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No more Booth Babes at E3

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 8:06 pm    Post subject: No more Booth Babes at E3 Reply with quote

Apparently E3 has placed a ban on Booth Babes.



E3 Expo Bans 'Booth Babes'

The video game industry's 2006 E3 Expo trade show in Los Angeles is getting a make-over -- banned are the swarms of sexy, semi-clad "booth babes" that in years past took the unveiling of new games and technology to titillating new levels.

Rules prohibiting the use of scantily clad young women to peddle video games are nothing new, but the handbook for this year's show in May outlines tough new penalties, including a $5,000 fine on the spot for the booth owner if the "booth babe" is semi-clad.

"What's new in 2006 is an update and clarification of the enforcement policies; as we do from time to time, we have taken steps to ensure that exhibitors are familiar with the policy and how it will be enforced," Mary Dolaher, E3 Expo show director, said in an e-mail.

She did not comment on the reasons for the change.

The video game industry has come under fire from federal and local politicians, who want to limit sales of violent and sexually explicit games to minors.

The handbook from the Entertainment Software Association, the show's promoter, says: "Material, including live models, conduct that is sexually explicit and/or sexually provocative, including but not limited to nudity, partial nudity and bathing suit bottoms, are prohibited on the show floor, all common areas, and at any access points to the show."

Exhibitors would receive one verbal warning when a violation occurs. Upon a second violation, the ESA said it would impose a $5,000 penalty, payable immediately on the site. It would also require that models comply with the dress code before returning to the floor.

ESA said it has sole discretion to determine what is acceptable.

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 8:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Pfft, well game cons just got a lot more boring.
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MidNight Tiger
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 8:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

It's kind of sad, but it's nice that it's closed to the public so that reviewer can demo the games and let us know how the games are. I have been watching E3 coverage on G4 for the past three days and it nice to see that they are able to play the demos and show us how the games look. Games that I'm looking forward to are Mirror's Edge, Halo Wars, and Little Big Planet.
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 8:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I do like the fact that they made E3 more private and exclusive.

I used to go to E3 ( We're talking 10+ years ago!!), and I was ACTUALLY be in the game industry then (as am now still), and I was always annoyed at how they had random smucks running around playing games, getting 'freebies' and they don't even belong in the industry.
It was a trade show, to show off each others products and have business meetings/networking for people to connect.

E3 wasn't very strict at policing their policy for attendees. Overtime, it became a big giant zoo house. E3 got so crowded. I stopped going after that.

Now I'm glad its toned down a bit. But the lack of Booth Babes do suck. Crying or Very sad Smile
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 4:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ahh... Surprise surprise...

The video game industry has come under fire from federal and local politicians, who want to limit sales of violent and sexually explicit games to minors.

An action is taken at a now private con, that can be traced to politicians... During an Election year? Good heavens how can that be possible? Surely tis but a coincidence!
I find it interesting how government bureaucrats find the need to regulate an industry I'm betting 10 to 1 they know zip-zilch-zero about. (Actually I'm not... It's just scoring brownie points with voters against an easy target for politicians)

Case-in-point ~ I remember looking at the rating of a video game I happened to be playing. (The name escapes me at the moment.) It was rated as "Mature" hence, no-one under 18 could purchase it. I looked at the listed warnings

Fantasy Violence

One small snag with that estimate... There was but ONE reference in all the 50+ hours that could be spent on this RPG to Alcohol... When one cut-scene went into a tavern... A patron in the background holding a fresh mug in a toast or something like that... Over-react much?

Hey Ronald. Just out of curiosity, since you're still in the gig, have you ever met a member of the ESRB? If so... Did they know anything about the video game industry at all? Wouldn't surprise me if they didn't know jack, yet their group is the judge of how critical a rating a game gets.

I guess it just irks me when things like this happen. The real solution for such things as keeping sexually explicit and or violent games out of kids reach is to make the parents/guardians/whatever accountable... Instead, they go after the targets that have cash to pay such ridiculous penalties.

Think about it this way. You think there are gonna be any young'ins at a closed convention? Seems odd for them to impose a $5k fine to "Protect the children" when there ain't gonna be any there. If that truly is their motivation of course. *Snerk*

Holy shiznat. Seems I went off on a bit of a rant... Shocked Guess it's a touchy topic with me. Embarassed Sorry for taking so much space. ^^;
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 5:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Rant is good. Glad you shared your opinion. I see it the same way too.

To answer your question, no I have not met a member of the ESRB. But they're as retarded as the movie board rating group. Not even sure how effective these ratings are because you'll find alot of kids end up getting their hands on these games anyways- somehow. If real parents bother to look at these ratings, they should take it step further to do a little research on whether a game is good for their kids or not.

And lastly, the kid on the block is going to have the game regardless, and that prompts the next kid to whine and cry to their parents to get it also. In the end, I don't think these ESRB ratings make a difference.

I don't feel the ESRB folks are really doing their job, when you look at the guidelines and then look at some of the games out there that got by.
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 7:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Don't worry about long posts, Kenjin-san... I regularly make large, wordy posts in here, and I haven't gotten yetlled at for it yet!

I know for a fact that there are a few parents out there that don't pay attention to the ratings of videogames as much as they do for movies. I work at a video rental store and have seen games like Grand Theft Auto 4 getting rented by parents for their kids who look to be around the 9-12 year old range. At first I just thought the parents were renting these games themselves (actually becoming more and more common these days as my generation is at the age where we're starting families), and a few times that seemed to be the case. But other times, it was just plain obvious that their pre-pubescent spawn had somehow got their parents to rent it for them, and the parents were too oblivious or just didn't care.
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