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The Start of a New Life (Open RP)

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 22, 2011 11:33 pm    Post subject: The Start of a New Life (Open RP) Reply with quote

Serenna was sitting on a bench in the town square thinking about what just happened. She was basically left to fend for herself, she already had a house here, but its been almost 8 years since she's been in town last, she didn't really know anybody and didn't really know what to do next, she just had the naive thought that someone might come and help her, someone to reach out to
People shouldn't judge by looks or appearances, they should judge by whats in a persons heart. If they let looks affect them then they are no better then the supposed monsters they see. -Fates Chosen

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 12:51 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Vedooril was coming back into town from a long hike through the mountains. He had been gone for days, and had his run in with a few feral animals. He wasn't injured, but was tired from the hike. Since coming to Bon Bon, he hadn't gotten out to do a lot of camping.

His bag was thrown over one shoulder, his clothes were a little dirty, and he wasn't as clean as he'd like to be. He spotted a young woman sitting on a bench, staring at the ground. Vedooril looked around, but didn't see anyone that might be meeting her. He approached the girl, pulling an orange out of his bag. As he stopped beside her, he held the orange down in her line of sight. "Something the matter there miss?" his voice was friendly, and his face showed concern.

Vedoril Nedense Melimane
Captain "Golden" Marl Mickelson
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 5:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Serenna sees the orange and looks up to see a tiger, she smiles and takes the orange "A little bit, so much has happened to me so fast that I don't know what to do"
People shouldn't judge by looks or appearances, they should judge by whats in a persons heart. If they let looks affect them then they are no better then the supposed monsters they see. -Fates Chosen

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 5:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Vedooril reaches into his bag, pulling out another orange, quickly and cleanly slicing the skin off with a claw, tearing at a quarter of the orange. "Never good to feel disoriented in any situation, even worse when you have no one to share your troubles with." He bit half of the quarter of the orange off, chewing slowly, his eyes looking around the street.
Vedoril Nedense Melimane
Captain "Golden" Marl Mickelson
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 6:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Serenna peels her orange as well and takes a small bite from it, watching the street as well, she looks up and smiles at him "Well Im glad I have someone to at least talk to now"
People shouldn't judge by looks or appearances, they should judge by whats in a persons heart. If they let looks affect them then they are no better then the supposed monsters they see. -Fates Chosen

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 4:35 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Vedooril nodded slightly, "True ma'am, but this is not the place to try and hold a conversation. Perhaps I can help you carry whatever luggage you have back to my home. You seem in need of a hot bath and a comfortable seat." He finished the other quarter of his orange, licking his fingers clean, watching her.
Vedoril Nedense Melimane
Captain "Golden" Marl Mickelson
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 1:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

"That would be wonderful! Thank you very much!" she gets up "Lead the way sir"
People shouldn't judge by looks or appearances, they should judge by whats in a persons heart. If they let looks affect them then they are no better then the supposed monsters they see. -Fates Chosen

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 2:25 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Vedooril smiled again, picking her bags up in one arm, looping them over his shoulder, the weight not having an affect on him. Holding out a hand to the young lady. "Up you come then Miss, and we'll be on our way. My baths are luxurious and you'll have plenty of privacy. If you're hungry as well, then I can fix something up for us both to eat while you enjoy your bath."
Vedoril Nedense Melimane
Captain "Golden" Marl Mickelson
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