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Sunday, Bloody Sunday (open RP)

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Rank: Super Veteran

Joined: 04 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 26, 2013 4:18 am    Post subject: Sunday, Bloody Sunday (open RP) Reply with quote

In the Brandywine estate, curld up in the covers of her own bed Minnie sleeped. Or at least untell her clock alarm clock started to ring. The white albino mouse groned as she turned towards the offending sound and reached her left hand and arm out of the canopy bed drapes untell she felt the small clock in her hand and turned it off. With the sound gone but still finding her self well awake, Minnie Yawned and stretched her self out to get the last bit of fealing of sleep out of her body as she moved aside the canopy covers to see her dark room. "Some times, i wish i was a vampire. then i would at least have wings to go with my easely burned skin." The white mouse grumbled to her self as she pulled her self out of the bed in nuthing more than her underwear.

She decided to look through her closet on cloths as she heared the foot steps of the Estates Butler enter her room. The tall but old Irish wolf hound held a tray with a bottle, a pill, and a glass of water, he didnt mind the sight of Minnie being half naked but spoke out, "I'm sorry to intrude young Mistress, But i do believe that you will need your lotion with how the weather is today." the old butler said before placeing the tray down on a table. Minnie sighed as she looked at the dress she was thinking about wearing and asked, "how bad?" The old dog anwsered, "not a cloud in the sky i'm afraid." Minnie had more than a few curse words in her mind she wanted to yell at the sun, but chose to keep them to her self. "Can you please summon a carrage for me, preferably one that is covered," Minnie said as she hoped to salvage her day off


Minnie sat in the back of a carage as she looked at the going on of the town through her sunglasses, She wanted to curse the cloudless weather for forbiding her to wear the more showy dress that she wanted to wear and makeing her resign to wearing the very conservative and very covering red dress that she needed to wear. When the carage stoped she steped out and opened her umbrella and held it over her head for the extra shade. The mouse noded to the carage driver knowing that her account is paid for as the driver drove off to his next apiontment, She took a moment to look about at the busy block and the varius people going about the day.
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