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PostPosted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 12:41 am    Post subject: 2008 ELECTIONS! Reply with quote

Where do I begin with this topic??

Well, here I go.... I have been doing TONS of research on the environment lately. TONS! Yes, that is one of my passions. I have come to the conclusion that I will not be voting for McCain or for Obama. One of the reasons is....I am VERY MUCH against nuclear energy. I have researched it and have found several stories where the current nuclear reactors have had problems with this or that, have caused harm to people and have been fined or etc. The biggest problem has been the waste. I've also found studies on the casks in which the nuclear waste would be contained in. There are so many problems and risks involved with that! Did you know, that you could live in an area where there is no nuclear reactor around for hundreds of miles but could be living near or in route to the waste site and therefor be affected by natural corrosion of the casks? Other reasons why radioactive material could be released in to the air, soil, water and food chain is due to: a natural disaster, an accident, human error during shipping and handling or an act of sabotage. All of these reasons are SERIOUS reasons why we should not support nuclear energy! The risks are too great!! This is serious stuff! In addition to the nuclear reactors that are currently operating, the nuclear industry is proposing to build new reactors in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Maryland, Mississippi, Illinois, Louisiana, New York, N. Carolina, S. Carolina, Texas and Virginia. The last reactor to come on line in 1996 cost over 8 billion dollars and took 23 years to complete. Meanwhile the nuclear industry had already experienced a $100 billion cost overrun for the first 75 reactors built in the US. Companies currently investing in new nuclear power plants include, Exelon, Dominion and Entergy. I believe everyone should be aware of the truth.

Here's a link to a list of reports on nuclear energy/waste problems:

Instead of nuclear power, instead of digging for more oil in our country......we should use natural energy! We should spend the money to advance our nation and take us all into the next level of technology. How amazing is use the wind, the sun and the water to provide energy for us?? It would all be good, healthy for out planet, for us and it would be CHEAP!!!! for EVERYONE!!! There are no health risk at all when we use natural energy. We are using some natural energy why not use more, grow more wind farms and etc... We can provide thousands of American jobs by growing the green economy. I read a story about if we were to just spend 1 billion dollars instead of the 700+ billion dollar bailout recently, in to the green economy....we would generate over 1 million jobs here in the US. The jobs would consist of people installing solar panels, building and installing wind mills and etc. In California alone, by voting YES to proposition 10...will give Californians 100,00 new GREEN jobs and save motorists $3.2 billion annually by replacing gasoline and diesel fuel with cheaper alternative fuels produced in America. You see, we don't have to "drill baby, drill." The technology is here and now.....we just have to push everyone into making this amazing natural and cleaner technology the main source or better yet the only source for our energy. T. Boone Pickens says that he believes that we should use natural gas as a resource to fuel our needs until we have enough natural energy sources built. Here's his plan: I don't really agree with using natural gas though as a major source for fuel because it's another fossil fuel. I believe we can by pass it entirely and kick ass with an amazing natural energy system. Have you heard of Hydropower? Hydropower is energy from water. VERY COOL! I think T. Boone Pickens though is heading in the right direction...a natural energy America.

Anyway....the bottom line is....we have STOP thinking about what car looks best, what you look best in and stop being selfish. We need to move forward and start leading again.....with our technologies for energy. With that will come economic growth, better health and smarter Americans. It sickens me to see that some people would vote based on the color of someone's skin, the gender, how good looking someone is or not. Some people say well....we are PROUD to be Americans and that's why we are voting for **** because they represent the average American and that's what I am. Well, do you all really want an "average" American possibly running our country in the future? I don't. I want someone who is above average possibly running our country in the future. That "average" mentality really scares me. Is that all we want to be? An "average" country? Personally I would prefer it if our country was above average. Currently we are below average in our nation's technology.

As you may now know....I am not voting for McCain or Obama because I believe they will both fuck us really good. McCain will fuck us really hard and fast.....while Obama at least will be a nice slow fuck. Seriously....

I am voting for the GREEN PARTY....because they promote peace. Part of our economic help plan should be to stop the war partly because it's costing so much. McCain wants to continue it while Obama wants to end it in Iraq but want to continue it else where. The only way we will start heading in the right direction with our economy is when the war ends! I LOVE EVERYTHING that the GREEN PARTY stands for! Here's a list for you to read and compare for yourself.

The Green Party only needs 5% of the votes to be given the 3rd seat sitting alongside the Democrats and the Republicans. This is important because we need that balance that the GREEN PARTY can give us.....the voice that is OUR voice when we are so against something that is SO wrong.

The Democrats and the Republicans are so corrupt and are basically being ran by corporations. The GREEN PARTY accepts no corporate donations!

I am not saying who you should or should not vote for. I am just saying....KNOW THE FACTS, BE SMART, USE YOUR COMMON SENSE AND BRAIN and DO WHAT YOU KNOW DEEP DOWN INSIDE TO BE RIGHT.

Much love out to everyone...and MUCH love to our one and only planet, Earth.


AlleyBaggett.Net - The Official Site

Last edited by AlleyBaggett on Wed Oct 15, 2008 12:15 am; edited 4 times in total
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 4:35 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


I'm not going to tell anyone who to vote for. We already have too many people (i.e. - "So Called" Celebrities) who will try to influence you, one way or the other.

But I do agree with you on one concept. The political process is in desperate need for voices that are not exclusively Democratic or Republican.

Though the "Founding Fathers" were not perfect themselves, they knew that one voice, no matter how good it's intentions were, would not work for the country they wanted to build. Unfortunately, the process has been basically reduced to two voices.

The two parties have turned the entire process into a "binary equation." If it's not "Black", it's "White," if it's not "Rich," it's "Poor," if it's not "Liberal," it's "Conservative," etc... Basically for every major subject in this country, the options have reduced to two options. Which means... if it's not "Democratic," it's "Republican."

Because of this reduction of every situation to almost a "coin-flip," it has made it easy for those with major money (i.e. - major corporations, special-interest groups, "think tanks") to easily dominate & corrupt the system. A system that has virtually ignored the needs of the general population.

Think of how easy it is to control & / or corrupt any system, if you know that there were only "two" options. And those "two" options could be easily influnced by the amount of "contributions" given.

Being an 'Undecided, Independent Voter," I would love to see the rise of a third party. Hell, I would love see four or five. This country would be better served with more options. And I am seriously giving the "Green" party the once over.

I'm tired of the soundbites, and I am looking for more substance.

OK, Alley... I'm getting off your soapbox, now. whistling


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PostPosted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 9:37 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi Alley

You hit the nail on the head perfectly!!!!!!

Your voice in your post was exactly what needed to be said.

I agree with everything you brought up. I have been a supporter of the Green Party for a couple of years now. It is something that I to, hope more people will research and come to find out more what they are about.

I like you Alley will not vote for either Obama nor McCain. We are in deep shit with either one of them. And the enviroment is going to take major hit's with either one of them in place. Nucular Energy, scares the shit out of me also. Like you stated, it's the waste that is the scariest part.

Anyway Alley, thank you for your post and all your time to researsh such a very important topic. We as Americans that care about the enviroment and the future of the quality of life with our energy, the safety and beauty of our land and the air we breath. It's time to turn up the heat. On getting our voices heard and for the politions to start throwing alot of money into all the great alternitive energy sourses that you mentioned above. The political humdrums have dropped the ball the last few years on this important matter. we can't let them contiue to do so.

I like you Alley will be voting for the Green Party in November.
Because like you Alley, I love what the Green Party stands for.

You know me Alley, I have been known to write mini-novels on some things in the forum. But, I can't really add to your post. You said everything that needed to be said absolutly perfectly!!!!!!!!

Bravo Alley....Bravo.....

Boy Alley, I have been gone to long from here. I have alot of catching up to do.......


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PostPosted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 10:55 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

There is a story on right now....Monday October the 13th about Obama and Bush not being so far apart. It's a must read. Here's the link:

I believe Obama will bring back the draft if he's elected....because if he plans on continuing the war.....what will he do if not enough people are signing up for the job? There will have to be a draft. I wonder if those celebrities and young kids realize this?

I too once thought....that I was going to play the game and vote for one just so the other can't possibly win....even though I didn't really want either parties (Democrat/Republican) to win. I said to myself though.....that I wasn't going to be part of this manipulation and corrupt system. The Democrats and Republicans have made this out to be exactly what it is today....and I can not allow myself to ALLOW them to be able to use me for their own corruptions and gains.

THE AMERICAN PEOPLE should have the power! The GREEN PARTY represents and is the voice of the AMERICAN PEOPLE.


We need more major parties actually.....but having a third party is a beginning to a better future.

Go here to see the comparisons between the Democrats, Republican and THE GREEN

In case some of you missed the link to view various reports on nuclear energy/waste, here it is:

Thank you and please feel free to give us your thoughts.


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PostPosted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 1:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Here's something small to read about on off shore drilling:

Here's a list of different stories, reports and fact sheets to read about offshore oil drilling. is the best! They give you updated information about what's going on around the world regarding our air, oceans and soil.

Oh and just in case you don't know who T. Boone Pickens is.....he's a very wealthy oil man from TX. To me...he's the ultimate true business man who knows how to make real profit. He knows there's a big profitable future in natural energy. There's a big profitable future for us in that because of the building (jobs), the maintenance (jobs) and the savings (more money in our pockets). Corporate America does not want us to catch on to this because we will essentially be eliminating them from the energy money making picture.... Since mass media and the government is ran by corporations (basically).....they make it ALOT harder for people to understand this, know about the possibilities and know the truth! In order to really know what's going on with our have to do research, watch documentaries, join sites that can automatically send you emails/alerts and etc. informing you of the people's progress and the harm that's being done to people and our planet. The sites that you go to for informations should never be sponsored or ran by corporations. We can't really count on our government (Democrat/Republican) to do the right thing for us or our planet. This is a unique time in our lives. This is a time....where we do have to print out letters to the US Senate and etc. and send them our thoughts. This is a time where WE have to become investigators and reporters. THANK GOD FOR THE INTERNET!!!! This is a time...where we NEED a 3rd party like never before!! This is a time...where if we don't change the way we've always thought about things and looked at things.....then we will all be doomed for sure. This is a time, where we can NOT afford to be lazy anymore and do nothing about what's going on with our country and our planet. Even though China is so far away....I've been hearing stories that their extreme pollution is now traveling to the West side of America. Our planet is 1 whole planet.....and some dangers (toxic and etc) will affect the ENTIRE planet in some way or another. If we continue to disrespect our planet....then our planet will not longer respect us. It's happening already. Our planet is a living breathing thing and for us to live long healthy lives or even continuing living on this planet we have to change our bad habits. Fossil fuels, nuclear as well as other dangerous substances ... and being okay with our air being a toxic soup are all bad habits. Because of this....I can not agree with T Boone Pickens about using natural gas for energy...even if it's just to get us to the 100% natural energy position. I think we are able to bypass natural gas because we have the ability to do so. Natural gas is still a fossil fuel. We need to leave the prehistoric matter where it belongs, prehistoric times. If we do turn to natural gas as a stepping stone.....then we might just get too comfortable and forget all about the next step, which is switching to 100 % natural energy. People tend to get too comfortable after a while...

Having a certain vehicle should be bought and used on a NEED basis. Does it turn me on to see a hot guy driving a BIG huge SUV or a BIG huge Now, If I see tons of stuff in the back.....then sure I'll get turned on if he's HOT. I saw a guy dressed in a black suit with a tie...driving a motorcycle the other day. I thought that was SO HOT! I smiled and waved. My point is that times are changing. The kind of chicks that are into electric cars, love to hug our trees and save our planet aren't the chicks with hairy arm pits, hairy legs and etc. anymore. More and more chicks like me are those kinds of planet loving chicks and we are HOT! and WE LOVE MEN who love our planet too because that's HOT! That show's that a man isn't selfish and that a man really cares. What woman doesn't love a guy like that?? So I hope the hairy legged girl-planet lovin' "sterotype" has ended.

That's it for now.

Thank you for reading and please look into the links that I've given you. It's knowing that makes magical wonderful things within you happen and it's DOING that gives you POWER.


p.s. There are lots of sites out there that make sending out letters to the US Senate and etc very easy. You can send them via email or print them and mail them...

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 11:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Okay....I wonder why there aren't many people posting up their own thoughts on this topic. I wish more people would share their thoughts so that we can have some very good discussions on this issue.

Anyway....There's a REALLY good book out called, The GREEN COLLAR ECONOMY by Van Jones. More than ever our country needs real solutions to our energy, economic and ecological crises. Answers to these tough questions are between the covers of The Green Collar Economy:

How can the next U.S. president create millions of new green jobs?
How can we lower energy prices without drilling our shorelines and burning up our planet?
How can the government help create energy independence - at practically zero cost to the tax payer?
What is eco-apartheid? What is eco-equity?

I have not bought the book yet...but I plan to pick up an issue on Tuesday. Pick one up if you can and let me know what you think. It sounds like the book has some very good ideas on how we can get our government and president to be involved and productively active with building the new GREEN ECONOMY. I don't know about you but I'm all ears and I will do whatever I can on my end to help us out.

Another thing I wanted to bring up is... I wonder if there is a bit of racism going on with the voting this election? I wonder how many people are voting for McCain simply because he's Caucasian and the other (Obama) is not. I wonder how many people are voting for Obama simply because he's part African-American descent and the other (McCain) is not? I wonder if there will be some kind of rioting going on if he does not win? I wonder if, God forbid, what happened to Kennedy happens to Obama because of his skin color? I wonder if those things will cause a race riot?'s pretty sad and disgusting to think that we are still capable of such idiotic things but it makes me wonder. Come on Americans can't be that dumb.....or can they be? Well, so far I've been pretty disappointed in Americans lately......not all but most. Here in Southern Cali....I'm seeing people holding up signs that say....SAY YES ON 8! Saying YES on 8 means that people of the same sex can not get married. Well, who gives a flying fuck that Mary and Sue want to get married....or if.....John and Joe want to get married!!! What they do sexually is no one's business and who they are attracted to is no one's business and if they feel that they are in love and want to show the world and each other that they want to spend the rest of their lives with each other and show their commitment by getting married (just as us straight people want to do)....then why the hell can't they? WHO CARES!!!!!!! The reason why I'm bringing this up is because of all the freakin signs I've seen....I have not seen not 1 sign that says SAY YES TO 10! Saying YES to 10 means that 800,000 green jobs will available to the people of California and just as I said will also save Californian motorists $3.2 billion annually. Also this proposition 10 will power 840,000 homes with wind and solar and there's more!!!! This is SUCH a HUGE BIG DEAL!!!!!for our economy here in California and for our quality of air here in California. What is the reason why I haven't seen 1 person holding up a sign for this????? That is one example of why Americans have disappointed me lately. Well, I've contacted the people who are in charge of this proposition and I've asked them to send me some signs and I will be the one standing out at corners holding up the signs saying VOTE YES ON PROP 10!

Well, I hope you've enjoyed the posts. Sorry for how long they are. I usually don't like the longer ones myself BUT there's a lot of passion, emotion and love flowing in here so please forgive me.

Also, i ask that you please post up your comments on these issues because these issues really do mean a lot to me.

Thank you for listening.


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PostPosted: Sat Oct 18, 2008 5:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


I am wondering too, why this thread hasn't generated more responses. Curious

It leads me to believe that more people are entrenched in their opinions / choices, and are not willing exchange their views, in a proper & logical enviroment. Unfortunately, politics is one of those issues that can get the best of friends arguing with one another.

For me, I welcome the dialogue. It is the only way to find out about other thoughts, views, angles. etc.... that I would have been never exposed to. And I still be your friend, after the fsct... hopefully. Wink

As for the race issue, I think it is the "600 pound gorilla" that is sitting on everyone's shoulder, and most people trying to ignore. This is a very complicated issue, and I will try to streamline my thoughts. I might need another post to get everything out, but lets start with this.

I get the impression, as the election gets closer, that the people who don't want Obama, for racial reasons, are becoming almost frantic with idea that he may be the next President.

"Fear of a Black Planet" is a title of an album by Public Enemy, but that title expresses the innate fear that (some / many???) white people have, in this country. I guess the fear leads them to believe that a black man, even of mixed heritage, will try to "turn the tables," on whites.

People need to understand, that with our "melting-pot" society, blacks, hispanics, and every other race - creed - color, have the same hopes & dreams for this country, as white people. The main reason why America is falling behind in so many key points, as an industrialized nation (Science & Technology, Math, English [???], languages skills, etc..) is because we are not using all of our resources, which is our people (all of us).

The assassination point... I do believe Obama referenced that point once. I don't remember where. But I think he responded that this is too big a step, for all minorities, not to take. Unfortunately, those who trailblaze, in our society, have always been targets.

Many people (more than just blacks) are attaching their hopes to him. And yes, there would be much anger, if he were assassinated. Race riot, no... but there would be violent responses. I'm sure of that.

Maybe I'll hit some of your other topics a little later...

I'll get off your soapbox, again. whistling


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PostPosted: Sat Oct 18, 2008 4:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

My soapbox? You're so funny, YDB...

Well YDB, it's good to know what you think. I am curious to know what everyone thinks. I love getting deep with people about different issues and I love a good debate as long as everything is done with respect and class.

You know what, YDB? I actually like Obama a lot! His story of his upbringing is very inspirational for everyone. He's good looking, has a nice strong voice and intelligent. I was very moved when I watched his campaign on TV. He had all the right moves, sweet grandma sitting right there, his cute kids, all the right camera angles, and all those fireworks! I almost cried...because we REALLY do need a HUGE change with everything! Is he really the hope that we need?? After using my brain and not just my eyes and ears....I decided he's not. I just don't think his plan or ideas for the kind of America that it is TODAY is going to help us with the economic and energy crisis we have found ourselves in. Our planet needs our help SO bad!

Right now....we can't afford to continue a war anywhere...we can't afford to borrow more money....we can't afford to build more SUPER COSTLY nuclear reactors....we can't afford to buy out more corporations (Obama and McCain both supported), we can't afford to not generate more jobs for American's, we can't afford to have more and more unhealthy people having to have more and more hospital and doctors visits due to increased pollution. We can't afford to continue to pay high electric bills, gas and food. It would be around 10+ years before we start seeing a benefit in the cost of things from offshore drilling. There's been studies and reports that I've read about that. McCain is misleading the people on that one. In addition to the cost of things.....we can't afford to endanger more lives, more forests who help clean our air, we can't afford to increase global warming to our planet and we can't afford to not educate EVERYONE even small children about what to do to help our planet. Obama and McCain unfortunately aren't thinking of the "what we can't afford to continue". The truth that McCain or Obama will win. If I have to choose between the two....I would hope that Obama wins (I'd rather get f*#ked nice and slow any day). I hope Obama wins but I hope that we also elect a 3rd PARTY as well! Now, with that.....It will definitely be a monumental historical event/time! The first ever, African American president and the first ever, 3rd major party! Wow, what an American accomplishment!!!!!!!! Afterwards, if we can just come together and support one another with trying and actively doing things to better everyone's lives and our planet......then could we possibly live happier, healthier lives than today and yesterday?? If America can rebuild itself and everyone can unite.....then we could TRY and make peace with other countries?

I don't know....maybe all of this is a bit far fetched, or is it not? What do you think? Is it possible? Can we have an African American president and a 3rd PARTY?

Well....I do hope.

I do hope....indeed.


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PostPosted: Sat Oct 18, 2008 7:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


Addressing the point of the continuing war operations overseas...

Unfortunately, the Bush administration has put us in a situation that we cannot easily remove ourselves from.

In both Afganistan & Iraq, knocking out the previous government structures now has left a power vacuum that new governments can't fill. These US-backed governments are running political systems they are not used to, understand, or even believe in.

Even worse, the new gov't, new police, & new military forces lacks not only experience, but they lack the backbone to survive against the rival warlords, insurgents, & other anti-US factions.

Here are the biggest problems. These gov'ts will not survive, without a significant military presence remaining. It has to be significant, not only to protect those gov'ts, but to protect "our interests," and to protect our troops themselves. Too small a presence will invite more trouble. No presence means total collapse.

The Bush administration made it sound so easy, even when the military advisors told him it wouldn't. What Bush is now attempting is much harder to achieve, "Nation Building."

How can you possibly think you can build new independent gov'ts in 2... 3... 5 yrs. It took post-WWII Germany 10 yrs before their independent sovereignty was restored to them. A country that had previous experience as a western society, with its economy, industry, & political structures. Basically, they were used the systems we (US & UK) were re introducing to them.

Afganistan & Iraq have no experience with our systems of economy, industry, or political structures. And he thinks he can do something like this in less time... It is both arrogant & ignorant, to think so.

Which leads us to being engaged in deficit spending, again. $10 Billion a month, for 5+ yrs.
I don't even want to do the math. angry


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PostPosted: Sat Oct 18, 2008 7:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi Alley.

Truth be told, I didn't feel comfortable posting a reply in this thread. You and I are in different universes politically, and environmentally as well.

We all have a potential nightmare facing us right NOW with the dangerous ground the economy is treading. The possible collapse of the dollar and higher taxes regardless of which party occupies the White House will have dire effects resulting in out of control inflation, loss of jobs and a real threat to our national security.

I am for a third-party, the two-party system is broken and the Government of the people has little to with the people at all. I don't agree with much of the Green Party's stance on issues, some I do. The middle class is slowly being wiped out, and the fact is that both parties are about money and power and they don't give a fuck about the people. We do need a third-party who puts the United States first, not their wallets. I don't care for either candidate, the 3 presidential debates didn't do dick for me. I wish they would answer a damn question. Telling me you know how to save billions but can't articulate HOW bothers me. Promising the moon to everybody bothers me, I don't make that much money as a Graphic Designer, but I don't need the government spreading wealth so everything is "fair."

Substance and integrity matter most to me, not skin color. I'm still undecided, I don't feel enthusiastic about Obama or McCain. The government is out of control and this once great country is slowly becoming something I'm not familiar with. I spent the decade of the 80's in the military, it was the United States of America, it stood for something - now it's a corrupt, misguided shell of its former self, I makes me sad to see this all happening.

The other issue that made me uncomfortable about posting was after I read your post from this past Tuesday, October 14, this little bit bothered me:

My point is that times are changing. The kind of chicks that are into electric cars, love to hug our trees and save our planet aren't the chicks with hairy arm pits, hairy legs and etc. anymore. More and more chicks like me are those kinds of planet loving chicks and we are HOT! and WE LOVE MEN who love our planet too because that's HOT! That show's that a man isn't selfish and that a man really cares. What woman doesn't love a guy like that?? So I hope the hairy legged girl-planet lovin' "sterotype" has ended.

I never felt this way, it came across to me like you were berating us for a stereotype I don't personally hold myself, that's all. I'm not the planet loving guy you are referring to here, but I consider myself a good person, I have a core set of values that guide me - to be honest, hard working and caring about the feelings of others - not being into the planet like yourself I still hope you see my perspective and attractiveness just being me first and foremost.

I enjoy reading your posts on this Alley, I wish I had more time to post myself. You are definitely the HOTTEST planet loving chick on the planet!


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PostPosted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 9:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thank you for your post Mooart! It really is appreciated and thank you for being so cute too!! Wink

Well, please don't think that I am judging anyone... Most of what I's all in general's not directed to this person or that person.....unless I state that it is. Anyway....I respect your thoughts and opinions....just as I do everyone else. I understand that everyone is different and everyone has a different story about who they are and why.

The only thing that I hope this discussion brings is an openness to share thoughts, share ideas, share knowledge and make the best decision based on ALL the facts that you've learned for yourself rather than just believing everything you see and hear on TV.

I'm not saying to everyone here, "go out and vote for the GREEN PARTY"...but I would like to say to look into other parties and what they stand for and don't be afraid to vote for an outside 3rd party that you do like. I also understand that it will probably be impossible to find a political party that represents you perfectly with every single key points that they stand for. So if you can get it to be really close....then that's good.

Only out of curiousity, I'd like to ask you Mooart, what are the different things that you did not like about the GREEN PARTY? Have you looked into the Peace and Freedom Party? Here's their view the things that they stand for:

Also, I think a big reason why I am SO passionate about the environment like I am is because....I am from Houston, TX and now from Southern CA (LA). Houston TX was in the lead for the worst pollution in our entire nation...then LA beat Houston and they were at the top of the list....and now Houston got their title back. My point is that I have lived and seen the extreme pollution first hand and I HAVE SEEN IT get worse and worse every year BUT I HAVE NEVER SEEN IT BE AS BAD AS IT HAS BEEN THIS YEAR! The Southern California mountains are disappearing for crying out loud! That is VERY VERY sad! It's even covering parts of Joshua Tree on bad days... It's getting CRAZY and we really need to get a handle on things. Taking care of our environment is 1 of the MOST important things we have to help our planet be able to continue to provide for us.

Mooart...just out of are you and I so different when speaking of our environment?

Thanks for reading and again thank you so very much for sharing your thoughts with us.

I look forward to your response.

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 12:56 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi Alley

OK, the envirorment issues. I like you know what is going on in SoCal. I was born and raised there. I moved up North about 12 years ago. I was raised and Lived in the Dana Point, Laguna Beach area. I really didn't notice alot of poor air quality right there in town. Mainly because of the ocean breezes everyday. But, as soon as I traveled inland about 8 or 9 miles thru Laguna Canyon. BAM, the smog and air quality hits you like a ton of bricks.

I come down to the area about 7 or 8 times a year. And yes, I thought it was bad when I lived there. But comuing back each time every year. It is really getting worse. It is really sad and a shame. The air quality is so damn bad.

Boy,I could go on forever about the envirorment. I'll just hit on a topic about it each day for a few days. Only because I don't want to sit here and write War and Peace and be here typing for 10 hrs.

Let me just start the first thing with the 2 candidates we have to choose from for President. Got to start somewhere.

Ok, every single person running for president in the 2 major party's. Demo's and Repub. have made and campainged the enviorment and energy solutions and the way to get off foreign oil and dependence. Major campaign issues. And have made coutless promises if they are elected. Just like we are hearing from these 2 boneheads. And by the way Alley. I have been a Democrat my entire life.

But anyway, if you do your reseash and look up past candidates. Like I said, everyone of them has made big promises and made these major issues that something would be done. And if they were elected. Major money and legislation would be pumped into making things happen.

My point here being. Every candidate has campaigned and made these same promises over and over again. Are you ready, since President Nixon. Yes Nixon. That is how long year after year. Election and campaign and president after president. Have been saying and promising action and solutions and major money and legislation.

Well, since it was about 1968 since Nixon. And evryone has made all these promises if elected. WTF has been done really by any of them in the last 40 years. Nothing, zada, zip....They all say and try to make us believe that is a true top priority, and things will change and things will get done concerning the envirorment and different solutions for getting us off the dependence of foriengn oil and finding new sourses of energy. But, nobody has done shit the first dy they are in office. Oh, a few might throw in a few extra bucks into the budget to form yet another committee to look into some envirermental issues. But no one has really done shit.

That is why I have absolutly had it with the 2 major parties. They are both bought and paid for by big business period. And big business doesn't give a shit about the enviroment. They care about money and power. That's why I am going gung ho and getting involved with the Green Party. I have had enough of or so called political 2 party system. Who ever is president can't do shit anyway. Who ever is president is always bought and paid for. We need another party seat to help shake things up.

The government just needs to do 2 things and 2 things only in my opion. That is # 1 keep us safe and supply us with the best military in the world. The 2nd thing is just balance the damn budget. Please!!!

As far as finding and producing new ideas and means for cleaner energy and other forms of energy, such as solor power, wind power, power from the rivers and ocean. These things are coming alive with the vision and the resaerch and the brains from people in the Universisty's and free enterprise system and busnesses. Government isn't doing anything but throwing money into another committee to still look at possibilitys. If we keep waiting on the government to actually do something. We will be waiting another 40 years, to go through all the bullshit and then it will be to late.

So, I say. Hopefully in the next few years. Someone like the Green Party can gather enough strength and support. To reach a 5% minumin. To have a seat and a voice. At least make these lying vcampaign fools more accountable once elected to follow through on what they promise.

But , the thing that is going to make it happen is free enterprise. So, what the government needs to do. Is make sure they throw in Billions of dollars for grants and low % loans to the people that are actually tryng to do something and find the ways to actually make these come online and working. Then we will see things start to happen and improve with the air and the land and the way of life.

I mean I could just really go on and go off about all this. I have alot to say believe me.

But Alley, you know I have always been a friend of the envirorment. And a big proponet of alternitive energy resourses. I think we are alot alike and basicly believe and share the same passion about our planet and the future of it. I have been lerning everything I can about the Green Party. I am proud to say I will be voting and also looking for ways to help and to get the word out. The 2 party system is carup and bought and paid for. If the envirorment has a chance in hell. We need a 3rd voice to yell and scream even louder. So these 2 partys can't ignore them. Only then will they finally have to listen and to throw big, big bucks into the issues of the envirorment and energy issues. Make the money available to the Universisty's and to the privite sector and free enterprise. Then we will see results big time. Not just a bunch of campaign promises like we have with nothing being done like the last 40 yrs......

OK, believe me more to say in next post...stay tuned...


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PostPosted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 11:45 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I totally agree with you 100% Nebraska!! 1000%!

What was it that Obama and the Democratic party promised a while back?? Oh yeah... that if everyone voted for the Democratic party that they would make sure to bring back all of our troops and end the and the Democratic party has changed their minds.....and have decided to continue the/a war. Now that they've received the power/the votes in they've changed their minds. Oh another thing....the Democratic party...did not resign the ban on offshore drilling...when they have said in the past that they were not going to allow offshore drilling...BUT then they were voted to have more power in Congress.....then they changed their minds again....and now they are for it.


Anyway....thank you for sharing your thoughts Nebraska.

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 10:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I just finished my absentee ballot. Man, I hope Obama holds on to the lead that he currently has.
I've been following the election news on fox, msnbc, cnbc, cnn. It's amazing how all these intelligent "pro-Americans" are so blinded by loyalty that it skews their views. I really don't like how they use scare tactics to make people vote their way. So far, I've heard Obama being called a friend to terrorists, a Minnesota congresswoman calling on the media to investigate Congress to identify pro and anti-american members, and Obama being called a socialist. Why can't McCain and Palin talk about the issues instead of attacking Obama's character. I have yet to hear McCains plan on the economy unless his plan is to attack Obama's plan. Is school voucher the only plan he has for education? How is his plan different from Bush? I haven't heard it mentioned on the news.

Alley, the war in Iraq is winding down, I think. At least that is what I hear. I agree that we should get the hell out of there, but we started this war, so we owe them at least a graceful transition. 2009-10 will be the end of our Iraq war (I hope). Bad news is I think we will refocus our troops to Afghanistan. We need to end it there. If we don't cut down bin Laden, he will spread his cancer again.

Frankly, I don't envy the next Prez taking office next year. The new President will inherit a recessive economy, a fuckin' huuuuge deficit and 2 wars bleeding billions every month. This is why I'm voting for Barack. He appears to be open to fresh ideas. Sorry, but McCain looks bewildered.

Not trying to flame anyones choice, just expressing mine.
In a perfect world, you get all Alley, all the time.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 11:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

You're funny MT.....I mean with your funny comments and all Very Happy

Anyway....MT...I agree with you, although I'm not for war. I understand though....that if a country needs to fight to protect it's country and people. I also understand if a country has to show that they aren't afraid. I guess I approve if it's for defense only. War is SO just sucks that we even have to go there. It kills so many innocent lives, harms so many people and hurts our planet...all for what?

If we do go into Afgahnistan...I think we should wait to do it and concentrate on us/the people of the United States of America. I think we need to rebuild our military, we need to rebuild our economy, we need to rebuild our energy system. I think with us going into Afgahnistan any time would be too much for us to handle! There are too many BIG issues at hand for us. I think our nation needs some MAJOR TLC....that it's been lacking for a while now....but it will be almost impossible to give it that with another war in our hands.

That's my two cents....on that.

McCain....I just can't go there. I don't even have to say anything.

Chris Rock....said about McCain...that McCain's been saying the same things over and over..."that he's a war hero and etc"....Chris Rock said...."well, I don't want to vote for the guy who got caught!" "I want to vote for the guy who got away!"
Very Happy Chris Rock is SOOO freakin' funny! I LOVE HIM!

I want to say this last thing....Now, why isn't Denzil Washington running for president? If he can run our country as good as he acts.....sign me up! He's got a vote right here! I love Denzil. He's smooth, serious....and when he gives you that don't want mess with him. Very Happy

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 12:49 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

AlleyBaggett wrote:

McCain....I just can't go there. I don't even have to say anything.

Chris Rock....said about McCain...that McCain's been saying the same things over and over..."that he's a war hero and etc"....Chris Rock said...."well, I don't want to vote for the guy who got caught!" "I want to vote for the guy who got away!"
Very Happy Chris Rock is SOOO freakin' funny! I LOVE HIM!

McCain hurts you that much?

That Chris Rock statement is so funny and painfully true at the same time.

I'm watching Charlie Rose and the panel is talking about world economics and future technology. OMG, they just mentioned world cash reserves. Russia has over 500 billion, China has 1.7 trillion, Europe has like 400 billion, and the US has 80 billion. How far we have fallen in 10 years. Sad
In a perfect world, you get all Alley, all the time.
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 11:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

You know what I don't understand? I don't understand how a Christian could be a McCain/Palin supporter and a SAY YES on 8 supporter. For those that don't know....SAYING YES on PROP 8 means here in CA, that they don't believe that people from the same sex should be able to get married. I mean, I was driving down the road the other day.....and to be honest with you I've seen this happen a lot lately....but anyway....I've been seeing people who are obviously (bumper stickers or whatever) Christian driving around with McCain/Palin stickers and SAY YES on 8 stickers too. I don't get it!!!!! If they are REAL Christians how can they be supporters of Palin, who kills animals for fun? How can they be supporters of SAY YES on 8 if they are Christians? I understand, it says it in the Bible that dah dah dah dah dah dah dah....but don't they believe that separating themselves from others is wrong? That's not how JESUS was. Don't they believe that everyone should have equal rights? Jesus believed so. Then they throw it in these couples faces who are in a same sex marriage...who obviously can't have children having a picture of a couple with a small child in the middle of them. HOW LOW can people go??!! Especially Christians. I am disgusted that they can be supporters of such garbage. No I am not a lesbian and I don't have anyone in my family or any friends who are involved in a same sex relationship. I just feel that people deserve the same rights as everyone else as long as they are good citizens and obey the laws. I certainly don't think it's right for anyone else to judge someone else because they are attracted or in love with the same sex. Who long as they aren't being "in your face" about it around kids.

Anyway...A big problem of what's happened to our government is Christianity. Isn't it illegal to bind religion and state (government) together?? Well, that's exactly what's happened and no nothing GOOD came of it. Christianity is brain washing so many people but that's another story. I really hope our next president can do a good job to not let religion be a part of our government.

So, I've just purchased the book, THE GREEN COLLAR ECONOMY written by Van Jones and it's foreword is by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. I haven't finished it yet....but I LOVE THE BOOK already!!!!! It's a great book that describes how we can grow our economy NOW/INSTANTLY, how we can save our planet NOW/INSTANTLY, how we can get off of foreign oil NOW/INSTANTLY, how we can help national security NOW/INSTANTLY! It's all VERY DO-ABLE!!! BY YOU AND ME....the average people of America. You see, we don't need to have fancy degrees or this or that. There will be millions of jobs throughout the US that will require a hammer and a ladder, that will require holding a clip board, there will be all types of job levels needed with opportunities to make more/get promoted. It is truly endless. I really had no idea as to how many different types of GREEN jobs would be needed/available.

Did you know that Iceland, Brazil and Sweden before were not doing so good economicaly? Their economy began to grow by huge rates AFTER they each had natural power. Iceland for example: their economy was among the poorest in Europe in the 70's at which 80% of Iceland was dependent on imported oil and coal. Today, Iceland is 100% energy-independent, with 90 percent of the nation's homes heated by geothermal and it's remaining electrical needs met by hydro. The International Monetary Fund now ranks Iceland the fourth most affluent nation on Earth. Geothermal and hydro produce so much cheap power that Iceland has become one of the world's top energy exporters. The country, which previously had to beg for corporate investment, now has companies lined up to relocate there to take advantage of it's low cost clean energy.

You see this all is intertwined with one another. We need our president to step up and make a green economy happen for us! The way he will finally do something positive about growing our green economy NOW is if WE put the heat on him! Send washington letters, send congress letters, send videos of you and your families asking to please help us grow a green economy. There are so many ways we can make things happen. REALLY! Get the book, it will explain it better than I ever could. The book makes such perfect sense. You don't need to be a rocket scientist to figure this out. Shouldn't America be the GREAT again?? Shouldn't America be the GREEN GREAT??

Come on.....after all....we are AMERICA.....right?

I believe we can kiss ass again....but I believe the only way to do it is by having a GREEN COLLAR ECONOMY.

Please read this book and let me know what you think. I would love to hear your thoughts!!!


Very Happy

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 4:47 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

AlleyBaggett wrote:
You know what I don't understand? I don't understand how a Christian could be a McCain/Palin supporter and a SAY YES on 8 supporter...

A big problem of what's happened to our government is Christianity. Isn't it illegal to bind religion and state (government) together?? Well, that's exactly what's happened and no nothing GOOD came of it...


You are looking at one of the most beautiful things, about being a voter in our system of government... The right to be a hypocrite. omg

We all are guilty of it. Whether it is in voting, or in our everyday lives, we all do it. The only difference from person to person is the level of hypocrisy we allow in our lives.

As a voter, one of the biggest hypocrites are the "Pro-Life / Death Penalty" supporters. How can you be pro-life stating that there are no justifable reasons for abortions, including sexual assaults or extreme birth defects, then support the death penalty for the most violent of crimes???

As a pro-lifer, how can you support putting to death people who commit certain crimes??? Isn't all precious to you??? As a death penalty supporter, how can you restrict a woman's right to choose, an individual who must evaluate the responsiblity for herself & the future of the life inside her, yet put to death certain criminals, with laws that most of us never had the chance to vote on ourselves???

This country was built with the concept of "the separation of church & state," but again we show our hypocrisy. The Christians you are referring to I believe are the "Consevative Christians" of the "Christian Coalition." It is scary how much power they are building within our system of government. There are various documentaries & news articles on these groups. and we better start paying attention to them.

I'm a Christian myself, and these groups scare me. My problem with them is that they represent an "extreme" view of Christianity, and the world around it. Any extreme form of any religion is bad for all of us in the world community. Whether it is those who "jihad", who are extremist with Islam... or the IRA, who at times can be extremists with Catholicism... the Consevative Christians are heading in that direction.

When you think that part of the motivations, for our presence in Iraq & Afganistan is because of the "righteousness of our cause," it causes me to worry on how such major decisions, that impact all Americans, are actually made.

How is this possible, with groups of Conservative Christians, building their power base??? Our "Founding Fathers" are responsible for this. Where is " the separation of church & state" when you have "The Pledge of Allegiance", "In God, We Trust", on our various currencies, "God Bless America," etc... I'm sure you can find many more.

The building blocks were always in place, for such a group to gain greater control of our government.

Whew... Alley, you are making me think a lot lately. Curious


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PostPosted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 9:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

hello strangers!!
wow - i have spent a good hour catching up on here, so forgive me if i sound a bit nonsensical... my eyes are blurry, and my mind is scrambled! Wink

i completely agree with most of you about some things... Laughing
believe it or not, i too have been telling people i know about the green party - i decided for myself to "go green" several months ago, when barack and hillary were on the campaign trail... i am a union man, and my union has always strongly urged us to vote democratic (obviously), but when i started really analyzing our possible candidates for the dem. party... well, lets just say i started to really look at the republican party!

at first, i was impressed with mccain... his history of service, how he has crossed party lines to reform campaign funding and homeland security, yadda yadda yadda... but i saw my error in judgement real quick! his ideas for health care reform are... retarded. his "lexington project" is a HUGE waste of time and money... come on, 45 new nuclear power plants in 22 years?? how the hell is that really gonna help with our environmental / economic issues? yes, nuclear is safe, cheap, and clean... BUT that is NOT the way to go!! Alley you are correct, the waste is the big issue with that... we would be MUCH better off spending that time and money on developing eco-friendly, renewable energy sources. i agree with you, nebraska - we need to drop that money into free enterprise... give the geniuses working on this technology the support they need!!

anyways, needless to say... i was completely disappointed with our choices of candidates, and began to look at what else i could do. i believe it was the first year that george w. ran, i voted for nader - i was ready for a change way back then! but when he (w.) was up for re-election, i realized that nader didn't really have a chance, and i hadn't really been following much politics... however, i knew that i didn't want the ketchup lady's husband to win... so, i voted for bush... i know, i know - i learned my lesson! Wink

well, i have really been following the shit this year - i'm tired of they way our government has been running... or ruining things! so, i went online, and found that website that you posted, Alley ( i was surprised to see that you had found it too! anyways i think it's a great site. and ever since, i have been telling everyone i know about it! it IS time for a change ( and not the obama way!!! )

Alley, i do support "yes on 8"
i am a christian catholic, but i personally have no issues with gay / lesbian lifestyles. in fact, i have a few friends, and i know a few couples whom are - one of which just got married a few weeks ago. i feel they should have the right to get married... but it should done by a justice of the peace, in a courthouse, or an ordained minister... it should NOT be forced to be legal in a church! like it has been mentioned, where is the seperation of church and state? last sunday, our priest told us that it has already happened... a gay couple has brought a suit against our dioces for refusing to marry them, and there is a possibility that it could come against the entire catholic church!! a "no" vote will not only make it illegal for our church to refuse to marry a gay couple, it will take away the tax exempt status for churches. all catholic schools will shut their doors, because they will refuse to teach about gay and lesbian lifestyles - taking away that option for parents who wish to enroll their children in those schools... the public school system is already teaching about "acceptance" (which is fine with me!) but, i don't feel that the parents' right to complain about that should be taken away!
like i said before, personally, i have no issues with gay and lesbian lifestyles, i just don't feel it should be forced upon those who do not agree with it...

anyways, there's my 2 cents... Wink
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 10:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thank you for your thoughts YDB and J3! It's really good to hear from the two of you on these issues. Thanks again for sharing....

YDB you are absolutely right!!!! It's sad but OH so true.

J3.....I'm glad you understand that we are better off with a 3rd party and not just with the 2 (the democrats and republicans) that we've been stuck with FOREVER!

One thing I can say are wrong about the PROPOSITION 8. Voting NO DOES NOT MEAN what you think it means. Go here to find out more about what voting NO means.

Once you've learned why it's important to vote no by going to the source it self....then make your own decision. Don't base your decision based on what any religion/church tells you. Use your common sense but be smart about your choices. Voting NO has nothing to do with schools.....

Learn more....then tell me what you think.

Wishing you well!

Very Happy

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 10:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I don't know if anyone here has read this current CNN on line story but here it is:

It's a GOOD ONE!! It's about how McCain's team is FED UP with Palin! He's own team has had it with her!!! Unbelievable! Unbelievable Freakin' believable......

Read it and tell me what you think.

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 1:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

j3a wrote:
i feel they should have the right to get married... but it should done by a justice of the peace, in a courthouse, or an ordained minister... it should NOT be forced to be legal in a church! like it has been mentioned, where is the seperation of church and state? last sunday, our priest told us that it has already happened... a gay couple has brought a suit against our dioces for refusing to marry them, and there is a possibility that it could come against the entire catholic church!! a "no" vote will not only make it illegal for our church to refuse to marry a gay couple, it will take away the tax exempt status for churches. all catholic schools will shut their doors, because they will refuse to teach about gay and lesbian lifestyles - taking away that option for parents who wish to enroll their children in those schools...

J3, after typing out my response here last night....I took a shower and thought a bit more. I don't mean to bust your balls or anything....because you know I love ya....

Anyway, if what you are saying above was a fact then YES you are right.....where is the separation between church and state BUT what you are saying is not a fact. Now, what your priest/church has said (false claims) is a fact because the words have came from his mouth. He did say those things. Where is the separation between church and state there?? He is talking about politics in his church and trying to get the members to that church to vote a certain way. That is not separating church and state. It is wrong of him to do this.... In fact, isn't it illegal?? If churches want to involve or talk about politics to their members then they should be forced to pay taxes like everyone else!!!!!! Unfortunately the fact is that there are many churches who are involving politics in their preaching sessions at church and that is A BIG BIG problem and part of why we find ourselves in this great big mess! Didn't Jesus get so angry at what the church had become when he came back to visit it after being gone for a while when he was alive?

In my eyes, religion has caused so many problems for people/society. It separates people.....which is what voting yes on prop 8 does. Religion causes war and so much more.

I believe in God....and yes...I do believe Jesus was a Godly/rightous man. So could the problem be the Bible, a book who was written and revised several different times by men?

Again, voting NO ON PROP 8 does not involve churches or schools. The California Teachers Association oppose PROP 8.

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 7:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

AlleyBaggett wrote:
J3, after typing out my response here last night....I took a shower and thought a bit more. I don't mean to bust your balls or anything....because you know I love ya....

hey baby, don't worry... besides, you bust my balls all the time (in a different way Twisted Evil )

joking aside though, Alley, i want to say thank you for posting that website. it was good to see the proposition from the other side... which appears to be the correct side... yanno, it is so tough these days - you really can't trust anybody completely. i hate that. there is always that bit of lingering doubt: "why is this person telling me this?" or "what do they really want?"

you would think that you can trust your priest... who knows, maybe he was just misinformed, maybe he was telling us what he was toldto tell us... although to clarify something, Alley, his whole schpeel was not part of his sermon - it was just a footnote he threw out there as we were all conversing after church... don't know if that makes any difference, but, he wasn't actually preaching about it...

anyways, that website did sway my vote. it made a huge difference
to see the fact / fiction page, and all the groups opposing it. especially the CTA, and the fact that prop. 8 has nothing to do with the education system. i can certainly believe that the facts have been strewed by various religious groups - we all know this would be FAR from the first time it has happened! well, i will now be voting "no" in november Wink other note, did you also happen to hear that the Anchorage Daily News (one of the biggest newspapers in Alaska) supports Obama??
this is too funny!!

...and i still love ya too, Alley Tongue
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 8:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

AlleyBaggett wrote:

Once you've learned why it's important to vote no by going to the source it self....then make your own decision. Don't base your decision based on what any religion/church tells you. Use your common sense but be smart about your choices. Voting NO has nothing to do with schools.....

Learn more....then tell me what you think.

There is nothing to learn more about. It's just what Alley said. Use common sense.

It's rather simple. Sure, the truth is prop 8 has nothing to do with schools or kids, in plain text. Because all it does is make the "constitution" have 14 words changed.

The entire text of Proposition 8 is as follows:
"Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid and recognized in California."

A proposition being passed with a "YES" just means the text above will get added to the consitution. There is NO other laws written yet or associated to that about teaching kids in school. It doesn't spell out anything else for you.

Usually a proposition is a "Law" that is then interpreted. <- keyword is "interpreted".

Those who want "NO" on prop 8, wants the law that is currently saying marriage is okay between gays and lesbians.

It's a fight over what is written in the Constitution.

Which as you know has other side effects down the road. Good and Bad. Either way. It will allow lawsuits to play out with Judges making their decisions based on what is written in the constitution.

Remember 2 words here. 1. INTERPRETATION. (What you put into the constitution will be interpreted later.) 2. CONSEQUENCES.

The results of these things are in these scenarios. A teacher (who is gay) may decide to teach kids in class out of their own discretion. Currently, there is no law banning teachings about "marriage". Now that you have a law written in a constitution. The teachers who are pro whatever, may decide and has the freedom and right to teach. Sure the prop 8 has nothing to do with schools and kids. It doesn't spell it out exactly anything about schools and kids. But what it will allow is the freedom for teachers to do what they want on the matter. So if a parent wants to sue or pull kids out of school. What do you think the court is going to rule???
If a private adoption center decides to say NO, I dont want to give you gay couples a child. And the gay couples decides to take it to court. What do you think the judges are going to rule??? It's not written in prop 8, but its what will be defined later as law for judges to interpret.

That's what the people over at YES on prop 8 is saying. Its not a scare tactic. Its thinking ahead. So if you vote NO on prop 8, and you also want to make sure that schools don't teach kids about gay marriage in the 2nd grade, then you better be sure you go make your law making officials pass another law that actually does say you can't teach kids about gay at a certain age. Just like SEX ED. And you should go out and make the effort to check to see if the law allows you to OPT your kid out such education if you dont want them to learn about it. It's extra steps that you have to follow up on. Because you're leaving it to 'chance'. So those who don't want to leave it to chance, wants you to vote YES.

Something to keep in mind:
NO on prop 8, actually brings more money to the state of california on sales taxes, and other revenue generated from gay marriages! And it will bring more gay residents to the CA state who wants to get married.

This is a good thing when you vote NO.

but- it may be a bad thing, people who oppose it might move out.

Anyways- I had to think twice about the situation. At first I was voting NO, because everybody can marry whoever they want. And they should be able to. Then I saw those commercials about the kids. (I'm still voting NO, but at least I'm aware of what the consequences might be to society. And its going to be interesting to see the impact. Call me evil.)

My thoughts when I saw the commercials. Wow. Kids are tooo young to learn about gay marriage. Really. Kids are growing up and are going through confusing times already. Seriously. Think about it. When you were younger, its very common for boys to say. "eww. i hate girls. girls are dumb." Tommy will be saying Jimmy is my best friend for life!! Girls will do the same. "ewww.. i hate boys. boys stink. boys are dumb." girls and boys will bond with their own sex gender. Now you introduce this gay marriage to their education. Do you want to confuse your child even more? Especially if you're not sure if your child may be gay or not at that age. Being gay is genetic related. Anyways.... Kings can marry kings. But only if you're gay. Not all of you are gays. You guys will grow up and like girls some day. Just remember that. I'd love to see how that plays out. Do we ride this one out? I don't disagree that we shouldn't teach kids about gay marriage or just how some people might be gay and others are straight. DEFINITELY should teach kids that. At a certain age, probably in highschool. or middle school. Reason why I feel that this is important is because think of the kids who happen to be gay. And there needs to be an acceptance so that they don't feel like its wrong or that they are wrong. They can't help it if they were born a certain way.

There should be a law the defines the right age to teach kids about the ways of the world.

So if you're going to vote, vote responsibly. be knowledgeable about the consequences.
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Last edited by Ronald on Wed Oct 29, 2008 2:36 pm; edited 2 times in total
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 9:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

You're so cute J3!

Sorry for my ranting....when I do rant Very Happy

I haven't heard about Alaska siding with Obama but I'm not surprised only because I believe that the people there have always been against drilling in Alaska...and so has Palin.....and so they are probably against the fact that Palin now wants to drill in Alaska? That's one of the reasons why I think they are siding for Obama now.

Also I just want to clarify what are the biggest reasons why I'm against prop 8:

Because I would like for children to learn that love is color blind, love has no boundaries, love is unconditional and true love is infinite.

It's not good to "separate" people even more.

It's not right to not give others the same rights that I or you have.

Because it promotes hatred.

People are matter what they prefer to do sexually.

Equal RIGHTS for everyone!

I believe that it is the parents responsibility to teach their own children about sex and or not. I WOULD NEVER want my child to be taught this at school. I would for sure opt out of any sex ed for kids at school. I also believe that with knowledge from the children's own parents about these issues....children will be accepting and loving towards everyone.

I could go on and on but I wont.

I just hope you come to your own conclusions and decisions based on the facts that you've learned about everything. It's a very important time to not get all the facts about all that's going on within CA and within our country.

For people who are in the running to be in your local school board.....check to see who has a "green plan" for your local school district. Check to see if anyone has an energy saving plan where the funds saved will go back into the school and possibly sell extra natural energy provided by solar panels, in return the funds will be generated back into the schools. The public school systems need all the help they can get right now!
Natural solar energy can save the schools thousands of dollars, make thousands of dollars, help our environment, pay the teachers their fair pay and provide better education for our kids! Now, that's AMAZING that we can get ALL of that just from solar natural energy. VOTE SMART! LET THE BUZZ BEGIN! This is exactly what the book, THE GREEN COLLAR ECONOMY talks about.

A couple of school districts currently running on solar panels are Sanger Unified School District and Rio Linda Union School District. I really HOPE more and MORE will jump on the bandwagon. Very Happy

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 10:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hello Alley,......

Seems like your pretty passionate about this election coming up. First off I can't stand Barack O'Bama the man is a bold faced liar and fraud. I would wager that he's never taken a ecomonic class in his entire life. McCain is a fraud too and I don't trust them at all. I didn't like McCain 4 yrs ago when he ran against Bush for the Republican Primary and I certainly don't like him now.

That said you can not have energy independence without securing the border. Cus you have to tell Latin American were to go! A main reason why we have a open border is cus we get alot of Oil from Columbia and Mexico. Specially Mexico. Unfortunately along with getting alot of hardworking latinos we get alot of felons and criminals. We have alot of illegals in our criminal justice system.

You state alot of fact about clean energy but you can't afford that right now. You must secure the borders drill as much as possible, secure clean burning coal and have nucleur power. From there then you can really crank up electric cars, wind power, and solar. You have to be able to tell the mideast and latina american were to get off. You can't do it without using all of our resources.

Bye the way there's NOTHING in Anwar in Alaska! They only want and have to drill on 2000 acres. That's nothing. Hell alll there is up there is Permafrost. Before they built the Alaska Pipeline back in the 70's alot of environuts claimed they'd be spills and disasters. Nothing like that has happened. To put it in perspective, if you have a spot the size of a football field they want to drill on a spot the size of a postage stamp.

As far as Obamination goes this dude was to have over a trillion dollars in new spending. Gut the military like Bill Clinton did. He wants to give 90% of Americans a tax cut but 40% of American don't pay taxes so they will get a Welfare check! He wants to cut taxes and increase spending. That's what that dumbass Bush did and look what shape we're in. O'Bama is at best a Softcore socialist. McCain is a liberal Republican. I am a conservative. I believe in limited government, low taxes and cutting out wasteful spending. Why the hell did Bush waster 45 million dollars for AIDS relieve for Africa????? It's apart of there societies not to wear condoms. You never teach them otherwise. Why do we have to make everyone American????? Let folks in these other countries fend for themselves. Lets start taking care of our own country.

These folks make me sick!!!! I sorta like Palin so I'm voting for that ticket. Liberals hate her cus apparently you can't be woman unless your a bra burning liberal woman. O'Bama is a crook! I am from Illinois I've never met a honest politician from Illinois. The Governor of Illinois is a criminal, the Mayor of Chicago is a Criminal. O'Bama cannot possibly be much different from them bastards! This son of a bitch has never went to bed hungry, his wife has never went to bed hungry, his kids never went to bed hungry. He went to private schools all his life, his wife went to private schools all her life and so has their kids!!! This dude is linked to communist and terrioriest and he might be our President. What the hell!!!!

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 10:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

No offense I have many gay friends but its a perverse lifestyle babydoll. Marriage is not a government institution its a religious institutions sweets. Marriage was created by the Church and I think the Churchs should decide whether or not gays should get married. I'm against it myself. I'm for civil unions. I don't think that lifestyle should be taught. I don't think its normal. Two gays can't make kids together its not natural. I don't think folks should go around attacking gays but they don't deserve the right to be marry. Bye tbe way Marriage is not a right by law its a priviledge like home ownership and healthcare. What's next lettting a 60 yr old man to marry a 12 yr old boy??? Thats sick sorry I disagree with you but your Governor out there in California is totally braindead and has no clue what the hell he's doing. He should not be allowed to be Govenor cus he wasn't even born in this country. I think radical gays the extremist want the name "Marriage" to throw it in the face of straight folks. Sorry it's not equal to a straight marriage. I know you won't like hearing that but a majority of American feels that way. Sometimes the minority doesn't get what they want just cus they call it discrimination.

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 12:43 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

ALL I CAN SAY IS WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We have TOTALLY different views about everything!

First of all, THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS CLEAN COAL! It sounds like I've done way more research on the environment than you. Coal is COAL. It actually takes more of it to burn because of the "clean" process. Drilling will not give us immediate results and even if it would feed us enough to be satisfied and then we would stop trying alternative solutions. It happened 30 years ago when we could have made the switch from oil to natural energy.....when the big energy crises happened but instead prices were slashed and we somehow forgot about advancing our nation. 30 years ago when this happened, we started to build natural energy technologies but then did nothing further. Meanwhile other countries were taking our natural energy technologies and booming off of it in their own land. Pollution/SMOG/sickness all caused by oil is growing BIGGER and SPREADING more and more every day. It's a sad sad thing....and drilling, using "clean"coal and nuclear energy are all very unsafe for humans and our planet.

Don't you care about the health of us and our planet? Do you not have any sympathy?? know I like ya....but you really come across as a very upset cold person who has no sympathy for anyone other than Palin. It seems that you are attacking a lot of people and possibly making racists remarks. Well, you can say and do what you like but all I can say is....NOTHING GOOD WILL EVER COME HERE FOR US IN AMERICA UNLESS WE USE THE RESOURCES THAT WE HAVE FROM OUR PLANET AND UNLESS WE START CARING MORE ABOUT EACH OTHER....which means people in other countries too.

You say we can't afford natural energy NOW......well you are wrong. No, It's not the same as....if you were trying to buy solar panels for your house but you can't afford them because it would take 10 years or so before you make back the money you spent on them. Supplying for our entire country is different. WHY? Because currently we spend billions of dollars on imported oil each year. If we spend 1/2 that amount on building natural energy resources....(wind mills and etc) instead of giving it to other countries then we could start supplying ourselves with our own energy.... It would also provide jobs here in AMERICA that can not be outsourced. From doing that....we would be able to save the other 1/2 of money spent on imported oil that we can now put back in to our own country. It's very simple. I don't have any specific numbers in front of me.....but it's all common sense. Switching to NATURAL ENERGY NOW......would solve our economy problem, give us more jobs/money, help our environment, help with national security. Hmmmmm, I feel like if I've said this before. MBeal did you read all my posts on this thread?

Well....I could go on and on....but until you DO the research and not just research the "conservative view" I must end it here. Switching to Natural Energy shouldn't even be about conservative or liberal. This whole way of viewing things is another problem with our country.



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PostPosted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 1:07 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hey Alley,......

Well rewrote this a couple times. I would think by now you would know I'm not cold and racsist and cold. Just horny and loving me some Alley! Laughing But I will just say I will agree to disagree with you. Yes I love Palin, I don't like the other three. To me it's worst of the evils. Voting third party does nothing just think right now best thing to do is to vote for the least damaging person. Sad to say that but I don't have confidence in them. I do know alot about O'Bama and McCain. I can't say I've always agreed with some of your professional choices and this will be a societal choice I will respectfully disagree with you on too. I'm not afraid to upset folks just cus I have Conservative views. Folks should be afraid to express there thoughts. Once you've given into that you've accepted tyranny. American come first in my heart then the rest of the world. Difference between the left and right. Marriage is a issue that belongs in the Church not the Polling booth. If the Church says no so be it. Yeah they can have the legal rights but not the word is all I'm saying. And most of America feels the same way i do on that one.

lots of love
I do love you Alley, despite the fact you won't come back to Chicago Glamourcon. LOL
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 12:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

mbeal78 wrote:
Why the hell did Bush waster 45 million dollars for AIDS relieve for Africa????? It's apart of there societies not to wear condoms. You never teach them otherwise. Why do we have to make everyone American????? Let folks in these other countries fend for themselves. Lets start taking care of our own country.

Shocked Shocked Shocked You should go out of your country to find out how the world is and how the world is not only about your country! Hopefully, your views don't reflect the view of all american people which are respectful to africans, mexicans, arabs and europeans.

Living in Europa and european, I find this thread very interesting. I can measure the big cultural and political differences between our two societies (ecology, religion, the gay marriage). Wink

I can't participate to this thread because of my poor english but BRAVO to Alley for her opinions ! Very Happy
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