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Rise of the Meta-Furries: Inevitable Combat OOC Topic!
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 10:49 pm    Post subject: Rise of the Meta-Furries: Inevitable Combat OOC Topic! Reply with quote

This is a topic for OOC comments and anyone interested in joining the RP.

The story takes place after the events of "Rise of the Meta-Furries" and "An unusual place to have a reunion". Please read them to get an idea of the story.

Basically, this will be an imminent war between Meta-Furries, individuals with superpowers, and the government that created them. The government is focused on finding and eradicating every last Meta they can find, while the Metas fight for their survival.

Players can join in as either a Meta, a civilian or as part of the army. The set up is as follows:

Meta, Civilian or Government:
If Meta, List of Power(s) (IE Fire Abilities or Fast Speed):
If Civilian or Government, what job or rank (IE Police Officer or Marine Sergeant):

Posting Order:
1. Leaf
2. Catherine_Puce (Currently up!)
3. dragonfly
4. Aaron_Thom
5. Mayfield
6. silverleaf
7. Artyom Derison

As of now, a new rule is in effect. A poster has 48 hours to make a post in the game. If he or she doesn't post in the allotted time, then the next person on the list has his or her turn. This is done to speed up the game.

Edit (August 29th): If a poster is skipped three times, he or she is dropped out of the game. He or she can reapply if they wish to return to the game.
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 11:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Should I repost Allison? x3
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Rhoda Mayfield
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 11:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sure! I'll post mine as well!

Name: Bryon Walden
Species: Rex Rabbit
Age: 27
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 178 pounds
Meta, Civilian or Government: Meta
Meta Abilities: Invisibility, Telekinesis (To a certain degree...)

Biography: Four years ago, Bryon Walden was once a laboratory assistant working at a government laboratory in Chicago, Illinois. The team he was working with was assigned to come up with a cure or vaccine for the virus. A laboratory he accidentally caused unleashed the virus and, ultimately, destroyed the city.

The incident also wiped out Bryon's memory and left him as a wanderer, learning the arts of survival. Unfortunately, this also led him to be a thief, making him have numerous brushes with the law and bounty hunters. After a few nasty run ins with Metas, he developed a deep grudge against them, calling them self-centered cads. He then discovered his invisibility two years later when he was evading police for stealing food.

During the events of "Rise of the Meta-Furries", he discovered who he really was and eventually regained his memory. Horrified by what he had done, he then began to question what he wanted to do in his life. He even questioned his own prejudice and eventually learned to let it go.

In "An unusual place to have a reunion", Bryon joined his new friends in a covert mission. During the mission, he had fallen in a vat of an experimental compound that altered the virus in his body, giving him the power of telekinesis.

Bryon is not one prone to killing people unless there is no choice in the matter, preferring to knock his enemies out instead or try diplomacy to calm people down. He is a deep thinker, analyzing his surroundings and trying to come up with the best possible solutions to a problem. He only wishes for people and Metas to coexist peacefully.
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 12:59 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Name: Allison Jet
Species: Grey Fox
Age: 23
Height: 5'6"
Weight: Varies. 14 lbs at her lightest, 2784 lbs at her heaviest.
Meta, Civilian or Government: Meta

Meta Abilities: Allison's body is comprised entirely of viral biomass, which she can manipulate at will. She can absorb the organic (or inorganic) mass of other living creatures, converting it into more biomass. This process sustains and regenerates her health. In addition, Allison can consume individuals, absorbing their knowledge, skills, and abilities, which she can call upon at will. She can manipulate his physical form to create weapons to attack her enemies, generate armor to defend herself, and take on the appearance of another person to disguise herself.

All of Allison's physical abilities have been enhanced to vast levels far exeeding those of humans.

Allison's strength allows her to lift cars, the destroyed remains of APCs, tanks, and helicopters with ease. She can throw such objects great distances. She can kill a human with a single, glancing blow, and is capable of punching holes through flesh, bone, and body armor if necessary.

Allison's speed, agility, and stamina is far greater than humans. She can achieve running speeds surpassing cars, around 60 mph, and he can perform flips and rolls and maneuvers over and around vehicles and debris with little trouble. Her leg strength allows her to leap nearly ten stories into the air.

Allison can run up sheer vertical surfaces and cling to walls. Allison is also capable of gliding, by making her biomass lighter in the air and ejecting small amounts of mass for further propulsion.

Allison's durability is much greater than a normal humans. This allows hier to survive falls from any height completely unharmed. Bullets of any caliber will pass through her body, causing very little damage. She can withstand direct hits from hellfire missiles and tank shells, which cause only moderate damage.

Allison's body has vast regenerative abilities. So long as she is properly nourished, Allison can restore hier health within moments. Examples include regenerating bullet wounds instantly after being shot, regenerating a massive hole in her face after being shot point-blank, and reconstructing hier entire physical form from non-descript piles of biomass and the biomass of a crow within minutes of being blown apart by a nuclear explosion. She can regenerate moderate ammounts of health without needing to absorb additional biomass.

Allison's senses are inhumanly keen, allowing her to see beyond the visible spectrum. She has thermal vision which allows her to locate heat signatures, and infected vision which can detect large concentrations of the virus
True form: Allison's true form is just slightly different. She cannot change her arms back to normal while in this state. Dozens of tendrils that she can control have emerged from her back and her face has undergone changes as well. Mostly to her mouth witch has been split apart with her lower teeth sharpening and spreading out onto the mandibils her jaw formed into((Reference: )). Her legs also reshape and form into a more feral looking stature.

Biography: Allison was born into a town that the U.S. government was using for a biomedical testing facility. The antigen they were testing on the people one day evolved into a virus and infected the entire town. With a 99.999% death rate, the government leveled the town and labeled it as an accident at a nuclear reator that was never there. Unknown to them, Allison was infected and survived the blast. The virus soon took over her body and changed it, she became the virus. She soon found out what she was capable of and decided to find out why all of this had happened.

Personality: Allison has a hair trigger attitude and the sheer brute force to back it up. She has no moral standings on whom she kills, simply seeing them as another nuisance to the world. Tends to charge head on into situations, knowing that she is near invulnerable. Though she often makes foolish mistakes, the combined intelligence from all of those she has consumed has boosted her I.Q. well over that of even the most high tech A.I. With a deep rooted hatred for the military, she knows that a war between the factions is imminent and even though she may hide it, want's it desperately., knowing full well the any non-meta does not stand a chance.
"I have currently run out of fucks to give." - Me


Rhoda Mayfield

Last edited by Mayfield on Fri Jun 10, 2011 12:45 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 1:00 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

A quick question, would a police detective be a civilian or goverment?
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 1:05 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hmmmmmm..... I guess that would depend on moral values. Would your character hate metas? If so, then it may be best to go on the military side.
"I have currently run out of fucks to give." - Me


Rhoda Mayfield
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 1:15 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

He is more along the lines of a jaded old detective who still wants to make the world a better place, but after years of seeing criminals that he busted ether getting out through connections or just being replaced by one or more who may be even worse. He doesnt know who to trust eny more.

So in a nut shell, he is willing to lower his gun when some one is willing to not be violent and talk, but he will be looking closely for eny signs of the person lieing his/her tail off. And for thous that shoot first, he will find cover and fight back.
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 1:19 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Evan_Himmel wrote:
He is more along the lines of a jaded old detective who still wants to make the world a better place, but after years of seeing criminals that he busted ether getting out through connections or just being replaced by one or more who may be even worse. He doesnt know who to trust eny more.

So in a nut shell, he is willing to lower his gun when some one is willing to not be violent and talk, but he will be looking closely for eny signs of the person lieing his/her tail off. And for thous that shoot first, he will find cover and fight back.
sorry to interject ...that personality is better suited for military
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 1:25 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hoshiginiro wrote:
Evan_Himmel wrote:
He is more along the lines of a jaded old detective who still wants to make the world a better place, but after years of seeing criminals that he busted ether getting out through connections or just being replaced by one or more who may be even worse. He doesnt know who to trust eny more.

So in a nut shell, he is willing to lower his gun when some one is willing to not be violent and talk, but he will be looking closely for eny signs of the person lieing his/her tail off. And for thous that shoot first, he will find cover and fight back.
sorry to interject ...that personality is better suited for military
Alright, i will post my charicter once i have hammered out some details.
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 1:43 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Name: Harold Manning
Species: German Shepered Dog
Age: 48
Height: 6'2
Weight: 184
Meta, Civilian or Government: Civilian
If Civilian or Government, what job or rank (IE Police Officer or Marine Sergeant): Police Detective
Biography: Harold started his carreir as a police officer after a short time as an army private. Seens his joining the police, he has developed a record for being a tough but fair officer of the law that was good at catching criminals will playing by the book. But after a few decades of seeing the criminals that he brought to justice getting off through privilaged connections, or just being replaced has started to take it's tole on him, as well as his carrer languishing in carrer hell with every young officer calling him an "Old Man." The only thing that has kept him going on his job is the fact that he is working to keep people safe dispite the hard ships and risk of the job.

Personality: The years have made him more than a tad rough abound the edges, and jaded. But he would rather see real justice done than a sham and will work hard to find the truth to bring the guilty party to court of ther peirs.
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 4:27 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Here, I more or less copied it back from the fursona forum:

Name: Alice Bakk
Height: 2,13 meters
Weight: 274 lbs/ 125 kg
Species: cow (Canadian cattle breed)
Meta, Civilian or Government: Meta
Fur Colour: dark brown
Hair Colour: black
Eye Colour: Hazel

Powers: mind-reader, telepathic and telekinetic all in short range. She is really powerful within her range and she has creative ways to use it.

weapons: unarmed combat training and everything that she can grab and throw with her power. She tries to make it look like she throws it with her hands. She make mental attack only if she is in real trouble.

History: The Bakk family breed criminal since the end of the great depression, while not at the top the Bakk generally were high ranked among the mafia but people were sure that Alice would be nothing more that a good owner of company that would serve of front to money laundering. She seemed not attracted by a live a crime, appearance are deceiving. Alice graduated from law school and started to protect legally company that weren't as white as snow. Then all started, she got arrested for a history of fraud. She got in the list for the experience by mistake. Once she got out, she was even more willing to be sure that she would thrive by a life of crime. She begins to uses her powers to find mistake that the state prosecutor attack and liberate people on pointless technicality. She specializes in get out jail super villains and crime lords.
-As a super villains, she works as industrial spy, targeting scientist and acquiring research mostly from their mind. She doesn't mind play burglar when they don't have all the data is in their mind. She is muscular and use her telekinetic powers to fake having superstrengh and ability to fly.

Personality: Alice is a tease under the stoic mask of a reliable and stoic lawyer. She relieve stress by playing the villain. She often lurks near the other villains scene crimes and moves from roofs to roofs in hope that a superhero mistake her as a hired goon and picks a fight with her.

Other information: Alice has a pair of ivory horn that stick out of her hair cut. She trim to look well groomed as often that possible. Less by vanity and more to fit her lawyer social status. She knows she cannot afford keep that look during her villains mission but once she ended them she look to look proper once again.

She tends to take really outlandish or low profile outfit if she know by advance that she going to went in mission. Occasionally, wear a ear tag as earring and a cow bell collar even going to put temporary tattoo on her flank to make herself harder to recognize at the first look. She tried to add an nose to fit with the theme but it was hard to make it appear good enough.
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 11:24 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Name: riku edgewing
Height: 8"10'
Weight: 355 lbs
Species: king cheetah
Meta, Civilian or Government: Meta ((but born with his poers instead of gained them from the meta virus
Fur Colour: normal king cheetah style
Hair Colour: blonde
Eye Colour: origanl color is unknown they change from red/blue/green/yellow ordepending on what power's he is useing

Clothing: black leather jacket black denim jeans plain white t shirt black metal studded gloves black and red trainer's also two deadly katan swords and head phones that always play meatl music

Power's: able to use the 4 elements of the earth fire/water and
ice/earth/wind and lighting. he can also run at incredible speed and is highly dangerus even without his powers

in the unusual place to have a reauion rp riku gain a brand new abilty witch he is still learning to control but can also run faster then what he use to

he also has incredible speed and strength also he is practicaly indestusble he is also able to fuse his element powers into his swords ((basickly if ya seen hancock that's his powers exept for his use of the 4 elements))

History: riku was born in austrila sydeny to two normal human beings he lived a happy life untill he was six year after buring down his home and accidently killing his mother in the house fire he was put in a childs prison and forced to grow up in the prison untill he was 18

in his prison time riku grow up alone and coudnt trust anyone but he also learnt in this time not only was he able to use fire but also water/ice earth and wind/lighting

when he was freed he stayed he moved to a little town on the outskirts of melbourne and tried to gain his towns trust be helping them ctch crinamals but everytime he tried he caused total descrution and was finally exiled from the town this changed his personality and he moved once again

in his new city home no one knows who or where he came from but all they know is he has powers and they hate him for his descution of the city when he is being a hero

riku also hates the police and miltray with a passion as they are always hunting him down he also has problems with scinets who belive he is the cure to getting rid of the virus in meta's

Personity: Riku has a cold and empty personlity and is complty unpreditable at one moment he is quite calm and not botherd about anything but suddnley he can become violent rude and destrtive he hardly ever talks and dosnt give a dam about people ((more or less his personality is like hancock's before he turned good))

Player: dragonfly
Name: name unknown everyone just call's him ghost
Age: unknown
Gender: male
Spices: unknown but rumord to be a big cat when seen propley witch is very rear he looks like a lynx but no one is certain
Sexuality: straight.
Occupation: villan
Height: 6'5"
Eye color: pure glowing blood red

Power's: ghost has the abiltys to stike fear into anyones heart and is also an extrmly powerful telipathic user but his favorite from of telipath is to twist the minds of is victim makeing them a lifeless shell of ther former self.

he also can take full control of his victims body witch no one has ever been able to escape and this leaves him two choises he can take control of there bodys uesing them as he wishs or when he leaves there body he leaves behind a layer of acid with eat's away at his victims body from the in side

his new power is that he can shape shift into anyone looking like them but and here is the good bit not only will he look like them but he has the exsact same power's dna and memory of them so more or less he is perfectly identical to them
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 12:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yay people. Razz Should there be a posting order on this? Or keep it like the other meta rps?
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Rhoda Mayfield
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 1:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

i kinda like the posting order thing better but as it's leaf's rp as he did start it

it should be his choise to decide?
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 12:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Apologies for the delay, as my computer's hard drive decided to fall apart last Friday.

Basically, posts will be in order based on the order of who joined. The order is as follows (subject to change) :

1. Leaf
2. Mayfield
3. Evan_Himmel
4. Catherine_Puce
5. dragonfly

Since Mayfield, Catherine and I already went, it's Evan's turn. Afterwards, the order will be resumed.
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 5:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Mind if I jump in
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 7:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Of course, Aaron! Welcome aboard! Smile
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 7:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Name: Dailen
Species: Timber Wolf, Meta
Fur: Black with gray hi-lights
Age: 21
Eyes: Ice Blue
Hight: 6 Foot
Wight: 200 pounds
Clothing: Black; pants, army boots, short sleeve shirt, trench coat with hood and black visor that allows him to see in either night, inferred or regular and can scan an object or person and give him information of the target.
Saying: There is only you and the Target, everything else is irrelevant
Powers: Has a 3 foot blade that comes out of his right arm, just above the wrist and two 1 foot blades that come out of his left. Can jump from roof tops and down buildings, landing on the street and walk away like it was nothing, and can climb buildings extremely quickly. He also has a strong healing factor.
Background: Dailen was born to a mid income family. Both parents worked but still had time to raise him. By age 14 that all changed when his parents were caught in a cross fire between two rival gangs and the police. His mother was killed and his father was paralyzed from the neck down. Dailen wasn’t harmed physically, but mentally he was enraged and in two years he was able to kill not only the gang members but severely beat the police that caused him so much pain. During his two years of hunting down those that harmed him and fours years afterwards Dailen became a master of parkour. He also learned to use a variety a weapons, particularly blade weapons. By the time he was 21 he was a weapon for hire. He paid a talented hacker to erase his entire history, only keeping his name. No one knew what Dailen fully looked like under his hood. He was an enigma, not even the government could seem to identify him. Then when the virus hit he gained powers that would aid him in his mission. Whatever the target was he would hunt them down and kill them.

After the battle against Black Sun agents Dailen went into hiding for a bit. In time his powers grew. He was also starting to go a little insane. He starting to talk at random times, as if he was conversing with someone. Every once and a while he would break into a Johnny Cash song or speak in rhyme.

Only a few changes to my character, just a better healing factor and some mental problems.
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 7:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Nice... I wonder how the other Metas will deal with it?
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 8:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

i hope ya ready for some badass rikuness ^_^ ohhh and some utter random crayzness
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 3:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Who's turn is it?
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 6:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

It's your turn, Aaron. The order of the posters should be at the first post of the topic.
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 6:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ah Ok give me a bit.
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 7:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Post's up.
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 8:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

My post is up. I also thought of a major antagonist for the players to go after. Let me know what you think...

Name: Fredrick Rogers
Species: Giraffe
Height: 7"5'
Weight: 215 lbs
Meta, Civilian or Government: Government
If Civilian or Government, what job or rank (IE Police Officer or Marine Sergeant): Researcher and Scientist
Biography: Dr. Fredrick Rogers is part of a collaborate team of scientists dedicated to studying the Meta virus and how to best combat it. No much is known about him, other than his work in viruses and biochemistry. It is rumored that he and his team are currently working on a new kind of weapon that, if completed, could mean disaster for the Metas...

Personality: Being one for progress instead of ethics, he will do whatever it takes to get the results he wants. While his behavior is considered self-centered and callous, people who have seen his work cannot deny his intellect.
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 8:43 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

what is it with everyone heading to riku's home for <_<
let my chains be broken so i can fly

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 8:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

It is your turn now, Mayfield.
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 8:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, sorry to say it, but I'm gonna drop out for now. Evan's up.
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Rhoda Mayfield

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 2:02 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I made my post, now it is Catherine's turn.
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 8:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Did this thing die off? I was hoping to see where this went to. x_x
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