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Now Hiring! (SL and Luna)
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Seeing Life
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 11:41 am    Post subject: Now Hiring! (SL and Luna) Reply with quote

Months has pass since the perfume duo Christian and Klaus open their new perfume shop in Bonbon. Sure the sale wasokay...amoung other things they recieve at their store, but it wasn't enough. According to their accountant, if sales doesn't pick up soon, they might have to close down. That was something Christian refuse to do.

"I refuse to to let this shop fall!" he proclaimed, "We worked to hard to establish a shop here." Klaus nod his head in agreement. "But how can we get more people in?" he asked. "Simple..." he chuckled and showed him a sign. "Help wanted. Females only" Klaus said and read. A little uneast about it he agreed to it. "Splendid, you handle the hiring process. I'm...going back to Germany." he said. "Okay...wait what?!" Klaus said but was too late. He was put in charge of the store...again. He just sighs and puts the hiring sign up.
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 11:52 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sighing, Luna stepped out into the town of BonBon. Luna was penniless and quite frankly, it was getting to her. She needed a job.
As she walked past a nearby perfume shop, she noticed a sign.

*Help Wanted - Females Only*

''Perfect!'' she said out loud, smiling happily, before walking into the shop.
My Fursona:
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 12:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Klaus was shaking his head in deppression, It's been hours since anyone came in the shop. He began socking up their latest perfume when he herd someone shouted. It starltled him so much that he nearly broke a bottle. He turns to the door and sees a female wolf enter. "Welcome to Aroma. I'm Klaus. Would you like to sample some of our latest perfumes?" he said with a smile. He soon notice that she was a female. "By the way, are you looking for a job?" he soon asked her.
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 12:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Luna's eyes lit up. ''Oh great, does that mean the position is still open? I'm in desperate need of a job!''
She looked around. Everything was so organised, and the place smelt like roses. She loved it. She decided she would definitely work here. It was her ideal place.
My Fursona:
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 12:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

"I just put up that sign 3 hours ago. We just need a girl who can help around the shop. You know: stock merchendise, handle the regester, and of course. helping our guest." he said. This was so out of the blue. He didn't expect it to be this quick, or to see someone that beautiful. "The pay is 100 florins a day as long as you work at least 8 hours." he told her. He could tell that she really wanted the job. How could he refuse someone like her?
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 12:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

''Really? That's great! Do I need to do anything at all? Fill in any forms or anything? And when can I start?'' Luna was very eager, her tail showed her happiness. ''I can start today if you like?''
My Fursona:
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 12:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Klaus notice her tail wagging a lot. She was really looking forward to working her. "No no forms at all. We really didn't expect it to be that quick so we have. As for starting now, the earlier the better. Welcome aboard. he smiled and kissed her hand as a sign of grattitude.
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 1:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Blushing at the kiss, she thanked her new boss. ''So, what should I do now?'' she asked, smiling.
My Fursona:
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 1:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

"Well, first off, let me give you a tour of our shop." he said. He first pointed left to show her the perfume and love pootions section. He then pointed right to show her the cologne section. Finally he showed her the back room. "This his where we actually make our perfumes, colognes, and love potions. We also take request from costomers if we don't have a specific item they need. Up the stairs is a spare bedroom if needed. It usually happens during inventory or when Christian or myself are creating new items." he said. "As for now, we got a new shipment of our newest creation. And I do need help stocking them on the shelves."
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 2:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

''Oh my, you seem to run a tight shop around here!'' Luna exclaimed, admiring his place. She stopped suddenly, and asked, ''but, why the spare bedroom? Isn't this a perfume shop?'' Her head tilted to one side in confusion.
My Fursona:
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 2:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

"You'll have to ask Christian about that. It was his idea. Unfortunaely that slacker of a partner ran off again. I just use it whenever I work too late into the night." Christian quickly returned to the shop. and saw that it was empty. He then took a whiff and smelled two people. one was his friend and then another person. "Hey Klaus, are you there? I sense there someone else here." he said. "Speak of the devil himself. Come, i'll introduce you to him." he said. He soon froze and turned to her. "I'm sorry, i completely forgot. May I have your name please?"
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 2:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

''You'll have to ask him what that bedroom is doing there!'' She laughed. ''And, don't worry, I don't think I said. It's Luna, what's yours?''
My Fursona:
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 2:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

he laughs as well as he herd him. "I guess so. Oh and my name is Klaus, klaus Oburg." he said and smiled. he takes her to see his friend. "Hey Christian, I was just giving our new employee a tour around the place." he said. Christian was amazed hearing that. He reached his hand untill he found hers.

"It's so nice to meet you. I'm Christian Sterns, co-owner of Aroma" he said. "Be careful about that guy, he has thing for running away from work" Klaus whispers to Luna. "So, Christian why is there a bedroom in the back of the store?" he asked. Christian chuckled a bit but still answered. "Well, when I first bought it, the bedroom was already there. The agent told me it was for pleasure purposes knowing for what Bonbon is famous for." he told both of them.
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 3:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

''It's nice to meet you both,'' Luna said smiling. ''I'm new to BonBon actually, I just arrived a few weeks ago! All this frisky action, it is rather exciting!'' Luna giggled to herself.
My Fursona:
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Seeing Life
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 3:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

"It caught me by suprise when I first came here" Klaus admit and blushed a little. "I can't see at all, but hearing those sounds made it quite obvious to where I was. Even I'll admit I join in on the action." Christian chuckled. He could tell that she was going to be fun to work with and might actally bring in more costumers. "Well like I was telling her, we have some products to put up because a certin snow leapord forgot to do so" Klaus told him. True, we do have some to put up...but I have a better idea!" Christian smiled and Klus instantly sighed.
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 3:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

''I could put them up if you like? I don't mind. But, what was your idea Christian?'' she said smiling, turning to face him.
My Fursona:
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 3:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

"You herd her Chris, let her work." Klaus told him. Christian thought about and shook his head. "Actually, it is work. Do you know the shipment that came in?" he said and Klaus said no. Hearing that, Christian carefully made his way to the back room and got the box out. Opening it up, he showed them and purple bottle. Miss. Luna, as of this year, our company is experiment with love potions. We believe that it will boost sales, espically with a town like this. This is our latest one made from pure violets, and it'll be the first one to be sold here. How would you like to try out? he offered." Klaus rolled his eyes. Not beleving what he's hearing. "She's an employee..." he told him. "It's her choice buddy." he replied cutting him off.
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 3:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

''Oh, well, sure! I'd be delighted!'' She turned to Klaus, ''Don't worry about it,'' she said smiling. ''This way, I'll be able to give the customers an honest opinion on what it's like!'' She took the bottle, admiring the shape, before spraying the new perfume onto her neck.
My Fursona:
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 3:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Christian walks over and gave a quick smell to her neck. "Ah, the soft fragrance of violets. I got to admit we might have a big hit with it." he chuckled. He soon sparyed some on her he wrist and offers her to smell it. As he does he was getting closer to her. "Truely a great potion..." he said blushing.
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 3:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Luna took a smell of her wrist. ''That smells really good! You're right, this is really going to be a big hit!''
My Fursona:
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 3:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Klaus just sighed and goes to them. "Okay, i'll admit. This will be a success." he said. Christian laughed and put some up. "Luna, I can now tell you'll be fun to work with. I just might actually work!" Christian smiled. "Wow! That'll be a first!" Klaus chuckled. As Chridtisn put some up, he couldn't get the scent out of his mind. The potion he and Klaus created was nearly in effect as he moves coler to Luna. "So Luna, care to tell me about yourself?" he asked in a flirting kind of way.
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 3:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

''Well, I'm new here, as I said. I moved to Bonbon for a bit more excitement in my life,'' she said as she helped to place the perfume on the shelves. ''I like to draw a lot especially scenery. But I'm struggling to afford art equipment, that's why I was delighted you had a job going here!'' She reached up to the top shelf to put the last of the perfumes there. After that, she smiled and straightened out her skirt. ''Done!''
My Fursona:
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 4:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Intresting, we both got into perfumes ever since we went to a flower field. We soon started experimenting and the rest was history. Our first shop is back in our home town, this here is the newest shop. Once again, we're delighted to have you here. If you ever need anything let us know" He said with a smile. The door soon opened and a coustomer appeared. "Go for it Luna. Lets see how well you can do." Klaus tells her.
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 4:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Into a shop walked a Lion, looking for a perfume for his wife. Luna showed the newest perfume to the lion, and after he smelt Luna's neck, he instantly bought it, thanking the wolf, and then happily left.

''There we go, how was that?'' she asked, turning to her new bosses.
My Fursona:
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Seeing Life
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 4:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

"Ah-ha! Wonderful! He seemed very pleased" Klaus said and smiled. "I guess it's official now. Luna, the job is yours!" Christian said and hugged her. A brow was raised from Klaus when he did that, but he decided to give her a hug as well. "Has Klaus talked to you about the pay and the times?" he asked her.
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 4:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Luna hugged them both.
''I'm not sure when you open and close, but i know it's eight hours a day for 100 florins, i believe?'' she looked at Klaus unsure, wondering if she had got the figures right.
My Fursona:
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Seeing Life
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 4:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

"Umm...that sounds fair. Okay, as long as you work for eight hours, you'll recieve 100 per day. Of course, we want you to have free time, so you'll have 2 day off per week. And we are opened from 9 am to 10 pm" he tells her. "By the way, do you have a place to stay?" Klaus asked her.
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 4:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

''I do at the minute, I'm staying at an Inn for a week. But, after that, I don't, aheh. I can't believe i forgot to say that.'' Luna blushed in embarrassment.
My Fursona:
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 4:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

"Luna, hold that thought. Klaus, a mimute if you please." he told him and he followed him to the back room. "I know what you're thinking, and I don't know. What if says no" Kalus said. You never know untill you try. Besides, good help like her is hard to find. Look at her, he nice kind good with costumers..." he soon mutters, If I could see, I'd bet she has a smokin hot body!" he soon blushed and chuckled. "I think the love potion is affecting your brain, but okay. You can ask her." he said. They soon emerged from the back room and Christian holds her hand. "How would you like to stay at our summer house?" he asked her.
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 4:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

''Oh!'' Luna was shocked. ''Sure, that'd be great! Is it far from here though?''
My Fursona:
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