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Bluevixen Royal Member of BonBon

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Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2015 4:39 pm Post subject: |
panting heavely as katrin flipped herself over to offer him a lush view of her front body again the cheetahs eyes first fall on her gorgues blue eyes then to her large sized boobs
before slowy falling downwards to take a nice view of her wet pussy before he slowy l9ned himself up againt her pussyhole and rubbing it slowy before with no hestertain trusting inside of her tight hole and watching her tits bounce as he did
panting again he trusting harder into the vixens tight pussy while shifting forward so she was forced to take the full lenth insie of her before he growls out to her "god your so gorgues"
he says as he trusts in and out of her knowing he was gonna unload into the vixen any moment and woundering if he twisted a little did the vixen have a g-spot and if he could hit it to send her over the edge with her orgasm if she had one _________________ let my chains be broken so i can fly
my FA
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Bluevixen Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 28 May 2007 Posts: 650
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Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2015 4:57 am Post subject: |
the cheetahs ears flick upwards to katrins screams of pleasure he was acutly kinda glad none of his staff to his home was on today nore having any close by neibours
but her screams of wild pleasure forced the cheetah to trust harder into the vixens pussy before he finally grabbed hold of her waist to lift her up a bit
panting heavely his eyes remain on her bounceing breast's as he opants being very close and by her screams she had to be close as well by the guessing of the cheetah of corse he wasn't sure the vixen seemed to have a relentless amount of stamina
and the cheetah was no woundering just how long katrin could last and if she was gonna want more after but pushing the thought away he focus back on the screaming in pleasure vixen and places one of his paws on one of her breasts while touching hernipple and pinching it _________________ let my chains be broken so i can fly
my FA
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ref pic of link the king cheetah |
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Bluevixen Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 28 May 2007 Posts: 650
Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2015 5:37 am Post subject: |
Katrin cried out at the top of her lungs as she spills her juices down his cock and onto the couch as she hits her orgasm. Breast milk dripping from her nipple as he pinched it. Laying on the couch as she squeezes his body against her's and tightens her walls around his cock to get him to fill her body. Staring into his eyes as she was panting and moaning too much to even speak. Leaning up towards him to lick his neck and face submissively with a playful smile on her face, enjoying his fucking as she struggles to keep going until he fills her up. _________________ Visual pictures of my blue vixen Katrin |
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dragonfly Rank: Super Veteran
Joined: 30 Sep 2009 Posts: 9138
Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2015 4:45 pm Post subject: |
panting heavely and still trusting into the now very wet pussy of the vixen he suddenly jerks as he feels the vixen finally climax and that warm rush of her juices hit his cock
hois eyes then snap open as he gives one last hard trust into the vixen and he finally fill's up the vixens pussy while coating the insides of the vixens walls with cum then once more shooting another load deep into her probably filling her womb as well
before slumping a little panting as she had now taken to licking his face _________________ let my chains be broken so i can fly
my FA
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ref pic of link the king cheetah |
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Bluevixen Royal Member of BonBon

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Bluevixen Royal Member of BonBon

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Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2015 6:11 pm Post subject: |
the cheetah now walking up the stairs looked at the vixen and shock his head before smileing "no I have no worrys if ya wish to snuggle up with me while we sleep or anything else ya might like to do"
he said with a wink and smirk as he watched the vixens boobs for a while before heading up the second flight of stairs
as he kept walking he felt her tail curl around his waist "your.......your quite the affcinate vixen aren't ya?" he said with a chuckle before finally walking up a third set and stoping outside a door with witch he used his tail to open the door
the room witch the door reveald was a huge sitting room of very luxury and rich ectrior but also in one mind kinda pervy as it had many staues of naked and poupular working girl of the city incluseing vioet and betty goldlum herself and many many painting also of naked woman in sexy pose's or in sexuall acts them self also the room was painted in a lovely soft cream color with the same color carpets as katrins floor along with the many sofa's and descks with lamps and much more
"ummmm ignore all this I don't acutly care for it and this was my adoptive farthers old house before it was left for me"?
the cheetah said going a bit red but also niteing he did have a naked vixen in his arms right at this moment who he had not just ten mintues ago had sex with _________________ let my chains be broken so i can fly
my FA
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ref pic of link the king cheetah |
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Bluevixen Royal Member of BonBon

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Posted: Fri May 15, 2015 4:35 pm Post subject: |
the cheetahs ears flick and he smiles "no I don't mind at all aculty its knida nice to have someone like that around here"
he says before his ears flick and he go's a deep shade of red as katrin without any shame mentioned about trying some of thes positions in the pics and staues
and some of them where very interimate and insane specialy the ones of betty and violet mostly
"uhhhhhhhh try them? mean ya wanna acutly try some of these postions now?" he then went red at just realising he said now? and went more red as he looked at the vixen and felt very tempted as putting her down and tasteing the vixens sweet taste again
but he pushed the erge to do so "uhhh sorry I didn't mean now....I mean not that I woudnt want........I mean your sexy and must be tired so I mean DAMN IT?
thr cheetah said now looking at her and eyeing the vixens huge boobs and then the little gimpls of her pussy that wasn't hidden and really trying to hold back the urge to have more fun with her again _________________ let my chains be broken so i can fly
my FA
my fursona's details
ref pic of link the king cheetah |
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Bluevixen Royal Member of BonBon

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Posted: Sun May 17, 2015 3:26 pm Post subject: |
the cheetah was now beet red and coughed before suddenly blinking in confusion
"show tommrow? ohhhhhhhh ni I don't have a show for a few days katrin as of tommrow I wil be training ya to be my assitain and know the act and whats gonna happen though and tough"
he smiles before gently placing the naked vixen in front of the many lude statuches and just takeing in the sight of the sexy curvey busty vixen before going red again at her words
"ugghhhh wait what?" he said at her mentione of him takeing her when ever and where ever he wanted _________________ let my chains be broken so i can fly
my FA
my fursona's details
ref pic of link the king cheetah |
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Bluevixen Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 28 May 2007 Posts: 650
Posted: Tue May 19, 2015 4:33 am Post subject: |
Katrin smiled at him and giggled a little at his nerviest reply as she stood between two lude statuses where he placed her. She did a lude pose of her own between the statues where she turned he body to the side some, spreading her feet apart a couple feet as she placed one foot in front of the other. Arching her back as she pushed out her huge breast, making them look even bigger as her arms are up over and behind her head. Her upper body is turned to the side as her head looks directly at him. Her lovely eyes gazing into his as she gives him a smile as she licked her lips in front of him. _________________ Visual pictures of my blue vixen Katrin |
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dragonfly Rank: Super Veteran
Joined: 30 Sep 2009 Posts: 9138
Posted: Sat May 23, 2015 6:41 pm Post subject: |
the cheetah watching katrin now stand in front of two of the lude statuses begane to twist and turn her body into a very lude and sexy pose herself witch made the cheetah gulp as his resiting of her was now slowly breaking
he then gulped again as she arched her back pushing out her large breasts only to make them look even bigger before she turned her head licking her lips at him
blinking and gulping it was plain as day just like downstairs when she walked into the kitchen fully nude and got a reaction she had once more got another one out of him so there was no point in hideing the fact he wanted another go with her
"for the lo..... ya gonna made this very difficult aren't ya?" the cheetah said in a rather amused way as he walked up to the very sexy blue furred vixen and slowly stroked a finger down her left breast then his eyes darted to the clock and noticed it was only half nine at night?
his mind then wounderd and a wicked idea popped into it "hmmmm still kinda early I know how about a nice hot bath and?" he said before removeing his finger from her breast and giving her rump a little playfull slap
before whispering in to her ear "you can show me just how much of a naurty vixen you can be tonight?" he grinned before gently rubbing his hand againt her rump then slideing it around her waist to rest just againt her thigh and just a inch below her pussy _________________ let my chains be broken so i can fly
my FA
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ref pic of link the king cheetah |
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Bluevixen Royal Member of BonBon

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Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 4:14 pm Post subject: |
*that's all fine bluevixen we all get really busy at times*
the cheetah smirks a bi at the vixens reactions and licks his lips even after a good fuck just a little go katrin still seemed to be fully ready to go that now link was thinking he had it comeing to him but he also didn't care as katrin was damn sexy
"hmmm such a beautiful moan" he said before giving her rump another playfull slap then pointing to a door on the right
"just in there my lovely little vixen ohhh and just to warn you the water is very hot so just be carefull when entering and feel welcome to add any of the scented oils that take your fancy.........ohhhh me?"
he said with a grin and eyeing her fine body once more and seeing she was wet once more biteing his lip he moved his hand upwards just to very quickly rub her folds then pulled back just as quick before licking his finger of her juices
"hmm such a sweet taste I will enjoy tasteing you more but yes do go in I will be with ya in a bit just need to get some stuff to make bath time more..............." he then wispers in her ear with a wikcked voice and grin "fun" he saud before walking off and leaveing her alone
when katrin dose eneter the bath room she will find the bath has been crafted out of sleek marble while being the size of a swimming pool and as deep as one as well and also built into a side of a mountain produceing a natrule hot spring and little waterfall and plenty of blossom cheery trees surround it and the pettles having falling in the water
on the left hand side is a huge rack full of scented oils shampoo towles lotions soaps of all smells and a box that if opened is full of some naurty toys that the girls of his home like his maids and such like to play with when takeing a bath together
also looking up showed a glass roof and a perfect view of the full moon and stars and a beautiful view over the whole of bon bon town
and on closer inseption under neath the rack was a cupboard full of little sweets and bottles of alchol witch katrin was free to enjoy as she was now an employe of the cheetah
and in the very middle of the bath _________________ let my chains be broken so i can fly
my FA
my fursona's details
ref pic of link the king cheetah |
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