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Xebulon Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 28 Mar 2007 Posts: 2112
Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 10:24 pm Post subject: A day in the life of your fursona |
Alright, all these deep, insightful questions of Symphony's have inspired me to ask one of my own. What would a typical day for your fursona be like? I mean, what is his/her daily routine?
For example:
Xeb wakes up every day around 6 AM, give or take a few minutes. He gets out of bed half an hour later. After taking a shower, during which he loves to sing (even though he's usually off key), and getting dressed for the day he tucks in to a hearty breakfast. Bacon, eggs, toast, a bowl of fruit and coffee are a must in his opinion. If nobody else is around he'll read a newspaper otherwise he likes to engage in light conversation. Then, at 7:35 sharp, he's off for his daily constitutional. He never takes the same route twice and always puts in at least 5 miles. Then it's back to his lodgings to work on his writing until noon and lunchtime.
Sometimes, if he's in the thrall of creation, he'll take a simple lunch of sandwiches in his room. Usually though he goes out. He prefers to lunch at a cafe or some place with sidewalk tables so he can indulge in some "people watching" while he dines. After lunch, his schedule depends on whether or not he's taken a job teaching. If so, he'll head to his pupil's place of residence to begin the days lessons and provide intruction until around 6 o'clock in the evening. If not, then he'll spend a couple of hours just walking about town, doing some socializing and a little bit of shopping (he almost always needs more paper, ink and tea). After 6 o'clock he'll begin thinking about dinner.
Dinner is, almost without exception, the time when he is the most sociable. He generally prefers a more upscale style of restaurant though nothing requiring fancy dress. Hearty food and bountiful conversation are the things he looks for and he tries to make a habit of not dining at the same extablishment twice in a row (but more than once per week is fine). After dinner he's off to the pub for a pint and a cigar. Then it's back to his place of lodging for a nightcap and some reading. At 9:40 he blows out the candle and goes to bed. _________________ I like old jokes. With them I know when to laugh. |
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The Adept Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 28 Oct 2009 Posts: 4247
Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 11:02 pm Post subject: |
Heres kyle Stingray daily routine when he has to work that day.
Kyle will usually wake up around 7 and goes does his daily exercise and training till around 10 then hell go take a bath after that he would get ready for work by putting on his black pants White tee and Silver vest along with his black suit jacket. hell take his 1st appointment around 11 am since they usually only pay for the hour kyle will help 5 or 6 of his clients and will schedually probly another 20 appointments for the next few weeks after his last and will be done for the day around 4pm or 5pm since he charges 250 to 300 a hour per client, and only works tuesday wensdays and thursdays and maybe a couple hours on monday if he has to schedual more appointments.
He usually eats his lunch about now ,after that he will either just throw on some of his leasure clothes and go hang out with his friends, he continues to wear his work clothes and go gamble at the castle mostley texas hold em and regular poker, since he is a pschiatrist he can read everyone faces and has a Exellent Poker face and can easily triple his daily earnings. he will do that for a couple hours.
around 7 pm hell go and eat at whatever restraunt sounds good at the time. after that he goes to wherever there is a party and well party. and will usually return to his home around 10 and turns in by 11 . and starts the routine all over again the next day looking fowerd to his usuall 4 days of when he and his brother koga go and works 2 of them on his new home in the out skirts of bon bon from Sunrise till sunset then its two the showers then a party or Bar _________________ A fact of life: After monday and tuesday even the calender says WTF...
Kyle Stingray http://forums.pleasurebonbon.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=8106
Escape of The Blue Rose (Story)
http://www.furaffinity.net/user/theadept/ |
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MrWolf12 Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 12 Feb 2007 Posts: 612
Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 11:25 pm Post subject: |
Just as the crests of the mountains become painted in the reds and yellows of the freshly rising sun, so has Brandon already had quite the full morning.
Waking early, he walks out of his cabin, scratching the sleep from his eyes and the few bits of straw tangled in his head fur from his bed. His next steps are into the woods, firstly to answer nature’s call, then to check the several snares he set the previous night. If luck is with him, he’ll return home with some meat for breakfast. Yet, before he can eat, chores come first. Such a large lovely garden takes a great amount of work to keep up. With a wooden yoke on his shoulder, hung with several buckets, he makes several trips to the stream to collect water to soak the many beds of plants, flowers, and herbs. After that major chore is done, its time to eat. Some wild berries, vegetables, and mushrooms collected from the forest, and whatever small critters caught that morning. Then, its back to work…pruning, weeding, picking, plucking.
By the time the sun has fully risen, his cart is piled with greenery, ready to set out to town. Once there he makes his rounds. Flowers to Alice’s stand beside the bookstore, medicinal herbs to Miss LaNoir’s shop, culinary ones to the kitchen of Creamy Donut. A few other stops here and there, as well as some shopping for Brandon’s own needs, some salt, a few candles, a bottle of oil, ect. Sometimes his friend Loucille will join him on his rounds, chatting about what’s new in town. Afterward, with a cart empty of greenery, and full of groceries, he makes his way home.
The evening sees Brandon salting the skins of the breakfast critters, sharpening his knife, and just pretty much relaxing by the fire. Playing a bit on the banjo, as he roasts a few vegetables or another unlucky victim of his traps. As night arrives, he returns to his cabin, stokes the fire in the mantle, makes a cup of herb tea, and then settles in on his bed of straw.
Falling asleep, till the time comes to do this all over again. |
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The Adept Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 28 Oct 2009 Posts: 4247
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Mr Writer Rank: Senior Member

Joined: 26 Nov 2009 Posts: 174
Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 5:11 pm Post subject: |
Alexi gets up usualy around 0430 in the morning to drain the ice shed of melted water and check his iceblocks to see if he needs to replace any. At around 5am, he gets ready for his morning jog, and takes a lap or two around the town and country side, rain or shine (prefers to run in the rain). Near the end of his morning jog, he swings by the traders market to pick up supplies he needs for the shop. He has a repore with several regular traders and merchants that appear there usualy doesnt pay for his supplies outright, asking them to stop by at the end of the week after he pays his taxes and business owner fees. He carrys the supplies back to his shop, bathes and is dressed in his parlor outfit by around 7am. he gets everything cleaned up and ready and always sits outside his shop a quarter till 9am, enjoying an expresso.
Once a week, he makes his rounds to Delights Castle and other local shops to restock thier supply of his erotic novels, and deliver specialy ordered tubs of gelato.
He closes shop at 8pm on weekdays and 11pm on saturdays, but keeps his shop open to the local courtisans and orphan children to help him finish his left over gelato and various other treats.
On sundays, he reserves the entire day for his writing and drawings for his novels. If he has employed a model, they would come around that time before 10am.
At 9pm on sundays, he is always seen at Delights Castle bar drinking. _________________ Mr Writers Fursona (Updated)
And yes, I do wear a bag on my head. Why do you ask? |
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LabrnMystic Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 27 Jul 2005 Posts: 2568
Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 7:34 pm Post subject: |
Labrn's schedule will vary, based on Mystic's schedule.
Labrn and Mystic pretty much take turns with their store/house. If Mystic is staying home to run the store, then Labrn will either visit with some of his friends here in Bon Bon (Stop by to see how Kommy is doing, maybe she needs some help lifting some science gear) otherwise he tends to hang around the Delight Castle. A fan of socializing and playing cards, though perhaps one of the bars in Bon Bon to hang with some of his fellows.
If the store is doing well and Labrn has an extra day or two off, that's when he'll go get a room for the night. Labrn does have a great bit of "horn dog" in him that he pents up with discipline and politeness. (That's right ladies, those "harmless" jokes are ways to relieve some of that pent up testosterone.) So the real way he helps take care of that craving is finding some of the "working girls" who are running low on their luck, or just haven't had that many customers, and treats them to a night. Not necessarily a night of debauchery, as sometimes he just feels the girl needs a break from screwing every guy who says hello to her. XD _________________ The suspense is killing me. I hope it will last. |
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MrWolf12 Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 12 Feb 2007 Posts: 612
Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 8:31 pm Post subject: |
The Adept wrote: | Damn mrwolf brandons almost as busy as a Rancher and those guys are busy |
Indeed. |
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Leaf Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 31 Oct 2009 Posts: 2178
Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 8:54 pm Post subject: |
All right. Here's my routine:
On the days that he is working, he gets up at 6:30 AM. He washes up with his washstand and puts on his uniform. He reports to the dining room at 7 AM to help set up the tables at the Delight Palace Restaurant.
He then serves early guests until his lunch break at around 11:30 AM. After his break, he usually continues working until his shift ends at 5 PM. He goes back to his room to wash up and change clothes again. At 5:30 PM, he takes his uniform and has it cleaned by using the same devices the Palace maids use for their guests' clothing. At 7 PM, he takes his cleaned uniform back to his room. There, he counts up the day's earnings and tips he made and records it in his own notebook. At 7:30, he goes out into town to eat dinner. He goes back to his room at 9 PM to go to bed. _________________ My Fursona
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Xebulon Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 28 Mar 2007 Posts: 2112
Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 9:54 pm Post subject: |
It's great to see people taking an interest in this topic. _________________ I like old jokes. With them I know when to laugh. |
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Caroline Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 22 Dec 2008 Posts: 2173
Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2009 8:03 am Post subject: |
A day in the life of Caroline, eh?
Well... being as Caroline isn't much of a morning person, she tends to get up late. Usually the town bells toiling the hour of half-past-eight, or nine finally gets her up. At which she realizes just how late in the morning it is, and she frantically races around her room and bathroom getting ready.
At around 9:30 - 10:00 she finally opens her shop up, and continues with her standard routine. The postman usually arrives around 11:00 with any new tobacco, tea, and coffee she would have ordered. Caroline, always one to enjoy southern cooking, starts making bar-be-que around noon. The bell on the door is more to let her know she has visitors than anything else, since she is one to get wrapped up in her cooking.
Throughout the day Caroline will tidy the shop, take inventory, and clean her quarters upstairs. She's been saving up to purchase one of those new cash registers, as the jumping cost signs and change signs tickle her fancy.
During the spring, summer, and fall, she'll also spend some time during the day pruning the red maple, and tending to her backyard. She enjoys the smell of freshly cut grass, and spends a lot of time clipping the manicured backyard. If the weather is nice, she'll also occationally put up the ladder, and do a bit of painting and sealing of the outside of her shop. Something always needs fixed.
Uncommon for the time, since she tends to open the shop late, she tends to keep the shop open later in the evening. A decent amount of her revenue comes from customers returning from elegant dinners, fraternal club meetings, sporting events, or the opera house. So, she does a bit of catering to them by staying open late. Sometimes she just forgets to actually close her shop as well, since her cooking tends to take seven or eight hours to complete.
As is an American oddity, Caroline tends to bathe regularly. Usually every three or four days. To Caroline, it is a treat... and it is one of the rare times she'll have her hair outside the braid it tends to be. She enjoys the mechanical sound the pump makes, as she operates it, and it pulls the water up to the shower head. Caroline, in general, likes the sound of mechanical things... from doors closing, to locks tumbling shut, to the ratchet-cha-chak noise of the shower pump.
Caroline's leisure day is Saturday. Right now, her activity is to go to the Bon Bon Bow and Rifle Club with her longrifle, Eustice, and shoot clay pidegons or targets with the other members. The local men tease Caroline about her being their local "Annie Oakley", which Caroline takes as a compliment. When time permits, she'll sometimes goto the riverdocks and do a spot of fishing as well. Or at least pretend too... more often then not, the fish get the better of her.
Such is a gander at the daily life of the girl-wolverine. |
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Drofgod969 Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 08 Sep 2008 Posts: 3428
Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 6:41 pm Post subject: |
Well Drodel works five days a week. He gets up around 1pm or a little later depinding on how work has been. He heads to a restaurant first thing when he gets up to get something to eat and drink. After that he heads back to the fordge and gets the fire started. While the fire starts he gets that days orders in line, then grabs some fire wood and coal for the day. Then for the rest of the day Drodel is working on the orders to fill them. He works till late in the night, some times he works till the sun rises. During the day if some one visits or drops off a order he takes a minute to chat or take the order down.
On his day off he cleans up and heads into to talk to friends and see what is going on in town. If not much is going on he would retern to the fordge and start on the next days choars.
The next day after his day off he cleans the forge and his tools. empties the most of the ash from the fire, gets more wood and coal, then checks what all is left to do. If nothing much he will go to bed early. Oh and if anyone asks him to work on those to days he tells them that he will get on it after his other day off. _________________ yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. that's why it is called the present.
quoted by master Oogway off kong fu panda
Some weep, some cry, some make couches fly. - Katmir
Let me stand behind you in times of peace, let me stand infront of you in times of war, let me stand beside you as a equall, as a friend. |
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xxthalexx Rank: Super Veteran

Joined: 06 Oct 2008 Posts: 1159
Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 7:24 pm Post subject: |
James usually wakes up around 6:30. By that time, some of his employee's are already there, picking, watering, and stocking the grapes that will be turned into wine. At 7:00 hes finished breakfast, and goes out too work with his employee's. Hes never gotten use too not working. At 9:00 he cleans up from his work and heads off into town. Going too his patrons and recording how much wine, what kinds, and when they need it, for the month. At 12:00 he stops at a restaurant, and orders lunch. At 12:30 hes usually wandering aimlessly around town, looking for something to do. After that, he goes too one of two places. Depending on if he finds something too do or not. If he does, then hell usually go home after. But if he doesn't, goes too The Delight Castle. For he is quite a fan of gambling and the girls of course. When hes either out of money, or had his fair share, hell go home. Where hell usually enjoy a nice glass of wine in front of his fireplace. When he becomes tired, hell return too his bed, and the cycle will begin again.
And that is the life of James. _________________ don't worry I'm just your average quantum physicist
New Fursona
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Tursi Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 06 Feb 2007 Posts: 648
Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 10:48 am Post subject: |
I'm envious of Xebulon's days, that would certainly work for me.
When Captain Merriwether is at sea, as is all too frequent, his day is completely dictated by responsibility. He's responsible for the operation of the entire ship, for the safety of crew, passengers and cargo. In addition, the needs of his employers' business demand that the schedule be met, and balancing this does not permit him much in the way of leisure time.
Neither is there time to bemoan these duties, he takes to them because they must be done, and it suits him, because he would rather personally see to these important details than delegate and hope for the best. He is the last resort of the ship in the event of problems small or large, and this is the position for which "the lonliness of command" is notable - even if communications are available, there is no timely aid to be returned, so he must make the final decision on many matters. (Although telegraphs existed, they were not common on ships until the 1900s - indeed the first permanent US station wasn't built until 1901.)
Sleep is a rarity, so by convention more than anything else, his day begins at noon. Time to calculate their position - should the sun be visible through Atlantic fog. He and his first officer work as a pair, each running the calculations and verifying the other's results, verifying against the complicated charts that attempt to map the wild ocean.
The report from the Chief Engineer assists with this - he brings the records from the engines, score marks on cards that tell how many times the ship's screws have turned. This allows an estimation of distance travelled.
Back to the bridge to check on the chew, to ensure the junior officers are keeping a diligent eye. He trusts them, of course, they wouldn't be on his crew otherwise, but there's no room for error and it's his responsibility to see that they keep to theirs. They watch for threats both natural - such as ice - and not - other ships. He may join the watch, especially in bad weather, when he must always be available to order changes in speed or direction. If this means 6 hours or 30 hours, he will be there. If he is lucky, the skies may clear, and with a good course, a bright sun, and a fresh watch he may catch an hour's nap.
There's more to do, always. As Captain of the ship he is also host to the party that the first class travellers expect, and so he will freshen up to appear at dinner, the amiable host, for perhaps thirty minutes with the guests, and a small chance to sample some of the meals that he himself approved for the voyage.
Again, through the night, risk is high, and he is on duty, watching, giving the orders that guide the ship safely across an unpredictable and unforgiving sea.
With morning comes the Captain's breakfast - little more than a cup of coffee and a snack, and by 10am it's time for inspection. He is responsible for every department on the ship, and he verifies that the cabins and saloons are cleaned, that the engine room is in order, that the fire hoses are in good repair. The bulkheads must be inspected, and the crew seen at their posts. Until finally he is satisfied - all is in order, and all is secure.
Then the ship's bells ring, and it is noon again. _________________ http://harmlesslion.com |
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Tursi Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 06 Feb 2007 Posts: 648
Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 9:10 pm Post subject: |
Wow, I killed it. Sorry Xeb!  _________________ http://harmlesslion.com |
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Xebulon Royal Member of BonBon

Joined: 28 Mar 2007 Posts: 2112
Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 9:16 pm Post subject: |
Hardly, Captain. It just doesn't have anything to do with sex, like the other seventeen thousand topics updated daily here.  _________________ I like old jokes. With them I know when to laugh. |
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Wallstreet Rank: Mr. Fabulous

Joined: 08 Feb 2009 Posts: 582
Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2009 3:13 am Post subject: |
A day in the life, eh?
Well, I'll begin sort of weird. The Glass opens at 7:00pm until 2:00am or until things die, Wednesdays through Sundays. Ewan needs to be present the majority of the time, so he doesn't have much of a night life outside the party in the pub. He loves what he does and never really pines for more time off. On special occasions, big parties and balls or events where someone has requested the otter's presence, Ewan will close the pub or trust it to someone else for a time. After shift, Ewan will do some mild cleaning before crashing at a regular 2:30, earlier if he was able to close earlier.
He tends to wake at 9:00 daily and spends a leisurely hour to hour and a half preparing a breakfast and washing up. After this, he will prepare his dinner. As he owns his own business and it operates around dinner time, he does this to save time. After he finishes his morning routine, he is out the door.
Ewan's morning/early afternoon will be spent around the City. More then often he will find his way to the Delight Castle where he usually enjoys a mid-day drink, and perhaps lunch, some mild gambling and perhaps some bedded intervention.
If he doesn't go to the Castle, he will usually just wander until something catches his eye. If nothing grabs him after a while, he will return home to kill time reading or playing some music. His stock tends to arrive at 5 to 6 o'clock. The time between receiving stock and opening the Glass is spent tidying. This involves setting out the bar stools, polishing the bar, making sure all the glassware is clean, and finally heating his dinner and bringing it down to the pub. This tends to be why early in the evening, between patrons, Ewan can be found stealing a few bites of food from below the counter.
His days off are Monday and Tuesday, which he uses to do essentially the same thing as every day without the work. Ewan finds the most engaging of activities to be experiencing the social aspects of Bon Bon, so if he is not home, he is randomly moving through the streets of Bon Bon waiting for something to catch his eye. He will try to enjoy some of the nightlife as well, preferring to dine out on these days and attempting to find a show, theatrical or musical. Or if he trips over a bar with a healthy crowd, he will quickly partake. _________________ Ewan's Golden Glass
Fine Alcohol and Good Times
Who the hell is Ewan Bushmill?
A reference: http://forums.pleasurebonbon.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=7319 |
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furrynerd Rank: Super Veteran

Joined: 07 Nov 2009 Posts: 2846
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