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PostPosted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 2:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


Later on tonight....I will come back and go over all the different things that MBEAL brought up and prove how wrong he is in my "opinion."

But for now....I would like to ask, MBEAL.....why do you LOVE Palin so much??????????

I'll respond to that when I return tonight too.

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 9:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi Alley,

Interesting to see everyone's viewpoint on the issues. I voted via mail-in ballot last week - as of tonight over 1 million people have taken advantage of early voting here in Colorado. I personally didn't vote for the Repulic-Rats - a Third Party did get my vote however.

I agree with some of the opinions in this thread, others I don't. Alley, we're opposite environmentally and I'm not going to voice my opinions here - I don't want to get into a back and forth as to who is correct - however you have peaked my interest to read more into natural energy, pros and cons notwithstanding.

I work for a printing business owned by gay couple, two men, and we have a HOT Hispanic girl in our bindery department who is a lesbian. They have the same life challenges we all have, the same problems, the same emotions, I'm Agnostic and it's a non-issue to me.

I couldn't believe Obama had a 30 minute infomercial last night? Turning down public campaign financing gives him such a spending advantage over McCain. I tire of the constant Obama commercials on television and radio and rarely hear anything from McCain. The whole idea of public funding is to make it an equal playing ground for both candidates.

Sarah Palin. I don't like her myself, she's got some baggage that will come out after the election and this whole email hacking thing really bothered me. A public official using personal email accounts to conduct State business, are you kidding me? To me, her choice for VP was to pull the Hillary vote, that putting the first woman on a Republican ticket would gloss over the weak candidate running for President. Joe Biden is Joe Biden, probably a good guy but Hillary would have been a much better choice. The one VP debate was telling to me, Palin looked frustrated at times, but more frustrating to me was her inability to answer a damn question, please tell me your stance on things, tell what your plans are to get this country back on its feet again. If you're going to be a step away from the Presidency I want to see what the hell your made of!

I wonder why we don't hear a peep about illegal immigration from either candidate? We recently had a situation her in Denver where an illegal with 17 prior arrests broadsided a vehicle killing two woman and a 3-year old boy. 17 priors, driving with no license or insurance, but yet he is still here. The police openly admit that the paperwork nightmare for the arrest of an illegal isn't worth arresting them at all. This is such a huge problem but no one in the government will address it as an important issue.

Just a few thoughts for this thread.
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 9:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hello Alley,.....

Orange we've saved this world three times at least from Tyranny from the Japanese, Germans, Italians and Russians. The United States are the good guys. Yes there's alot of problems here and I don't trust the government I think there should be less of it but it's overwhelming how many folks are clammering to get into this country. Why cus were the greatest country on earth. I'm very proud of this country and you will never find a more of a patriot or lover of our military than me. I don't care about world opinion of the United States from Russia, China, Venezula or other dictatorships. To me they're the bad dudes. The ones that openly imprison politics oppenents, religous folks, and gays and folks not like them. I have tons of respect for America. I don't have to go outside my country. I'm not angry or bitter or anything like that. I am what 60% of Americans feel. Americans don't want millions of our dollars going overseas along with our jobs and our government boldly allowing a silent invasion of illegals coming and taking the lower paying jobs left. I'm not a liberal that's why some folks here will disagree.

Alley I love Palin so much!!!! She's smart, intellegent successful woman who's rised higher than any other woman in our nations history in politics. Alot of Liberal woman hate her cus shes

Pro 2nd Admendment Gun Rights
Pro Life
For limited Governement
Lower Taxes
Traditional Marriage
Traditional Family Values
Fiscal Responsibility
Personal Responsibility

The national liberal news media coverage has been extremely hateful and down right malicous against her. They ran Hilary Clinton out of the Democratic Race I think O'Bama stole that nomination he didn't out and out win it. This woman is the most accomplished woman in our nation politically already and the media hates her cus she's not the liberal.

How about John Edwards that fraud who fathered a bastard child with a campaign aid while his wife is battling Cancer and is still with her. How about how nutty Biden is during these speaches he doesn't even know history I listened to him bold face lie on the Radio about what O'Bama actually said!!!!

O'Bama is from Chicago. Chicago politicians are corrupt, they always have been. This man has done more to coverup his past he won't even release his birth certificate cus he might not be a national citizen and he won't release his medical records!!! True fact. The Governor of Hawaiii refuses to allow the release of O'Bama's Birth Certificate. These are all facts not talking points. Money he donated went to Communist Organizations run bye William Aryes wife. He went to a fundraiser at Aryes house knowing who is and still did it cus it would help jump start his political career. He got money for the hospital his wife worked at in Chicago. She got a monster raise and a promotion right after they got this money! I know so very much about this man. His a criminal basically like most of these bumms. He voted Present over 100 times in the Illinios Legislature instead of voting Yes or NO cus he didn't want his record held against him.

Palin is nothing like O'Bama. O'Bama was the most liberal and Partison Democrat who served in the Senate the time he was in there. He will not reach across party lines. He didn't do it as a Senator why would he do it as a Senator. Bye the way McCain voted with Bush 90% of the time but O'Bama and Biden voted with bush about 49% of the time!!!

Liberals hate Palin cus they're scared of death of her cus she's not like them and she's a Conservative. They've attacked her. they've had that Hag on SNL attack her, they've attacked her husband, they've even attacked her child. They would have never ever did this to Male Canidate. I'm voting as much for Sarah Palin as I am against O'Bama he hates this country. He wants to change our values and everything about us. Talk about selling this country out to the rest of the world he will. If we're attacked again bye terriorist he will do exactly what Bill Clinton did shoot off a few Cruise Missles and blow up a few tents in the desert.

I personally don't think anyone deserves more than I do in life. I've had to work and work hard for what I have. No one deserves a unfair disadvantage. I'd been discrinated against so very much cus I'm a white male cus of Affirmative action. I've seen incompetitent people promoted cus they're a minority or a woman cus the law says they have too. This is a fact I've seen it with my own eyes. I think American need to take this country back from the Socialist, Perverts, Pornographers, Career Politicans, Special Interest, Lobbyist, Big Oil, Big Business, Big Energy and Jerk offs that did everything possible they could to destroy and pilfer this great country since that bastard Nixon through Reagan, accelerated bye Clinton and only got worse with Bush. Bush, Cheney and that bunch all need to be prosicuted and hanged for War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity and Treason for what they've done for Civil Rights and Liberites and selling us out to any country willing to buy a piece of us.


That's alot see what you did Alley!!! Laughing

I'm a Populist, Patriotic person and damn proud of my country unlike Michelle O'Bama.

One more thing,....If you pale around with a Murder and watch him kill someone doesn't that make you as much of a Murder than he is??? If Jeremiah Wright is a antisemite and hates, hate Jews and you spend 18 years in his Church doesn't that tell you he might agree with the Racsist stuff coming out his mouth and your going to set there and imply I'm Rascist!!! O'Bama at least is a AntiSemite. You can't tell me you don't believe he wasn't aware of this. You say your for loving you fellow man you would set there for 18 years listining to this Adolph Hilter style rants. But Wright or O'Bama can't be Rascist cus they're black give me a break. He paled around with Louis Farekan a known an unapolgitic AntiSemite.

Sorry if the spellings are a bit off. LOL No offense bye anything I just said but examine this man! Please don't be naive and vote for him cus he talks like a Preacher and smile alot and dammit he seems like sucha likable guy and family man. I don't have any friends that hate Jews, are Terriorist, and killers.

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 12:06 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Wow MBeal.... How is it that I always say WOW with you??

Well at least we agree with a few things...Yes we do need to take our country back. We do need to take it back from corporations, CEO's and our government. should watch this interview. It's an interview with John F. Kennedy JR. and they discuss his book, CRIMES AGAINST NATURE. The interview is kind of old but they talk about some of the this stuff listed above that I think you would/should be interested in. I might think it's "democratic view" but it's not. He even says that when he talks about the environment he does not claim a political side. He also says he's worked for many republicans too. Watch it. I think you'll like it. When you watch it.....let me know what you think.

About global warming....well it's now a fact because all the scientists have now come together to agree that global warming is being caused by humans. If you'd like actual proof of this (story/report/interview/documentary) let me know and I'll get the info to you.

Here's the link to the CRIMES AGAINST NATURE interview with John F. Kennedy JR.

After you watch this sneek peek of this documentary that I've watched, CRUDE IMPACT. The documentary is Awesome!!!! If you can purchase the documentary great....but if you can't....then maybe you can do a search and find it for free somewhere. Sometimes show's their different documentaries by rotating them. Anyway....this documentary can give more wisdom about oil.

None of these documentaries were made by a politician or being ran on a corporate owned network.

For more news, REAL NEWS and more documentaries you can go to: and

Now, although it's good to know that you are proud of your can't say it's the best country in the world. I know, I know you're rooting for your team....but seriously...the truth is that America is below average in technology, America has the worst pollution than any other country, our economy is broken, American lives are being ran by corporations (both government and media), some American schools are shutting down and teachers are getting paid less than ever, America's housing market is broken, America's military is broken and etc and etc and etc. American's military is broken, because we found out that they did not have proper equipment, good drinking water, they had to train a corporate owned private crew who were making more money than our actual soldiers. Corporations were and are ruling the Iraq war for profit from oil and profit from us...American's who pay taxes. The average CEO gets paid 400 times more than the average American worker.

SO say you want to drill baby drill so that we don't send our money to foreign countries right? Well, let's say we drill baby drill and now the money isn't going to foreign countries and it is staying here in our country but where is the money REALLY going ?????? It is going straight into the pockets of CEO's.....only making them even more rich. How about we up their pay to 800 times more than the average American. Now, you tell me.....are you proud of that? By them doing that and us allowing them to do that.....Does that make us the best country in the world?? Does that make us the proud Americans that you speak of?? NOT ME.

Another thing to look at.....I know you are soooo "Country First" and you know what?? I AM TOO! I think we should help other people out in other countries BUT I believe we need to help ourselves FIRST. Did you know about this of your "Country First" proud to be American Palin?:

Officials of the Alaskan Independence Party say that Palin was once so independent, she was once a member of their party, which, since the 1970s, has been pushing for a legal vote for Alaskans to decide whether or not residents of the 49th state can secede from the United States.

And while McCain's motto -- as seen in a new TV ad -- is "Country First," the AIP's motto is the exact opposite -- "Alaska First -- Alaska Always."

Lynette Clark, the chairman of the AIP, tells ABC News that Palin and her husband Todd were members in 1994, even attending the 1994 statewide convention in Wasilla. Clark was AIP secretary at the time.

"We are a state's rights party," says Clark, a self-employed goldminer. The AIP has "a plank that challenges the legality of the Alaskan statehood vote as illegal and in violation of United Nations charter and international law."

She says it's not accurate to describe the party as secessionist -- they just want a vote, she says, adding that the members of the AIP hold different opinions on what Alaska should be.

"My own separate opinion as an individual is that we should be an independent nation," Clark says.

Now, does that show that SHE truly is PROUD to be American?? Not to me...

Palin is NOT smart! McCain's own campaign team admitted to this. Did you read the story?? I posted up the link.

Palin is PRO LIFE and I don't believe that ANY man has any right to not allow the WOMAN who is pregnant to decide for herself. I say man...because you say you are PRO LIFE. You don't know what it's like to get pregnant and you will never know what it's you shouldn't have the right to dictate what a woman can and can't do about her own pregnancy. it's her body!!!

Palin abused her power as governor of Alaska! Do you know of that story?

Palin is a HUGE HUGE embarrassment to our country!!!! I don't care if she's black, red, white or brown. I don't care if she's left, right up or down..... SHE'S an idiot! She doesn't answers questions when being asked...she goes back to the same issues that she talked about previously. i mean don't we deserve an answer from her about the issues?? Her and McCain uses scare tactics to get votes...just like Bush did.....and it worked for him. Come on MBeal.....was it the fact that she kept winking at you through the TV that made you like her?? Come had to at least make you smile, right?

About Obama..... I'm just did you find out all of your Obama information?? As far he goes, I can't really trust him either. I mean I like him....but I'm afraid of a lot of different issues when I think of him. I'm afraid that as soon as the election winner is announced we are going to have some kind of racial physical attacks. I think some whites are going to attack some blacks and I think some blacks are going to attack some whites. I believe this because there is a lot of racism involved on both sides.....about this election. I think there are going to be some very VERY disappointed people on either side. All I know is....I'm staying HOME in front of my computer on that day.

Mbeal you have to realize that it is VERY important for us to be friends with other countries and to help others out. If America ever needs any kind of help....then we would want and hope that other countries would help us out. It can't just be ALL about us!!

Remember America was founded by immigrants/by people not from this country.

One last thing, when you think of the environment.....think of it from a business point of view ALWAYS. If you do.....AMERICA will win in every area/issue. We can be the great leader again.....but we have to lead by example. We have to be on top of the game when it comes to technology and we have to become friendly neighbors to other countries. LEAD by example. If you love traditional family values so much.....that's one of them right there. Lead by example. So let's do it.

Thank you to everyone for sharing your thoughts even we dont' all agree.... It helps to learn more about eachother and what's going on around us. It also helps us to brainstorm, motivate eachother and help find the best solutions that you might have never know that existed.

Really quickly about nuclear energy: it takes 20 years to build a reactor and billions of dollars to make it happen. Remember think of the environment from a business point of view...... If we find oil from drilling.....we will not reap the benefits until 10 years. All of these sources will eventually run out too. Does it make sense to spend money BIG money on something that will run out in the future?? Does it make sense to spend a portion of that money on energy sources that can NEVER run out?????? Therefor America saves money, we can sell our extra stored energy....YOU and I will have MORE money in our pockets and OH YES more jobs for everyone! You said previously.....that people would be too lazy to learn and new trade or we wouldn't have the funds to do it....or something?? Well, the fact is that....with switching over....there will be millions of jobs of many different levels available, many different fields....the average American will be able to financially succeed with switching over to natural energy! All these are facts. I've done my homework 10 times over!!

Okay...that's it for now.... Whhooo

Sorry about the LONG post. I think that's the longest EVER for me!! That was a Nebraska classic.

Very Happy Seriously, though thank you guys for caring and for sharing your thoughts with me.


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PostPosted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 8:29 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hey Alley,.....

The reason why you way "WOW" is cus your a Liberal and I'm a Conservative. I understand you would be a liberal cus of some of the same things you've supported. I do respect the fact that you've did your homework and you can't be labeled as just a braindead model who strips her clothes off.

I think compared to O'Bama "The American Hater", John McCain "The Liar" and Joe Biden "The Story Teller" that Sarah Palin is the best one out of the lot. Truth be told I can get up on a stage and out debate all of these turkeys. O'Bama never gives straight answers. He couldn't answer yes or no if you put a gun to his head. McCain is so old his pistons just all don't fire. He should have been out of politics a longtime ago.

Well I know for a fact you wouldn't vote for me for President so I'm not going into why you don't like Palin. I don't like O'Bama cus I see him for what he really his. Unfortnately most of the American Electorate are dumb sheep. Usually the man that's the prettiest wins. JFK and Bill Clinton are two examples. Of course JFK's daddy Joe basically stole his first Presidental election. Seems your not the only Playboy model posting threads like this. My favorite Playmate Jennifer Walcott did one last night on her Myspace I responded too. Alot of models are letting there opinoins out there.

You have to respect something I'm setting here kissing you ass on this subject like I would be alot fans would just cus they wanna be on your side. I mean I've known through the net as far as a fan goes you for what over 10 years? I found that I can't convince anyone to change there minds about subjects on politics when they're that far to the left.

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 9:17 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I have got to take the side of Orange here. The one sided viewpoints here are kind of shocking. If you get an opportunity to travel a bit in Europe, we might be a bit embarrassed over how we are doing as Americans in conservation and alternate power sources. One of the most stunning sights (besides Alley baring the goods, of course Wink ) is to take a drive out of France traveling north towards Belgium, over to Holland and back into northern Germany. What you will see is hillsides with glimmeringly white wind mills... not these old timey kinds... totally state of the art power generators! By-products:.. nothing but pure energy. Contaminants: none. Payback: crazy quick!

If you get a chance to travel into Asia, you will be hit in the face with the crazy notion that Americans are incredibly wasteful of everything including food, water, power, paper.. whatever. The first 50 times I heard that 'notion' i was incredibly offended. "What are you talking about.. i don't waste resources. I am totally green, man!" Yea.. so I thought. Once I spent a decent amount of time in some of these asian countries i realized that they were totally right. Yea I've gone totally green and I recycle and do what i think is my part, but compared with alot of other areas in the world I've been throwing electricity and money and paper goods and a few thousand gallons of water each month right out the window. I mean,... I would go out of my head if the sprinklers didn't water the lawn twice a day!

I love these nuts that tell me that global warming is a farce. Again, we need to get off our our native soil and start traveling, or at least read the reports, man. In the most of the islands in the southern hemisphere, i have personally seen where there were houses lived in just a few years ago that were beautiful beach property... only problem is there is no more beach... the house is partially under water. Other houses that previously were not beach front, now their front yard is flooded. They will no doubt be looking for accommodations on higher ground in a few years.

Where is all of the water coming from people? Tides are changing, Seasons of produce are changing. Now in these same island areas, where fruits and vegetables used to grow in a specific season, some suddenly have begun to grow way past their seasons with bumper crops.... sounds great, except that other staple foods... now they are not producing.. hope they will start for these people soon.

It's not going to be just the southern hemishere though.. These things are going to affect everyone and soon. Pretty decent of some of these other countries to have gotten off to a good start. American is sadly not the leader of the pack in this field.. maybe not even in the top 10. Crying or Very sad
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 12:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote know I love ya....but let's get 1 thing STRAIGHT!!!!......I am NOT a liberal, I am NOT a socialist, I am NOT on the "left" side and I am NOT a Democrat. Please do not label me as any of these things!! I don't label please DO NOT label me. I don't label anyone.....unless I say the Democrats or the Republicans.....and that is to only explain what party I am speaking of.

What I am is a REAL person with REAL questions, solutions and drive to do my part to make them happen. I stand for truth! I stand for Justice! I stand for love! I stand for equality! Those are the things that I don't put me on any political dictionary.....because my face will NOT be there. I am not corporate owned, you are because of the party you are with.....and support to the fullest.

To Orange and everyone else....MBeal does NOT represent all Americans. Sure there probably some Americans that feel this same way.....I don't know how extreme but I'm sure might agree with him some of his points but I believe that the majority do not. The majority of Americans want something way bigger, way better!! Also, I encourage for people in other countries to post their thoughts here. I would love to hear your view of our American issues from your side of the world. Thank you.

Misfit, I agree with you 100% that Americans are so wasteful....way more than they know. shouldn't want to change anyone's mind on politics, it's their choice. Just like I know it's your choice to vote for whoever you think is the best. This isn't what this is about. This thread is about sharing knowledge and helping people see things from a different perspective. That's all. Misfit is right, you should never just see things from one side.... Sit down and see things from other points of views. You might learn even more than you know now?

Misfit, that is another reason why I don't like Palin for Vice President and possibly President......because she barely got her passport 2 years ago. She's never traveled outside of our country. How is she going to know about foreign affairs and our neighboring countries if she's never even stepped foot in these other countries? She hasn't seen or been around a different culture. How narrow minded do you think.....she must be with this particular issues?? Come on....are you serious??

I really didn't like Hillary either to be honest with you. If you really wanted a woman president how about Cynthia McKinney??? She is one tough little cookie. She is not afraid to call out President Bush for all of his corruptions, she is not afraid to stand up against corporations, she is not afraid to stand up against injustice......SHE IS NOT afraid to stand up against anyone who is corrupt and is not for our people. SHE is for peace.....but if you mess with her and the American people....she will kick your ass in the eyes of our laws and the eyes of our land. I LOVE HER!! I am voting for her as my 3rd party selection for President. I know she won't win the election but if she can get at least 5% of votes, she's in. She gets the 3rd seat and she will NOT let corruption be in control ANYMORE!!!


Very Happy

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 3:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I like it when you say "Fuck" though Alley! Your sucha little sex kitten.
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 7:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Just for your information, I received this by email a few minutes ago:

Vote Green On Tuesday!

This is an exciting time for us! The Green Party has never been as relevant as it is today. As Congress offers trillion-dollar bailouts to Wall Street, people living on Main Street struggle to stay in their homes and pay for basic needs. Why is Congress bailing out corporations while the public slides into economic insecurity? Because the industries that will benefit from the bailout are some of the largest campaign contributors to political campaigns.

But never fear because you can VOTE GREEN on Tuesday and choose People Power over corporate power. Support Cynthia McKinney for President and Rosa Clemente for Vice President; and, support other Green candidates running in your community. Greens are running for office across the country for 60 types of office. Check them out! To find out who's running in your community.

Once elected, Greens will not betray the public interest for corporate cash. We accept no corporate money because we believe corporate influence is what's wrong with politics.

If you believe healthcare is a right for all, not to be governed by the profit motive of insurance companies, support the Green Party and our campaign for Single Payer Healthcare.
If you believe offshore drilling furthers our national addiction to fossil fuels; and want to see positive solutions like renewable energy, local food production, local businesses and better public transportation- Help elect Greens who will make it a reality.
If you believe every vote must be counted, that higher education should be available to everyone, that climate change is real, that the war on drugs is racist, and that the privatization of public goods and services is wrong and that we need to BRING OUR TROOPS HOME NOW stand up and support the party that will stand up for you The Green Party.
If you want to see a clean, healthy future for our children, make sure we have a strong Green Party today.

Please Spread the Word.

And, of course, VOTE GREEN on Tuesday!


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PostPosted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 10:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

So it's 3 days to electioin day. Nervous as hell and hoping that the polls showing Obama will win is true.

Alley, you voted already? I did the absentee route.

As I mentioned to you b4. I'm voting for Barack because I sure as hell don't want another 4 years of cowboy or maverick policies. Don't want anymore shoot first, ask later mentality. Jesus christ, we so willingly pay 10 billion a month for the war but get mad as hell if we want to spend that kind of money to improve public service, provide education, provide healthcare.

AB, I believe like you that healtchare is not something that should have a price point. No one should have to sacrifice his life simply because he can't afford to pay the doctor bills.

Did you see the Barack infomercial? About that one black couple, the wife had arthrities and the cost of medication forced the husband to go back to work and mortage their house after the paid it off.

It takes 2 days in the hospital to accumulate 20,000 dollars worth of bills. That's just the hospital. You have to expect bills from doctors, labs, specialists.

I beleive healthcare should be a rigtht. Thankfully, Barack does too.
In a perfect world, you get all Alley, all the time.
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 7:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm voting for Barack Obama on Tuesday. I made my choice a long time ago. Even before he was going to win the primaries. I just felt fate and destiny was going to lead him to his nomination.

I believe in him. I hope in my heart of hearts that he does succeed. I'm not saying he will be the greatest president ever, but my hope is he will do excellent.

I like how this election has brought out a lot of people vote, register or express his/her views. It's the most amazing thing ever. I hope this country is better off because of the passion and dedication of the people this election cycle.

Maybe I am being unrealistic, but I can dream.
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 8:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Koolaid Drinking 101 Class begins November 4th???? Rolling Eyes
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 10:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hello Everyone,.....

Certification of Live Birth or Birth Cerficate is required if you want to run in a Primary or let along be a President. Barack O'Bama didn't produce either one. The Governor of Hawaii were O'Bama was allegedly born has sealed those documents and refuses to release them. O'Bama will not produce these documents and the State of Hawaii won't release it and only says what they seem valid. His own Kenyan Grandmother says she was present when O'Bama was born. This is total BS!!! He should be made to produced these legal documents and if it turns out he's lying about his birth country of origan he should be prosecuted along with he campaign heads and Howard Dean of the DNC. Was the only reason he went to Hawaii to visit his Grandmother or was it a coverstory too? This stuff is totally for real and you should check out this website.

There's been a lawsuit filed with the Supreme court bye a Life Long Democrat Citizen to stay the election.

Thank you
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 4:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

why I hope the worship of greed dies with this recession. Check out this POV.
In a perfect world, you get all Alley, all the time.
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 5:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Only native-born U.S. citizens may be president of the United States. I agree with mbeal78 on the birth certificate issue regarding Obama. I have been following this for several weeks now and I don't see what the big deal is for Obama to show his birth certificate. He is so secretive that it's hard for me to trust him. I already don't trust the Republicans and John McCain - Obama never comes clean with any of this stuff - he won't release his college records either.

It's is all for not, he'll be President-elect Obama after he wins tomorrow night. I'm a registered independent and voted Third Party, but Obama will win.

Here are a couple of humorous links that made me laugh:

If anyone is interested in political cartoons and has not yet seen the work of Michael Ramirez, check out the link below, his work is brilliant!

Go Vote! Tomorrow will be an historic day for this country regardless -either the first black President or the first female Vice President - Go Vote!
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 9:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I don't like McCain and I don't like O'Bama to me third party isn't were it should be and I'm chosing the less of two evils. I can't trust O'Bama I've researched this man way too much. I am from Illinois I don't trust any politician from that state. I think O'Bama is a fraud and isn't a US Citizen otherwise he would have provided proof of birth back when he ran for Illinios State Senate. I think this is possibly a huge coverup. Cus he's the chosen one bye the Dems. I had John Edwards pegged for a liar and a fraud for a longtime and I see O'Bama a huge one too. I can't believe how much of a sheep the American folks can be on this dude. He may have also been adopted bye his Muslim stepdad in Idonesia and if that's the case that country doesn't allow duel citizenship and he maybe not be a citizen thate way. He won't provide proof of Birth, he won't release his Medical Records, and he won't provide his school records. That's cus it would say he's a citizen of Kenya.
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 10:10 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

for the real americans who aren't afraid of terrorists under every bed, and socialists around every corner, you too can be president if you meet these requirements, you don't have to be born in any of the 50 states.

This is my real America.
In a perfect world, you get all Alley, all the time.
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 10:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


Dixville Notch, NH...15 for Obama, 6 for McCain. And this is a republican town, since 1960
In a perfect world, you get all Alley, all the time.
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 7:09 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yeah but O'Bama never in his entire life has proven he was born in the United States!!! NO birth certificate for this man. That's insane. The State of Hawaii has sealed the documents and won't let anyone see it. This guy is not the son of God and he's not the Messiah. He has to prove he is eligible and he has never done that not even in the Illinois State Senate Race.
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 11:20 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

MBeal.....that link you gave us: Who is this funded by? Who runs the site?? I would not be a part of or agree with any site that is corporate owned, 1 sided, ran by a political group or even ran by a bunch of hater citizens. You have to know both sides.....good and bad. You have to hear both sides......good and bad. Ever unique different experience is a learning opportunity!

All I know is that ALL these vote YES of Prop 8 people are SOOOOO annoying....standing in large groups at every freaking corner. They have children holding up signs...promoting hatred and discrimination. It's sad....because they don't really know what they are doing.....they are just doing what they are told to do. When we will (grown ups) ever learn to find the truth about all things and stand up for what's really right without meshing politics and religion?

About the presidential election..... All I can say is I hope and pray that EVERYTHING will be okay......and EVERYTHING will get A LOT better!! I fear for Obama's safety and I fear that the American people might go nuts and either riot or commit racial crimes. There is SOOOOOOOOO much emotion in this election because of Obama's ethnicity along with the fact that we are in desperate need of positive good BIG change in our country.

Mbeal....what will you do if Obama wins? just wondering.......

Well, this is the last day to vote and already we are seeing voting machines down, broken, not enough workers on staff....and etc. What I've noticed so far is.....this has happened in places where there are mostly black people living. I really REALLY hope that SOOOOOOOO many come out to vote that it makes it a lot harder for the cheaters to tip the votes one way or another.

One last thing... I think it's incredibly dumb for people to not vote. I know some people....that just because they don't like either party (Democrat or Republican) they will not vote for anyone. How American is that?? You bitch and complain about this or that within our system and what's going on.....but now you decide to say....."I give up, YOU tell me what rules/laws to follow, YOU tell me how things are going to be ran in MY country and I won't say anything about it!" "I have no voice. I give my voice over to you!" "YOU WIN!" How can you give up at a time like this?????? Surely there has to be someone who you think and believe can have positive change influence in our country.....some kind of 3rd party, who are the least corrupt and who really FIGHT for the people and their rights and everything that they stand for!? I am very upset with those people who choose to not vote.

I can't wait to see what happens.

May God be with us all......

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 6:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well lets see McCain has lost Penn and Ohio. Doesn't look good it's lookin like the Messiah, the Son of God will be the winner. Totally stunning how ignorant and sheepish that the American Voter is not doing their reseach in who these people are. This is a very dangerous man for Democracy. He's not Bi-Partison at all quite the opposite. If he wins they want to give Felons the right to vote again and mandate all states have same day registestration and they will make all illegals American Citizens. That's Tyranny as far as I can see. Eveyones taxes will go up. Hell bring on alternative fuels cus if he wants to punish the oil industry we're all screwed on Gas Prices!!! Plus I heard audio last night on how he plans immediately fining Powercompanies for Carbon Caps so all the coal miners across the country will lose their jobs. I fell sorrry for folks he hates big business we're in for a really rough time I fear. I might move to Barbados or the Virgin Islands who knows??? For real I'll prob go into Politics in the next few years myself.


ps,..FUCK George W Bush I hate that sorry son of a bitch and blame him for all this!!!! Him, Rummsfield, Cheney and that whole damn bunch should be proscecuted for crimes against the American People. Look on the bright side the Dems will just fuck up the economy even more and their maybe a light at the end of the tunnel in four years????
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 9:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, congrats to Barak Obama!

I say let's give our new president a shot! Let's see what he can do for us. Fining the refineries....THAT'S A GREAT IDEA OBAMA! WOW, YOU'RE ALREADY IMPRESSING ME!!! Let's see what other great ideas you have!!! Those guys who will loose their jobs working in the mines can easily get a green job....creating energy but from clean toxic free resources. It's safer for them and for us too. I'm sure they would PREFER to have a job like that.......than mining.

Moving to some exotic location out of the country is exactly what I thought IF McCain/Palin won. Thank GOD they did not!!! Whew......

It's sad though....that there were not even enough votes for a 3rd party.

There were also SOOOOOOO many problems with voting being reported throughout our country. Even though there were SO many problems with voting.....Obama still was able to deliver a good ass whippin'. That ass whippin....came without even finishing all the counting. McCain was no where even close to Obama's win. WOW!

Now, I'm keeping a close eye on California's prop/local voting results. The future looks bright for CA with PROP 10. I think CA will be doing REALLY WELL...if PROP 10 can be voted as a YES!

Best Wishes CA and to America!


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PostPosted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 10:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

No point in futher posting on this thread I guess. Your given what you got. Well see what happens but I'm not optomistic.
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 8:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

We embark on a new journey. After 8 years in the dark tunnel, we can see the dim light ahead. Climb aboard, America, have faith, leave your fears behind.
In a perfect world, you get all Alley, all the time.
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 12:41 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

you know what W. told Obama to do on wednesday? take a vacation!!!! Rolling Eyes
you know what Obama did on wednesday? got to work on fixing W.'s mess!!! Smile

...starting off on the right foot...
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 1:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I cried during his speech for a brief moment. Why? I honestly don't know. Still, it was amazing that site in Chicago. I do hope he succeeds and helps bring this country back. I'm not saying he'll be the greatest President ever, but one can certainly hope.
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 11:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

mbeal78 wrote:
Yeah but O'Bama never in his entire life has proven he was born in the United States!!! NO birth certificate for this man. That's insane. The State of Hawaii has sealed the documents and won't let anyone see it. This guy is not the son of God and he's not the Messiah. He has to prove he is eligible and he has never done that not even in the Illinois State Senate Race.

mbeal - if this is an example of your understanding of the constitution - you're in trouble. Barack Obama's mother was a US citizen - WHERE he was born is of NO consequence - ZSERO - ZIP - NADA. He is the child of a US citizen andf therefore is a US citizen.

I suppose you're one of those paranoid nuts going out and spending every last red cent you can now on guns and ammo - huh? now that your :side" has lost "Cause "somebody" (and I think we cab all assume it was a white somebody) told you "they" are going to take away your 2nd amendment rights ASAP. Yooze guys are almost as scary as you are scared.

Okay, I'm done. We need to move on past these delusiional paranoid fantasies of the left-over Reaganites reliving the "Red Scare" of the 1950's and obssessed with "Evil Empire" imagary and get something REAL accomplished in this country.

The only good thing about people with your point of view mbeal, is that you will continue to drive the demise of the Republican party by scaring peoploe away - opening the way for a more pluralistic political process (multi-party).

Sorry Alley - I deal with mbeals on political chat rooms every day. I've discovered it's better to just let them expose themselves for whop they are and self-destruct. It's like a fellow I was talking to the other day was saying - there are too many people in the political process for whom it is all about the fight - and not about what's right.
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 10:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I agree......

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