilen, it was you who filled my Queen with these ridiculous ideas of prophecy. These fucking fairy tails. I swear, you will die by my hand before this is over, the moment I have you alone, you will die for stealing away my Queen, my love."

Azrael sat quietly while she pondered the words of the Caribou. She rose from her seat, packed up the orb in her bag, and silently walked out of the room. She walked up to the deck of the ship and looked at the Devas, and saw Caroline was already making demands of the poor creature. It suddenly occurred to Azrael, that already her importance in this story was dwindling away. At one point all the people of the land seemed to be begging for a audience with her, demanding to see her, except for Caroline of course, who seemed to take an aloof stance with Liu Lu from the start, or so Azrael could remember.

Azrael turned from the crowd and walked alone to a part of the boat where there weren't any people. She then looked down at her robes.

"Goddamn it I look utterly ridiculous."

She shook her head and just looked out over the water, trying to comprehend the weight of the weight of the fate that awaited her. For she realized, that she was not nearly as intelligent as she thought she was, and honestly, did not know what was going to happen next.
"Nothing is so strong as gentleness. Nothing is so gentle as real strength."- From your sincere gentleman of PBB
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The Adept
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 2:32 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

"Kyle's inner Consience"
"you seem troubled Duelist" kyle opened his eyes he was in the vault of magnus standing before him a elegant mouse devas stood there "you have doubts still i made the wrong choice don't you" she never moved her lips here black and purple hair covered her left eye as she turned to him a glowing rapier at her side the exact same as the one in his.
"im sorry fiora its not that's it just controlling you is difficult the things i can do now that i couldn't do before its amazing yet scary at the same time" he sighs as he gets up
The mouse chuckled "you know my previous owner thought the same thing.Yes i am one of the more difficult of Astrid's weapons to wield my speed is unmatched even this new enemy you face Phillipe i believe he is called isnt as fast as i there fore once you can control me to my full extent you will be even faster then him. but it is Leon the spirit of devas might that can strike him down i can only hold him back so long. Kyle looked over to the 4 statues one in the shape of a four devas each wielding the Elite guard heirlooms.
"the others have names as well " kyle looked over the 4 noticing all but the one wield devas might were all female devas
"Why yes we all have names you know mine of course" fiora smiles but soon frowns "it seems like our time is being cut short "

"Back on Stonner's Galleon, The Excelsior"
With those words kyle felt himself being pulled awake when he awoke his vision was blurry but noticed a wolverine in front of him "A...agatha" he says a little dazed and confused as his vision focused "no your not her but you look extremely similar" he sighs as he sits up noticing the dragon next to him "i might be on the right boat " he thought to himself. he noticed the daemon giving him stink eye but chose to ignore him.
His rapier Pulsed wildly the moment the daemon walked into the room. " kyle grabbed it and whispered "were under orders not to kill any daemons aboard remember" with those words the rapier stopped pulsing. He looked at the dragon kin and he felt he could trust her same with the Jill . Kyle looked over to the dragon "thank you for rescuing me i owe you my life,Let me introduce myself to all of you My names is Kyle James Stingray I am the Grand duelist of the Elite guard of the devas" he looks between Caroline and Aline before focusing on the Jill asking for payment " tell me something first, if you may? "kyle looked at Caroline "why do you look so much like The Grand healer of the devas? better yet how can you use her magic just like her"
A fact of life: After monday and tuesday even the calender says WTF...
Kyle Stingray
Escape of The Blue Rose (Story)
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 12:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Captain Stonner started going from room to room to let everyone know it was time to disembark.

“Alright everyone, its time to leave. I just got word that the Emperor wants to see all of you. So get cleaned up and then head on up. You lot have one hour.”

After hearing this conversations were postponed till later. After a quick clean and getting dressed everyone was on deck as the gangplank was lowered. Several priests and priestesses quickly came on board and went straight to Vailen. They checked him over and lifted him up. An elderly raccoon came up and Crystal embraced her. The two spoke silently so no one could hear what was said. Everyone heard some horses and saw several carriages were waiting for them. Beside them was a contingent of mounted Wolf Riders. Vailen was brought to one of the carriages and it quickly left. Stonner sighed and looked at everyone.

“They’re taking him to the Temple where they heal him. Now then, the Emperor is waiting.”

As the group disembarked into the glorious docks of the Lunar Capital, the beauty and stellar sights of those who worshipped the moon could be seen for miles. The War effort was barely noticed, if at all really. Children played all around the dock side, some old fishermen hanged idly by the side with their rods and moving buckets filled with the day's catch. People seemed alive and happy, much to goodness of everyone who left the Galleon. Everyone disembarked at the same time, as so ordered by Stonner. They didn't even so much as get a second word before he blatantly threw them off his ship, not even time to pack up or settle bad blood between it's crew.

Crystal and Strauss were amongst the first to come down, the fox keeping a rather... glaring eye all around. His daemon wings stretched, the people stopped to stare and whisper. He could've been in a cape and people would still recognize him. Words like 'murderer' and 'drunkard' and 'monster' circulated amongst the whispering public before him and as much as he would've enjoyed starting a bloodlust massacre... he was to be a 'good guy'. If that wasn't enough of a reason, it was that Crystal had placed a hand on his shoulder. "Let it go Strauss. We are in Lunaria and it would be wise to not go on a murder rampage.". The Daemon took in a deep breath. "On one condition. Get me enough mead to not really notice them and their words. Otherwise, I'll make Lunarian front news for the 18th time.". The princess only shook her head. "You already made the 17th when you kidnapped me. No need to do it again.". Strauss simply rolled his eyes, stretched his arms and walked forward into the docks. The crowd of innocents quickly dispersed from the approaching daemon, not a single one daring to look him in the eye. As he approached however, a guttural war cry was heard. Everyone all round simply... froze up.

A cold wind was felt and knocked out of the Daemon. A sudden black blur had caught him off guard from behind, the fox just having had enough time to turn around. He is forced to look up as two hands hold him up by the scruff of his neck, yellow eyes already cursing every possible word in the english dictionary and some that weren't. "What in the fucking hell!? Let me go you bastardized, scrap of meat!!". It wasn't the best insult he could come up with, but then again who could come up with an insult when you were strangled? "So you're the mighty Strauss I've heard so much about. You're a bit of a disappointment.". People and crew members alike froze up in fear as they stared at the incoming violence. For the first time, it wasn't Strauss who caused it.

The fox kicked his legs and flailed his wings all around. He couldn't exactly do much in this position. His hands grasped tightly at his arms, pulling at his fur as his eyes bulged in their sockets. They twitched madly at the fact that he was helpless, killed if given the chance. Suddenly, Crystal's voice was heard as she dashed on to massive, ten foot wolf's sides, ready to punch her arms at her massive brother. "Zail, let him go!". He was named Zail it seemed. The wolf looked to his side with a disturbing smile. "Oh, can't I play with him a little more? It's only fair, since he wanted to play with you without an invitation.". Crystal wasn't allowed to answer him though, because before she even mouthed a word, Strauss had retaliated. "I'll show YOU an invitation!!". In a fit of rage and almost impossible strentgh, Strauss went from being choked, to sending the choker behind his back in a throw. Zail's hands let go from the Fox's face out of reaction and certainly not from surprise. His body landed without a thud, but a crash as his massive 10 feet of muscle and training didn't even flinch. "Oh good. Little puppy can put up a- !!!". His sentence was cut midway before a severely enraged Strauss came charging at him with a scythe blow, the scythe having been pulled from his back at some point. His face strained from anger alone and Zail finally had something to fear, but with nearly identical speed, a massive War Hammer came from his back and parried the scythe blow. Sparks flew, a massive force meeting an unmovable object as the strike of blades left a strange high pitched sound in the winds. "I'll fuckin' kill you for that!!!" "I'll kill YOU for kidnapping my sister!". The two pulled back, ready to go at it again, before Crystal finally had her say. "You guys! Quit trying to kill each other! We have to go meet up with my Father!" "This comes first little sis. I gotta kick his ass." "Yeah, what he said. I gotta tear this fucker a new one.". For hard headed warriors, they seemed to agree on one thing and that was killing each other.

However, the others had now since gone off the Galleon. Crystal turned to Strauss and at some point in the fight, Stonner approached Zail. "Strauss.... that's my brother. Could you please try 'not' to kill him?" "Hey, you saw he came at me first! Daemon law dictates that any challenger needs to get his ass handed to him in a golden platter!" "But this is Lunar, not Jormugandr." ".... bah. Fuckin' Politics.". No one knows what Stonner said to Zail over there, but the massive towering figure pulled back from the General Squirrel beneath. He almost looked like a toy next to the evil looking wolf, his face of disappointment saying it all. "I'll get you next time, puppy. But I swear, you touch my sister in any way, I'll rip your dick out." "You're welcome to try, reject.". Those two seemed like they were ready to blow up at the slightest of things. Crystal just sighed as she openly walked off to the carriages, Strauss slowly followed after for with Liu Lu and Dain.

Caroline turned to Crystal.

“One wishes to know who that was?”

Crystal sighed and shook her head.

“That was Zail, one of my older brothers. He’s extremely protective of the family and he’s an incredible warrior. Trust me, you don’t want to get on his bad side.”

Strauss grunted!

“He’s meat when I get though with him.”

Crystal chuckled.

“Hun, he was taught by my father. More importantly, that green fox that fought you was playing around. Zail never plays when it comes to combat. To him there are no rules. Get in, take your opponent out and go home for lunch. Now then, come on, we don’t want to keep my father waiting.”

Everyone quickly boarded the carriages and they were soon off. Liu Lu looked up at the massive walls of the city. Impressed by the defensives and realizing that if anyone tried to take the city by force they would meet with a stiff opposition. Once out of the docks and into the city proper everyone could see some buildings were damaged. The carriage driver where Crystal, Liu Lu, Caroline and Strauss.

“Philip opened up a series of gates all over the world. Though we were ready, as you can see the city still took some damage. Better then most others though. I heard an entire Devas city was wiped out from the attacks. It was a bad time.”

He then turned back around and continued to drive the carriage in silence. It was take them a bit to get to the palace.

Back at the Dock Gate a cloaked figure entered the city and asked where the Temple was. Once he had the location he quickly headed in that direction.

In Philip’s throne room.

Philip smiled as the devise was nearly complete. It wouldn’t be long now.
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 10:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

= Aurora, Capital of the Lunar Empire, =

The blue daemon caribou's wings bothered him greatly, and he felt unnaturally hungry. HexPoint surmised he needed the food to satiate his molting, but he was more concerned with all he had to accomplish in less than an hour. Snappy hovered nearby, amused with the slight bounce of her own breasts. Elric the cleric trotted up on a horse, guiding another.

"Less than an hour, Sir HexPoint. I'm sure accomodations have been made..."

"I just need a few moments alone, so to speak. And also a richly deserved bath. That inn over there will suffice."

"Splendid. I'll be your escort and vouch for-"

"Why won't anyone accept my Aordafian coin? I've had a full purse since I started my sacred ride. It troubles me."

"Aye, take his money!" exclaimed Snappy with shaking fists, curled toes, and vines whipping from her leafy fluttering wings.

"Oh, there's plenty of trouble in the world, Sir HexPoint. But taking a prophet's money during an apocalypse just seems wrong. And may I suggest you cover her modesty? Snappy doesn't look like a feral war pet anymore."

"Hmn... Really?" HexPoint hopped onto his steed and grimaced at the hard tug on his antlers by Snappy. she giggled and smiled through her long green hair, then turned around in the air.

"Pat my butt!" she said, hovering there. HexPoint noted her backside and green haired vulva were quite pronounced. Also, sailors and soldiers were staring at her. He thought he heard someone mutter "[word censored]", but it could've been mere worry. HexPoint gave Snappy a hesitant slap on the butt and a cold look at the Lunarian males on the docks.

"I'll be over... there. The Holly Dale Inn. Elric, I am quite indebted to you for helping me magivolve Snappy."

"Book of Threnodies, chapter 20. I am blessed to have had the privilege. My faith is strengthened because of you, Sir HexPoint."

"The song of the righteous is a prayer unto the Gods. Peace is victory. May you be victorious, Elric."

Elric smiled and trotted away. HexPoint turned his horse towards the inn and was startled by Snappy's smile right in his face. She kissed his snout and laughed, hovering there. They started towards the inn.

"I'm buying you a dress, Snappy."

"Master, why do furries worry about clothes?"

"Because royalty is clothed, my little pocket monster. But first, a bath."

"Can I bath in yummy blood, Master?"

"Not today, Snappy. But soon, there will be blood."

"In Excelsis Neo."
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PostPosted: Tue May 01, 2012 1:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Aline was about to respond to Kyle that she knew his title, before she could open her mouth the captain entered with the group of healers who had a stretcher between them to carry Kyle off the ship

“We have made port please gather your belongings and disembark”

The Captain said to them before leaving. Aline helped Kyle settle into the stretcher, she carried the things he had come to the ship with standing close to him so that he would not lose visual contact of his belongings.
Aline walked off the ship with the small group and before they loaded up into the carriage a fight broke out near the edge of the pier, Aline stayed out of it when she saw that it was just Strauss throwing one of his temper tantrums, Shaking her head she mumbled to Caroline something about keeping her pet under more control in the city and climbed into the large carriage behind Kyle

“Tell me Kyle …when was the last time you saw the grand healer Agatha? I would like to see her as well …and I’m sure if she heard I was near she would want to see me as well”

Kyle looked over at Aline curiously "Agatha I just saw her before I disembarked for here, she should also be where we are going, she was sent to discuss an alliance in these current times between the Lunar empire and the Devas.”

Aline nodded as Kyle spoke "and how long have you been a Grand Kyle?" she asked as she held his pack in her lap knowing exactly what she was keeping from him

I’ve been grand for only a few months" Kyle replied" I’m still trying to control Fiora's Will, how do you know about the Elite guard, better yet our leader Agatha?" Kyle asks back

Aline sighed and stroked the bundle in her lap "how old do you think I might be Kyle ...remember I am a dragon and we live for a very long time"

Kyle looked her up and down "I would have pegged you at 24. But knowing you’re a dragon maybe close to 200 …right?"

Aline smiled and poked him in the nose "if I was actually 24 I would look like a child still and if only I was still 200 ...oh to feel so young...a dragon is not considered and adult until they have reached the age of 200 and have spent at least fifty years abroad traveling the world Kyle I am much older than 200 but not by much”

"I …um… heh“ Kyle blushes rubbing the back of his head quickly trying to change the subject “how do you know Agatha?” he quickly asked

Aline realized with a giggle this one would be fun to be around, unlike the others, as the carriage started pulling them through the city she decided to tell him how she knew Agatha “I knew Agatha before she became the Grand Healer … I was there the day her children were born ...and some of her grandchildren…I was there the day she took her vows and gained her wings … she was my best friend and my sister but when she started to become entrenched in her work we grew apart and I returned to my home…I have not seen her since her 80th birthday”

She said these things to him as they rolled slowly through the city proper it look much different then she remembered …the houses were older and some were newer and where she remembered small gardens and scraggly trees there were grand plazas and large shade trees almost as old as her.
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PostPosted: Sat May 12, 2012 1:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The arrival to Lunar had already gone off somewhat terrible. For some odd reason of mysterious luck or completely morbid fate, Dain the Corsac Fox warrior had followed Liu Lu, the Empress Tigress into a carriage. After the fight, Strauss and Crystal followed suit into the same carriage. People didn't even need to know these people to know that odds are, something is gonna go down.

The carriage wheels began to roll around, a group of 4 royal horses making the machine roll on the paved grounds of Lunar. The quad of furs within the roayl carriage remained there in complete silence for several minutes. Glares were shared, acknowledgement made in their own solitude and boy was it disturbing. It wasn't long before Crystal, the one who was less aware of the situation to break the ice.

".... why are you three so quiet?". A sudden multitude of glares from the other three came to being. The wolf shrunk back in her chair with a scared face, almost as if having interrupted some form of important... thing. "Sorry... sorry...!". And just like that, another furson spoke up. "It's not your fault. We are all simply... thinking.". It was Liu Lu. Strange, one wouldn't have expected her to be somewhat kind. "Yeah. With what's happened and what we expect to happen, it isn't exactly the best of times to be making idle chatter.". Then Crystal spoke out again, her naivette showing. "But... shouldn't we all get at least to know each other better? I mean, with what's happened and all, maybe a little camaraderie comes in handy?" "With everyone's view on the war, I doubt that positive attitude of yours is gonna get you far.". Strauss then spoke out with a condescending tone, almost scolding her. "Well sorry for trying to lighten this depressing mood.". Crystal proceeded to pout, leaning her head down on the carriage.

The silence was taken out of it's bout again minutes later when the Barbarian warrior proceeded to glare at his opposite on the end of the carriage. "What'cha staring at kid?". Strauss asked, somewhat quiet for normal. "Your ugly ass face. Nothing else to stare at, is there?". The Corsac's stern face said it all, without really saying much at all. Complicated, wasn't it? "Oh gee. Didn't know you were into guys, kid.". The Daemon shot back now with a cocky grin. "No. Just thinking on how good it would feel to wreck you with my fan. If only the carriage wasn't so small.". Dain shot back as he grew more comfortable in his corner of the carriage. "That overgrown paper fan? You know, a good gust would be good right now. Heat's killing me over here.", said the daemon. Cocky as ever no less. "No, I'd send you flying to hell and back.". Dain growled to himself, really just unable to stand the daemon and his pressence. Made you wonder what he had against them. "Oh gee... thought I was in hell already.". Said Strauss, leaning in ever closer to taunt the other fox just to see if he would take the bait for a fight. It wasn't long before Crystal interrupted. "You guys! Would you two quit fighting? It's bad how things are as is, if you two keep on fighting things will get worse than what they already are!". The Tigress empress just sighed, a hand caressing the scar on her face. ".... she has a point and if we're just gonna go out there with our odds of getting turned to mince meat, might as well get to know each other a bit." "I hardly see the point, babe.". Strauss spoke out of line, a bit of a sarcastic tone in his voice. "Oh shush. You're just angry you nearly had your ass handed to you.". Liu Lu spoke out against the Daemon, knowing fully well she did it with the intention of shutting him up. "Oh really? Well Princess, what say you we take this conversation over swords, or... in bed?". Strauss smiled his trademarked smile, the oily grin just begging to drip away from his mouth. The Tigress only sighed. "So powerful, yet so arrogant...". Crystal simply shrunk back to listen at these warriors, prepared to fight over stupid things. Mostly Strauss just rattling everyone like he always did. "Enough, Daemon. It's bad enough we have bad history, doesn't help you think yourself better and stronger than everyone here.", spoke Dain out in frustration. Strauss, ever so condescening shot back; "Only because it's true kid." "Call me kid one more time. I dare ya.", Dain was ready to fight there and then. Strauss? He was just getting a kick at how easy he got so angry. "And what happens if I do call you a kiiiiiiid again?" "I show you how this kid can beat up an old man.". Strauss' smirk vanished, only to reappear on Dain. Alpha Males. Always so hard headed.

"Could you please try not to kill each other? All I wanted was for some conversation, not blood bath!". The princess then beckoned to the other two, a few more seconds passing before Dain grunting and quietly sitting back down. "You win this one, Princess.". Strauss could not pass up his chance. "D'aww.... is the kiddie gonna wet his pants now?" Crystal then elbowed Strauss, who simply rolled his eyes and unwillingly got comfy back on his chair. His wings folded across him along with his arms, almost in dissapointment. Suddenly... Liu Lu began to speak with a sigh. At least she had found a way to break the tension between the other three. "Will you three please quit trying to make buffoons out of yourselves?.... –sigh-…. I’ll start things off then. I was born in Southwestern Chenera. It was... not exactly an easy life. My father had gone off to the petty wars of whatever Tribe deemed it fit, or as they said, to 'die in holy combat for our gods'. My mother and I had a tough life, making shoes and whatever other wares we could peddle at the moment. I had it rough the most for being a woman in a sexist community. That all changed when I met my Second in command and most trusted friend, Jia Zu.". The three suddenly turned eyes to look over to the Tigress, her own visage staring out the carriage window uncaring. What was certain was that no one expected her to actually start the conversation in the first place. "I was a smart girl to most men, yet a lot of them underestimated me. They all used to think that bigger always meant better, but it took just one coup d'e'tat to make my name down in Chenera's history. After that it was a quick rise to the top to take over the small tribes with well placed bribes and assassinations. This is how I made Chengbao".

"So the Tigress has sharper claws than one would expect?", said the Daemon with a shit eating grin, whereas Liu Lu was quick to shoot him down. "Sharper than yours anyways." "Me-oooow.". Strauss grinned, clearly being amused. "So you fought your way to the top?". Dain asked, his head tilted in curiosity. "Somewhat, yes. It wasn't easy, but then again, it isn't easy ruling an entire nation as effectively as I have done." "Oh I can sympathize with you there. Reminds me of Barbaria". Strauss scoffed at the remark. "Obedience stems from fear. It matters plenty who has the biggest stick, but matters a helluva lot more who and how you swing it." "Strauss has a point. Bravo, didn't think you had brains.". Liu Lu chuckled at her own remark, Strauss pulling a wise ass face. "Well.... might as well follow the chain. It's a boring story, so y'all are welcome to start snoring." "I'll get to it then.". Dain shot out with a wise ass grin all his own.

"Hardy har har. Anyways.... I've been around for a while. Seen my fair share of nations rising and falling, wars taking place, shit going down the shitter. But that's not how things went out for me. I was brought up from a Middle class family in the Daemon hierarchy. Lived most of my life in Jormugandr, seeing crime and murder take place on a regular basis. Like most Daemon children, we were taught how to kill and steal far before we were taught how to read and write." "Oh gee, didn't think you could do both.". The Tigress spoke out of turn with a smile. Strauss simply stared unamused. "Yes, it probably comes off as a shock. Anyways... My mother and father were both a little odd in Daemon society. My mother was a Baker and my father a Blacksmith. Most Daemons were soldiers or killers. I resented them for that. Then came the Holy war, Daemon versus Daevas.... and boy, that's one day I won't forget.""You mean the day the Daevas an attack on the Daemon capital?", asked the curious Lunarian Princess. "The very same. Daemon religion already has us hating the winged bastards and I am far from a religious fur, but what they did was unforgiveable. In that day... I have learned to hate the Daevas as much as I do today. Countless of my friends were slaughtered, most of them not even old enough to hold a Daemon broadsword in hand. Some were taken captive in hostage situations and my mother? Well... she lost her ability to fly as several flaming arrows came to light her bakery on fire. She escaped, but lost a lot of her wing webbings and had to walk with a crutch for the rest of her life. Ever since then, I enlisted in the army and went against them ever since." "That doesn't explain your age and your super human feats." Dain grumbled, staring at Strauss as the purple fox closed his eyes. His face only told one emotion. Regret. “That’s a story for another time. Maybe when you’re older kiddo.”

Dain grumbled some more and then took in a deep breath. "... guess it's my turn now.”. With a sigh, he followed the chain. “I was born and raised in Barbaria. A harsh place for he who doesn't survive it's tests. My mother was to be killed and my father wanted me dead before I was born." "Why ever for?". Crystal silently asked as she looked out to thge Corsac with a curious glint in her eye. "My father." Dain almost spat the word. "Didn't want to be one. He was young and reckless as any youth. When he found out, he wanted to have us killed. Thank to his brother though, we lived and she came to be his wife. Never did get to meet my uncle though....". "So your father wanted you dead? What happened after you were born?", asked Strauss to everyone’s surprise. "After I was conceived? My dad tried to kill me again. I was the Black Sheep of the family. I wasn't to have brothers, sisters, not even friends. Not that any kids my age wanted anything to do with me. Luckily, my mother was my only link to the outside world. I grew up in a harsh city, the few things I learned thanks to my mother. All changed when my father became Shogun though. I was still widely ignored, but several of the Generals in Barbaria had a different say in the matter. They saw my potential so they took me under their wings and showed me part of the world. I even got to learn from Shamans.... goddamnable religious bastards, really." "Sounds painfull.", mentioned Strauss yet again. "Oh, it was. You have no idea how hard it is to use a language that's been dead for centuries just for some secret messages. Still... that concludes the line, right? We know of your history Princess, seeing as you are quite the damsel." Crystal only giggled. "Then guess I need'nt bore you with my tale.". "Are you sure? It's perfectly fine.". Liu Lu asked out loud regardless of Crystal's concern. "No, it's fine. Besides, we should be near the Castle now." "If you say so.".
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PostPosted: Wed May 16, 2012 9:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

With a discerning eye, Caroline studied the new Deva. He was still groggy. His actions were a blend of suddenly being awakened, and the confused antics of drunkards. The fact the Deva had three names reminded Caroline of a joke her father used to tell her about lawyers. Though awkward and befuddled, Kyle was still aware of his surroundings. Some sort of military specialist, Caroline mused, given his arms and armaments. With Valien preaching on about being heroes and uniting against a cause, the last thing Caroline wanted to see was another dim-witted, easily swayed, soldier. Philip had already demonstrated just how useless it was to fight him with blades and muscle that another swordsman therefore was useless. Still… a Deva could have his uses. He was at least civilized enough to give his name.

A tiny smile formed on her muzzle. If there was one truth Caroline knew, it was that knowledge equals power. It puzzled her why people would share information so… readily. She had already gifted the Deva with one spot of information, that being her real face instead of the porcelain mask she usually wore. Therefore, she had decided never part with information she had without getting something in return. Knowledge begets knowledge.

Caroline smiled a purposely insincere smile. "Well, Agatha was a student." She deliberately paused, as the boson entered the cabin relaying that the Emperor wanted to see them.

As she made her way down the gangplank to the docks, she noticed Valien's litter being loaded into an ambulance. With Strauss heading off with the new girl, she decided to garnish a spot of information from Valien. She mused that in his weakened state, he would be more pliant and susceptible to seemingly innocuous questions. As she walked towards the ambulance, those around it parted without her asking. They were nervous and superstitious enough around to mage to just avoid her. She entered the ambulance unhindered. Sitting across from Valien's litter, Caroline, knocked on coachman's panel, to signal that the coach was ready. With a cracking-snap, the horses began to trot down the cobbled roads.

Valien lay fitfully sleeping on stretcher seat across from Caroline. She took a deep breath. While she knew the dangers of feeding herself into her magics, time was critical. If they arrived at their destination before the normal time it took to perform the ritual, she would not have the chance to speak with him. Caroline closed her eyes, and bleed herself into her spell. When she opened her eyes, she was in Valien's dream realm.

Valien sat on a chair, studying maps and charts strewn across a table in front of him. Caroline broke the silence by saying, "So, this is what you're dreams look like?"

Startled, the wolf looked up. "H-how did you get in here? Wait… that doesn't matter." He went back to his maps. After shuffling a couple of them around, he ticked off a distance using a protractor. He sighed and mumbled, "Never enough time. Caroline, we are about to see the Emperor. And the Rovers need his help. I need his help. And, thusly, I need your help. I'm good with swords and battlefields. You can do this whole court thing. As such, you and I are going to have a little chat. A battle-plan, if you will." The wolf paused, to let the value of the words sink in.

Caroline could not shake the feeling of déjà vu. Being in someone else's dream world never sat right with her. It was like she was enjoying the effects of Green Lotus, but… not enjoying the effects of Green Lotus. The room looked martial and masculine. With it being in the dream world, it filtered in-and-out of itself. Rolling her eyes at letting herself get distracted by a curious whim, she realized her thoughts would have to wait. Taking a cue from the comment the wolf made, she returned her full attention to him. Valien had made a bold move on the chessboard. One she had considered, but felt he would not have done so. She smoothed out the sleeves on her gown. "So, you do play chess."

"Come again?"

"No worries. What is it you are asking One to do? One is unfamiliar with this Emperor of yours."

"You don't need to be familiar with him. You just need to do that game-of-houses thing you do, and get him to agree to work with us."

"That sounds a might… underhanded, given the nature of Rovers. If One were to play Deamon's advocate, One would say that such duplicity towards this Emperor, once discovered, would not be welcome."

"Look, he knows we're coming already. And he already knows that he needs to support our cause. I just need to make sure that he's going to offer troops, supplies, and information to us, so we can co-ordinate our defense and counter-attack. I'm not tricking him into anything."

"Oh, so you expect One to trick him into anything?"

"Yes… er… no. No, that's not what I meant. I just need you to get assurances from him. Appeal to his sense of honor and justice."

"Well then which is it? Do you want One to obtain assurances from him, or should One get him to agree to work with us."

"It's one and the same."

"Is it?"

"Yeah… er… yeah, it is."

"Well, if you say so, then it must be so."

"So, when we get to the capitol, I'll introduce all of us to his audience. Then I'll introduce you as a special envoy. And then you do your thing."

"One's 'thing'? You mean One's skill with science?"

"No, your political thing. Use your skills in the court. Be diplomatic."

"One is not a diplomat. To be a diplomat, One needs to be from a country, and be acting as a liaison to that country. One is a notary public and cartographer… at best a historian."

"You know what I mean. You're a ne… a mage and scholar from the East. As such, you can act as a diplomat."

"Of course. One will get you exactly what you want, Valien."

"I'm assuming you're going to want something in return?"

"Perhaps at a future time."

"You know, Caroline… you don't have to be so secretive and difficult. We all need to work together in order to defeat Philip and his monsters. Just give us a chance, and I'm sure we all could be friends."

"One will not take offense to your affront, this time. One is helping you. One just agreed to get what you want from the Emperor."

"This is the weirdest dream I've ever had with you in it. Not that I dream about you or anything. I mean, I'm sure I would dream about you, but… this is just… well… weird. Well, how about this then." Resting his elbow on the table in front of him, Valien began ticking off points with his fingers. "While some of us have a modicum of skill with magics and the like, it's what you've studied. You're, by far, the most powerful of us. And I mean no flattery by that. It's a fact. The Rovers, and the world, need your help. And, I've seen you care for things, in spite of your… callous exterior. As such, you don't need to be so protective of yourself around us. We're your friends."

"Well, if you say so, then it must be so."

An uncomfortable quiet crept into the dream room. Even when he was dreaming, Caroline never seemed to make any sense to him. He knew she had agreed to his request. He couldn't tell what else she was up too, but she had at least agreed to his request. Snapping his fingers, Valien decided upon something. Sometimes, a frontal assault was the best way. "Okay, I've heard Aline call you Caroline of House Wellwater. Did your family own a farm or something? Wellwater implies water from a well."

"My parents were dousers."

The fact that Caroline answered his question, made his voice catch in his throat. No avoidance. None of her normal quizzical way of speaking. Just an answer. "Dousers?" he asked.

"Diviners of Water. They are sometimes referred to as Water Witches on this continent."

"So you can foretell the future?"

"No. That is prophecy. That realm is left to those who claim to have audience with the Divine… or with vulgar caribou who cannot see the world as it is. My parents could find water sources that could be used to fill wells."

"So, can you find water then?"

"Yes. We just left a tremendous body of it, but an hour ago. Not potable, but water."

Rolling his eyes, Valien smiled. "This dream keeps getting more and more… weird. Well, at least you have a sense of humor."

"Sometimes. And while you currently lack the refinement to truly play the game-of-houses, you're brash actions are not without their own merit."

"Did… did you just pay me a compliment? Now I know that this is a dream."

"If you say so, then it must be so."
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PostPosted: Thu May 31, 2012 6:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The bells tolled in their deathly rings as a signal. Such a foreboding sound was not welcome and it brought with it the death squadron to match, nightmarish creature from the underworld's core coming to a stampede. The former town center of Xin Xu brought forth these monstrosities, hundreds upon hundreds of disembodied corpses in tar covering chasing after them with all manner of rusted and improvised weapons. Things seen in old legends made reality.

"Alright men! Hold the front line! If they get into the city they got the advantige. We will take the fight to these bastards!". Thor called as he took his large war hammer in both hands, a few sparks flew from the head of the large hammer. A calm Sakon right beside him with broadsword in tow. "Finally we're getting a taste of action here." Thor mumbled.

Last to follow was Saika, who did brought him a longsword. He limped a little but the steel face he showed marked no regrets. Maybe even excitement to the Barbarian eye. "Rember these are farmermen and fishermen. They got no will to fight or the know how to use their weapons." Thor pointed toward the creatures, the sickening smell of tar permeating all around. They approached fast with their gurgles and groans of insanity. The quad of Barbarian furs didn't seem phased. "Look at these filthy creatures. Their tactics are savage at best. Also the guys you are talking about, if they didn't know how to use a weapon they would be dead." Thor told Saika. "He has a point for once. Also after this fight they can try to rebuild their lives." Sakon said before he turned and looked at the monsters chargeing at them.

A hearty battle cry followed and the battle began over the shattered town. Every fur in the city produced weapons of some kind. They held their weapons at the ready whilst their enemies charged foward. At their backs was the fishing shack from before and it showed bravery. Stupidity to some. And then, they crashed.

The night flowed in a shower of sparks with weapons of all shapes and sizes incoming to a head. The foward ranks of the Reavers came to crash a thin line of Barbarian men, the lines behind pushing and readying weapons to grab at their lifeblood. The men replied by holding their ground and holding to their stance with their weapons. Axes, swords, daggers, pole-arms, the list was long and gruesome. "Now!". With a booming voice did Thor answer, the Barbarians using their weapons and lack of heavy armor to nimbly parry the heavy and sluggish monsters. A push of the blade there, an under punch to a rotted chest here and the first line of Reavers were slashed and hacked down to dead bodies as they once were. Their ghoulish groans and moans of combat for their dead brethren didn't mean much, the second line standing over their dead to combat the furs. And yet... the Barbarians repeated the same move. They watched the monsters, waited for a chance to strike and before the foul beast struck, it was slain before it realized what happened. As the second line charged in the rest of their men came chargeing over a hill to the south as fast as they could. "About time Eric!" Thor called as a thunderclap came as his hammer hit the face of a monsteros mole. The men chaged head long into the fight swinging their swords and axes like mad men as arrows from the shogunate furs hailed down into the masses ferther inline.

Meanwhile... Back at Lunaria

Dain held his peace as to past the time him and Strauss just staired at each other. Anyone could see the tention from the two. Then Dain gave a snort. "It's getting to stuffy in here." Dain said before he opened the door to the moveing carriage and jumped out. Then he turned around and grabed a back bar on the carriage and pulled himself up. After that he climbed up the back and sat down on the roof of the carriage the other three were in. Dain let out a sigh as he crossed his legs and looked around as the carriage cliped cloped along.
yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. that's why it is called the present.
quoted by master Oogway off kong fu panda
Some weep, some cry, some make couches fly. - Katmir
Let me stand behind you in times of peace, let me stand infront of you in times of war, let me stand beside you as a equall, as a friend.
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 9:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Aurelius quietly followed everyone outside onto the docks, his wings folded up behind him in a vain attempt to hide them. As he watched the Daemon fox duel with a powerful wolf warrior, he felt a part of himself wishing to join in and take down the Daemon. However, it was quickly squashed when he heard the wolf warrior yell out the Daemon’s name…

Strauss? Where have I heard that name before...?

His eyes widened in realization and fear as he began to recall the stories told about him. Numerous stories that told about the man’s terrible bloodlust and battle prowess, of how those he met were left in pieces. It was these stories that had dubbed the Daemon the nickname “Death Incarnate”…

Shuddering in fear and revulsion, the rabbit Devas was surprised to see a wolf priestess make her way towards the dueling warriors. For a moment, he thought that Strauss would try to kill her or use her as a living shield. He was shocked to see, however, that she managed to separate the two warriors and have Strauss listen to her. Shaking his head, Aurelius gazed over at the dock entrance and spotted several carriages lined up and ready to leave.

Aurelius watched as several of the passengers make their way towards them. His eyes then took sight of a beautiful reptile woman walking next to someone being carried in a stretcher. What shocked him, however, was that both parties bore wings upon their backs. The woman bore wings that he thought were those of a daemon, while the one on the stretcher…

Wait a minute… Those are Devas wings! What is that woman doing with him?!

Aurelius then watched as Hexpoint and Snappy converse with a healer who was atop a horse. After a brief conversation, the daemon and his war pet made their way towards the city.

"He may be a Daemon, but... Something about what he spoke still bothers me..."

His eyes switched back and forth between the two groups before he made his decision. "I better follow that Hexpoint fellow... I still need some answers from him. Plus, the guards can take care of that woman if she decides to pull a fast one..."

With his mind made up, he hastily ran towards Hexpoint and Snappy. "P-Please wait," he called out as he caught up to the two of them. "I... I need to speak with you about something."
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 7:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Kyle listened to Aline’s stories of Agatha and the lunar empires past, he couldn’t help but notice her beauty being the first dragon he ever saw, hell she was the only dragon he actually met and not read about. Kyle relaxed allittle he was feeling better since his fall. "Thank you for saving me By the way " Kyle smiles at her "it’s rare for a grand to make a rookie mistake like that but they still happen occasionally " he smiles at her but she had her head still turned towards the window watching the city as they rode through it she absently nodded her head to what he said
"I sensed the power of your sword while I was meditating and she called to me, not with words but with a feeling of exasperation and fear, I think the She was angry that you have not blended with her quickly otherwise she would have found a way to change your approach to the ship"
Kyle blushed in embarrassment “yeah Fiora is very hard to control, she is very fast and also channels her powers to her wielder. She told me from the start that she is the most difficult of astrids weapons to wield because of her speed and accuracy" he looks at the blade " she is frustrated with me but she’s impatient she said her other two owners were the same way " he looks at Aline "tell me what was the previous grand dueler like?” Aline looked at him and shifted in her seat she held out her hands for his sword "may I hold Fiora for a moment I wish to determine something about her power" she looked at him she had an idea of what he could do but she did not think it was wise to tell him before knowing Fiora’s wishes better herself. "You may” he smiles unsheathing the sword and holding it out to her with both hands under the blade, Aline takes the sword by the upper and lower end of the blade leaving the hilt for Kyle to hold "take the hilt I can only do this right when you are connected" Kyle does as she tells him holding the hilt of the blade.

Aline closes her eyes and slips into the dream realm there in that world she was holding the hand of a young female mouse with short hair and a sad look on her face, both of Aline’s hands were wrapped around Fiora’s right hand and a fuzzier version of Kyle was holding her other hand he was not present in the dream realm so he could not hear the conversation "hello Fiora, it has been a very long time … why do you keep telling Kyle he must control you … your power does not come from control, it comes from acceptance and love … are you worried about loving again Fiora?" Fiora smiles at her "Aline its good to see you again” she hugs her one handed as she is still holding Kyles hand "as for control I am afraid” she frowns, “when Harrington died I was crushed I had grown attached to him and also to his children” she frowns “I consider all of his kin mine." Fiora looks over to Kyle "with Kyle it is different he is much more skilled then Harrington was I can see great potential with him if he had the right motivation as well as control I’m sure with him I can be more then I currently am," she looks at Aline with a mix of sadness and hope, Aline hugged Fiora tightly but she shook her head at this idea "no Fiora your power was always in energy, acceptance and love if you seek for him to control you... then you will be weaker than you should be, you do not have to love him but he must love you there is always room in our hearts to love more than one person or family...if you are still afraid of his love then at least tell him he must accept you as a part of himself not as just a sword with a soul" Aline brushed Fiora's hair back in a tender way before kissing the lovely mouse on the forehead Fiora sighed with a small happy sound "you are right Aline I’ve always trusted your judgment" she looks to Kyle " I will tell him soon enough" she looks back to Aline “I can sense Agatha and Sierra are nearby have you seen them yet?” Aline shook her head at Fiora "no I have not seen them but they are in the city I believe they are at the temple of Luna...I must leave the dream realm now Fiora it was good to see you again" Aline came out of her trance and opened her eyes she was once again holding the blade of the duelist sword with Kyle sitting next to her his hand on the hilt "Kyle you will need to speak to Fiora alone and she will explain how you can truly gain her powers, for now I can only tell you that this sword is more than a weapon it is now a part of you and until you believe that you will always be lacking" Kyle took the sword and sheathed it when the driver announced they were close to the temple "I will Aline " Kyle smiles rubbing the hilt of the sword.

The carriages arrived at the temple and Valien was rushed in side leaving Caroline behind. The Priestesses of the temple rushed him into the main hall, past the two Devas waiting in the hall. "So is that Valien, prince of the Lunar Empire?" Sierra looks at the body of the wolf her glowing blue shield hung from her back and was the only piece of armor she had on her; she wore light clothing as to not seem so intimidating reveling her blue fur "yes and he is still very injured and in need of a powerful healer" Agatha looks towards the high priestess after speaking these words "if I may" she smiles towards the high priestess who nods "it would be a honor to watch the Grand healer of the Devas heal I’m very curious to see what we have been talking about in action, a perfect merge of Devas and lunar healing.
Agatha simply smiled and walked towards the fallen wolf the aging jill held her staff above Valine and it started to pulse as a bubble enveloped the two. Light blue and golden beams channeled into Valien's Injuries and he began to glow brightly and so did Agatha who was whispering an incantation as she waved the staff over him her Devas wings spread to their full extent. The bubble surrounding the two began to shift between dark blue and gold colors as the prince and Agatha flashed brightly and the bubble seemed to explode in a burst of energy that seemed to energize everyone in the blast wave. Valien was floating in the air his wounds were completely healed as he gently floated down onto the gurney. Everyone in the room stood in awe of the power that Agatha displayed as she clutched to Radiant shaking "my, my I haven’t used that in decades " she struggles to straighten up as sierra rushes to aid her and helps out the jill "will he be all right Agatha " Sierra asks " he will be fine he just needs rest now.” Agatha looks over the group who just watched the events that just happened, “Now where is that boy" as she looks around for Kyle.

Back in Lurdian at fort Winchester the Devas cheered in victory over Phillip’s army. They all cheered for the large bear holding the glowing blue axe Nikolai stood there breathing heavily. The victory came at a heavy loss Phillip’s army was not a bunch of pushovers. He pondered the prospects of the future battles and it made him smile "A challenge finally I haven’t had battles like this since I was a Deamon " he begins to smiles and shake in Anticipation of worthy opponents again. He looks towards his troops "THIS IS THE FIRST OF MANY VICTORIES AGAINST THISA NEW ENEMY "NOW LETS US MARCH ON AND TAKE BACK EVERY INCH OF LAND THEY STOLE FROM US" He yells the Devas cheered and yelled back in eagerness to defend their homeland, Nikolai though excited had a strange feeling most of these men wouldn’t be returning to their families after all this was said and done.
A fact of life: After monday and tuesday even the calender says WTF...
Kyle Stingray
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 8:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Orden was in a foul mood. He wanted to see his son but the Healers had indicated that he needed rest and was put into a deep sleep. There was also the fact that his daughter and the other ‘Guests’ were arriving in a few minutes. Not wanting to be rude and also wanting to see his daughter Orden reluctantly remained in the palace. He sat back down on the throne and grunted. All around him was his family, nobility, aristocrats, generals, mages and advisers. He looked at each group.

His family sat around him, except for Zail who was standing and had a grim look on his face. There wasn’t much that could anger his son but Strauss seemed to be one of them. His wife sat next to him. She was wringing her hands in anticipation of their arrival. All she wanted to do was hold her babies. With them now so close she was on the verge of tears.

Quietly sighing Orden looked at the different groups. The nobility and aristocrats were talking politics and the economy as usual. Nothing new there. They were always badgering him about one thing or another. Got on his nerves at times. Especially when they kept asking for the hands of Vailen and Crystal. Always trying to get into the family by some means.

The generals were talking about the war. So far the Empire has faired well. Save for the 9th Legion and 3rd Mounted Legion, all other Legions that had engaged Philips forces had been victorious. The Daemons and Devas had also fought the enemy back. Sadly, it would only be a matter of time before Philip redoubled his efforts. With the Confederation being pressed hard and the massive amount of people abducted all over the world, it wouldn’t be long before everyone was pressed hard. Even Orden knew that the Legions alone stood no chance.

He had to chuckle at the sight of the mages. They were as giddy as school children. They were going to meet a Necro Magi. The knowledge they could learn from here and the history she could teach them was all they would talk about. The Lunar mages were always trying to find more on history and new magics to fill they’re libraries... even though they were fit to burst with all the information they had already.

Finally his advisers, the furs that kept him abreast of everything that went on in the Empire. The treasury was good, crops were still coming in fine, the peoples health was good, no new plagues had come up. A few roads needed to be fixed but shouldn’t cost to much. All the forts were maned and ready. The list went on. There were times that Orden envied Vailen. To be a Rover and roam the world teaching and playing music.

He sighed and quickly rubbed his eye’s, wiping away tears. He wanted to see his son so bad. He felt someone gently take his hand and looked over at his wife. Though she was 68, age had been kind to her. She still had a very nice figure and because she kept fit, many thought she looked younger then what she truly was.

‘Still as beautiful as the day we met.’

A servant came walking up to him.

“Sire, the carriages have just arrived at the gate. They shall be here shortly.”

Orden nodded.

“Thank you Collins.”

The crowed began to grow quiet with news of their arrival.
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 10:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

= Aurora, Capital of the Lunar Empire, Dockyard=

Hexpoint halted his steps as the Devas rabbit drew near. His eyes were closed for a moment as asked, "Yes, young Devas? What did you need to ask of me?"

After taking a few moments to catch his breath, the young man said, "Would those chosen as Champions be given signs of the imminent danger, such as nightmares or visions?"

The blue daemon caribou steadied his horse, as it felt uneasy near Snappy. "Wesseran, bring a mount for the Deva warrior! Aurelius, the short answer is... yes! The sacred igns marked your particular arrival, but If you wish to learn more then we'll speak after our audience with the Emperor. Now, I need a dress for my war pet."

Snappy hovered daintily by as HexPoint haggled with a bear balancing a heavy basket on her head. The pet returned the people's stares with a quizzical look. A mouse stable hand arrives with Leaf's mount, staring at Snappy's strange naked body hover in the air. "Hah, I'd like ta plow that field and seed it."

HexPoint's sandaled hoof then broke the stable hand's snout. "Insolent savage! You will respect the form of your mother, your goddess, and my familiar!" HexPoint shook his antlers and snorted at the incident while Snappy giggled and licked her lips hungrily at the blood. Then HexPoint presented Snappy a small red toga. She frowned, folded her arms, turned, and released a perfumed wind. "Insubordination!? It cost me my Aordafian ocarina and my last spell skull to get you decent for royal audience!"

Snappy stuck her long green tongue out at her master, making raspberries. "Clothes are stupid!"

The caribou had a bit of a struggle with his war pet, who was trying to keep the offending garment away from her person. The people in the marketplace couldn't help but stare at the spectacle before them. With some convincing and a little help from Aurelius, Snappy was found atop Hexpoint's mount with a grimace on her face and the dress upon her body.

"Stop pouting my petal, you look pretty. Who's a pretty twining carnivorous flower? You are..! Come, Aurelius! We ride!"

"In Excelsis Neo."
Katmir's fursona collection:
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 1:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

With their arrival to the large and certainly monumental castle, the members of the first carriage to arrive promptly leaving their lavish ride behind. The Confederate Empress was the first to descend. Her sight brought with her various onlookers that could not help themselves to stare at her beauty, but the scar that she now bore on her face was the one piece that seemingly threw them off.

Next in line to follow was the Lunarian Princess Crystal, whom quietly followed behind with a smile. "It's been so long so I was last at home!". Her excitedness was cut short as her newfound murderous boyfriend followed shortly behind with a scowl. "Don't get attached, or I might level the place.". The fox simply sighed. They didn't look like lover boys at all. Whatever the reason... they simply just kept each other company.

The last to leave the carriage was the corsac fighter atop the very same. He jumped off and landed with some grace next to the other three, taking stance and looking around. "So this is the Capital, hmm? It's different from Barbaria.". His mood didn't seem to get better and the fact that he was close to a daemon just made it even worse. The way the quad of furries looked around as they awaited for they're companions surely got the looker of most, a small group of people that may have been the most powerful saviors of their time, or the most stupid of muscleheads. There was no real means to show either at the time. Only the future could tell what was in store for them all.

"Guess I'll go on ahead. You three mind waiting here for the others?". Crystal sighed at the stagnant mood that hung to the air. Her hands went to her hips shortly after when not receiving a reply. "I'll go ahead and get things ready with Father. Try not to get too much attention alright?". And yet again not even a single reply. The wolf princess was saddened by this and simple walked on towards her home for what may be the first time in what she considered ages. Many a guard stood at salute and some even bowed down in awe to the return of their princess that had yet to be seen for some time. Liu Lu quietly turned to her two followers. "Are you men always so stubborn and boorish? You Military types are all the same.". This earned her two stares. Not evil stares, just ordinary stares. Dain turned her back on the Empress. "Stubborn at times. Boorish never. I never seek out war.". Strauss didn't answer at all, the daemon keeping to himself and flexing his wings a little. "We are foregoing a conflict that threatens our way of life and you two seem to hold so dearly on to your traditions. For men of caliber, you do not seem fit to lead.". Now the other fox answered. "Well 'Empress', let me ask you this. How many people have you murdered in cold blood?". Strauss just shot that out without warning, catching Liu Lu off guard. "Well I-", as she tried to retaliate, Strauss up and began speaking again. "How many homes have you set to blaze? How many widows and orphans have you made on your conquest to glory and fame?".

Dain then turned to defend the Tigress. She may not have been the best of friends, but if given the chance he would go against this Daemon at any turn. "You have no right to speak. You murder innocents, kill the weak and harm the respectful.". Strauss turned to the corsac. "Kid, don't make me laugh. If I wanted to go rambling on about how I kill anything I damn please, I could go a spree right now. Miss Pompous over here though doesn't know one thing that you and I regretfully know and that we have somehow gotten dragged into.". The Barbarian warrior seemed skeptical. "Oh yeah? What is that?". The daemon took in one last breath before leaning in on one of the walls to the gated entrance. "That this, is War. And in war, people die. Our 'boorish' Military types always seem bored and seldom, but one thing we can say. We throw ourselves at the enemy and hope to god we have enough bodies to win. If Little Empress here can't cope with that, you're better off being a Diplomat from what remains of the Confederation and beg for assistance from the nobles.". Liu Lu remained silent this entire time. For being the anti-hero he was, he spoke sense for once. Dain simply scoffed "Tch. That far from gives you the right to speak."

The Empress finally broke her own code of silence. ".... he has a point. I must remember my failure at the Confederation as testament to this.". Her face hung low and before long, she walked on ahead to the gates, long forgetting to wait for the others and leaving the other two foxes to their lonesome at the entrance gates. The Barbarian simply got angry and paced back some in light anger. "You would speak harshly to the Empress.". Strauss closed his eyes, crossing his arms in silence as his scythe hanged idly by to his side. "She is too young for this in my opinion. She also blames herself for the fall of her nation. She had no blame in the loss against something we've never faced before, but if she is to lead, she must understand that death is your best ally in these times.".
_________________ Wolf & Grimm! = My FA

Last edited by Wolf Stride on Mon Jul 23, 2012 7:41 pm; edited 2 times in total
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 8:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

She knew she was in a foul humor. Bell towers tolled the mid-day hour. Long out-of-tune bells, sharply struck twelve thunderous peals. Caroline thought about how she was missing the clockwork parade, held every day at noon in the city commons. Caroline fussed with smoothing out the waves on her hooded cloak. The wrinkles in the silk were beginning to become permanent. Its once rich, deep, blue had lightened to a royal blue from the sun. Worse, she could feel the thin, feathery-wisps of frayed threads. She realized she would need to see a dressmaker soon. While the quality and refinement of her clothing was leaps and bounds above the threadbare, patchwork, scraps the others wore, her cultured tastes noticed every imperfection that was beginning to show. Tapping her nose, Caroline corrected herself. Aline dressed... adequately. While the wild-kin tended to wear little to nothing, the cut and stitching of the fabric was well done. In some ways, Aline's clothing had an almost organic sort of spirit to it. As she looked at the cuff of her sleeve, Caroline noticed that there were flecks of dirt under her fingernails. It made her clench her jaw. Honest soap was a luxury here, and her reserves of it were running out. She was going to have to pay for a bath. It was disgusting how the locals dried themselves with rough, filthy towels, and then poured perfumes all over themselves to cover up the sour odor. Barbarians.

Turning away from her dress, Caroline looked around the courtyard. A dozen greenskeepers were busying themselves with trimming the grass and hedges, while another dozen was raking the stones back onto the gravel driveway. The ambulance carrying her and Valien and her had arrived second. The teamster had already taken the ambulance to the carriage house. As soon as Valien had been carried away on the litter, a score of the wizard-priests swarmed around her like flies. There were times when she hated pretending to be a dignitary. Being surrounded by the moronic drivel of mages asking her all manner of questions about her arts was one such time. She had already granted them a tremendous honor by not wearing her mask, and allowing these mewling annoyances the privilege of seeing her true face. For them to ask more was an insult she would not tolerate for long. Still, such an invitation into the very court of the Emperor would allow her to make another, brazenly bold move on the chessboard. A move she had thought of after she finished visiting Valien in his dreams. An idea so simple, they would never see it coming. She had already, deliberately, placed one spot of evidence. Sometimes simplicity trumps creativity.

The Deva named Agatha bothered her. Caroline couldn't shake the feeling that something seemed... too familiar about the Healer. A sensation that would not let go, akin to the feeling that trickled through her when Aline spied on her with the spirit plane. But Agatha's mystery would have to wait. She needed to act. Before the parties could settle into place, she needed to make her move. And Valien had promised that he would pay handsomely for her help. "One does not have time to discuss matters of the arcane. One must see the Emperor, now." The mages cleared a path for her, while pandering for her to follow them at the same time.

So, she dug her nails into her palms. Sometimes, the Game of Houses irritated her. Still, to get what she wanted, she needed to get close to the Emperor. These... pathetic, mouth-breathing, knuckle-dragging, long-winded, window-licking, mockeries of wizardry were consuls to Orden. And they would take her to the Emperor. They so wanted to hear about her magicks of science and life. Her eyes lit up. She told them that once she had her audience with the Emperor, she would answer their questions. Sometimes, it was so easy to bribe, it was almost rude to do so.

A scuff-scuff-tap sound trailed her as she made her way through the palace. Apparently the size of the house represented the importance of the character. Caroline mused the puzzle of how the freemen could tolerate such opulence flaunted at them. These nobles did no work, spent the day idling away the time, and acted as if they were entitled to such pandering treatment due to their birth. It was no wonder the nobles always seemed to think the Rover's were special. The Rovers did the same thing, just on a global scale. So, the nobility parroted the antics of the Rovers. "One can see why the Rovers are thought of like they are," Caroline whispered to herself.

As she continued down the hallway, it was all she could do to not listen to the thousand of impatient questions the mages asked her about her craft. Luckily, she was close enough to Strauss that she could tap into the bond similar to how she could with Malinkov. She missed Malinkov. While he was little more than a glorified tool for her to use, he... listened to her. Although he knew his place, she missed the fact that his actions were to serve. The others in her congress were all used to being served. She wanted Malinkov back. But the desire would have to wait. A plan was already in motion for her to bring him back. Caroline just needed to be patient.

Taking a deep breath, Caroline felt for her link with Strauss. Being so close together, it took just a few seconds to locate him. She could sense Strauss fuming… again. Some poor sap must have said he smelled sour or something, causing him to rage about the unfairness of life… again. For all the power he possessed, it didn’t sit well with her how spoiled he acted. “Real deamons must have cast him out, which is why he’s here helping us now,” she whispered to herself. With the amount of emotional antics and outbursts Strauss had, she wondered if he were a pimply-faced teenager of a deamon. The thought made her smile, and roll her eyes.

Upon reaching the throne room, she did not wait to be announced. Standing straight, she smiled smugly as the nobles and politicians in audience with the Emperor whispered about her rudeness as a foreigner, and about her lack of honor at not kneeling before their rulers.

Waving his hand to quiet the murmuring, Orden sat upon his throne. "I have to admit, it has been a while since anyone has not kneeled in respect before me. Do you not know who I am?"

Caroline replied in Cthuthonic. Her answer sounded like gibberish to all but Aline. The aristocracy and bureaucrats looked at each other, trying to see if anyone knew what she was saying. Again, Orden raised his hand, "You speak in a language I am unfamiliar with. You must be the emissary from across the Great Sea, Caroline Wellwater. I must ask, Diplomat Wellwater, that you use the language of Trade and Commerce. Unless you are unfamiliar with such a tongue."

"If One must use the language of the common class, then One will. One just expected more from you, Your Grace, given the many talents of your son, Valien."

Orden knocked on the armrest of his throne to quite the room. "You would be wise to keep a short leash on your wit, Diplomat Wellwater. While our customs must seem beyond you, you are to respect them when in My lands. What news do you bring from the East?"

"News? One is not a troubadour, nor a crier. One is a historian... a cartographer of some renown, and a student of the arcane. If it is news you want, you should talk with your gossip mongers."

Orden placed his hand on that of his wife. She was on edge, knowing that her son was so close, but locked away by the order of the Grand Healer. He knew she was about to jump up and shout something to quiet the tongue of Caroline. But he would not let himself, or his family be baited. What his advisors and son had told him about the Easterner was correct. She played the Game of Houses. And she played it well. "If you have no news or information about what is going on well beyond my borders, then I have no use for you. Please, see yourself out. I am certain that the Trade Quarter will have accommodations fitting of your budget."

"Your Grace, you painfully insult One," retorted Caroline. She tugged at the fingers of the glove on her left hand. Grabbing all the lose fingers at once, she pulled off the satin fabric. Deliberately, she held her fingers in the air. The light in the room sparkled and shimmered off the diamond ring. Twin gold and platinum rings nestled next to each other, on the jill's slender-small finger. The throne room became dumbstruck and silent. "Before fainting from his injuries, Valien married One."
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 3:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The tension grew, the air felt heavy and the guards dropped bullets of sweat from these two looking at one another with the intention to kill. Liu Lu the Empress was gone; the two foxes now prepared to drop the pleasantries. They may be forced allies, but that doesn't mean they were to be subject to work together. It was a guarantee that both of them were going to accept a few 'casualties'. No one would be the wiser if it was friendly fire.

"You embrace Death so thoroughly. You're nothing but a heartless monster.". The fox from Barbaria fumed in his own male right, a hatred primal for nothing more than what he had heard and known from him. Strauss seemed to care not for the child's ramblings. "And what are you supposed to be? Have you ever gone to a war? Or are you as naive at that Empress?". He was letting steam out with anger now. For a warrior, the daemon saw Dain to be far too inmature in the laws of war. He did not know him however, so he could speak for much. "For one, I would NEVER throw men to battle. Everyone of them has a life, a family and a reason to go back home and as their chieftain, it is my duty to make sure they see the light of tomorrow.". The fox stood imposingly to try and show his position and his honor. Something that as respectable as it was, wouldn't really get him far.

"I don't care about you or your chieftain status. You're still just a child that has yet to be seasoned by war and if you think like that, you may as well be the first to die. Death may very well be your greatest ally if you've stayed this long alive.". Yellow eyes resumed to look menacingly against his own kind in species, gloves stretching against their leather holds to retain their anger management. Dain only responded with anger and growls in his voice. "Death is never an Ally. He takes and only takes.". He remained stalwart on his beliefs and Strauss was getting annoyed with his stubborness. Reminded him of himself. "And what makes you think you know death so well kid? At this point he is life family. A life spent and a life taken are one in the same if you've no purpose or use for it. Death is life family to me."

"So just because you have his scythe means you've got the right to be like him?". Now it was just getting ridiculous. It was obvious these two did not have the restraints and maturity to stop the conversation. Dain's reply got an outright snarl from Strauss as guards now eyed the duo in suspicious caution. "If it makes you shut up, yeah. Now put a cork in it before I make you another rusty stain.". Strauss had pushed himself off his lean, wings now flexed to try and show domination by force. Dain's response? "Try me.".

The two gave one another one last glance before the Barbarian dashed in for combat first. Dain tried to get Strauss straight in with a hook to the right side of his face, but the Daemon General had other plans. He dodged to the left side of Dain and then launched one of his legs up in a kick against his back as he got beside him with relative ease. Dain stumbled a few steps foward before he was able to get his balance back up. "You cheater, fight like a man!". With Dain's rage did Strauss see his chance to jump foward and go on the offensive. The Barbarian attempted to counter by doing a sweep kick around the waist high, but quickly ended spinning to nothing but thin air, for Strauss had managed to stop just outside his reach. Just as Dain continued to spin to show his backside to the daemon, the very same charged in for the kill, but what he didn't expect was that Dain was still turning. He didn't stop and as he turned aroun full swing, the daemon was coming in close with a haymaker of his own to finish the kill. However the Barbarian had quick reflexes of his own for an uppercut knocked him off balance and forced him fumbling back a tad. "You hit a pretty mean punch. I shouldn't go easy on you just because you're a kid.". The two were pretty ready for combat now, the two foxes taking stance a mere few feet away and as they lunged at each other's throats once more to close the gap, they both felt a hand on the backs of their heads. "Huh?" said the Daemon, "What the?" said the barbarian before the two were suddenly lit up like a long since forgotten holiday tradition before 'WHAM!'. Their two heads collided in the mother of headbutts, causing the two to fall on their asses with grunts and throes. "What the hell!?" was the first line to come Strauss as he gripped his forehead in pain.

"That is enough of that from you two. Two heroes shouldn't be fighting one another." Hexpoint told the two as he stood there with his own imposing Daemon wings. Dain looked up in confusion with a blurry set of eyes, as Strauss continued to hold unto his forehead. They were so into the fight they didn't notice the caribou arrive, along with the someone else neither of them didn't recognize.

"He started it!" Dain spat as he looked at Strauss who's only reaction was a blatant middle finger with his free hand.

"It doesn't matter. You are a champion the world needs in these troubling times. You should put away your selfish acts about Strauss, for now at least." Hexpoint replyed as Dain let out a sigh and nodded as he sat there, while Snappy fidgeted in her red dress. Easy to tell she didn't like it.

"I'm going to fucking kill you HexPoint!" Strauss groaned some more from the unexpected hit. Daemons were VERY tough after all and after attempting to stand up again, only fell to his knees in confusion from seeing three daemon caribou's what seemed to be a green woman and way too many stars in the sunny skies. He even went as far as to twitch a little bit and had his face frozen partially due to the shocking energy in his vein. Even his own body let out steam! Guess he was now fuming for real.

-Back at the northern edge edge of Barbaria-

Thor, Eric, Saika, and Sakon all looked at each other. All of them were drenched in sweat, blood, and tar. They all were tired and were breathing hard. Thor then let out a chuckle as the others let out a sigh of relief. All of the monsters that attacked layed around the field, dead. "We did it!" Saika exclaimed as he raised his sword. Then the roawr of the rest of the first fallowed. They spent all night in that long fight of survivle.

"We will rest, then we head off to the front." Sakon told Thor. The elephant nodded in response. "Eric, you take the heavely wounded back to the capitol." Sakon said as he looked over at the wolf. He also nodded. "Saika, i'm going to leave a few of our men with you. Think you can handle things up here?" Sakon as he looked at the rabbit.

"Of course." Saika replyed casually with a grin on his face.

"Good." Sakon said as he glanced around. "Then lets get some rest. After that, we head for the wall." Sakon told Thor as he turned to him. Thor had a grin on his face as he was eager for more.
yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. that's why it is called the present.
quoted by master Oogway off kong fu panda
Some weep, some cry, some make couches fly. - Katmir
Let me stand behind you in times of peace, let me stand infront of you in times of war, let me stand beside you as a equall, as a friend.
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 9:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The words of the Daemon prophet rang in Aurelius’ head as he silently rode beside Hexpoint and his war pet. Snappy’s toga fluttered in the wind as the two made haste towards the castle. His thoughts turned to the tomes the Devas priests would give to the children when they visited the orphanage. One passage in particular rang clear in his mind…

“And as it is foretold, an ancient darkness will arise from beneath the earth and lay waste to all that it touches like a plague of locusts. The darkness shall corrupt and twist the bodies and minds of man and draw them into its foul grasp. But the light of Oracia shall banish the darkness and bring everlasting peace to all…”

“Was this darkness referring to these Reavers the prophet had spoken of? If so, then does this mean that Oracia knew about this from the very beginning?”

The rabbit’s head was bowed in thought as the trio of travelers arrived safely at the castle. With their horses taken care of, the three then made their way to the throne room. Aurelius’ eyes took in the sight of the Daemon Strauss and a barbarian fox fighting with one another. The Devas felt a powerful urge to rush in and strike down the Daemon, which Aurelius was having a hard time resisting. He then felt a current of air beside himself and could only watch in shock as Hexpoint rushed to the dueling foxes and broke up the fight without so much as batting an eyelash.

As Aurelius looked around the room, he could feel the eyes of the soldiers and other visitors gazing at them. One in particular, a giraffe dressed in regal clothing, was giving them a condescending look with his nose turned upwards in the air. The rabbit couldn't explain, but he had a feeling that the man was glaring at both him and Strauss...
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 18, 2012 6:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Aline saw that they were drawing nearer to the castle she also saw that the carriage carrying Caroline had already let its passenger out, drawing the curtains on both sides of the carriage closed she looked at Kyle and said
“I need to change; this attire is not fancy enough”
"Kyle looks at her a little confused "you’re going to change here shouldn’t you know be in private for that " he asks and noticed she didn’t have any luggage "and how are you going to change anyway I don’t see any bags in here " he asks looking around
Aline smiled at him as her simple dress melted from her body into a piece of plant fiber resting in her hand she sat there naked in front of Kyle a gleam of mischief in her eyes
Kyle Could not help but stare in awe the gleam in her eyes revealed one of her intentions. he quickly tries to readjust himself his palm bruising the hilt of his sword and for a brief moment Fiora whispered to him "she’s still so beautiful Kyle." before the connection was broken
Laughing lightly at Kyle’s blush, she then wiggled her fingers for a few seconds before a much fancier outfit formed about her naked body stitch by stitch a regal yet airy knee length dress that looked like it was made of spun gold formed two sleeves around her upper arms with a heart shaped neck line that trailed down to a diamond shaped opening around her navel, the back was cut low to accommodate her wings
“There how does it look?”
there she was fully dressed and empty handed
"wow Aline that’s amazing and you look amazing “he stared in awe not having seen that kind of magic before"
Aline smiled and patted down her dress
“it is the one ability of all dragons that no other creature has ever been able to recreate... creation of any item out of the natural elements around if I can imagine it and I have a natural item nearby it will be created, even food that nourishes and tastes amazing can be made in this fashion.”
She reached over and swiped a little bit of dust off Kyles outfit
“I can remake your attire before we stop moving if you like it is looking rather dingy”
The glint of mischief was back in her eyes
"I was just going to change into My Grand Armor" but you’re more than welcome to " Kyle replied noticing the glint in her eyes again.
Aline smiled widely as she wiggled her fingers his attire melted off his body even the metal buckles so that he was sitting there with nothing but Fiora and his belt on she giggled as she looked him up and down slowly. Kyle Quickly yipped in surprise covering himself up with his hands not realizing she was going to melt his clothes off. she sat there giggling at him embarrassment holding a few strips of different material in her hand soon she changed the wiggle of her fingers to a different pattern causing his clothes to rebuild over his body starting from the top and the bottom working towards the middle slowly as enjoyed his embarrassment. His outfit was fresh and looked like it had when he wore it the first time
Kyle looks the outfit over "wow Aline this looks amazing” as he admired the clothes the carriage came to a halt and the door was swung open by the footman and a raccoon dressed crisply smiled into the dark carriage at the two finely dressed persons within “you have arrived at the grand castle if you would please disembark so that you may be led to the throne room before the King and Queen”
Aline smiled and took the footman’s hand as she descended holding the edge of the door as she stepped out into the sunlight and before the waiting crowd that had acclimated around the castle gates. the crowd was being held back by stern soldiers, Aline and Kyle could easily make it into the castle without being accosted when her exotic looks were reviled to the crowd a collective gasp was heard around the immediate area. Aline stood and waited for Kyle to descend before sliding her hand into the crook of his arm with a smile.
“Lead on my good sir”
A page walked in front of them leading them from the carriage towards the castle and the throne room within.
Kyle felt a little uneasy with the escort to the royal throne room his free hand rested on Fiora’s will that chimed in giggling herself "The Master of Escorts being escorted" she chuckled though only he could hear her His Wings started to stretch but he quickly folded them not wanting to attract to much attention, he looks over to Aline "wow this place is so vast its almost rivals the Devas capital " he looks at her and smiles "I wonder how many people here think you are a Deamon "
Aline sighed and looked him in the eyes before reaching back to touch one of his wings
“what Devas in his right mind would walk arm and arm with a Deamon …unless they are ignorant to the conflict they do not think that of me but they sure are curious as to what I am as there has not been a dragon in the eye of the public for 200 years”
Kyle Chuckled "well don’t you make the rare appearance" he smiled a whisper in Aline’s ear echoed in her head "I already told him everything " Fiora Whispered to her giggling as the voice faded away like a noise wisp of wind
Aline smiled as they were led into the throne room just in time to hear Caroline’s declaration of being married to Prince Valien which made Aline tilt her head a little as she watched the reactions roll around the room.

Standing closest to the king, Agatha and Sierra Watched the Reactions as well though Sierra was more focused on the Daemon who caused the fight just before Kyle arrived with a dragon “arrogant Daemon. If I had my way I would kill him on the spot” The Blue Fox seems anxious to go to blows still wishing she was back with Nikolia defending her home country

"Easy Now sierra we are representing our country and I don’t want any scuffles with the Daemons here, be on your best behavior" She instantly put her attention back on Caroline wondering what the jill was up to a whisper in her ear as Radiant communicated to her "She reminds me of you when you were younger" the voice faded away before Agatha could respond.
A fact of life: After monday and tuesday even the calender says WTF...
Kyle Stingray
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 11:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

= The Wesseran continent, Capital City of the Lunar Empire, Castle Aurora =

The blue daemon caribou took a deep breath as he and his war pet walked into the Emperor's castle. HexPoint felt like he and the Champions of the Twilight Age were made a spectacle rather than given due respect. He did not look forward to his Terrible General or the Barberian Chieftain re-establishing dominance later for what he just did. But damnit, someone must take the higher road and beat sound counsel into their heads if need be. Warriors only answer to power, after all.

HexPoint hooked his wings about his neck and tried to hide his embarrassment as he walked through the curious crowds and appointed fanfare. Snappy was clenching the hem of her dress in a way that shocked what was apparently the local aristocracy.

"Snappy..! Cover your front..!" he hissed.

Snappy frowned and pulled the little red dress over in place. Then she made faces at the people staring and murmuring about them. "Clothes are stupid. Furries are stupid. Loud shiny sticks are stupid. Shoes are stupid."

"My petal, you are not wearing shoes. And as for these people, you should forgive them. They have no idea what they are doing to themselves."

Snappy looked up at her master and smiled a toothy smile beneath her green hair. She fluttered up to his muscular shoulder and giggled. "Master agrees with Snappy?"

"I will try to teach you the difference between service and slavery later, Snappy. Walk with me. Stay close."

HexPoint walked into the Emperor's throne room just as the court clamored over the necromagi's shocking claims. He smiled at the incredulity of it and the chaos it seemed to cause among them. When he got a glimpse of the necromagi's paw held high, bearing the ring, he laughed, "Hah! Ha, hah..." The daemon then began to admire the smug look on the jill's face. He liked the gleam in her eyes, too. Actually, she's rather -

"Gods, Dusky! That ugly fur is just what we need.", said a colorfuly caped blue mare in front of him.

A violet mare adjacent to the blue one placed a glowing finger on a cocked wrist-mounted crossbow. "Now, Arcbolt."

The blue mare gasped at her hand being held down by thorny vines. Snappy stood her ground, growling.

The violet horse also tried to raise her magic charged hand at the Emperor from within the crowd, but HexPoint quickly held his coral sword across her torso.

"Not today, pony. Guards!!", he cried, though they were already moving in to intercept.

The small gathering near the throne room entrance was disrupted as the guards apprehended the two foul horses.

"What is going on here?"

"The daemon foreigner and his creature attacked someone!"

"No, he stopped pickpockets!"

"He unsheathed a sword!"

An officer pacified the mortified courtiers. "All is well. Nothing to see here, sirs and ladies..."

HexPoint put his sowrd away and held Snappy close, bowing his head slightly in deference to the Lunarian kingdom. He was confident the disturbance would not reach too far across the throne room quickly. After all, with the Prince's life in the balance, it was the necromancer's show to lead. And his hour had not yet come.

"In Excelsis Neo."
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 12:46 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Aline wanted desperately to be inside Caroline’s head when she made the comment that she was married to the prince, it really made no sense that Caroline would find such a statement to be in her best interest. Aline also saw Agatha it took every ounce of her willpower to not run over to her and to remain standing there looking as regal as she could.

Then a commotion broke out in the throne room someone was trying to attack the king and queen, before Aline could react to the threat HexPoint had it under control. However, Kyle started to move towards the commotion Aline had to hold him back without making it look dramatic.

“As bad as the situation is, it is already under control there is no need to add yourself to the conflict Kyle. That was a close one; it is bad enough the people deem Deamons incapable they don’t also need you to enter the conflict in order to show off Devas muscle.”

She said to Kyle with a light smile before moving him closer to the throne to be introduced to the royal family.
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 8:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Groans and aches came from the Daemon in a rather pitiful sight, the fox complaining like a youngling daemon whom had first been whipped in combat for the first time. For a General, he did not look the least like one or even act like one. Hopefully there was to be a time in the future when he would act out his proper role. Dain however just shrugged the electric shocks from his body and promptly stood up with a shake of his clothes and armored plating.

The commotion that took place within the Throne Room was already causing a stir amongst the public, these two warriors taking notice within mere moments. Dain was the first to promptly approach the crowd whilst Strauss was left behind to deal with his shocking dilemma. The Barbarian simply approached the crowd of onlookers, weaving in through the public grounds before reaching the front of the lines where many people had gathered all around in defiance of the act that the Wolverine Necromage had done.

"Marry the Prince!?"

"But he has been gone for so long! Who is this peasant woman!?"

"He was with the Rovers for so long, he has gone as far as Interspecies!?"

The commont peasants and the hosh posh nobility were all in the same in confusion and disbelief, but their words would forever fall on deaf ears as they lobbed all manner of observations and insults to the King, Queen, Woman, Noble alike. No one was safe from the scrutiny of the public eye. Then again, no one cared. The Barbarian simply remained across the public, watching in his imposing manner at the situation. It didn't take that long to realize what was happening.

Meanwhile, Strauss was outside doing absolutely nothing to help his case. During this time, he tried standing up and recovering. He only ended up standing and shambling on about like a drunkard, using the walls for balance as everything in his field of vision looked more blue than it should be. He was still blowing smoke and definitely angry, the shouts and massing public outside only keeping their distance as he slowly shambled over to the entrance. Overall, he had no idea what was going on.
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 29, 2012 2:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The wolverine-jill smiled at the chaos she had caused. Holding her thin arm aloft, the magic of her trickery making the rings glow and shine with a supernatural light. There was something... enjoyable about making bold moves on the chess board. And now she had caught the entire court off guard. She had placed the king himself in check, with a brazen move by a pawn. Diplomat or not, once they saw the matching rings on Valien's ring finger, she knew he would do the honorable thing. To deny her, meant to stain the Royal family as well as the Rovers. A stain that would keep others from joining their cause. With her one act, she had moved from being a bit player on the board into a main piece. So she smiled.

Things were moving too quickly, and she did not have time for the Rover to be diplomatic and earn allies that way. Caroline could still remember the thoughts Malinkov had of the Reavers. The Rover's were out of their league. They needed stronger leadership. Leaders who knew the real cost of things. Leaders who understood to make an omelet, you had to break some eggs. The Rover's viewed war as a glorious thing, where good won and evil lost. Such black-and-white terms for such a complex topic did not sit well with the wolverine-jill. Wars were not noble in the slightest. Therefore she knew she did not have time to waste. If she was to get what she wanted, she would need to cauterize this pathetic army and dream-addled leadership into cold, calculating, indifferent iron. And now that she was married into the Royal family, she had the leverage she needed to take over this revolt. This chaos.

If there was one thing necromagi understood, it was the magic of chaos. The magic of entropy. The magic of finality. The magic of the end. For that was the dark secret the Order of Long Walkers had figured out. Everything ends. Nothing can resist the absolute power of entropy. Everything falls apart. Even the acts of the Divine fell victim to that one, universal constant. It was the one thing which made kings and jesters equal. It was the one force that could make mountains crumble and suns fade. Entropy. The Order understood that all too well. And magic, being a primal force, pulls hard at entropy, drawing that dangerous feedback to the user. It was why necromantic magic was slow, ritualistic, symbolic, and... little more than parlor tricks. To invite a totalitarian force that would find its own way in was akin to madness. Only those who worshiped the nihilistic gods would dare bring themselves closer to the end that way. And entropy was the force that was displayed against Caroline and her followers. The Reavers were more than childhood monsters and bogeymen. They were the true end. Reavers were the physical embodiment of entropy. They were Avatars of the true end.

So, she held her hand aloft, not bothering with even a passing thought of the scuffle at the back of the room. Not caring about the crying, pathetic, whining, woe-is-me actions of Strauss. She alone understood the dark force sallying forth against them. She did not have the luxury of time to explain herself. She needed to take charge. Valien was too busy playing nice. If he wanted to fight, let him fight. She would lead.

She used the enchantments on her clothing to make her voice quieter and more menacing. "Being as One sees no contest, that also makes her part of the Royal family," she taunted the king. Her words dripped cold, cracking the marble stone of the floor, and freezing the blood of all who heard them. She was malice incarnate. Let them banter with blades and muscles. She would use her game-of-houses. "Father, One has come home. And, One expect her dowry to be paid to Valien in full. You will supply the Rovers with whatever arms, armaments, soldiers, information, mystical powers, or whatever else they deem necessary until they release you from such bondage. Or, would you rather insult both your own daughter, and her Order of Rovers?"

***** ***** *****

Her skin burned hot with her anger. Red-budded flowers, threaded into her viney-hair, burst into bloom from her wrathful mood. Stamping her foot, Snappy crossed her arms under her breasts. From across the room, Snappy scowled at Caroline. Her leafy mane curled in on itself, at the same time she pinched her lips. She hated Caroline. No…. that wasn’t it. Hate was too weak a word. Her loathing of the small wolverine-jill was on a primordial level. Caroline was the opposite of everything she was. And, since she was beautiful and utterly devoted to HexPoint, that meant Caroline was grotesque and out to cheat HexPoint. She couldn’t understand why HexPoint had begun to pay attention to her.

Her stomach churned any time she thought of what attention Master gave to Caroline. She didn’t like how her Master sometimes looked at the petite girl. Caroline wasn’t worth any of it. Whatever Master wanted, Snappy would give it to him in droves. Her innards twisted into knots, every time she thought how Caroline was somehow enchanting Master. The whole scenario reminded her of stink-flowers blooms… such attractive flowers with a wretch-inducing stench. Flowers which grew only on bloated, decaying, putrefied, dead animals. “Snappy has a larger chest, longer legs, and doesn’t hide in her clothes,” she growled to herself. “Snappy needs to do something to protect Master. Master is confused. Snappy needs to remove the confusing Caroline from Master’s eyes.” Nodding to herself, she had decided on her course of action. She would teach Caroline a lesson.
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 7:02 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Dain stood there with his arms crossed and no emotion on his face at all. He had to give Caroline props on her bold move on the board. He also wondered what would be the reprocutions of her move. He knew they now had the king as a ally, for he is a honor bound guy. But after the war or if he learned of her deceit to get him on his feet and join the rest. That is what he worried about. But things are moveing to slow for his likeing. Already two of the most powerful nations have already been taken to their knees by the opponent. They are moveing full speed while we are moveing half massed. The last image of the map was imprinted into his head and started estimating on the next moves of their opponent. Every time he moved the peaces a little but one outcome alwase remained. His home, Barbearia will get surrounded and ultimately get over run. The verry though of it sent shivers down his spine. He wanted to check up and see how things were progressing but he didn't dare pull it out now as he glanced around. To menny furs around and he didn't want any of them to learn of his map. So he stood there, waiting. For what he could only guess but something else was about to happen.
yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. that's why it is called the present.
quoted by master Oogway off kong fu panda
Some weep, some cry, some make couches fly. - Katmir
Let me stand behind you in times of peace, let me stand infront of you in times of war, let me stand beside you as a equall, as a friend.
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 7:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Aurelius stood back and observed the court’s reaction to the mage’s proclamation of marriage to Prince Valien. His eyes scanned and carefully observed the mage, whom was called Caroline Wellwater. He took note of the frayed, fading condition of her robes and the overall thin and lithe figure of the wolverine jill. All these contrasted with the glowing, shimmering rings on her hand. The rabbit couldn’t explain it, but there was something very strange about the woman before him. It was as though she was... otherworldly. The rabbit Devas shivered as she spoke to the court in a blood-chilling manner, causing his wings to flutter. He felt that Caroline was someone not to be crossed or taken lightly…

Still, he could understand why the court would react harshly towards the jill. From what he knew of royal life, nobles were usually expected to marry members of other royal families regardless of their feelings towards one another. To marry outside of their class was not unheard of, but frowned upon by the upper class.

Aurelius then turned his attention to the barbarian wolf nearby. The rabbit did not know much about the stranger, but he could sense a great deal of strength from the wolf, as his own build could prove. Given his lack of experience in combat, Aurelius knew he was outclassed. Nevertheless, he was rather curious about his heritage and what he was like as a person.

The rabbit then looked over at the other jill in the room, noticing her angelic wings behind her. He could tell she was a Devas, but he was having trouble figuring out who exactly she was. The robes and staff she bore told him she was a healer of sorts, perhaps having spent many a year perfecting her craft. She gave off an aura akin to a kindly grandmother, yet her staff was emanating a great deal of power.

The rabbit’s ears then perked at sounds near the throne room entrance. Turning to look, Aurelius came upon the sight of the pair he had seen enter the carriage. The Devas wolf that crashed in the ocean appeared to be in good health and bore a new set of clothing upon his person. On his side was an expertly crafted rapier, which bore a similar kind of power he sensed from the older jill’s staff. There was something about them he could not put his finger on, a legend he once heard about from his youth. He couldn’t quite remember what it was at the moment, though…

Aurelius then felt his breath catch in his throat as he looked at the wolf’s partner. It was the same winged woman from before, but in a more regal attire. For some reason, the rabbit couldn’t take her eyes off her, gazing at how it clung to her curves in all the right places. For some reason, he felt a sense of envy towards the wolf Devas, feeling something he didn’t quite feel before. His face flushed pink from embarrassment as he admonished himself for his behavior. “Besides,” he thought. “What Daemon willingly lets herself walk beside a Devas in the court? Unless… Unless there’s more to her than it seems…

At the mention of the word Daemon, his thoughts then turned to the caribou and plant woman that he was with recently. Even though he knew he was a Daemon, the rabbit felt only a slight twinge of fear. Perhaps it was because he thought the caribou was a holy man of sorts or that he didn't try to hurt others. Whatever the reason, Aurelius felt no ill will to the caribou.

The plant woman, however, was an oddity itself. The only thing he knew was that she was Hexpoint's partner and that she could snag him with vines and sharp teeth. What was odd was that Snappy was not shaped like any fur he'd ever seen. He cast a quick glance at the plant girl, noticing her red flowers blooming out and her clenched fists. His face flushed as he recalled how he saw her apparently naked figure. She reminded him of a rose: Incredibly beautiful, yet capable of drawing blood.

Aurelius then focused his thoughts on the fox that stood there in a huff. Aurelius could not grasp why a monster like Strauss was with them or what he was up to. His fists were clenched in both fear and anger as he recalled more of the Daemon’s atrocities. Even though Strauss had done nothing to the rabbit personally, Aurelius could not help but grit his teeth in disgust at the thought of him and felt the undesirable urge to yell and chastise him. Unknown to him, his wings were betraying him, showing his emotions by ruffling up or fluttering behind him.

The sight of the Devas brought the attention of a few court members. A young mouse woman dressed in the clothes of the clergy pondered the sight. “Strange… Devas are quite rare here, especially after what happened with Isaac… I wonder why he’s here in this court?
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Last edited by Leaf on Thu Dec 27, 2012 1:19 pm; edited 1 time in total
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