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Martin Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 09 Jan 2004 Posts: 552
Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2004 3:08 pm Post subject: About my RPG project... (info and requests) |
Well, I've started working on it. The Character Building section is almost ready (although not tested yet). I'll keep posting here regularly, to tell you people how the project is coming up...
Meanwhile, I'd like to have your opinions on what I should include, whether spells, skills or whatever.
Every comment is welcome! |
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RomLoneWolf23k Rank: Rookie

Joined: 13 Jan 2004 Posts: 76
Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2004 7:15 pm Post subject: |
Well, first of all, I certainly hope this project won't end up like Rising Forge Productions' Crushed D&D "campaign sourcebook", which ended up being a basic introduction to the world of crushed, some short notes on character creation, funny spells and monsters, a dungeon and a comic. Quite frankly, none of it was enough to build a D&D game out of, which I learned quickly enough after founding an online game set in Crushed.
Ended up doing most of the conversion/campaignworld building on my own, then finally decided, "If I have to do all the work, might as well make my own world..."
Sorry, didn't mean to rant.
First of all, I can't wait to see how you handle furry PCs.. That has been a concern of mine ever since I started DMing my campaign, and we've been going through 3-4 systems before finally settling on something that even now I'm reconsidering. What's going to be yours? I'm willing to playtest it with my group, if you'd like. |
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Martin Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 09 Jan 2004 Posts: 552
Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2004 11:42 pm Post subject: |
Well, I decided to scrap WotC's "races" syetems entirely, given that with over 2000 mammal and reptile species it would have taken a text the size of Leo Tolstoj's "War and Peace" just to define the main ones.
My supplement uses instead a set of "racial and biological" feats to define how the character is, adding a few ones to define the character's looks. For example, a first level Vixine would have the Feats "enhanced senses: smell" (she's a canid), "natural weapons: fangs", "natural weapons: claws" and the aesthetic Feat "bootylicious" (to define her top class bod), while a young fennec fox would maybe swap one of the natural weapons with "nightsight" and "bootylicious" with "cute"... There are as many possibilities as there are combinations, I think.
Also, I added a new attribute, "Looks" (because charisma sometimes just doesn't do the trick, let's be honest about it)...
That's the jist of my idea for managing racial creation. What do you think?
Oh, and before putting the Alpha version up for playtesting, I'd like to complete the detail on the society, cultures, geography et al., because as you pointed out trying a test run without all the pieces in place just won't do... Unless you're willing to put up with a few missing pegs, that is. |
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RomLoneWolf23k Rank: Rookie

Joined: 13 Jan 2004 Posts: 76
Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2004 2:44 am Post subject: |
Hmm... Sounds interesting. A friend/coplayer of mine is trying something similar in regards to racial creation, but I'm curious as to seeing your system. Just for curiosity and balance, would it allow creating "standard" D&D races like Elves and Hobbits?
As for the Looks attribute: Have you seen the Book of Erotic Fantasy? It does something similar with the Appearance score, and also contains interesting stuff for any campaign with an adult theme. But I warn you, some of the pics in that book can get... "wierd."  |
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Martin Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 09 Jan 2004 Posts: 552
Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2004 10:33 am Post subject: |
Well... now it can. and it's all thanks to you.
You see, while I was working on my racial system, I thought I was putting together a good concept, but I was missing an important detail... What makes a dwarf a dwarf, beyond his short stocky build and his tough body? As soon as I asked myself that, the answer was obvious: the CULTURE.
A dwarf learns stonecunning and giant dodging while growing between dwarves, just like an human learns versatility from his fellow humans. Thus I added a new creation feat: the CULTURE FEAT!
And to think that I would have missed such an important detail, if not for your observation...
As for the Book of Erotic Fantasy, I've wanted to put my hands on it for a long, long time (hey, it's THAT cool ) but up to now, no luck. I hope I'll be able to get a copy in my grasp in the near future, though... |
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RomLoneWolf23k Rank: Rookie

Joined: 13 Jan 2004 Posts: 76
Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2004 5:06 pm Post subject: |
Praise from the Master? That definetly makes my day. Glad I could help in some small way. If I may try my luck further, allow me to suggest Wizards of the Coast's Unearthed Arcana as well, as you may find alternate rules in it that would fit the style of Vixine. Such as using a Class-Based Defense Bonus instead of Armor Class, since, as noted, Vixine never seems to find armor larger then Dental Floss (which can't possibly have a high AC), yet never seems to suffer from serious battlescars (Thankfully). She must have a High Defense Bonus instead.
Another excellent book I'd recommend, at least for some nifty Feats to swipe for furries, and perhaps for other things as well, is Green Ronin's "Bastards and Bloodlines", a sourcebook for crossbreeds of various kinds (which would be useful for Gonad's Dad, at least). |
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Martin Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 09 Jan 2004 Posts: 552
Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2004 5:50 pm Post subject: |
Hmm. I just checked "unearthed arcana", and frankly the idea of using the Class Defense Bonus option is tempting... but it has a HUGE possibility for misuse (for example, a monk using those rules turns into an untouchable shadow, even more than he already is).
I explained Vixine's defense ability in another way, namely with armor that gets as strong as the user is attractive: i.e. if the user has one of the three aestethic feats (maybe four, I'm undecided on the mega-mammary bonus given by the "milk bearing" Feat), the armor works fine, but if the character is just a common joe, he better stick to conventional armor.
As for Gonad and his dad's nature, well, I made a Racial Feat just for that: "ogre blood", that gives huge strength in exchange for a total lack of wits.
Still, I'll check that book; good ideas are always useful, although I was planning on keeping halfbreeds at a minimum (no half-orcs either: in Vixine's world, Auris, the orcs are green-furred boars, and thus can only interbreed with pigs or boars).
You know, I'm undecided on whether to make halfdragons available or not... After all, allowing them would cause problems to Gonad. Egg-shaped problems.  |
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RomLoneWolf23k Rank: Rookie

Joined: 13 Jan 2004 Posts: 76
Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2004 3:02 pm Post subject: |
Which brings us to the topic of dragons.. How are you going to handle them in this game? The default D&D dragons certainly don't look anything like Asheer, and while she's obviously a Red Dragon (right down to the firey breath), she's neither Evil, nor does she act like your typical D&D Red Dragon. Perhaps just remove the Alignment restrictions on Dragons? |
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Martin Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 09 Jan 2004 Posts: 552
Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2004 3:59 pm Post subject: |
Well, I defined the dragon races of Auris as completely new subraces of a single race: the Aurian Dragon. Thus, Ash is not a Red Dragon, but an Aurian Fire Dragon, while her sister Erill is an Aurian Cutesy Dragon.
You see, the subrace of an Aurian Dragon is a standard mutation that develops while in the egg, so not even the parents know what will come out when the egg hatches... kinda like playing slots.
Given that, I'd say that the "fixed alignment" is a moot point, in their case.
Ditto the OTHER cases: unless an alignment is part of a race's genetic code, it's kinda hard to believe it to be fixed, right? |
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RomLoneWolf23k Rank: Rookie

Joined: 13 Jan 2004 Posts: 76
Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2004 5:15 pm Post subject: |
Sounds like a nice way to handle it. ...I might swipe the concept for my own campaign world, as I've been wondering how to handle dragons in it for a long time myself, even though so far I'm using default D&D dragons.
So, Orcs are basically Boar-men, while Ogres are Goat-men, apparantly, and we've seen evidence of a Giantess. Will there be other fantasy equivalent races, such as goblins (which I could see as Ratlings)?
...Am I the only reader who still posts on this forum? |
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Martin Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 09 Jan 2004 Posts: 552
Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2004 11:25 pm Post subject: |
Well, not exactly... while orcs belong to the same racial group as hogs, pigs and warthogs, Ogres are a race of their own, with the strange gift of omnicompatibility (they can mate successfully with ANY mammal), and the goblins are primates, more akin to chimps and monkey than rats...
Giants, on the other hand, are huge relatives of bovine and caprine races: the Storm Giants are yaks, for example. As for the titaness, well, she's a pronghorn the size of a skyscraper, but she doesn't count much because she's usually hibernating (unless she smells a male titan, then she wakes up and moves FAST!)
...I hope not. Your posts are nice to read, but I'd like to hear other people too; actually, though, the "views" counter keeps rising, which probably hints at other people reading the forum... Think they're just shy? |
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RomLoneWolf23k Rank: Rookie

Joined: 13 Jan 2004 Posts: 76
Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2004 12:06 pm Post subject: |
Well, don't know where all the posters are, but I might as well keep asking questions: Will you be using the standard D&D classes? |
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Martin Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 09 Jan 2004 Posts: 552
Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2004 1:20 pm Post subject: |
Yep... with a few modifications. For example, a Barbarian HAS to come from Barbaria... avoids misunderstandings. Plus, all the animal companions, mounts and familiars have to be insects, amphibians or birds, given that all mammals and reptiles are sentient, turning companions into some sort of sidekicks. And things like that, generally. |
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Martin Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 09 Jan 2004 Posts: 552
Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2004 3:00 am Post subject: Some news about how the game is coming up |
Well, I think the character creation is more or less ready, give or take a few FLFs (First Level Feats, aka creation feats)... also, I made all the Culture Feats for the continent of Aura (where Vixine lives), and the appropriate geographical references.
Before going further and describing the oriental continent, though, I thought best to start the bestiary, so that the companion-oriented classes can have the required companions (nothing more embarrassing for a paladin than to have to ask for a piggyback ride from his large Barbarian buddy because he has no mount)
I was also thinking of making some Monster FLFs, letting people who want to play intelligent monster do so... but that will have to come AFTER I've defined the monsters, right? |
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RomLoneWolf23k Rank: Rookie

Joined: 13 Jan 2004 Posts: 76
Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2004 1:07 pm Post subject: |
Hey, no problems here. Although I'm anxious to see the furry creation rules, take the time you need... |
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Martin Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 09 Jan 2004 Posts: 552
Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2004 10:30 pm Post subject: And the work goes on... |
Well, I have to work on more stuff, but the Vixine RPG supplement is growing fast, with the bestiary having almost all the critters named in the supplement itself (and then some... we couldn't let out the poor little Jewelled Slime, now could we?) Yesterday I also patched together the first prestige class, a little thingy I'll keep undercover until I decide to put up the module.
Speaking of that, would you prefer me to put up an untested alpha version, to be replaced as soon as I get someone to beta-test it (so you can beta-test it yourself)... or are you willing to wait a little more, until all the kinks have been worked out of the system and you can play with a team of mammals and reptiles (and maybe a tentacle monster)?
Oh, and just so you know, the adult content of the module is getting larger as I put together new rules and skills... |
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RomLoneWolf23k Rank: Rookie

Joined: 13 Jan 2004 Posts: 76
Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2004 2:53 am Post subject: |
*grins and puts on a "Playtester" sign around his neck* My D&D group and I would be thrilled to playtest your alpha version... |
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Martin Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 09 Jan 2004 Posts: 552
Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2004 1:57 pm Post subject: |
Sorry for not being able to put the Alpha this update... It was one heck of a troublesome one. Next time it'll be up for sure... with a few extra building FTFs as a surprise! |
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Martin Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 09 Jan 2004 Posts: 552
Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2004 9:01 am Post subject: |
As it was said, so it is done. Hope it's as expected... I did my best. Still, remember that this is only an Alpha version... there's still much to do before we get to the Gamma (i.e. final) version!
Still, it should let people start playing with no hitches... |
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RomLoneWolf23k Rank: Rookie

Joined: 13 Jan 2004 Posts: 76
Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2004 5:41 am Post subject: |
I love it! The character creation rules alone are worth the download. Combined with the Flaws optional rule from Unearthed Arcana, it makes for more versatile characters, allowing chars to take a flaw to gain a bonus feat, for a maximum of two flaws per char. Cottontail could have the Noncombatant Flaw (-2 on all melee attack rolls) since she's never shown an inclination towards fighting, while Gonad would have Weak Will (-3 on Will saves) since he's highly suggestible and easily tricked.
The rules for sexuality you designed are quite compatible with the rules from the Book of Erotic Fantasy, and simple enough as a set of basics. If I need extra details, I can turn to the BoEF for more.
The creatures are interesting, and will definetly get swiped for my campaign.. ...Although I must ask about the Sprinter: Read "Nip and Tuck" much?
Oh, and I share your opinion concerning Snuff, Torture and Vore.. Only I'd drop Cthulhu on those folks... Why settle for the lesser evil? |
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RomLoneWolf23k Rank: Rookie

Joined: 13 Jan 2004 Posts: 76
Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2004 5:57 am Post subject: |
Oh, and an addendum: Suppose I wanna swipe your character creation rules for a regular D&D game, how would I design Cultural and Racial Feats for races like Elves, Gnomes and Dwarves? |
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Martin Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 09 Jan 2004 Posts: 552
Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2004 8:30 am Post subject: |
Well, I'd place the purely physical effects (like the dwarven stoutness, or the elven longevity) as FTFs, and instead place a few of the senses and the culture-standard effects into the culture feat. As an example, here's the Cultural feat for an Elven-raised character.
The character has been brought up by the elves as one of their own.
Game effects: The character receives a +2 with Listen, Search and Spot rolls, and can detect a secret door just by passing near it (in a forest, a person who doesn't pay attention is so dead it's not even funny); moreover, the character receives a free proficiency with longsword, rapier and bows (due to their aeon-long feud with the Orcs, Elves make martial training a required part of their schooling)
I never read "Nip and Tuck" before... why, is there a zooming hawk-ride in there too?
As for the weak-willed flaw, well... Given that Gonad is a quarter-ogre (i.e. "Ogre Blood" FTF) that would put him to an underwhelming MINUS SEVEN to will saves... plus the Foil FTF!!! Have you no pity?
Nope, me neither.
So, any suggestions? And, come to think of it... think I should make game statistics for the main characters? |
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RomLoneWolf23k Rank: Rookie

Joined: 13 Jan 2004 Posts: 76
Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2004 3:19 pm Post subject: |
Martin wrote: | Well, I'd place the purely physical effects (like the dwarven stoutness, or the elven longevity) as FTFs, and instead place a few of the senses and the culture-standard effects into the culture feat. As an example, here's the Cultural feat for an Elven-raised character.
The character has been brought up by the elves as one of their own.
Game effects: The character receives a +2 with Listen, Search and Spot rolls, and can detect a secret door just by passing near it (in a forest, a person who doesn't pay attention is so dead it's not even funny); moreover, the character receives a free proficiency with longsword, rapier and bows (due to their aeon-long feud with the Orcs, Elves make martial training a required part of their schooling) |
Hm... Sounds good. This sounds more like a variation on D20 Modern's method of creating characters, which emphasizes Feat selection to customize characters. I'd personally alter "Fae Blood" to account for Elven Longevity and Grace and use it to make Fae-like Elves..
Quote: | I never read "Nip and Tuck" before... why, is there a zooming hawk-ride in there too? |
Actually, there's a four-legged chicken which runs like the Roadrunner. It was a genetic experiment from one character, and the basic joke was "How does it taste?" "I dunno, haven't caught it yet." After reading the Sprinter's discription, though, I realise the two critters are quite different.
Quote: | As for the weak-willed flaw, well... Given that Gonad is a quarter-ogre (i.e. "Ogre Blood" FTF) that would put him to an underwhelming MINUS SEVEN to will saves... plus the Foil FTF!!! Have you no pity?
Nope, me neither. |
Hm.. Didn't know about that. Although considering how gullible Gonad is..
Quote: | So, any suggestions? And, come to think of it... think I should make game statistics for the main characters? |
Well, I'd appreciate it, if only as an exemple of how to create characters using your system. The extra information on the world of Auris and it's inhabitants was great.. Personally, I'm also into avian furries, but I can adapt your creation rules for avian creatures myself. Seems easy enough anyway.
But why is it you use FLF in the first part of the character creatioin rules, and FTF in the next?
Anyways, this world is a lot more complex then I'd have suspected, and really seems to have a lot of story potential. And that's just the continent of Aura. Is T'ai Ch'ing intended for Oriental Adventure type campaigns? |
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Martin Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 09 Jan 2004 Posts: 552
Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2004 10:10 pm Post subject: |
Quote: | But why is it you use FLF in the first part of the character creatioin rules, and FTF in the next? |
That's the problem with Alpha versions... mistakes abound.
And yes, T'ai Ch'ing is pretty much an oriental setting... THREE oriental settings, as a matter of fact (if not more); you see, in that continent there are three main states:
S'un Ch'ing, the largest, where people fight by leaping and exchanging extraordinary attacks, and monasteries house legendary masters;
Ni'chan, a smaller one, where bushido is pretty much the rule, at least nominally;
And the small peninsula of Han'kon, where EVERYONE knows over-the-top Kung Fu, and usually talks out of sinch (and with subtitles).
Yes, I decided to downplay the serious aspects of the Eastern countries... 'specially Japan. In short, it's more a Jackie Chan movie setting than a Rokugan (Oriental Adventures) one.
As for avian furries, I thought about it too, but decided to leave them out... Hey, given that reptiles are sentient too, I just HAD to leave a genotype non-sentient (or let them eat each other... which is not to my taste, pun intended) |
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RomLoneWolf23k Rank: Rookie

Joined: 13 Jan 2004 Posts: 76
Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2004 4:05 am Post subject: |
Martin wrote: | Quote: | But why is it you use FLF in the first part of the character creatioin rules, and FTF in the next? |
That's the problem with Alpha versions... mistakes abound.
And yes, T'ai Ch'ing is pretty much an oriental setting... THREE oriental settings, as a matter of fact (if not more); you see, in that continent there are three main states:
S'un Ch'ing, the largest, where people fight by leaping and exchanging extraordinary attacks, and monasteries house legendary masters;
Ni'chan, a smaller one, where bushido is pretty much the rule, at least nominally;
And the small peninsula of Han'kon, where EVERYONE knows over-the-top Kung Fu, and usually talks out of sinch (and with subtitles).
Yes, I decided to downplay the serious aspects of the Eastern countries... 'specially Japan. In short, it's more a Jackie Chan movie setting than a Rokugan (Oriental Adventures) one.
As for avian furries, I thought about it too, but decided to leave them out... Hey, given that reptiles are sentient too, I just HAD to leave a genotype non-sentient (or let them eat each other... which is not to my taste, pun intended) |
I see your point. Although the way I handle it in my setting is to have sapient humanoid and non-sapient, non-humanoid versions of the same creatures co-exist... ...Mind you, my setting also includes the classic human and demi-human races, so that solution might not work for you.
And T'ai Ch'ing sounds rather fun. Don't worry, I'm planning on a similar stand concerning "realism" in my campaign world.. Who cares about being realistic when you can have coolness instead? |
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Martin Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 09 Jan 2004 Posts: 552
Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2004 10:37 am Post subject: |
Well, today I started working on new bits for the alpha... don't expect much anytime soon, though...
The new content will include:
1)T'ai Ch'ing and the flying continent;
2)Magic objects (hands up who wanted the GS potion );
3)Stats for Vixine and her team;
4)A new section called PAQ (possibly asked questions), half helpful hints and half weird jokes;
And all the stuff I can manage to think of that I forgot to put in the 1.0...
In the meantime, I hope I'll be getting more requests, suggestions and comments! Hey, the more I get the sooner we'll get to the Beta... |
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RomLoneWolf23k Rank: Rookie

Joined: 13 Jan 2004 Posts: 76
Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2004 12:47 pm Post subject: |
Here's a suggestion for a monster.. The Harpy. Basically, I liked the Shadowrun concept of Harpies being bat-creatures, and in a setting with furries, it's appropriate: Make them an exotic race of all-female bat-women who's sonars also double as a charming voice (or a sound attack)... |
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Martin Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 09 Jan 2004 Posts: 552
Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2004 1:06 pm Post subject: |
Well, actually it could work... problem is, I was thinking of using the bat to make the Vampires instead (MoF, whoever is bitten by a vampire changes his race to a bat...). I'll have to think about it, though! |
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Martin Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 09 Jan 2004 Posts: 552
Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2004 9:03 am Post subject: |
Work is coming along fine, 'cept for a few problems (namely, I can't figure out how to calculate the XP cost to make the magic objects... dang DM manual is incredibly vague on that!)... still, the stuff is flowing on, and guess what? I had an idea on harpies... How does "harpies as a prestige class" sound?
Oh, I almost forgot! Since I'm now building an eastern section, I decided to make some KUNG FU FEATS! Like the idea? |
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RomLoneWolf23k Rank: Rookie

Joined: 13 Jan 2004 Posts: 76
Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2004 10:20 am Post subject: |
Who doesn't love Kung Fu Feats.. And your idea on Harpies is intriguing... I'll have to see it to believe it.
As for XP cost for creating magic items, if you're using edition 3.5, it really depends from item to item. But Table 7-32 on page 284 has the summary of magic item creation costs, in materials, magic supplies and XP, based on the market price. |
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